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Guest Tod deKindes

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Guest Tod deKindes

Later on, Annie and I got to feudin', which led to a title match at Genesis. The outcome sparked our Best of 5 series, of which I'm also proud.




Tod deKindes © vs Annie Eclectic, US title match

Genesis 2002




Riley: It's time!


***"FWOOSH!" the handy animated graphic materializes itself on the screen, depicting the upcoming match: Tod deKindes vs Annie Eclectic.***


Stevens: It's time indeed, folks. Coming up next, the U.S. title is on the line as Annie Eclectic goes up against champion Tod deKindes, in what promises to be a match filled with emotion. Over a month ago at Apocalypse, an alliance was ended when Annie turned her back on her XF9 teammates. But more importantly, a friendship born out of respect, a bond between fellow fighters was CRUSHED when Annie decided to do what she did.


Riley: Ohhh PLEASE spare me the soap opera CRAP, Stevens!! Annie was working against XF9 ALL ALONG and it's just a damn shame that poor little Todski couldn't see through her. He got SOFT, he became FRIENDS with her! In this business, there are NO friends and respect is for the WEAK and UNTALENTED!! … (Stevens shoots him a quizzical look) … Right. Annie made her intentions VERY clear and that it was now All About Her! It just so happened that Tod's the U.S. champ now, so what better way to really stick in XF9's face than to take his title and rub it in.


Stevens: That being said, let's show you now, how these two got here …


***We cut to a video montage of the recent events surrounding the two. Namely Annie's turn shortly after Apocalypse, XF9's reactions to it, Tod claiming the U.S. title as his own, Annie's subsequent attack on Tod in his rematch with Tom Flesher, and Annie's ensuing mind games with Tod which can best be resumed with one four-lettered name …***


***A slow triple chime of the bell signals the next match, as the "SWF United States Championship" logo swooshes onto the screen. We then cut to a lone shot of Funyon standing in the ring with Mark Hebner standing nearby in a corner. The man with the mic clears his throat and begins…***


Funyon: Ladies and gentlemen, Genesis continues with the following contest. Set for ONE fall, it is for the SWF United States Heavyweight Championship! … (pauses, allowing a crowd cheer) … Introducing first, the challenger …


***A few minutes of silence, leaving enough time for the sound techs to cue up "Angry Johnny" by Poe, as the lights dim and a lone red spotlight searches its way through the crowd, ending up on the specially designed set (which was NOT designed by Dr. Carol Marcus, thank you very much).***


Funyon: From Indianapolis, Indiana; weighing in at 175 lbs. She is the Hardcore Queen and a member of the Magnificent Seven … Annie - Eeeeeeeeclectiiiiiiiiiic!!


***As the boos make themselves heard, Annie saunters out with a grin worthy of bitchslap. While blowing kisses to the angry crowd, she spots a lone little girl holding up a "ANNIE IS MY HERO" sign proudly. She stops to acknowledge her one true fan … only to yank the sign away and rip it in five! As the little girl appears crushed, Annie speaks to the camera while resuming her way to the ring.***


Annie: I'm too good to be that girl's role model!




Stevens: I don't believe this. She wasn't like this.


Riley: She just took that sign and RIPPED it in half!!


Stevens: You've ripped some in your time. If you know what I mean.


***After sliding her kendo stick under the bottom rope, Annie slides in the ring herself, pausing to admire her likeness on her entrance video, proudly thumbing her average sized chest.***


Riley: THAT is the face of a winner, Stevens! THAT, is someone who will do ANYTHING it takes in order to reach the top. Attack her mentor? No problem! Turn on faction? Sure! Screw with a friend's mind? Absolutely! Dig up some dirt? Easy as 1 - 2 - 3!


Stevens: Speaking of dirt, you gotta wonder what information Annie managed to dig up on this Sara woman, which has made Tod very curious to say the least.


Riley: All we know is one name. And that's Sara. Is she his sister? Is she his cousin, wife, accountant, mail woman? Who knows? It does appear whoever that Tod doesn't want that type of information to get out. Trying to hide the fact that his VISA's expired, maybe?


Stevens: Will you stop it. Tod is as much a legal U.S. citizen as anyone in south California!


