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Guest Vern Gagne

A plan to get hhh fired

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Guest Vern Gagne

Hire a prostitute to sleep with HHH and videotape it. Send the tape to Stephanie who gets pissed and shows her dad. Vince not liking her little girl being upset fires HHH. Mr. HGH ends up  headlining American Legion Gym show in Burlington, VT.

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Guest Vyce

I'm currently doctoring some pics with Photoshop of HHH....ahem...."enjoying" young boys alongside a few Catholic priests.


Either he starts selling for Jericho, or the whole world discovers his ties to NAMBLA.

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Guest Dangerous A

Hardy fucking har!!! How lame?!!? That's just fucking stupid. If you really want to make problems with his job and current standing, then sit on your hands and shut up. The worse thing for a worker is to get NO REACTION AT ALL!!!  To those who will attempt to flame me about him not being over, you are full of shit. I watch the shows. When he comes out, there is a pop. Deny it all you want. Hear what you want to hear, but the man does get a reaction. Is it on par with Austin or Hogan's? No. But the man is popular and recognizable and he gets a reaction. Making pictures to try to get a man fired is FUCKING LAME.  Even if you are a HHH hater, you would much rather watch him fall on his face amidst all his politicking than some stupid immature nimrods making fake pictures.

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Guest Vyce



Use a little more discernment, next time, my angry young friend.


I'm not REALLY doctoring photos.  It's all a wonderful thing I like to call, "smartassery".

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Guest Pidgerii-4q2

No reaction doesn't work - that's been happening the last few months with no effect.

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Guest KOR420

turn him heel,it'll make him better he doesnt need the fans approval screw them lol

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Guest Dangerous A

Didn't mean to jump down your throat there Vyce. It's just all the "I hate HHH" posts that have little or no argument and a shady resource for info.(dirt sheets and the "net") I don't want to sound like a wwf shill here or nothing. The criticism they have recieved the last year is very much deserved. I just wish some of the people here would actually question some of the "knowledge" they get from these so called sources. The quote I have below as part of my signature is something I truly believe in. I don't really hate any of the wrestlers. I respect them for what they do. I know me and about 99.9% of the "net" can't do half the shit they do. The people I blame are the writers and Vince. Yes, the politicians do have a part, but it's Vince that allows it. It just blows my mind how a lot (not all) of smarks seem to think they know more about what goes on backstage than Vince McMahon. Until someone on this board has actually been to a production meeting, booking meeting, or even a before a house show booking meeting, I suggest we start looking very hard at the sources of our info. Personally, Meltzer and the Torch are decent, although again I question how much they juice up their stories to help sell their newsletters. At least Meltzer's newsletters have history,numbers, humor, and follows just about all wrestling around the world. Ditto for the Torch with the exception of the international part. I would really question the integrity of 1Bob, rajah, and just about every internet reporter who makes rumors or fantasy books themselves into rumors just to up the hits on their "respective" sites.

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