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Guest CED Ordonez

The arbitrary awards

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Guest CED Ordonez

Simple ballot to keep everybody post happy.


RULES: Have fun. Share the beer and cookies. Everybody and anything related to the IGNWF, IGNJL, SWF, and SJL since the beginning of the 2002 year is valid.


Wrestler of the Quarter, WF:

Wrestler of the Quarter, JL:

Best Promo of the Quarter:

Match of the Quarter, non-gimmick:

Gimmick Match of the Quarter:

Newbie of the Quarter (Anybody that joined within the past three months):

Favorite Poster (Anybody on the Smarkboard):

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Guest Muzz

Good idea, brother. Now, back to my match, which I am starting... now.


Ooooo, icecream. Ok, maybe in 5 minutes.

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I brought the Hawain frut-punch! :D


*Cutthroat grabs a Budwiser and some candny*


Hey, what ever hapened to the three Budwiser frogs, and the two lizards? Some thing to talk about...

Point me to the DJ!

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Promo Pick - "Cycole Comet"


Fav. Poster- "Ced Ordonez"


Best Newbie- "Tom Flesher"


Best JLer- "Erek Taylor"


Fav. Overall Person- "Cutthroat"

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Guest realitycheck

Wrestler of the Quarter, WF: HVille Thugg, obviously. His matches are awesome, his promos are good, and the X/Thugg feud is as close to perfect as they come. Mark Stevens is my close runner up, with Sacred third.

Wrestler of the Quarter, JL: KO's, obviously. Geeze, these are no-brainers. I'd say something more in-depth, but I didn't follow the JL that welll for the last, say, five months?

Best Promo of the Quarter: Everything pales before the Annie/Sydney dating promos. (Were those written in December...? My brain's so messed up I can't remember.)

Match of the Quarter, non-gimmick: Suicide King vs. HVille Thugg. (Was Mark Stevens in that too? Man, I really AM messed up.)

Gimmick Match of the Quarter: Uh... There was probably something, but I can't remember.

Newbie of the Quarter (Anybody that joined within the past three months): Can I vote for myself? No? Fuck you. Okay, Shawn Brody, then. The man's a time bomb, ready to go off and tear through the main event... provided, of course, somone can pry the TV title from his fingers.

Favorite Poster (Anybody on the Smarkboard): On the Smarkboard? KORfungus and Karahn Ramsus are my favourites.




These would probably read better if I could remember half of what I wanted to talk about... :/

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