Guest TSMAdmin Report post Posted June 23, 2003 NWA Wildside Christmas Chaos 2002 I guess I made it to the second review here at TSM. You know, I would say something fun or witty or charming here, but it's nine in the damn morning, and I've got a cold. Wit and charm need not apply. You can get this tape and a bunch of others at, the official Wildside website. Without further ado, let's get to the matches.... Kid Kool vs. Salvatore Rinauro First off, whoever came up with the idea to change Kid Kool's entrance music to that horrible Silverchair song is an evil, evil person; not because I like New Kids on The Block, but because Silverchair not only suck, it just looked weird, seeing Kid Kool come out to "Anthem Of The Year 2000". Anyway, this was an improvement on their match from September, not only because Sal had his pants on right, but because everything looked a lot more crisp, and they brought something to the match called substance. They did the familiarity spots all throughout the match, as whenever one guy would go for a signature move, usually the other guy would know to block it. I noticed Sal was using a lot of slower-paced offense, which goes totally against the grain of the normal Wildside jr. heavyweight, but completely works for him. Sal also has the coolest new finisher on the market: the Phoenix Fury Legdrop. It's a version of Magnum Tokyo's Viagra Driver, which makes the name so much better. Sal won the match by reversing the Kool Krusher (kip-over in the corner into an Edge-o-Matic) into a roll-up while holding the tights. Really good stuff here, and Sal really shined. WINNER: Salvatore Rinauro RATING: 81 New Jack Promo New Jack comes out, for just about no reason, and cuts a promo about inventing a bunch of stuff, such as the racism storyline (he ripped on the Nation Of Domination, old Wildside alumni Ruckus, and D'Lo Brown, who did the Gangstas gimmick with Jack & Mustafa in Smoky Mountain), the "X" arm signal (mainly ripping on DX, who he called "the X Generation"), and hardcore wrestling (I think he even took credit for bleeding in general). He then promised to come back in 2003 to Wildside (which he did, to rip on TNA). After the promo, Jack brings a kid into the ring, and they do the "X" arm sign together. NWA Wildside TV Title Tournament Finals: Rainman (w/ Jeff G. Bailey) vs. Tony Mamaluke This was awesome. If Rainman's feud with Rick Michaels didn't get people's attention, this match certainly will. They started off with a MMA-style feeling out segment. Rainman then went to work on Mamaluke's neck, which Tony totally sold like a king. Mamaluke had the most brilliant selling I've seen of a piledriver in quite some time: he just sort of sat there for a second like he was experiencing paralyzation or something, and then fell down in a heap. The ending of the match truly put over Mamaluke as an inspirational underdog like no other, and he kicked out of everything at the absolute last second, without looking like Superman. He made a small comeback while Rainman was on the top turnbuckle, hitting a superplex into the Sicillian Sleeper, but Jeff G. Bailey raked Tony in the eyes, making him break it. Rainman then hit two Dark City Street Cutters (cradle stunners) for the win. Post-match, Terry Knight, who had been sitting at ringside, comes in and gives Mamaluke a stunner for around, reason. Excellent stuff here; the type of stuff that is so good it elevates both guys instantly, and some of both guys' best stuff yet in Wildside. Sadly, this was Tony's last Wildside big show, as he's with the New Japan Dojo full-time in Los Angeles now. But hopefully, he'll have continued success out there. WINNER: Rainman GRADE: 86 Future Shock (Jay Freeze & Brandon P.) vs. The Lost Boys (Azrael & Gabriel) I really dug this match. Future Shock are so awesome as heels, especially considering their experience level. Gabriel worked Freeze's arm some early, which lead to an onslaught of offense from the Lost Boys, including the Time Warp (flip facebuster from a quasi H-Bomb position). Future Shock got the advantage soon thereafter, and do a long heat segment, dominating Gabriel. Freeze especially has perfected the "cocky, loudmouth heel" persona to a tee. They then do the hot tag, and after both teams blocked each others' finishers (Lost Boys' Excommunicator, Future Shock's Aftershock, from