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Guest starvenger

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Guest starvenger

Yep, they're brothers. And definite underdogs.


I think we can add Ian (the 50-year old guy) to the list of heels. Remember how they had those married pastors and the husband did EVERYTHING, including carry his wife's pack? This guy is pretty much the opposite of that, bossing his wife around and making her do the roadblocks. I'm really feeling the love from those two...


Judging from the way things are going, I'd say that the final two teams are gonna go for the fast forward, given their 3 hour deficit. Once again I'm predicting the married couple to go, and that Andre and Damon will get the fast forward and finish first.

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Guest The Electrifyer

I hope one of the young couples get eliminated next week. They all seem to have the same look and character to me. I wouldn't be surprised to see the Fireman/Policeman guys who came in second last get the Fast Forward next week, but I doubt they'll be first.

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Guest starvenger

Well, I'm guessing first because they'll still be on the British Isles, so even though they're 6 hours behind the Doublemints there's a good chance that transportation bottlenecks will allow them to catch up.

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Guest hardyz1
The old couple is gone next. Then the father/gay son team. Then the twins. That's my (likely totally wrong) prediction.


Well, I was close. Dennis and Andrew are gone despite getting the fast forward.


Next week is Teri and Ian's turn to leave. Then I'm not sure.


Seeing Ken and Gerard trying to ride the punts was damn funny.

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Guest starvenger

Episode 4: Ahbahdeen to Lisbohn


The Harvahd Gahls are gone!! Tough break but they misread the rules and got burned for it. However I do give them credit for straight out admitting their mistake.


And I find myself hating Ian more and more. He is damn lucky that his wife loves and understands him enough to tolerate all that.


The brothers once again finished top 3, and they are by far the most entertaining team.


Andre and Damon FINALLY started showing some of their potential, and there was no better time to do so than in a close, close leg.


And I guess this leg was one of those that was meant to show who's strong with all the bottlenecking taking place.


Next leg looks like they're still in the Portugal/Spain penninsula, and that can't be a bad thing in terms of the view. I'm still picking Teri and Ian to go, and Michael and Kathy look like they're slipping.

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Guest The Electrifyer

I'm very surprised those girl are Harvard grads after that episode. Not cuz of the driving, but because of the clue. They thought that "walking" meant not running to the pit stop, but you can still take a taxi. I really wished Aaron and Arrianne got eliminated though and I'm also surprised that the Fast Forward option was not even mentioned by any of the teams.

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Guest starvenger
I'm very surprised those girl are Harvard grads after that episode. Not cuz of the driving, but because of the clue. They thought that "walking" meant not running to the pit stop, but you can still take a taxi. I really wished Aaron and Arrianne got eliminated though and I'm also surprised that the Fast Forward option was not even mentioned by any of the teams.

I'm guessing that the FF was probably doled out with the bottle, so they only needed to consider it once they got to Portugal. But since the teams were equalized, they figured that at this point it wasn't worth going for it when there might be a more useful time later. With the teams being so close this leg, I don't expect them to use it next leg either.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Had the Harvard girls gotten the cab to go back and walked, they probably wouldn't have been eliminated..

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Guest LaParkaMarka

The Harvard Girls are gone, and I rejoice. Though I wouldn't have minded seeing that other last couple go either. The brothers and the doublemints are by far the most likable of the remaining teams. I'm cheering them on.


Anyone see the preview for next week? The last thing I saw was someone yelling about the brakes on their car. Not cool.

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Guest CanadianChris

Did anyone catch (I forget who) saying "Muchos gracias, senor!" to a PORTUGUESE waiter? Talk about clueless.


Rock climbing next week looks interesting...

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Guest TUS_02

The twins piss the hell outta me. In the first episode... or second... they thought they were going to be eliminated, and were just incredibly down on themselves. Then they made the cut on were like "we knew we could make it"


It just rang a chord with me and I want them out ASAP.


I'm also surprised the Law Schoolers didn't start stripping to stay on.

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Guest hardyz1
Did anyone catch (I forget who) saying "Muchos gracias, senor!" to a PORTUGUESE waiter? Talk about clueless.

I heard that. I think it was Jill.


Damn good episode, and I think next week's will be better, what with the diesel/unleaded mixup and the lack of brakes. Now that's excitement.


