Guest hardyz1 Report post Posted November 21, 2002 I always find it funny when a team thinks they're fucked and they find out they're not. Flo and Zach thought they were last but they were first. I felt sorry for Team 911. From the detainment to falling asleep on the train, they just couldn't catch a break. Even the bottleneck couldn't help them. Can't wait for next week when Teri and Ian get screwed by the other teams. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Electrifyer Report post Posted November 21, 2002 I hope Flo and Zack get eliminated next week, Flo is evil. Team 911 just plain suck. They couldn't do anything on there own. They should have been eliminated earlier if it wasn't for them following the Brothers alliance. The Twins seem to be a pretty strong team, yet they were so sucky in the first few episodes. I see this race coming down to them and the other Brothers in the end. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest starvenger Report post Posted November 21, 2002 There isn't enough evil in this Race. What drove the last race was the fact that Wil was evil, and you end up rooting for him to lose, but he and Tara kept coming through when it counted. Flo, by comparison, is the Diet Coke of evil (thank you, Mike Myers). But unlike Wil, she's a liability, and that will hurt them soon. The twins were a little rude, and maybe we'll see some more heelish actions from them. Nice to see them thinking for themselves again, but that may end up hurting them. Ian is evil, but in a boorish way as opposed to Wil's evil ways. And like Flo, he's the liability on this team. So he sends his wife to fly from the gondola because he's afraid of heights? I bet Teri was as well. SUCK IT UP AND BE A MAN!! Team NYC are much too nice. And Jill is pretty hot, but she'd look better as a brunette, I think. They're flying very low under the radar. They're also the only team left with a Fast Forward, which could be huge. Team KennyG are still my favourites. I don't think the flat will hurt them since they seem to be heading to Switzerland, which means that a) their directional skills will come into play on a drive or b) there'll be a bottleneck at the airport/train station. OK, so 5 teams, and 4 shows left, and it looks like 5 or 6 legs left. Dec 4 (show 9) is a 2 hour show, so that looks to have the first non-elimination leg for the Final Four teams. I'm not sure how the rest are working out, but it's possible the final 3 are gonna be in a 3-leg run to the finish. Should be cool... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest LaParkaMarka Report post Posted November 21, 2002 You think Jill would look better as a brunette? I don't know. I'm digging her as a blonde. And that accent is cute. I think Team NYC is definately under the radar. I could see them in the final three, with the Brothers and the Wonder Twins. Speaking of the Wonder Twins, I loved how everyone decided not to follow them at one point. One of them said "They all followed Ken and Gerard, because they think we're incompetent." Funny stuff. I am amazed whenever Ian makes his wife do something incredibly dangerous. Like, geez. Ah well. She's the one who decided to marry him, I suppose. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kahran Ramsus Report post Posted November 21, 2002 Team KennyG are still my favourites. I don't think the flat will hurt them since they seem to be heading to Switzerland, which means that a) their directional skills will come into play on a drive or b) there'll be a bottleneck at the airport/train station. In the previews, they are on the same train as the others, so no it doesn't hold them up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest starvenger Report post Posted November 22, 2002 You think Jill would look better as a brunette? I don't know. I'm digging her as a blonde. And that accent is cute. Sorry, I guess I'm more partial to brunettes... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest LaParkaMarka Report post Posted November 28, 2002 Well, that was an exciting ep. Me and my sis were both upset that either NYC or the Bros were going to go out, and thus were quite relieved that it was a non-elimination leg. Good old Jill. So cute. Also: If I was Zach, I'd let Drew get Flo. In fact, I would encourage it. She's so incredibly annoying. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CanadianChris Report post Posted November 28, 2002 I was also releived to find out it was a non-elimination leg. I'm hoping it comes down to NYC and KennyG at the end. Two-hour episode next week...should be interesting, since the teams finished so close together and now can't afford to make any mistakes. Shouldn't there be another non-eimination leg next week? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kahran Ramsus Report post Posted November 28, 2002 I hope it comes down to Ken & Gerard, and Derek & Drew. I hate Flo and Ian, and hope they go next, and NYC is boring. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest starvenger Report post Posted December 2, 2002 I was also releived to find out it was a non-elimination leg. I'm hoping it comes down to NYC and KennyG at the end. Two-hour episode next week...should be interesting, since the teams finished so close together and now can't afford to make any mistakes. Shouldn't there be another non-eimination leg next week? I think so. Based on the previous shows the second leg next week should be a non-elimination leg, but they could mix it up and make it 2 in a row. Team NYC is in last, but they're not all that far behind. And don't forget that they're the only team left with a Fast Forward. If they can survive another elimination, they can guarantee getting to the final 3 by using it at the appropriate time. KennyG took a risk and were lucky that it was a non-elimination leg as it blew up in their faces. Still, that's the kind of attitude that I like this late in the race. Sometimes you need to take chances. I hate Ian and I'm glad to see that Teri is FINALLY getting pissed off at him. If I talked like that to my girlfriend... well, I'd be single again. Flo still screeches. And there seems to be the Will/Tara/Chris developing here, but I doubt it's anything more than lust on Flo's part. Zack is carrying her like he was Flair and she was a broomstick. The Doublemints are doing well just by staying steady. If they don't make it to the final 3 I'll be quite surprised. They've come a long long way from their blundering in the first few legs. I'm still rooting for Teri and Ian to go this week. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest starvenger Report post Posted December 4, 2002 bump. As I wrote above, I'm thinking that the old farts are going this week. What do the rest of you think? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest hardyz1 Report post Posted December 4, 2002 They seem to be heading for self destruction if Ian continues being a dick. As long as they go next, I'm happy. I'm hoping for the final three to be Team NYC, the Twins, and KennyG. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest starvenger Report post Posted December 4, 2002 They seem to be heading for self destruction if Ian continues being a dick. As long as they go next, I'm happy. I'm hoping for the final three to be Team NYC, the Twins, and KennyG. That'd be my preference as well, but as long as KennyG and the Doublemints make it, I'll be happy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MarvinisaLunatic Report post Posted December 4, 2002 Tonights big 2 hour episode probably will only eliminate 1 team, so I think that leaves 4 teams. One more elimination the following week, and then the final 3 team race to the finish the next week. If Ian and Teri make it past this week, they could end up in the final 3, but they wont win. Right now, the money is on the Doublemints, because they have managed to go from the back early to out front using the FF and have managed to stay out front, and I dont think its luck either. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Electrifyer Report post Posted December 4, 2002 Is tonights episode airing from 8-10 or from 9-11? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MarvinisaLunatic Report post Posted December 4, 2002 9pm -11pm BUT.. Law and Order is a rerun from November 2001 at 10, so I am lucky. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MarvinisaLunatic Report post Posted December 4, 2002 Oh, and even more interesting is the episode title: "Why Did You Have to Take Your Pants Off?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TUS_02 Report post Posted December 4, 2002 The doublemints have earned a lot of my respect back, and with that, I think they're going to take the win. I also believe their closest competition will be the brothers. They have remained steady with the twins and aren't lacking much. Ian/Wife John Vito/Jill and Flo/Zach all suffer from some major ill communication which is going to bite them all in the ass at some point. JV/Jill seem to have the best chance of being in the top 3, but won't win it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest starvenger Report post Posted December 4, 2002 That better not mean that Jill is revealed to be a man... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CanadianChris Report post Posted December 5, 2002 Ugh. Someone needs to kill Flo dead right now. Zach is a SAINT for putting up with her. Why does Zach get to make all the decisions, Flo? Because if you made all the decisions, you two would've been left at the side of the road about six legs ago. Shut. Up. NOW. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest LaParkaMarka Report post Posted December 5, 2002 Ugh. Someone needs to kill Flo dead right now. Zach is a SAINT for putting up with her. Why does Zach get to make all the decisions, Flo? Because if you made all the decisions, you two would've been left at the side of the road about six legs ago. Shut. Up. NOW. Truer words have never been spoken. Flo has to be the most annnoying person in this race. Even more annoying than Uber-Heel Ian. When she started bawling when they were close to the cruise ship, it was just sad. Like I said above, if I was Zach I would let Drew have Flo. She wasn't even the cutest girl in the race...poor Jill was. Speaking of Jill, I was *quite* upset to see team NYC go out. Though at least I got to see Jill in that cute red and white outfit. Why couldn't she have run through the fountain! That would have been way nicer to see, as opposed to Teri. How gross was that? *shudder* So yeah, it's too bad Jill and JV used the Fast Forward for the non-elimination leg...but hey, guess they couldn't have known. I think this is all somehow Flo's fault. As for next week, I'm guessing that Flo/Zach and the Twins will stick around, because their pseudo-romance looks to be one of the main storylines. So that leaves the Brothers and Teri/Ian. I'm thinking Teri and Ian's luck runs out here. I'd like to see Flo and Zach go, just because Flo is so damn annoying. I find it very amusing that Zach generally just laughs in Flo's face whenever she goes nuts. Go Zach. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Electrifyer Report post Posted December 5, 2002 NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Jill was eliminated... NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Why couldn't it have been Flo? I don't know how Drew or the other twin can be flirting with her, she's so moody and bitchy at times. I hope they're just using her and she gets eliminated next. I don't really see so much evil in Terri and Ian. I don't know why, but I feel sorry for them because all the other teams tried to eliminate them and lie to them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest starvenger Report post Posted December 5, 2002 Ugh. Someone needs to kill Flo dead right now. Zach is a SAINT for putting up with her. Why does Zach get to make all the decisions, Flo? Because if you made all the decisions, you two would've been left at the side of the road about six legs ago. Shut. Up. NOW. Amen to that. I can understand not wanting to stay at the Y (insert dining at the Y joke here), but did she have to whine so LOUDLY about it? I will note that Flo wasn't as bad (a relative term if there ever was one) in the second half, but that may be because Zach FINALLY said something. With all that being said, if you were to duct tape Flo's mouth, she wouldn't be bad to be with. So yeah, it's too bad Jill and JV used the Fast Forward for the non-elimination leg...but hey, guess they couldn't have known. I think this is all somehow Flo's fault. Absolutely. There was no way that they could have known that there would be 2 non-elimination legs in a row. I'd like to think that I would have kept the FF, but I'm not in the race, so what do I know, eh? I'm sure they'll enjoy the cruise. The remaining teams: The Wonder Twins are getting stronger, and smarter as well - had they looked for the TV star at the detour, they'd have been toast. Given the Drew/Flo/Zach triangle being played up, I can't see them bowing out next week. Also, did anyone else note that the "7-day cruise" reward was dubbed in? What, did Phil try to pawn off another set of KODAK DIGITAL CAMERAS on them? KennyG are continuing to play hard and have fun at the same time. I really hope they win the whole thing. Seriously, what can you really say about these guys other than that they're playing very well? Zach has done a great job so far. Flo couldn't even beat Gerard in a footrace. I'll give her credit though, in trying to get Zach to ally with Ken and Gerard to get to the next route marker. He didn't give up even though he had some problems with the bike, and Flo had thrown in the towel. Teri and Ian. I think the airport bottleneck saved them from elimination, and then the botanical gardens bottleneck put them right back into that spot. They seem to take more time to figure out the clues, and I'm sure Ian's rudeness doesn't help - "Jeddeau? Jeddeau? Do you knopw where Jeddeau is?" Teri is getting snippier with each leg. The 5-10 minute lead they had on team NYC made all the difference. I don't really see so much evil in Terri and Ian. I don't know why, but I feel sorry for them because all the other teams tried to eliminate them and lie to them. There is no real malice in them, but it's just that Ian's a rude guy who doesn't seem to have a lot of sensitvity towards his wife. In this episode alone, we had him ORDERING Teri to come, chiding Teri for not bungee jumping (which actually would have put them way behind given the amount of time it took the twins to do it), seeming reluctant to do the roadblock (when he was obviously better suited for it) and in general questioning his wife's racing ability. As for the other racers lying to them, it's mostly directed towards Ian I think, but with 5 teams left you need any advantage you can get, so I've no problem with it. There's one more elimination leg left, and now it's pretty much a case where you just want to be better than the slowest team, so you can race to the finish line. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest hardyz1 Report post Posted December 5, 2002 I can't believe Ian kept yelling "Come!" at Teri like she was a dog. Teri in underwear...:::vomit::: Did you notice that Teri is the only one who pronounces Ian's name with long I sound rather than an E sound? Zack has amazing restraint. I would'nt have blamed him if he just slapped Flo and yelled "QUIT WHINING AND GET IN THE FUCKING BOAT!!!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CanadianChris Report post Posted December 12, 2002 OMG...Welcome to Bizarro Amazing Race, where Flo is right and Ian is somewhat likable. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest starvenger Report post Posted December 12, 2002 OMG...Welcome to Bizarro Amazing Race, where Flo is right and Ian is somewhat likable. Ah, but Flo is STILL whining. Perhaps it's just a parallel universe... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest starvenger Report post Posted December 12, 2002 ...aaaaaaaaand the Wonder Twins are GONE!! And surprisingly I'm glad because this seriously levels the playing field if it's close and comes down to a footrace at the end. But I guess anything can happen in a two-leg sprint to the finish... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Electrifyer Report post Posted December 12, 2002 Man... that sucked, I did not want to see the twins eliminated. I wished it was Flo who got the boot, but I guess Zack deserved this for being able to put up with her and not play too dirty. If I were that team though, I would not have told Ken and Gerard where the clue was located. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kahran Ramsus Report post Posted December 12, 2002 For once the team I want to win (Ken & Gerard) didn't finish 4th. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TUS_02 Report post Posted December 12, 2002 Yeah, what the hell is up with Ian suddenly becoming nice? I don't have the slightest clue who is going to win now, but Terri and Ian will need a HUGE lead if they want to take the win, especially with the looooooooooong footrace at the end Share this post Link to post Share on other sites