Riley: …




Stevens: And I'll have you know Tod is Canadian! And tonight we're in Vancouver, B.C.! He's got a right to be here!


Riley: … Good recovery.


Stevens: Shut up.


***Meanwhile, Annie had been doing all sorts of things to rile up the crowd as they awaited her opposition, as "Angry Johnny" finally faded away.***


Riley: Meanwhile, we got Ben Hardy standing back there with the champion!


***Quick cut to backstage at the interview area.***


Ben: All right, I'm here with the U.S. Champion, Tod deKindes. Tod, this is it, your title defense against Annie Eclectic is coming up next. Knowing your past friendship with her, how DO you plan on wrestling this match, strategy wise?


***Ben holds the mic over towards Tod, who contemplates his answer. As if a war is being fought in his head, he turns away.***


Tod: No. I can't do this…


Ben: … Can't do what?


Tod: I can't. No …


***Tod walks off, leaving this interviewer at a loss for words.***


Ben: Well, um, back to you guys at ringside.


***Back to the ring, as we see Annie mouth a noticeable "What the fuck's with him NOW?" to the referee Mark Hebner.***


Funyon: And her opponent …


***Long pause, as the slow but chilling beats of 'Cold' by Static X invade the arena. Fans are a bit perplexed by the new theme music, but quickly cheer once they recognize the familiar XF9 logo and entrance video.***


Funyon: From Muenchen, Germany; weighing in at 225 lbs. He is the reigning SWF United States Heavyweight Champion … Tod - deeeeeeeee - Kin - deeeeeeesss!!


***It takes a couple minutes (giving the fans a chance to listen to this new spooky kool song) but Tod eventually comes out, dragging the belt along in his hand. He doesn't appear as focused as usual. He keeps looking towards Annie with a face that seems to just ask a sad "Why…?". Ignoring Annie's steely gaze for now, Tod simply rolls into the ring and pleases the masses with a simple belt raise. No roar or anything.***


Stevens: I don't know about you, Bobby, but Tod deKindes does NOT look like he wants to do this match all of a sudden!


Riley: He's finally seen the light!! He knows that he'll never have the GUTS to hit a woman like Annie and now he's here to surrender the U.S. belt to her!! For once I APPLAUD him!!


Stevens: You gotta keep in mind that this is Tod's former friends who's basically been screwing with his emotions lately all for her own personal gain!! We can only sympathize with what Tod's going through here!


***As the music comes to an end, Tod frees himself of his trench coat, all while still clutching to his U.S. belt in his left hand. They approach to center ring, but he dares not look at her. Meanwhile, Mark Hebner tries to run down the pre match instructions, while trying to retrieve the title belt from Tod's hands. Annie feels she has him in the palm of his hand now.***


Stevens: Look at her, taunting Tod to no end. Does she have no soul?!


Riley: Umm, not really!


***Tod finally relents and drops the title belt in Mark Hebner's hands, whom quickly raises it up, hands it to the ringside tech and orders the bell to be rung. Tod hasn't moved once since handing over his belt, and is still staring at the mat. Annie gets right in his face. With the match now officially under way, she's trying to goad him into hitting her.***


Riley: Tod said he wouldn't fight his friend, but I think he's gonna have to if he wants to keep his belt!


***After what felt like ten minutes of tongue lashing, Annie finally unleashes with a mighty SLAP across the face of Tod! He doesn't even look back in anger, as Annie thinks 'Fuck it' and starts wailiing away on him with hard right hands! He allows himself to be tossed into the ropes via an Irish whip, but he blocks a hiptoss attempt. He grabs a quick head lock, works into a rear hammer lock, and then … simply shoves her out of the hold? She looks at him with her best 'What the FUCK?!' glance, as he simply replies by nonchalantly blowing a lock of hair off his face and staring a hole at her. Clearly not what she had in mind, she yells at him for a proper lock up this time. They go to clinch in the center of the ring, but Tod ducks under the attempt and scores with an arm drag!***


Stevens: What an arm drag!!


Riley: Yeah … a whopping 45 seconds in.


***Annie stares at Tod once again, brushing a misplaced lock of hair off of HER face, wondering what the hell she's gotta do to get him to show some God damn offense (her thoughts, not mine). With an idea in mind, Annie gets up to her feet … and turns around??***


Riley: What is she doing??


