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Forget the past... let's fix the current situation

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Okay, the facts...


-The NWO is here

-Hogan(ugh) is way over

-Austin is unhappy(for once he has the right to be)

-HHH has sucked since his comeback

-The creative team for the WWF is terrible


-The Rock is gold

-Angle is gold

-Benoit is gold and due back within 6 weeks

-The roster is very talented as a whole

-Things will get better!


If the writers and Vince ever get a clue, wrestling could be even better than it was in 2000.


Key points...


-Make all RAW and Smackdown matches at least 5 minutes in length

-Cut interview/promo time in half

-Unless it is really important and will draw heat, save the 20 minute promos for the middle/late portion of the show

-Promote people who can put on good matches

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Guest dreamer420
Angle is gold


At this rate it's European Gold.

Nah.  more like hardcore gold

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Guest areacode212

I would cut out most, if not all, of the backstage skits. Whoever said that writers (as opposed to bookers) tend to get too "cute" was right. You don't need ridiculous angles like Japanese shampoo commercials or dogs (even the Islanders/Matilda angle from the 80s was better than that Lucy crap) to get people over. Most angle development can be done from promos & interviews, which I've always thought were more effective than cheesy skits in getting wrestlers over.

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Guest dreamer420
One of those 30 second reigns

Oh no.  A 3 month Hardcore title reign would be perfect for Angle.

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Guest notJames
-The Rock is gold

I don't know about that, since he seems to have morphed into Robin to Hogan's Batman instead of being the sarcastic, narcissistic showman that the crowds eat up. But the rest of the suggestions are solid. Too bad the Fed has an anti-IWC policy right now. They could really benefit from real fans... you know, the ones that consistently watch the programs and feel like they have a vested interest in the Fed's success.




Hasn't Angle been demoted to OVW yet? I think David Flair needs a couple of wins...



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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

"I would cut out most, if not all, of the backstage skits. Whoever said that writers (as opposed to bookers) tend to get too "cute" was right. You don't need ridiculous angles like Japanese shampoo commercials or dogs (even the Islanders/Matilda angle from the 80s was better than that Lucy crap) to get people over. Most angle development can be done from promos & interviews, which I've always thought were more effective than cheesy skits in getting wrestlers over. "


I agree. There is always something much more impressive about guys cutting promos while surrounded by the crowd and all the space in the arena, while they yell at each other over a large distance (one in the ring, one at the ramp). It makes them look larger than life and the atmosphere is better.

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Guest razazteca

hopefully the business cycle for the WWF is in the upward direction.  If and when the nWo leaves who from the midcard shall be elevated to the mainevent?  Will Edge get the Jericho treatment, or will Brock Lesner become an unstoppable monster?


The future looks bright but this is the WWF and there is no alturnative to the McMahon monoply.

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Guest Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye
areacode212 Posted on Mar. 28 2002,12:11


I would cut out most, if not all, of the backstage skits. Whoever said that writers (as opposed to bookers) tend to get too "cute" was right. You don't need ridiculous angles like Japanese shampoo commercials or dogs (even the Islanders/Matilda angle from the 80s was better than that Lucy crap) to get people over. Most angle development can be done from promos & interviews, which I've always thought were more effective than cheesy skits in getting wrestlers over.


that would be a start...

personally i figure they could try a lot harder to tell their story and advance their angles inside the ring...

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