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Guest ToddRoyal

PROMO: You've been warned...

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Guest ToddRoyal

The scene is a generic city street. Gritty, dirty, bustling like any street in a metropolis would be. Flyers for local band shows whisper and rustle as they glide down the sidewalk and underfoot, while dozens of cell phone conversations mix with the hum of engines on the street and provide a pleasantly comforting din.


The scene seems to be shot on a handheld camcorder, and the potted sidewalk trees and glass facades of buildings jump and rattle in the rythm of the camera man's step. The shot is flanked by a virtual tunnel of humanity, with suit wearing business men, camera waving tourists and mohawked skaters bordering the view of the sidewalk ahead.


The camera man rounds the corner, stepping over a sleeping homless man, and past a cab that has stopped to pick up a fare. Continuing down the street, a small commotion is visible up ahead. Another homeless man, wearing a sandwich board, has stopped a woman in a business suit and is staring into her face, which has become twisted in disgust. The camera passes this drama, but is immediately spun around, the blue of the sky blurring with the gray of the cityscape.


The shot is now a closeup of the streetwalker's face. He has a scruffy gray and white beard and bloodshot eyes, and a long pink scar runs under his left eye, down the length of his face. The man opens his mouth and sneers, flashing his yellowed teeth to the point where the smell of cheap whiskey almost seeps through the lens.


The camera pulls back to show that the sandwich board that covers the man's dirty army surplus jacket reads "HE is Coming!" in a lazy scrawl. The man grabs the camera with force, pulling it to his face, and begins to talk. He speaks with a slight wheeze, but with a conviction and passion that seems to conradict his sloppy dress.


"It's almost here...the time is almost here! THE time is coming!! Soon he will come, and he will make his power known. *cough* He will come to demonstrate his power, to shocase his superiority, and to humble us like the garbage we are!!! HE will comes soon and destroy us..he can and he will, and he will, and he can, and he will....HE WILL!!!


Are you ready?!? Are you ready for HIM? I am ready..Oh Yess..I am ready for him. *cough* You need to prepare for him, you need to repent and to admit that he is your master!!!! You must humble yourself to his greatness!!!! You MUST! *cough* Are you ready?


He is your superior, he is your master!!!! He is Coming!! HE IS!"


The camera shakes violently as the camera pulls away from the man. The shot widens as it becomes obvious that the camera man is slowly backing away from the preacher. Even as the camera retreats, the homeless man continues to rant.


"He will soon arrive! He will soon come for destruction...for repenting...for retribution!!! Prepare yourself...for the coming...OF TODD!"


With that, the homeless man lunges forward, grabbing the lens. A shattering sound is heard, and...BLACK.

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

Unique and clever idea for a promo, taking off of those 'end of the world' street preachers you see. The description up front sets the scene well and I had a good visual of the surroundings. The promo did seem a little too ambiguous and vague. Even with trying to make Todd a mysterious character or even trying to hype his debut in a mysterious way I'm just left with a 'meh' kind of feeling. Maybe having the precher go into more detail of what Todd would do specifically or why he has choosen to show now would help this.

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