Teri and Ian need to go.

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Guest Rabbi_wilson13

"Oh, that must mean we just have to walk into the pit stop."


As opposed to having your taxi drive into the tower? For Harvard Grads, they really weren't that bright.


The brothers are still up at the top, and are consistently the most entertaining team. Ian is a bastard heel, high-fiving and shaking everyone's hands at the bottlenecks.


Doublemints have flashes of sheer dumbness, just like leaving their bags in the car during the first episode. But when they roll, they roll.


Next week is hopefully Michael and Kathy. They don't bring anything to the table either.

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Guest starvenger
Next week is hopefully Michael and Kathy. They don't bring anything to the table either.

Sure they do - I think we're all waiting for the point where one of them snaps and says that the relationship just isn't gonna work...

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Guest LaParkaMarka
Next week is hopefully Michael and Kathy.  They don't bring anything to the table either.

Sure they do - I think we're all waiting for the point where one of them snaps and says that the relationship just isn't gonna work...

I actually thought that was going to happen after he was pussying out of all the physical tests...but then he toughed out with the swimming thing. Plus he actually seems like a nice guy. I think they'll actually stay together.


I hate the Golden Oldies, but Ian is definately the heel and for that reason sort of deserves to stay. I can see Flo/Zach or Adrienne/that other guy going soon...those teams are really similar. Any of the teams can go though, as last night's ep showed. Everyone was behind and in danger of losing at some point.

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Guest LaParkaMarka
Next week is hopefully Michael and Kathy. They don't bring anything to the table either.

Good call. I would have rather seen the Golden Oldies go, but Michael and Kathy sort of brought it on themselves by staying at the hotel for the night.


The Brothers come in first again, which is a pleasant suprise. Good for them. Plus Team 911 is finally living up to their potential.


That Flo girl is incredibly emotional and annoying. I say Flo/Zach go next.

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Guest starvenger

I lost a lot of respect for Michael and Kathy because they just decided to tank the race for some nookie. Well, I guess there was plenty of time for that once they were eliminated, since they were sequestered for the rest of the race.


So Kathy's moved to San Diego? I give it 6 months.


As for the rest...


Team Bros - Unothodox, yet they're still doing pretty well.

Team 911 - Good job getting in on the "outsider alliance". You still gotta stay in the race on your own merits, but pooling resources oughtta help these guys.

The Doublemints - Well they're basically having the other brothers do the legwork for them, and that's keeping them in the race. Getting more likeable as time goes on.

Team NYC - Doing just fine

Team Platonic Relationship - Flo morphed into Stephanie McMahon for a brief moment there.

Team Annoying Guy and his Wife - Somebody shoot Ian, please. Hooah!!

Team AA - Getting weaker with each leg. They're next, I think...

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Guest TUS_02

I thought the show played out the whole unleaded instead of diesel thing perfectly. Michael and Kathy got what they deserved, so Im not sad on seeing them go.


"Team Bros - Unothodox, yet they're still doing pretty well."


I don't think they're Unorthodox... they know what needs to be done, and they do it. Nothing fancy... just... by the numbers.


"Team 911 - Good job getting in on the "outsider alliance". You still gotta stay in the race on your own merits, but pooling resources oughtta help these guys."


I've never been big on the whole allience thing. And these guys have done it the worst then any of the other groups in any of the other shows. They have, however... found their niche and have been doing just dandy recently.


"The Doublemints - Well they're basically having the other brothers do the legwork for them, and that's keeping them in the race. Getting more likeable as time goes on."


I don't see what's so likeable about them. But maybe it's just my hatred for them after "giving up" in the first leg of the race, but then saying they knew they could do it when they weren't eliminated. These guys ARE smart though.


"Team NYC - Doing just fine"


There's something familiar about the amount of airtime they get. It reminds me of the first season where the Boston guys got minimal airtime during the show and ended up winning.... hmmmm.... GO JOHN VITO!


"Team Platonic Relationship - Flo morphed into Stephanie McMahon for a brief moment there."


I gotta give Zach a shit load of credit for putting up with Flo's shit during the rappeling part. Plus, while Flo kept on yapping about the race being over for them... Zach pushed them on to continue, and it payed off.