the top rope, nonetheless), the Lost Boys hit the Excommunicator on Freeze for the win. Really fun tag match, and Future Shock look to be improving by droves. WINNERS: Lost Boys GRADE: 82 "The Messiah Of The Spinebuster" David Young vs. "The Phenomonal" AJ Styles First off, before I start reviewing this match, I'd like to let you all know that, very soon, I'll be re-reviewing the Young-Styles time limit draw from early-2002, since I recently re-watched it, then went back to see what I wrote about it (this was before the old SmarkTalk came down), and I just about smacked myself for rating it as low as I did. Now that I got that off of my chest, let me say that this was very good. One thing I really noticed was how the fans seemed to be waiting on pins and needles to boo and taunt AJ, and boo and taunt they did, once AJ cemented himself as a heel in the match. I like AJ as a heel a lot more than I like AJ as a face. They really played up the fact that these two had worked each other a whole bunch that year, with a bunch of reversal spots throughout the match (including a pin reversal spot that actually made sense near the end of the match), both guys blocking some of each other's minor signature moves (David blocking AJ's Mutolock, AJ moving away from David's Asai moonsault), and them hitting each other's finishers on each other near the end. The finish came, though, after a REALLY close near fall false finish after a 450 splash from AJ, as AJ stalled for too long on the top rope, leaving David room to hit a second-rope spinebuster for the win. Really fine stuff here, squeaking "match of the night" honors away from Mamaluke/Rainman. WINNER: David Young GRADE: 87 NWA Wildside Heavyweight Title (No DQ): Iceberg (w/ Jeff G. Bailey)© vs. Stone Mountain Here's where the show takes a bit of a dip. I mean, I can see the almost-sideshow factor in seeing two men this huge fighting, but that wears off after one match, especially when the matches aren't all that superb. In a way, the second match really weakened Iceberg as well, as he came into the feud as an indestructable killer, and by the end of this match, was nothing more than a big guy who needed a bunch of help beating a guy who just walked back into Wildside and started dominating again. The match itself was a longer version of their match at Fright Nights, which isn't a good thing. They brawled a bunch in the crowd, and then went inside the ring and, you guessed it, brawled some more, though Iceberg hit a nice German suplex, which does look cooler when you got two monsters doing the move. They then went back outside the ring, where they bumped ref Speedy Nelson as Jeff G. Bailey was putting the finishing touches on the Steel Coffin set-up. Stone Mountain then blocked a splash off of the steps by Iceberg by hitting a Landslide onto the chairs, which did look like quite the man-sized bump. Rainman & John Phoenix run out, and while Stone Mountain no-sells them, he goes down after powder to the eyes by Bailey, and three Ground Zero splashes by Iceberg for the win. I don't really want to live through this again. WINNER: Iceberg GRADE: 64 "The All Star" Cru Jones (w/ Destiny & Ref) & Murder One (w/ Rainman) vs. Onyx & Adam Windsor (w/Dory Funk, Jr.) Ref, by the way, is Cru's brother, who, as Steven Prazak said, comes directly from the "Scott E. Smooth School of Subtlty". All I have to say about this is, thank God it was compressed into this tag (it was originally Murder One vs. Onyx, but Cru & Adam didn't have opponents, so they were thrown into this). The thing about Cru is that, he's good in small doses. Him moving away to Illinois, and coming back for this one show proves that theory, as the gimmick became fun again (sort of). His work was as average as ever. Windsor was in the ring more here than at Fright Nights, and I see why he's got a bad work rep: he seems to have learned the basics, and that's it. He threw a bad-looking double-underhook suplex, his selling wasn't all that splendid, and he may have taken the worst neckbreaker bump I've ever seen (I don't even think his back touched the mat). That left it to Onyx and Murder One to carry this, and, as I've said before, they can be carried rather easily, they can't carry a match. The most entertaining thing about this was the XPW humor on the commentary, referring to the thumb