Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 26, 2003 OAOAST HeldDOWN~! for June 26, 2003 OFFICIAL PREVIEW: With the Great Angle Bash taking place this weekend, the members of the HeldDOWN~! roster are all living on edge. Last minute challenges, encouters, attacks and ultimatums are the norm in the wrestling world, and we could see one, two, or all of them tonight! THERE'S 3, WHO'S HE? Since winning the OAOAST World Tag Team Titles, The Trinity (Stephen Joseph and Edward Robins) have been making their presence known on HeldDOWN~! 2 weeks ago they vanquished up and comer Amazing Zero, and his partner, Amazing Rando, collectively known as Toy Machine. Tonight, Stephen Joseph has decided he doesn't want to wait until the Casket Match this Sunday, and has offered Zack Malibu a Tag Title Match...with a partner of Zack's choosing. Zack has accepted, but has not revealed his partner, and will not do so until match time. Could Zack and his partner take the Tag straps and go into the GAB with a huge advantage, or is this a mere setup to weaken Zack for this Sunday en route to taking the World Title? X-RATED TOY The Amazing Rando, one half of Toy Machine, is also the OAOAST X Champion, having defeated The Purist in Purist's second to last OAOAST match. Another star on the rise, K Money, seems to have his sights set on gold by any means necessary, whether it be the X Title, the World Title, or the Tag Title with his brother, Ragdoll. The senior member of Black Label does battle with the co-founder of Toy Machine tonight, and the X Title is on the line! END(ORSED) OF THE LINE Tonight also marks the end of the Totally Endorsed Gauntlet, as Peter Knight calls out one final member of the stable. Which one will it be? Will Knight try to tear them apart at the top by going after Calvin Szechstein? Will Candie have to step in the ring against the 24/7 Champion? Or will we get a sneak preview of the Earth-shattering Glass Table match here tonight? ALSO ON THE SHOW: An update on the condition of Mad Matt! Crystal and Brock Ausstin in the same building is NOT a good thing! And Caboose has promised to take his rivalry with Hex Machina to new heights! All this and more comes to you LIVE...SOON~! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 26, 2003 OAOAST HeldDOWN~! Sponsored in part by The Great Angle Bash, live on PPV this Sunday! Also sponsored by OAOAST Ice Cream Bars, perfect for the summer! Now you can eat Crystal... ...and get Coach jealous. OAOAST Ice Cream Bars, available now at all supermarkets and Kwik-E-Marts. Speaking of the Coach... Heeere he is, alongside the most famous MC since Hammer went bankrupt...MICHAEL COLE~! MC:"Hey, what's up fans? Thanks for letting us into your homes tonight..." Coach:"Especially you ladies who like to watch us naked." MC:"...huh?" Coach:"C'mon Michael, get on the ball! Man, I love my quick wit." MC:"That's not the only thing that's quick to action." Coach:"Bastard." MC:"All kidding aside, I'm Michael Cole, along with the Coach, and we are jus 72 hours away from what promises to be an incredible PPV, the Great Angle Bash." Coach:"What a show it's going to be. Nearly every match has some type of stipulation added onto it, and even the ones that don't promise to be great! The feuds that we've seen boil over week after week here on HeldDOWN~! are all fixing to take dramatic turns. We've got the Glass Table match with Totally Endorsed and The Dream Machines...we've got the Last Man Standing match with the returning CWM and another returnee, The Superstar...we've got..." MC:"You know what we've got?" Coach:"What?" MC:"We've got an X Title match RIGHT NOW~!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 26, 2003 **The lights suddenly go out, causing the fans to go crazy. The bell rings three times, signaling the next match. "THE SHOW STOPPER!" Oddly enough, the fans go crazy as Motley Crue's "Kick Start my Heart" hits the P.A. system. With each drum beat, the lights flash a gold and purple color. The main guitar starts up, and gold, green, and purple pyro suddenly go off. Nikki Sixx's voice blazes through the arena, as K-Money kicks his leg out from behind the curtain. The fans erupt in a mixture of boos and cheers as Money struts out and smiles. He suddenly stops strutting and smiles wider as he looks around, before rearing back, and blowing a huge kiss to the crowd. He quickly starts his arrogant jaunt down to the ring, pulling an imaginary rope as he reaches the middle of the ramp. The FINK!~ makes the announcement** FINK!~: Ladies and Gentlemen, this scheduled for one fall...and has a twenty minute time limit...and is for he OAOAST X CHAMPIONSHIP! *huge pop from the crowd* FINK!