Stevens: It looks like she's giving Tod a free shot!!


Riley: He won't even do it! He's too much of a wuss to even throw a punch at her!


***With arms fully extended, Annie waits … and waits. Meanwhile, Tod looks down at the mat, his conflicting emotions seemingly getting the best of him … until he looks up, smirks at the crowd, grabs Annie in a rear waist lock and DRIVES her down to the mat with a german suplex!***


Riley: WHAT the HELL??!


Stevens: He was playing her all along!! Or was he??


***With Annie down on the mat holding the back of her head, Tod rushes over and hooks the leg.***






***Quick kick out by the Hardcore Queen. He pulls her up by the hair and balls up his fist (headed straight for her facial area), but he's not THAT ruthless (for now) and contents himself with a simple Irish whip to the ropes. Annie ducks a lethal clothesline / back elbow combination only to fly off the ropes with a crossbody, but she's CAUGHT!Tod spins her around and lands a neat looking sitdown Rock Bottom type maneuver! (he'll find a name for it, he SWEARS!)***


Stevens: What a move! The cover!!






***Another kick out by Annie.***


Riley: I don't think this is what Annie had in mind! She was expecting Tod to be at his lowest EVER and be in NO condition to fight for tonight!


Stevens: She's played her share of mind games on Tod, but he's still got a U.S. title to defend, here! I think he wants to hold onto it!


Riley: Eh, he's dead anyway …


***Meanwhile, Tod has Annie back up on her feet, her arm up over his head, as he scores with a crisp snap suplex.***


Crowd: Hoo!!


Stevens: It looks like he's going for the Sara Sequence early!


***Tod muscles up his former friend up to her feet, lifts her up with ease and nails the front suplex.***


Crowd: Hoo!!


Riley: I've got it!!


Stevens: What?


Riley: I know what Annie knows about Sara!!


Stevens: Really, what's that?


Riley: Annie taught Tod how to do all those suplexes and she's upset that he's not getting her just props!!


Stevens: How the hell can you say that?! This Sara woman obviously means a lot to him!! … God you're lame …


***Meanwhile, Tod lifts up Annie for the third suplex on the ropes, but she knows what THAT's all about, slips out of the hold and lands behing Tod and shoves him hard to the turnbuckles. Crowd boos at not getting the chance to yell out "Hoo!!" for a third time. Annie holds on for an attempt at a roll up, but Tod hangs onto the top rope, sending Annie rolling backwards by herself. Tod charges out of the corner with a clothesline, but Annie ducks … only to turn around and walk RIGHT into a standing sidekick to the jaw! Tod quickly falls on top for the cover.***






***Kick out by Annie. Tod raises her up by the hair, but Annie sees she has a free arm; and uses it to conveniently jam it up Tod's delicate area. Crowd groans at the heinous action. Of course, Riley thinks it's the most hilarious thing he's ever seen.***


Stevens: Come on, referee!! Get in there!!


Riley: HA HA HEE HEE!! That was beautiful … Let's see it on Double Feature!!


***As the screen splits for a brief instant, depicting Annie's treacherous ways to gain the advantage, she pushes Tod into a corner and starts pounding on him with vicious knee lifts to the midsection. Back to full screen real time, as Annie scores with an impressive vertical suplex on the larger Tod. She drops a series of elbows to further ground her german opponent to the mat, punctuating that bit of offense with a stiff stomp to the forehead. She quickly hops up to the second buckle, only to come flying down at half speed with an impressive diving elbow drop right on the forehead. Cover by Annie.***






***Quick kick out by the champion. Tod staggers up to his feet, but Annie is quick to bring him back down with a SOLID jumping knee strike to the face! Holding his jaw, he staggers back groggily to a corner. Annie is quick to meet up with him however with an Irish whip attempt to the opposite corner … but it's reversed! Tod sends Annie crashing back first into the corner, followed by a blind charge. Annie conveniently puts up her feet for protection, as Tod runs smack dab into them. Note that Annie's kendo stick is resting at her feet in that very same corner. While Tod readjusts any possibly misplaced jaw bones, Annie starts tugging away at the strings on the top turnbuckle.***


Stevens: What's she doing now??


Riley: Well, she's OBVIOUSLY fixing the ring! That thing can be a freakin' mine field on a bad day!


