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Guest TheGame2705

Hi I'm Flair, I'm Orton, and I'm Kane

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Guest TheGame2705

Damn that RAW was badass and this main event had me hyped but damn if it wasn't crap. I mean Kane screwed up a number of spots. Ric Flair oversold everything to the nth degree and got in the way of the match flow more than a few times. It was stupid for Hebner to be down and Flair just stand outside while Kane pinned him. Attack him, dumbass. You've already thrown yourself upon this match more than you should have, what's the point in holding back? Randy Orton who I wasn't feeling loathesome towards during his match made me absolutely hate him by the end of the night. He was featured as many times as a Mr. America segment is on Smackdown and in the main event he came out and after giving his gay little diamond cutter to Kane he jumped and push the ref in closer. Now kudos to him if he helped the ref get in position but was stupid. He hopped over the ref and appeared RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM. Kane was going to unmask and I was thinking they'd laugh and mock him but instead they stall. Then Kane gets up and paces around a little with the master of emotion RVD watching him. I do however like the storyline where Kane could blame RVD for not being there. I just hope that RVD can show some emotion to help progress the personal feud because if not it'll lose alot of it's appeal.

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Guest Anglesault
Damn that RAW was badass and this main event had me hyped but damn if it wasn't crap.

This surprised you?


The only question going into the night was whether HHH would allow cheating to directly beat Kane or if it would come down to cheat-stall-pedigree-stall-pin, AGAIN.


Shock of all shocks.


do however like the storyline where Kane could blame RVD for not being there.


I'm Psyched to see RVD be the first job in yet ANOTHER Kane puh.

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Guest TheHulkster

Flair looked kinda like shit out there, but the guy is in his mid-50's and shouldn't be in the ring anyway. Orton was out of position for about 4 or 5 different spots during that tag match. Thats just bush league. I feel too sorry for Glen Jacobs to rag on him.

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Guest Steviekick
Flair looked kinda like shit out there, but the guy is in his mid-50's and shouldn't be in the ring anyway. Orton was out of position for about 4 or 5 different spots during that tag match. Thats just bush league. I feel too sorry for Glen Jacobs to rag on him.

That pretty much sums out how I feel about the three of them tonight.

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Guest Dangerous A

What did Kane do to deserve this?


Did he get caught fucking Linda McMahon or something?

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Then Kane gets up and paces around a little with the master of emotion RVD watching him


The look on RVD's face, priceless. :ph34r:

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Guest FatKane

Yeah, I thought RVD had perfect reactions to it all. Sitting in the ring he looked like a bewildered child. In fact he was one of the bright spots of that last segment.

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Guest Steviekick
Yeah, I thought RVD had perfect reactions to it all. Sitting in the ring he looked like a bewildered child. In fact he was one of the bright spots of that last segment.

RVD did pretty well in that part of the segment, but the ending of the segment was completly ridiculous. Horrible. I bet it will be a chapter in the "Wrestlecrap II" book.

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Hi, we're Evolution and you're watching Jacka...err...WWE RAW! :ph34r:

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Guest CanadianChick

RVD's facial expressions were GOLD tonight. I was laughing so hard at the look on his face. He looked like a kid at Christmas waiting to see what he got from Santa.


And nice makeup with Kane. Sure great to see they went all out and spared to expense, lol.

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Guest Anglesault
What did Kane do to deserve this?


Did he get caught fucking Linda McMahon or something?

It's like the wrestling form of karma.


You get pushed despite having no discerable talent and on again/off again heat, it will eventually bite you in the ass.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Yeah...that's unfounded RVD bitching tonight.


His bewildered look of "What is Kane going to do" was perfect for the segment.


The problem was that no one in the crowd cared.

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It's like the wrestling form of karma.


I hope it applies to Gonzo one of these days... :ph34r:

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Guest Big McLargeHuge
What did Kane do to deserve this?


Did he get caught fucking Linda McMahon or something?

It's like the wrestling form of karma.


You get pushed despite having no discerable talent and on again/off again heat, it will eventually bite you in the ass.

HHH must be awaiting the MOTHER of all Bites in the ass.

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What did Kane do to deserve this?


Did he get caught fucking Linda McMahon or something?

It's like the wrestling form of karma.


You get pushed despite having no discerable talent and on again/off again heat, it will eventually bite you in the ass.

HHH must be awaiting the MOTHER of all Bites in the ass.

I predict...HHH will job the World Title to Maven.



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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins
What did Kane do to deserve this?


Did he get caught fucking Linda McMahon or something?

It's like the wrestling form of karma.


You get pushed despite having no discerable talent and on again/off again heat, it will eventually bite you in the ass.

HHH must be awaiting the MOTHER of all Bites in the ass.

I predict...HHH will job the World Title to Maven.



Just wait till Steph gets a case of jungle fever, and drops HHH for Maven






It'll happen!

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Guest Choken One
Yeah...that's unfounded RVD bitching tonight.


His bewildered look of "What is Kane going to do" was perfect for the segment.


The problem was that no one in the crowd cared.



As great as RVD's facial expressions were...



WHY IN THE FUCK was an GROWN MAN sitting cross legged in front of 18000 people looking like a Kid on XMAS day at kane?



When we look back at this abortion in 6 months...RVD's expressions will STILL be the lone redeeming factor.

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Guest CanadianChick

Speaking of RVD's facial expressions (well, it was talked about earlier, good enough), does anyone have a photo of it? And wouldn't that be the perfect caption-contest picture?

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Guest CanadianChick
Yeah...that's unfounded RVD bitching tonight.


His bewildered look of "What is Kane going to do" was perfect for the segment.


The problem was that no one in the crowd cared.



As great as RVD's facial expressions were...



WHY IN THE FUCK was an GROWN MAN sitting cross legged in front of 18000 people looking like a Kid on XMAS day at kane?



When we look back at this abortion in 6 months...RVD's expressions will STILL be the lone redeeming factor.

Hey! That was *my* comparision earlier!

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Guest Anglesault
WHY IN THE FUCK was an GROWN MAN sitting cross legged in front of 18000 people looking like a Kid on XMAS day at kane?

One learns not to question things like that.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Maybe he was told to stay down on the mat so that his face couldn't be in the same shot with Kane's.


Such a thing may have tipped even the staunchest WWE mark off that Kane's face looked strikingly like that of a normal person

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Guest Choken One

So are they just gonna say


"Well Kane wasn't burnt...He was just pretty fucking ugly"

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WHY IN THE FUCK was an GROWN MAN sitting cross legged in front of 18000 people looking like a Kid on XMAS day at Kane?


Because it was funny as fuck :lol:

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Perhaps he found someone to heal his burns...


leading to the return of...




wait for it




PAPA SHANGO!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

You know how many burn victims the WWE is misleading right now? As if those kind of scars could heal to the point of being able to wipe off like it was some kind of cheap make-up.




Oh yeah, nobody's watching. Nevermind.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

Anybody who says they wouldn't mark out for a Papa Shango return is a fucking liar. Seriously.

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To aid him in his new mega-push, Kane will enlist the managerial services of one Jackie Chiles, as well as his funky new sidekick, and personal saviour, the Chinese Balm.


Wacky hijinx will ensue when RVD confuses "balm" and "bong", and attempts to get high by inhaling CB's fumes.

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