incident with Messiah. Finish was Onyx hitting the Blackout DDT on Cru. Post-match, Ref gets locked in the spinning toe hold by Dory. This was not fun at all. WINNERS: Windsor & Onyx GRADE: 66 Wildside Jr. Title: Slim J © vs. Jeremy V. I'd like to thank Slim J and Jeremy V. for saving us from more drek. This was quite the good match, though not as good as the breakout match from Freedom Fight 2002. They did the familiarity spots that all the kids (including me) seem to be grooving to these days, reversing and blocking a bunch of each other's stuff. They also referred to their past matches, including Slim teasing the Turnbuckle Dive Of Doom from Freedom Fight. However, Salvatore Rinauro ran in from the crowd to stop that, leading to Kid Kool and Sal brawling to the back. After another 30 seconds of fighting, Slim hits the Anger Management out of nowhere (which made it look even more devastating) for the win. I can't really conjure up many more words for this match, other than that it was pretty good. WINNER: Slim J GRADE: 82 Loser Leaves Wildside: Todd Sexton vs. "Tony, Not Todd" Tony Stradlin What happened here was that Tony turned on Todd shortly after Fright Nights after losing their rematch for the Wildside Tag Titles, therefore setting up this rushed "Loser Leaves Town" match. Todd wore the old babyface T-N-T gear to signify to the viewer that doesn't pay attention that Tony's the heel in this one. Todd outworks Tony on the mat to start, which completely makes sense since Todd had that series of matches with Jeremy Lopez during Tony's absense due to injury. Again, they did the familiarity reversals and blocks, which really makes more sense with these two than with anyone else on the show, since they trained together, teamed together, etc. They also repeated the fence dive from the Lost Boys/T-N-T 2/3 falls match from Fright Night 2001, as Todd dove off the fencing that they use for cage matches onto the security team of Lulu and Jason Blackman, and Tony Stradlin. This match also built really well, starting off slow, and getting faster, and more high-impact as the match went on. They did a long superkick faking and blocking finishing sequence, ending with Todd nailing two superkicks in a row on Tony to get the win. I would have preferred a whole feud, but I understand with Tony leaving for California that it wasn't possible. Still, great stuff here. WINNER: Todd Sexton GRADE: 86 NWA Wildside Tag Team Titles: Scottie Wrenn & Tank vs. The Dobbins Bros. (Chad & Jason) (w/Al Getz) Let's just say this: Al Getz was the most entertaining part of this match. Yeah, it was bad. I'm not trying to drag down Al Getz, because I do find him to be funny. But I did not enjoy this whatsoever. It was a WWE hoss brawl, not something I want to see anywhere, especially in Wildside. I will give him credit, Scottie Wrenn sold for the Dobbinses more than he ever did for Future Shock. However, that's still not saying much. Let's just cut to the finish so I don't have to stay on this too long. Everyone brawled all over the place, causing a double-DQ. Post-match, Tank breaks out the sickle, and Al Getz hilariously tries to push his monsters away from the fight. Still, the match sucked quite a bit. WINNERS: None GRADE: 62 Jason Cross's TNA Contract/Cross's Wildside Career/Rick Michaels's Wrestling Career vs. Bailey Stripped of CEO Status: "The Role Model" Jason Cross (w/Rick Michaels) vs. John Phoenix (w/ Jeff G. Bailey) First off, I have to acknoledge how well they made this seem like a big match, just from the pre-match hoopla. Andrew Thomas's expression coming down to the ring was also great, as it really put over how the whole storyline landscape of Wildside could change if Bailey lost the CEOship. Dan Wilson puts over on commentary, as Jason Cross brawls on the outside more than usual, how he had been learning secrets from Rick Michaels coming into the match. Phoenix worked the back during the match, though Cross's selling was a little iffy at times. Phoenix also showcased his great heelness, here, just oozing with evil. They did a really good false finish that got the crowd alive and going after a 450 to the back, which finished Cross off at Fright Nights. The finish came when Cross blocked Bailey's interference before a Crossfire, which lost him the first match, and hit the Shooting Star Legdrop