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Guest tpww7

Going to House Show tonight

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Guest tpww7

Event Card : Updated June 16


Street Fight for the World Heavyweight Championship

Triple H vs. Kevin Nash


Chris Jericho's Highlight Reel with guest Christian


World Tag Team Championship

La Resistance vs. Rob Van Dam & Kane


Scott Steiner vs. Test


Intercontinental Championship

Christian vs. Booker T


Dudley Boyz w/ Spike vs. Christopher Nowinski & Rodney Mack w/ Theodore Long


Goldust vs. Rico


Women's Championship

Jazz vs. Victoria w/ Steven Richards


Hurricane vs. Lance Storm


Tommy Dreamer vs. Rosey


Maven vs. Randy Orton



Tickets were free so I shouldnt be complaining. Tommy Dreamer vs Rosey!~!

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Guest Youth N Asia

Hurricane vs Storm

Christian vs Booker T


Least you're getting something watchable

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Guest Mulatto Heat

But HHH/Nash will be a STREET FIGHT! As Badd Blood taught us, more plunder = better match don'tcha know!


I'm shocked as hell as to what match was listed last.

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Guest tpww7

Christian-Booker will probably be a cheap DQ win for Booker, like Bad Blood.

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Guest tpww7

House Show Street Fights are limited to trash can lids and the occasional chair.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Well then forget it then.


Trying to give the guy a little hope here....

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Guest JHawk

I think Dawn's right there...


but is there any reason they're actually wrestling? Like a face turn or something?

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Guest DawnBTVS

Duh..it's that whole "Shades of Grey" thing that Vince gets off on while JR tries to be all, fuck no biatch, cheer the faces and boo the heels

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Guest JHawk

Oh, the same "shades of grey" that allow Austin to beat up a senior citizen with no provocation but don't allow Test to use a wrestling move in a sanctioned match against the same senior citizen.



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Guest tpww7

I wish they had actually put Jericho in a match.



But I guess he has no one else on the roster to face but HBK or Goldberg, and neither of them do house shows.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

Wow, you get to watch Bad Blood with a few extra Heat matches.

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Guest TheHulkster

They are running the same card for the Albany house show tomorrow. I'm probably going to check it out. House shows are usually a good time. If two guys bust out a good match, it'll be icing on the cake. I'm not getting my hopes too high, but sometimes workers who you'd think wouldn't be able to put on a good show will suprise you at a house show.

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Guest Choken One

Goldust/Rico should be a decent comedy match...


Storm/Hurricane will get 10 minutes to play...thats good...


im hearing steiner/test has been decent on the house show circuit...

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House shows are most of the time 10x times better than what's on TV, (RAW-wise anyway) even with the lack of pyrotechnics, Titantrons, commentators, etc. I should know, I went to the June 1st RAW brand house show, it was a million times better than the crap that was shown the following night. :angry:


I just say act like you would if the show was live on TV, you'll still have fun, I know I did.


*remembers HHH-bashing involvement during the HHH/Nash main event at the house show. :D

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Guest tpww7

Just got back home from the show, I'll copy/paste what I sent Meltzer.



Hey Dave, just got back from the Hartford Raw Brand House Show.


Arena was barely filled, I'd say 1/3 full at most, no one used the upper decks at all.



1. Scott Steiner defeated Test with his Downward Spiral type finisher. Decent opener, Test got a lot of heat from the crowd, which shocked me.


2. Chris Jericho's Highlight Reel with Christian. Jericho gets a huge ovation. Usual hometown insults. Christian wants to prove to Hartford he can do a better spinaroonie than Booker T which leads Booker to come out.


3. Booker T vs Christian (IC Title)- Decent, but short match, Jericho comes in for the DQ ending. Val Venis makes the save and challenges Jericho to a match later tonight.


4. Goldust vs Rico. Another decent if uneventful match. Rico has really worked on his character and it came off great drawing huge heat from the crowd. Goldust won with his powerslam.


5. Jazz vs Victoria. DQ about one minute in as Rodney Mack attacks Victoria. Dudley Boyz come out leading to...


6. Dudley Boyz vs Mack/Nowinski. Bad Match, but crowd was really into the Dudleys. Dudleys win with 3D.


7. Randy Orton vs Maven. This guy is the future of the WWE? He needs alot of work I guess. But Rock did too. Bad Bad match, worse than the one on Raw which was decent. Orton wins with the Orton Cutter.



8. La Resistance vs Kane/RVD (Tag Titles) Best Match of the Night, ending comes as RVD kicks Kane by accident and Kane falls into the double flapjack for the pin.


9. Hurricane/Dreamer vs. Storm/Rosey - Poor Lance, he's going to always get those boring chants now. Pretty bleh match, end came as Dreamer reversed a catatonic into a ddt on Rosey.


10. Chris Jericho vs Val Venis. 2nd Best match of the night, ending came as Val tapped to the Walls. Yes, he beat someone with the Walls!


11. Kevin Nash vs HHH (Street Fight) Not as bad as I expected but not great either. They brawled into the crowd a little and used the steps some. End came as Randy Orton came out and helped Hunter. Weak Chair Shot and Hunter wins. After the match, Kane comes out to help Nash and Kane/Nash take out HHH/Orton to end the show.

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Just got back home from the show, I'll copy/paste what I sent Meltzer.


How do you do that? :ph34r:

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Guest tpww7

Jericho/Val wasent very long at all, and most of it was restholds. I was a little mad about that.

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Guest HartFan86

That's suprising...you think those two guys would know each other well enough to put on a decent match.

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you think those two guys would know each other well enough to put on a decent match.


For example, KOTR Quarter Final last year :D

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Just got back home from the show, I'll copy/paste what I sent Meltzer.



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Guest Bruiser Chong

Um, he copied what he typed and eventually sent to Meltzer and then pasted it here. Maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but do you really not know what copy and paste is?

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Guest AndrewTS

"1. Scott Steiner defeated Test with his Downward Spiral type finisher. Decent opener, Test got a lot of heat from the crowd, which shocked me."


Steiner has a new finisher?

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Guest Bruiser Chong
No, I don't know who the hell Meltzer is...

So you implied the identity of someone by asking, "how do you do that?" Guess I don't get it. Anyway, Meltzer is one of the top wrestling journalists out there and probably one of the most reliable ones, as well.


As for the Steiner Recliner, the thing looked like a damn joke. I'm glad he's found something else to use.

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Guest bravesfan
Anyway, Meltzer is one of the top wrestling journalists out there and probably one of the most reliable ones, as well.


Correction. :lol:

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Guest sean pyro

theres going to be a house show here in utah next month..




wonder if i should go <_<

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