"Team Annoying Guy and his Wife - Somebody shoot Ian, please. Hooah!!"


Ian gets bonus points for figuring out how to fix their truck... should be good for another episode or two until the wife can't take it anymore


"Team AA - Getting weaker with each leg. They're next, I think..."


I wouldn't doubt it, which sucks, cuz I like Arieane(sp?) Arron is a woman in drag... he has to be with the way he acts.

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Guest starvenger
"Team Bros - Unothodox, yet they're still doing pretty well."


I don't think they're Unorthodox... they know what needs to be done, and they do it.  Nothing fancy... just... by the numbers.  

Well, they seem to do a lot of thinking outside the box, similar to the Cha Chas in AR2. So instead of rushing everywhere (like everyone else), they take a moment to get their bearings and as a result are generally better prepared. So I guess that what they're doing makes sense, but is odd relatvie to the other teams.


"Team 911 - Good job getting in on the "outsider alliance".  You still gotta stay in the race on your own merits, but pooling resources oughtta help these guys."


I've never been big on the whole allience thing.  And these guys have done it the worst then any of the other groups in any of the other shows.  They have, however... found their niche and have been doing just dandy recently.

You're right there, but they're in an alliance that is suitable for AR - which basically amounts to pooling money and planning your routes. The "Twin hunt" alliance was made for the wrong reasons, and as a result it's done and half of that alliance is gone.


"The Doublemints - Well they're basically having the other brothers do the legwork for them, and that's keeping them in the race.  Getting more likeable as time goes on."


I don't see what's so likeable about them.  But maybe it's just my hatred for them after "giving up" in the first leg of the race, but then saying they knew they could do it when they weren't eliminated.  These guys ARE smart though.

Well, once you get over the Kelly LeBrock factor ("Don't hate be 'cause I'm beautiful") there really isn't anything to hate about these guys. I really disliked them at the beginning because they made some poor decisions, but it seems that they've figured out how to play the game and now are a very strong team. I still don't think that they're smart players, though, and if they're separated from the brothers (and they don't encounter a strength-based task) they'll be gone.


"Team NYC - Doing just fine"


There's something familiar about the amount of airtime they get.  It reminds me of the first season where the Boston guys got minimal airtime during the show and ended up winning.... hmmmm.... GO JOHN VITO!

This team is flying incredibly low under the radar, that if they ever get significant face time it probably means that they're gonna be eliminated.


"Team Annoying Guy and his Wife - Somebody shoot Ian, please.  Hooah!!"


Ian gets bonus points for figuring out how to fix their truck... should be good for another episode or two until the wife can't take it anymore

I thought it was funny when Ian said "I'm the pilot, she's the navigator" and Teri just rolled her eyes.


"Team AA - Getting weaker with each leg.  They're next, I think..."


I wouldn't doubt it, which sucks, cuz I like Arieane(sp?)  Arron is a woman in drag... he has to be with the way he acts.

Definitely the most feminine of the 3 gay guys on AR3, but not nearly as feminine as the Cha Chas. The difference here is that Danny and Oswald were likeable, while Aaron is annoying, which for me cancels out Arianne's cuteness...

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Guest LaParkaMarka

I didn't think Arianne was that cute. Flo is cuter in the strictly physical sense, even though she is totally channeling Steph here. I just wish Zach would go "OH SHUT UP" at some point. That would make me happy.


I've decided I really like Team NYC. They actually treat each other rather nicely, especially compared to Ian/Teri and Flo/Zach. Good for them.


An unfortunate bit of luck for team 911...that must have been really lame going through all of that garbage and end up essentially last.


Ian and Teri are at the head of the pack. BLAH.


And AA gets eliminated, which wasn't that much of a suprise. What did everyone else think?

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

I thought 911 was getting kidnapped or something stupid. I wonder if they had come in last would they have been eliminated or given some sort of break for what happened to them which they really had no control over...


Overall I think its just starting to get good although we're do for one of those "no one gets eliminated" episodes...

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Guest starvenger
I thought 911 was getting kidnapped or something stupid. I wonder if they had come in last would they have been eliminated or given some sort of break for what happened to them which they really had no control over...


Overall I think its just starting to get good although we're do for one of those "no one gets eliminated" episodes...

