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Guest Jobber of the Week

Crappy made-for-TV Bush in 9/11 movie to appear

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Guest Jobber of the Week



In this version, the President is all swagger and seize-the-moment bravado. "If some tinhorn terrorist wants me, tell him to come and get me," he says. "I'll be at home. Waiting for the bastard." "But Mr President ..." stammers his Secret Service chief. "Try 'Commander-in-Chief'," Mr Bush corrects him, "whose present command is, 'Take the President home!'"




If this scenario sounds like wishful thinking cooked up by the Republican National Committee, it probably is, given that the film, entitled DC 9/11, was produced and written by a direct associate of the President's, Lionel Chetwynd, in close co-operation with Mr Bush's chief political strategist, Karl Rove.


First of all, you wish they could at least be truthful. I guess a good part of their problem is that they can't reveal where Bush was going to and fro as it was obviously an emergency contingency plan, but it sounds like they're one twist around the corner from saying he walked up to ground zero, tore the sleeves off his suit, and started carrying dead bodies out of the rubble.


Second of all, in an amusing twist of irony the guy who played the Prez in "That's My Bush!" a comedy from the South Park guys in the pre-911 "Bush = D'UHHHH" days (as opposed to the "Bush = Amercan Hero" days we're in now) is playing the lead role. That's right, the guy who protrayed Bush a bumbling idiot in a parody sitcom is now playing him in a serious drama.


Third of all, and this is just all speculation, but they really really had some great timing for bringing this to television. What with all the campaigning starting up and all.



To think that we laugh and/or cry that people in Communist countries watching movies telling them how powerful and great their leaders are, then something like this makes it to air. I don't have a problem with entertainment trying to dramatize something very recent that everyone and their uncle remembers, and I don't have a problem with the media's more and more blindly supportive role in politics (otherwise I'd be complaining about Fox News or something here), but I think all of this at once shows just how crazy things have become in such a short time.


......On the positive side, Mr. Sulu is playing Norman Mineta. :mellow:

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Guest JMA

Didn't Saddam have a movie made about him? I heard the guy who did "Thunderball" had a hand in it. On a side note, I really miss "That's My Bush!"

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

That's wild. Has anyone before this ever made a movie portraying the president (besides Primary Colors) while he's still in office? I can't wait to see how beautifully shlocky this is.

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Guest Vyce

Wow, that's some corny dialogue.


But, of course, Bush IS an American hero.


I just threw that out there to see how many of you bite and go and refute me.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

I'll watch it if Bush (in the movie) says "I may have taken some ecstasy."

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

Whatever. I won't watch it.


This reminds me of that Michael Douglas movie "The American President" when his opponent was a Senator from Kansas named Bob...

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Tinhorn Terrorist? Holy shit. They can't seriously be giving him rootin' tootin' texan dialogue..If I know Hollywood, they might even make him a Martyr.






They'll take out Slim Pickens, and add W. Finally triumphing over Saddam, even if it means giving his life to do it. What a guy.

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Guest Vern Gagne

I say have the final scene be a big fight on top of the White House between Bush and Bin Laden. Bush can say a cleavor little line before he impales Bin Laden. Oh, and why not have Cheaney get taken out, and than Bush can yell Bin Laden while holding Cheaney's dieing body.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

Here's a vote for Benicio Del Toro as Bush.


And Morgan Freeman is just so blatantly obvious for Powell. I mean really.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
One of these days, Laura, I'm gonna punch you in the face!

Even better, the Don Rumsfeld actor is the same guy who did the voice on the "Be a Man" tape in In & Out! You may remember his imortal line of, "For God's sake, don't shake that booty!"

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I say have the final scene be a big fight on top of the White House between Bush and Bin Laden. Bush can say a cleavor little line before he impales Bin Laden.

Get off my building!

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Guest RepoMan

Will they have a part where Bush sat on his ass in a 3rd grade class room for 5 mins after the 2nd tower was hit?

Edited by RepoMan

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Guest Zero_Cool

But will this president wear tighter pants, in order to make his genitals look larger in this movie? Cuz you know, they have a habit of doing little things like that.


BTW, Slim Pickens is god.

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

Why is it every time I think about this, I picture the Bush part being played by Vince McMahon?

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Guest SP-1

Vince playing Bush would be GOLD, I tell you!


"Listen you Al-Qaeda bastards! I'M GEORGE BUSH JUNIAH, DAMMIT!"


You can't tell me that doesn't have "Best. Comedy. This Year." written all over it.


Also, I might watch it just to see how funny it is. And rest in the knowledge that my lack of a Nielsen Box will mean I contribute nothing to it.

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Guest Ravenbomb

Cheney(sp?) walking out of the hospital after his sugery dealy a while back: I'm better now! (Plane crashes into him)


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