for the win. I didn't like this match as much as the first one, though this one was pretty good too. Post-match, John Phoenix superkicks Jeff G. Bailey for slapping him, Bailey and Andrew Thomas run out the back door, and the faces come out for a legit emotional celebration with Jason and most notable Rick, who breaks down into tears, as Christmas Chaos comes to a great ending. WINNER: Jason Cross GRADE: 83 OVERALL THOUGHTS: Man, this was a good show. It started off with four good-amazing matches. It sort of dipped, and then came back for some more goodness. It dipped slightly again, and we end with a great finish to the "Jeff G. Bailey as CEO" storyline. Creatively, this show clicked on all levels. Not only did it finish off the big heel angle in Wildside, but it also started and continued feuds efficently. The work on this show definately equaled, if not bettered, the storyline end of things, as it was great, as the good stuff definately overshadowed the bad. Here it comes.....again, Steven Prazak and Dan Wilson are still the best commentary team in North America. Great Recommendation To Pick This Up. *************************** It's time again to delve into some extras, which you can get from Melanie McKee by contacting her at [email protected]. She's got Wildside, IWA Mid-South, Ring Of Honor, and many other tapes. These matches come from the Wildside vs. CZW feud matches of CZW's No Excuses show. Rainman (w/ Jeff G. Bailey) vs. "Sick" Nick Mondo Jeff Bailey cuts a promo on Philly before the match, saying how he can tell "Filthadelphia" is the City of Brotherly Love "since half the crowd has their brother's love crusted over below their lip" and how Rainman would make Mondo "cry like the mother of a molested child". The match itself was a squash, with Rainman getting in one offensive flurry. The rest was Mondo dominating Rainman, albeit with some cool offense. However, the extreme crowd heat really helped, as the fans wanted the Wildside guys dead, it seemed. Finish came when Mondo sat Rainman down in a chair outside the ring, had a fan hold a chair above Rainman's head, and hit the M.Bison (double-stomp to the top of the guy's head) for the win. Fun, yet way too squash-like. WINNER: Nick Mondo GRADE: 71 Team Wildside (Gabriel, Todd Sexton, Tony Stradlin, & Azrael) vs. The Softcore Connection (Johnny Kashmere, Ty Street, Nick Berk, & Trent Acid) This was under War Games rules, in that two guys started off, then each new guy that came out alternated by team. The way in which the guys are listed in the heading is their order of entry. It started off with Gabriel and Kashmere, who had a decent couple of minutes together, brawling outside the ring. Then, things fell apart. There wasn't really a set time of entry for each guy, so everyone just sort of ran out whenever. Not much psychology was involved either, just a bunch of highspots. Again, the Wildside guys get virtually squashed here, as the little offense they get in gets forgotten about seconds later. To add to matters, when Trent Acid came out, he demolished all four Wildside guys, and no-sold everything until the post-match beatdown, even the dive that him and Johnny took off of the entrance set. The finish made Team Wildside look even worse, as it took five guys and a cheating ref to get the win over Trent (Andrew Thomas, aka America's Best Friend, aka then-Wildside Senior Official, came in, knocked out the CZW ref, and counted fast when Rainman came out and cradled Trent for the win). Post-match, Trent beats up Rainman, the H8 Club come out and chase Wildside out of dodge, and Jeff G. Bailey gets quadruple-superkicked by the Softcore Connection in mid-ring to a HUGE pop. Trent then proceeds to masterbate his arm everywhere. Odd fellow, I say. This could have been so, so much better, had it not been for the squashing of Wildside and the constant highspots. WINNERS: Team Wildside GRADE: 73 *********************** Again, contact Melanie McKee at [email protected] for Wildside, IWA-MS, ROH, shoot interview, and many more other tapes. Also, for all Wildside big shows, such as this one, and Hardcore Hell 2003, which should be officially released soon, go to Next time, an exclusive from Melanie's collection: the Best of Slim J. Thanks for reading, Thomas ([email protected]) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites