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Guest starvenger

The amazing race

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Hmm.. Its all even again..


Best finish ever, since the last two finishes have had 1 team lagging behind for the last leg..

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Guest CanadianChris

Last year's was good...they all hit San Francisco at the same time, even if the Smileys got a bit lost at the end.


But I agree, this finish is going to be great.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic



*Quickly decides to be more positive from now on*


Anyone wanna bet that Zach read DDP's book or something..?

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Guest CanadianChris

Well, that was...unsatisfying.


Hopefully, I missed the part where they decide that Zach and Flo split the money according to the amount of work they each did, in which case Flo will receive $2.88 and a half-eaten candy bar.

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Guest hardyz1
In-fucking-credible. Can we call Zach the Ric Flair of The Amazing Race?

Absolutely. Who the hell gave them a chance? How did they do it? I'm still stunned.


My favorite team never wins.

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Guest TUS_02

I dunno if Brukhiemer (sp?) actually does anything for the show besides financially support it, but that was some great storytelling from start to finish with Flo and Zach. I still think Flo should be punched in the mouth, but hey, they stayed into the race until the end and made the right move at the right time...

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Guest The Electrifyer

Damnit... I would have wished anyone but Flo to win the race. I didn't think that since they portrayed Flo as such a heel, that she would win the race. Oh well, at least Zack deserved his share.

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Guest TUS_02

Thank God... I would have prefered it being playyed from Jan to May....er... March or whenever, but I dont know if Im going to be able to watch it over the summer :(

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Guest LaParkaMarka

Man, I'm not sure if I'm even excited about it this time, after the horrible finish last time. Stupid Flo.

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Guest areacode212

I never watched it, but that Zach Behr guy went to my high school (he was like way younger than me, but his sister was in my grade)

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