They probably wouldn't have gotten a break. When they got detained I thought that it was over for them. They're lucky that team AA was a couple of hours behind, otherwise they'd have been gone.


Next show is the 7th leg - which is the midpoint of the show, so it (in theory) should be a non-elimination leg, with the others coming on legs 10 and 12 if I follow the pattern correctly.


Team NYC is also growing on me. They've pretty much relied on themselves and while they've never finished first they've stayed strong throughout.


Ken and Gerard continue to amuse me. A bit of a drop in the rankings, but they'll bounce back.


Teri and Ian pretty much wasted the FF, imo. When the teams didn't see that team AA wasn't on the train, they should have realized that it wasn't needed. I think Teri and Ian are up by 90 minutes at most, and since they're likely flying next leg, it means that they'll be bottlenecked.


Doublemint Twins. Well, they clarified the "outsider alliance" for us, although at this point they're more insiders than outsiders, since 75% of the "anti-twin alliance" are gone now. Didn't really do anything of consequence.


Flo and Zach were better this round, mostly because Flo wasn't doing a lot of screeching.

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Guest hardyz1

I thought it was kind of funny how Team 911 was in a real down mood even though they're still in, and Team AA was in a much better mood, despite being eliminated.


The funniest thing, though, was various people trying to communicate with the locals using whatever foreign language they have limited knowledge of. Like telling the cab driver "rapido".

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Guest TUS_02

AA were lucky numerous times and were a hop skip or jump away from getting eliminated... it was just a matter of time. They realized their fate and made the best of it.


I'd probably kill Ian if I knew him personally, but he's great TV.


The thing with the 3 teams wanting the fast forward is that it was obvious that if two teams went for it, obviously one team wouldn't make it and thus loose time. Flo and Zach should be thankful John Vito and Jill won that thing...


I don't hate the Doublemint twins as much as I did... mostly because they're playing the game so well...

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Guest The Electrifyer

I'm glad the couples are getting eliminated, there are just too many of them this season. I never really liked AA anyways, so I'm glad there gone.


I originally thought that 911 would be one of the strongest teams when I first saw them, but as the show goes on, they are nothing. Now that they are last and can't follow the Brothers Alliance anymore, I don't have high hopes for that team. I have a prediction that Ken and Gerard are going to win the race, they've been doing everything right so far and they entertain me too.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus
I thought it was kind of funny how Team 911 was in a real down mood even though they're still in, and Team AA was in a much better mood, despite being eliminated.


They were scared/close to being in shock.


I was really surprised that Aaron & Arriane were eliminated. I always thought of them as one of the stronger teams that got a couple of bad breaks, and usually the villains make it to the end (Joe & Bill, Tara & Wil). Oh well.


Next week is the traditional first non-elimination leg, I assume it will be no different this time.


I also think Ken & Gerard will win the race. Teri & Ian winning would certainly come as a shock, but it is far more possible now. Spoilers from the other castaways seem to indicate Derek & Drew don't win. Last year they accurately predicted Chris & Alex's win.

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Guest starvenger

Yes, but remember that they see who wins at the end, so it's not like they're going out on a limb

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Guest starvenger
I completely forgot that it was on at 8 this week and missed it... what happened?

Well I missed the first 40 minutes but they went to Munich, Germany to Innisbruck Austria to somewhere else in Austria. Detour was figure skating or bobsledding. Roadblock was a suspended freefall from a gondola. Teams finished thusly:


Flo and Zach (FF)

Wonder Twins

Team NYC

Teri and Ian

Ken and Gerard


Team 911 was eliminated. I'm guessing the detainment from the last leg put them in a hole that they couldn't recover from. It also didn't help that they missed the Innsbruck train stop and had to double back.

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Guest LaParkaMarka

911 was also (possibly) screwed over by Flo, because she told the airline people in Casablanca not to give them tickets, which gave Flo and Zach like a 5 hr lead on them. At one point all the teams were neck and neck...911 just had some bad luck. By the time they fell asleep and missed their stop, they were already totally out of it. Too bad for them.


I am really hoping Flo falls off a cliff or something. So annoying.


You know, Jill is really hot. And she isn't insane/annoying. Good stuff.

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