Stevens: She's undoing the top turnbuckle pad! This is not a No DQ match!! Hey ref!!


***Mark Hebner finally notices the happenings and gives a stern warning to the Hardcore Queen. Just as he goes to reattach the corner pad in place, Annie discreetly grabs her kendo stick and JAMS the BUTT end of it right into Tod's abdomen!! Crowd is NOT approving of this.***


Stevens: HEY!! Ref, turn around!! She's got a damn kendo stick in there!!


***Wisely making sure of not using the stick in its proper manner (what with the loud thwacking sound that a kendo stick can produce), she throws her devious weapon outside just in time as Hebner turns around, completing his task. She innocently raises her hands as Hebner gives her another warning, but the crowd knows better. She goes back to kicking the hell out of Tod, gaining another negative reaction from the canadian crowd. She pulls up the german grappler by his long flowing locks of hair, only to brutally knock him back down with a series of european uppercuts. Checking his nose for blood but finding none for now, Tod helps himself up by the ropes. Annie meets up with him using vicious roundhouse kicks to the midsection, driving the air out of the german one. Irish whip by Annie, who connects with a nicely executed flying back elbow. She falls on top for the cover.***






***Kick out by the champion. Both fighters up, as another Irish whip exchange sends Tod to the ropes once again. He ducks a clothesline, but he's quickly caught by Annie onto her shoulder. She makes the necessary adjustments … ***


Riley: She's going for the Splashdown!! Shortest title match EVER!!


***But Tod wiggles out of the hold somehow … and ends up in a sunset flip on Annie!***






***Kick out by Annie. She rolls backwards and hooks a jackknife hold on Tod, for her OWN pin attempt.***






***Tod muscles out of it by bridging up his back and then turns the hold around into a backslide!***






***Annie rolls out of it but Tod comes right back with a small package out of nowhere!***






***Another kick out by Annie. Irish whip exchange, as Tod ducks yet another only to put the brakes on when she puts her head down for a back body drop. He puts her in the standing head scissors and then DRIVES her down to the mat with a nasty jumping piledriver! The cover.***






***Shoulder up by Annie. Tod brings her up to her feet once again and puts her in another standing headscissors, but this time next to the ropes. The fans must be anticipating a powerbomb to the outside (!), as they start cheering like mad. Annie, knowing that having her head between a guy's legs can't be all that good in this position, powers out and backdrops Tod clear over the top rope! As Tod recovers on the outside, Annie begins a slow climb of the turnbuckles.***


Stevens: Looks like Annie's gonna fly here tonight!


***Annie stand one foot on the top turnbuckle, her other foot on the second to stabilize herself, as she tries to get a reaction out of the crowd. They cheer, trying to encourage the high spot and having her jump … only she flips them all off, steps back down onto the apron and offers a nasty kick to the head of Tod instead. Crowd boos.***


Stevens: Oh please …


Riley: GREAT offensive maneuver by the Hardcore Queen!


Stevens: Shyeah. Offensive to the crowd in the front row.


***As Mark Hebner begins his outside count of ten, Annie hops safely (1) down to ringside, nailing Tod with an axhandle (2) to the back on the way down. Not wasting any time, she grabs (3) Tod's head and sends it ramming violently into the guard rail. She follows it up with the same thing, only this (4) time she sends Tod's head flying into the steel ring steps. Repeat (5) one more time. She grabs him in the vertical (6) suplex position, only to viciously drop him chest first onto those same ring steps! She takes a few steps (8) back, and charges, only to connect with a SICK seated dropkick to the back of Tod's head! She quickly rolls in and out to break the count, so that she can have enough time to collect Tod's carcass off the ring steps. She throws him back inside the ring, and puts on the lateral press for the cover.***






*TH-- …


***Shoulder up by Tod. Upset at the near fall, Annie quickly brings up Tod to his feet by the hair and sends him running to the ropes with an angry Irish whip; almost immediately connecting with a vicious drop kick to the mouth. A brief little gloating session leads to another pin attempt.***






***Kick out by Tod. Annie brings him back up to his feet only to further stun him with an eye rake. She hops up on the second rope and grabs Tod's head in a front face lock, no doubt with a tornado DDT on her mind. She jumps off to execute the move … but Tod holds her up! He completes his earlier uncompleted Sara Sequence by mercilessly dropping Annie stomach first on the top rope. Instead of his trademark springboard leg drop to complete the sequence, Tod throws himself in the opposite ropes perpendicular to Annie, only to come back and SAIL over her with a sunset flip to the outside! Annie, aware of the impending pain that would be sure to follow, grabs onto the top rope and hangs on for dear life. Seeing as his attempted sunset powerbomb won't work, Tod simply yanks out Annie's legs from under her, causing her to smash her face on the ring apron!***


Stevens: And down she goes!!


Riley: Her face!! Her valuable face!!!


***As Mark Hebner restarts his 10 count, Tod returns the earlier favor by throwing Annie's head (1) back and forth into the guard rail, ring steps and ring apron. Having (2) her cornered against the steel railing, he contemplates (3) administering a brutal series of knife edge chops, but well … you know, he won't. (4) Instead, he chooses to whip her in the direction of the steel ring post, but Annie reverses! Tod counters THAT as he's running by grabbing the ring post, swinging himself over and UNDER the bottom rope and back into the ring! (breaking Hebner's count in the process) He slides back out, ducks a clothesline from Annie and then catches her in a fireman's carry position. He DRIVES her down with the only move that can follow suit … ***


Stevens: A Death Valley Driver ON THE RING SIDE FLOOR!!


***Tod rolls back under the bottom rope for ring re-entry, as Annie is NOT moving outside. Mark Hebner puts on the count, barely getting up to five, as Tod politely shoves him aside, prepping another high flying move. Directing himself towards a corner, he springboards up to the third buckle, dives off, and connects with a SICK sommersault senton to the outside onto the prone Annie! Tod holds his back in pain, as surely the landing wasn't the most pleasant of experiences.***


Stevens: And Tod deKindes will pull out ALL the stops to retain his title!!


Riley: What does that tell you about a guy when he is willing to put his OWN body on the line in order to win his match?!? This is NOT looking good for Annie Eclectic as we speak!!


***At first cringing at the sick spot, Mark Hebner gets his thoughts back together and reapplies his double ten count. Tod, gingerly getting up to his feet, brings up Annie to hers as well; still favoring the lower back. Annie suddenly frees her hands and buries a thumb right into Tod's visual area, temporarily blinding him. She shoves him with all her might face first into the ring post, then she rolls back into the ring. Note the audible "thonk!". Tod lays still for a few moments, as Hebner goes out to check on him. He rolls onto his back, as we discover a rapidly forming puddle of blood on his forehead.***


Stevens: Looks as if Tod has been busted wide open by that shot on the steel ring post by Annie!


Riley: That's actually when he cut himself shaving this morning. It's acting up!


***Tod reassures Mark Hebner that he can continue the match, as he slowly but surely rolls up to his feet and back inside the ring. Annie meets him up with a vicious stomp to the back of the head, punctuated by a series of elbow drops to that same area. A few rounds of illegal choking are also used in order to wear down the german grappler, but it's not without its warnings from Mark Hebner. She gets him up to his feet by the hair once again. Irish whip exchange sends Tod to the ropes, only to have him eat a nasty round house kick to the mid section. Annie walks around in the proper position and sends down Tod with authority using a side Russian leg sweep. She floats backwards into a cover.***






*THR-- …


***Shoulder up by the champion, as the crowd lets out a sigh of relief. Annie mounts Tod (minds out of the gutter, people … ) and starts working on that cut above Tod's eye with a series of hard shots with the right hand, as Hebner warns her to open up the fist. She gets off of Tod, does a casual rhythmic walk towards the ropes and comes off nailing a mean looking knee drop right on Tod's forehead. Cover.***






*THR-- …


***Kick out by Tod, who, feeling a comeback; starts making his way up to his feet. Annie counters that with an Irish whip to the ropes. Tod ducks a clothesline and then a back elbow, but on the third bounce off the ropes he gets caught on Annie's shoulder and DROPPED to the mat with the Splashdown!***


Riley: YES!!


Stevens: And there's the Splashdown!! This COULD be it!!


***Tod is out COLD, but … Annie's not covering?! Despite drawing protests from Bobby Riley at ring side, Annie kneels next to her opponent, dipping her fingers into Tod's crimson mess of a face. With her left hand now fully covered in Tod's red life fluid, she brushes it against Tod's chest, crudely spelling out "SARA" … ***


Stevens: Oh come on now, this is going too far! This is SICK!


Riley: Mind games, Stevens, it's ALL mind games!!


Stevens: Well, she IS passing up a perfect chance to cover Tod and win the title, but she's not doing it and it COULD end up costing her dearly!!


***Wiping her hand clean on the mat, she picks up Tod on her shoulder once again, and sets him up to deliver ANOTHER Splashdown! ***


Stevens: Come on now, not another Splashdown! This poor kid's had enough!


***As the fans once again start rallying behind the german grappler, Tod suddenly gains some new life in him and starts wiggling his legs, countering the Splashdown into a DDT! Both fighters are down and out! Mark Hebner gathers himself to the center of the ring and thus begins the official ten count.***


Stevens: So far, Annie Eclectic has thrown a lot towards Tod deKindes in this U.S. title match! But now it seems almost as if Tod is starting to mount his comeback for good!


Riley: We can still barely see that 'Sara' inscription written in BLOOD on Tod's chest, but you gotta wonder what he'll think when he notices it!


***Hebner is up to five, still nothing happening.***


Stevens: A lot of emotion has gone into this rivalry so far! Annie was all about making a name for herself while Tod wanted to gain revenge for her turning her back on XF9! Annie has had Tod's number in recent weeks and God only knows what type of "information" on this Sara woman, relating to Tod's past!


Riley: She actually told me before the show.


Stevens: Really, what is it?


Riley: Pffft! I'm not telling YOU! She'll tell all of you and the rest of the humanoids when she's good and ready!!


***Hebner is suddenly up to eight. Both start stirring. Annie rolls up to her feet with help from the nearby ropes, while Tod does the same … and notices the still noticeable but partly smudged out "S A r A" written in fresh blood on his chest. He perks up with a look of murder on his face, his eyes now locked onto nothing but Annie, who's also now up and sees the impending consequences of her heinous act dancing in her head. She meekly tries to throw a right hand, but it's blocked by Tod who's quick to answer with his own right hands! ***




Stevens: I'm gonna hit YOU if you don't shut up right now!!


***Irish whip to the ropes by Tod, as he connects right away with a murderous clothesline, just about taking Annie's head off. She staggers back to her feet however, allowing Tod to bounce off the ropes and nail ANOTHER head removing clothesline! He brings her back up to his feet, but then sends her crashing back first with authority into the turnbuckles with an Irish whip. He charges right after her, connecting with his trademark corner spear! Annie steps out holding her ribs, but Tod hooks both of her arms and sends her flying HIGH overhead with his double underhook belly to belly suplex! Cover! ***






*THR-- …


***Close kick out by Annie, who complains of a knee injury to Mark Hebner. Oblivious to that for the moment, Tod slaps his thigh, no doubt wanting to superkick the bad taste out of Annie's mouth. As Annie is trying to pull herself up with Mark Hebner's helping hands, she SHOVES the poor referee away … just in time for Tod to accidentally SMACK him with the aforementionned standing side kick.***


Stevens: Referee's down!!


***Annie uses the distraction to her advantage, as she buries a boot in Tod's gut and PLANTS him down with her version (well, Sydney Sky's version …) of the Pedigree!***


Riley: There's the Daybreak!! This is IT!! Come on, ref, COUNT!!


***The still groggy Annie rolls Tod over and hooks the leg …but nothing. Realizing her mistake of having the referee knocked out, she pounds the mat in frustration. She goes over to Hebner and tries to roust him into a conscious state of mind, but she's not being very successful. However, the crowd groans as they spot Eddy Long sprinting down the aisle.***


Riley: All right! We got another referee!


Stevens: Here comes Eddy Long, who's gonna no doubt take over for Mark Hebner here!


