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Guest GameCop

Preliminary SummerSlam card

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Guest GameCop

HHH vs. Mick Foley - World Heavyweight Title/Street Fight 2


Angle vs. Benoit vs. Brock - WWE Title


Jericho vs. Goldberg


Ultimo Dragon vs. Rey Mysterio - CW Title


HBK vs. Randy Orton


RVD vs. Kane


Booker T vs. Christian - IC title


Dudleys vs. La Resistance - Raw Tag Titles


Benjamin/Haas vs. Eddy/Tajiri - S.D. Tag Titles


John Cena vs. Matt Hardy - U.S. Title



credit: WrestlingObserver, PWtorch, 1wrestling

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Guest Choken One

Taker and Hogan will get on the card somehow...


Dont forget the chicks...



and Is Cena a face for the US title?

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Guest Space_Cowboy

Well it looks alot better than the recent dreck the WWE's been passing off as PPV's.

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Guest Dangerous A

Brock is not on this card either.



This looks to be a thread started by complete BULLSHIT and utter SPECULATION!!

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Guest Human Fly

I'm not buying the Foley Summerslam match. I wouldn't be shocked if they did do it, but it just seems like poor timing with Foley going off on his book tour. I know Foley was never in great shape or anything like that, but even by Foley standards he needs some work.

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Guest Choken One
Brock is not on this card either.



This looks to be a thread started by complete BULLSHIT and utter SPECULATION!!

Yeah he is...With Angle and Benoit...


Although They would be better served with


Angle/Benoit for the title and Lesnar/Rhyno instead...

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Guest Dangerous A

Whoops, didn't catch Brocky's name there.



Regardless, this is pure speculation. There is nothing concrete here. Since WWE doesn't even know what to do from week to week, I wouldn't put any salt into this.

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Guest Kingpk

Um, where EXACTLY is this posted on those three sites, because I'm not seeing it on the Observer OR the Torch (yeah, like I'm going anywhere near 1Popup)


And since when did the Torch get so slow to load?

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Guest Human Fly
And since when did the Torch get so slow to load?

Since they got as many popups as 1bob

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Guest undisputedjericho

Do you think that all the lower titles aren't going to have one change from now to August?

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Guest The Metal Maniac

Oh, for FUCK'S SAKE...


So help me GOD, if HHH EVER goes over Foley again, I think I'll have to send some hired goons after the bastard.


Please, let this be a fake card...please...

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Guest AndrewTS

I hope this is mostly correct. It would continue the run of bitchin' Summerslams we've been having for a long time.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Its fake and we know it cause the main event ain't McMahon vs Zach Gowen: 4 Months in the making!

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I wish we had Jericho/HBK again, so we could get one great match instead of 2 okay ones. :(


If this happens, Foley has to win, doesn't he? They can't keep the belt on HHH forever.

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Guest JHawk

Sadly, they're at the point that they could keep the belt on Triple H forever because there wouldn't be any credible challengers left.


Not like the champion's credible either, but hey.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

SummerSlam can't be bad. Its God's gift to Smarks for the past three years.

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Guest AndrewTS
SummerSlam can't be bad. Its God's gift to Smarks for the past three years.

It's been a great show since 98, actually. Shockingly it was good even in the Russo years.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
SummerSlam can't be bad. Its God's gift to Smarks for the past three years.

It's been a great show since 98, actually. Shockingly it was good even in the Russo years.

The horrid '99 edition interrupts the streak though.


It was good in '97, too.

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SummerSlam can't be bad. Its God's gift to Smarks for the past three years.

It's been a great show since 98, actually. Shockingly it was good even in the Russo years.

The horrid '99 edition interrupts the streak though.


It was good in '97, too.

Wha?? I loved '99. The only match that I didn't like on that one was the "Kiss My Ass" match. And the match itself wasn't that bad, just the afterwards stuff.


It had the "Love her or Leave Her" match and one of my favorite Hardcore matches.

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