***Upon seeing him, Annie reassures herself and goes back to covering Tod. Long is quickly in position … ***










*THRE-- …






***Annie remains there in shock, staring at Tod's raised and shaking fist. She gives Eddy Long what for as Tod starts making his way up to his feet. Another right hand exchange leads to Tod Irish whipping Annie to the corner once again. He charges with goals of another corner spear in mind, but Annie moves! She thrusts Tod's head between her legs once again, signaling for ANOTHER Daybreak! … But she takes a little too much time gloating to the crowd as Tod grabs her legs, takes down Annie and catapults her into the corner! As Mark Hebner starts to show signs of life, Tod buries a knee in Annie's midsection for good measure, throws her left arm down between her legs and makes the reverse Guns To The Head motion with his right hand. ***


Stevens: And now Tod is going for the Spirit Breaker! This crowd is on their feet!!


***He tries to appropriate her into the pumphandle slam position, but she won't have none of it and wiggles her way back to her feet! She shoves Tod hard into the turnbuckles. She grabs a rear waist lock in hopes of a german suplex, but Tod's feet stay glued to the mat. He fires a solid back elbow right into Annie's temple, breaking up her waist lock. He grabs his OWN waist lock, and going for his own german. He lifts up Annie, but she's still trying to fight the move, landing safely back on her feet in the process. A stiff forearm on the upper back by Tod sets her straight, as he manages to pull off the german suplex, landing a bit awkwardly. He still manages to bridge for the pin attempt. Hebner is now up … ***


Riley: Wait a second …


Stevens: BOTH referees are counting!!


*ONE!* - *ONE!*




*TWO!* - *TWO!*




*THREE!!* - *THREE!*


Stevens: What the hell is going on here?!


***Bell rings. No music is played, as nobody is sure as to who won. Eddy Long and Mark Hebner argue for a bit, until Long goes over towards Tod and raises his hand! Crowd cheers, naturally. Hebner waves it off immediately, opting to raise *Annie's* hand instead! Crowd doesn't quite agree with this one.***


Riley: The referees can't agree on a winner!!


Stevens: Let's get a replay here! Let's see what happened!


***The slow motion video shows Tod nailing the somewhat of a German suplex on Annie, and bridging for the pin. Both referees are shown counting, but Mark Hebner is seen looking at *Tod's* pinned shoulders, whereas Eddy Long was counting Annie down!***


Riley: I believe we have ourselves a double pin, Stevens!!


***As both tired fighters rest in a corner, Hebner and Long continue arguing the decision while the fans fire up a healthy chant of "Bull - shit!". The referees invite Funyon in the ring to announce an official decision. The replay is shown once again for the viewers at home, and on the Smarktron for all the arena to see.***


Riley: It IS hard to tell who pinned who here. There was NO sign of a kick out by either Tod or Annie and I gotta admit, BOTH of their shoulders were down, Stevens.


Stevens: Hard to tell indeed … Let's see if we can get an announcement, here …


***After clearing it up with the referees, Funyon clears his throat … ***


Funyon: Ladies and gentlemen, after careful considerations by referees Mark Hebner and Eddy Long, and due to the dubious circumstances of the finish of this bout, being the double pinfall situation; the referees have no choice but to declare this match: a DRAW!!


***Crowd naturally boos at the decision.***


Funyon: However, since a draw usually goes to the champion, STILL the SWF United States Heavyweight Champion: Tod - deeeeeeeeeee - Kin - deeeeeeessssss!!


***Crowd lets out a moderate cheer as 'Cold' by Static X fires up for Tod. Annie meanwhile, is resting against a top turnbuckle, her head buried in her arms in disappointment. Clearly not the way he wanted this, Tod collects his title belt and walks off in disgust.***


Stevens: Clearly a controversial ending to a great U.S. title match between these two! But surely we haven't seen the end of it …


Riley: Annie has the right to a rematch!! We did NOT have a decisive winner tonight and I will make SURE to tell Stubby about THAT!!


***As Tod uneventfully walks to back to his dressing room, Annie picks up her kendo stick and angrily smashes it against the ropes and turnbuckles; before being persuaded by the referees to quietly abandon the ring area.***


Stevens: This issue has got to be FAR from over, Bobby …


***As Annie walks to the back to a sounding round of boos, we segue into a video package depicting the recent events which led up to tonight's match between Divefire and Chris Wilson … ***




Later: We go over the series (at least, what I still have). As always, feel free to let me know what ya'll thought of these.

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

While I don't find reviewing your entire career when you retire necessary... great match. :P

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