~: Entering first! The challenger, accompanied to the ring by his tag tea partner, Ragdoll...from Hollywood, California! He is the Show Stopper...and Undisputed King of the World...he is...K...MONEY!! *the fans erupt as Money hops into the middle of the ring and starts to twirl, before stopping, and flipping off the fans, causing them to boo* Cole: I don't like the new K-Money, coach... Coach: Why not? He only changed his attitude towards the ungrateful fans...he's still K-Money... Cole: But the fans WERE grateful...I don't know who put that idea into his head that they aren't... **As the lights dim throughout the arena, “Take On Me” by A-Ha begins to play, stirring the 80s music fanboys in the crowd to a rousing stir as The Amazing Rando runs out into the aisle holding the X Title above his head, but seeing Black Label in the ring makes Rando slow to a stop. FINK!~: Entering now! From Las Vegas, Nevada...he is the OAOAST X Champion, and the ONLY man to beat Eastman...THE AMAAAAAAZING RANDO!!! Rando signals at the entrance as the music fades out and the lights go out in the arena. When they come back on Rando is on one side of the ring and The Amazing Zero has appeared at the other. Black Label are stunned. Rando signals to K Money and they inaudibly mumble to each other before Ragdoll and Zero begin to walk to the back** Cole: It seems Rando wants this to be a fair fight, Coach. Coach: What a champion he is! I love him! Cole: Uh…what? Coach: oh…nevermind… Rando climbs into the ring and shows K Money the X Title before handing it to the referee. The referee makes sure to show off the title to the fans before ringing the bell. K Money immediately takes a run at Rando but comes up short and begins laughing in his face. Rando smiles and they shake hands, but Money turns it into a quick armdrag takedown. Another follows as Rando bounces off the mat. Money runs in and tries to follow up with a suplex, but Rando counters into a fast Russian legsweep and a knee to the back of the head before Money can even stand up. Rando pulls him up and tries for a whip but Money reverses and tries for a short arm clothesline but Rando ducks, holding Money’s hand and throwing out his leg for a quick kick to the face. The champ keeps his hand locked in and is now straddling the right arm of K Money. Money pulls up and Rando flips into the air and lands standing on his feet. The crowd cheers the maneuver but Rando is slow turning around and is met with a quick kick to the stomach followed by an irish whip into the corner, which K Money follows with Dr. Smooth’s Secret Recipe. Coach: He just wants to get under the champ’s skin. Cole: It may be working, Coach. Rando seems dazed after tasting a bit of the Secret Recipe. Rando comes out of the corner and is met by a clothesline, taking Rando down. Money wastes no time coming off the ropes with a quick elbow drop. Money stands and looks down at Rando before stomping his face. Rando rolls out of the ring clutching his head, but is followed by Money diving through the ropes and landing right on Rando, causing them both to crash to the mat, but Rando definitely feels the pain. Money slowly gets up and begins to continue his assault on Rando’s head and neck, connecting with a flurry of kicks before throwing Rando back in the ring. K Money tries for the quick cover 1… 2… Rando kicks out just after two and tries to get to his feet. K Money goes for another irish whip but it is reversed by Rando. Money comes off the rope but Rando has already leaned over for a back body drop attempt. Money rolls over Rando and tries to hook in a backslide 1… 2… Rando kicks out quickly and hops up, begins to dance around the ring. The crowd seems confused but plays along. Coach: Rando seems to be acting strangely Cole: Must be side effects from the tag match last week. Rando moonwalks, turns and then begins to connect with punches on Money. Rando pushes Money into the corner and tosses him out with a monkey flip. Cole: K Money landed a bit awkwardly there. Coach: But it seems Rando wanted it that way. Look at his face. He knows what he did. The crowd begins to get behind Rando again as he picks up Money and drops him with a quick DDT…causing Money to roll to the outside. Rando follows and catches Money off guard before he can get back on his feet and puts Money in full nelson bodyscissors. Cole: Rando is screaming for Money to tap out! Coach: He can’t do that on the outside! The referee crawls out and breaks up the hold. Rando stands up and begins laughing maniacally and pointing at K Money. The crowd doesn’t know what to do. Rando heads for the steps but is attacked from behind by a recovering K Money. Rando is slightly dazed as Money hits a quick snap suplex onto the floor. Money climbs onto the apron and motions for Rando to get up. Rando crawls up slowly and turns as Money dives off the apron and connects with a picture perfect spinning DDT~! The crowd is in shock. Money climbs in the ring and parades around to the distaste of the crowd. The ref starts to count for Rando. Coach: K Money better get Rando back in the ring before the ref counts the champ out…he can’t win the title that way. Money stops the ref’s count at 8 and heads outside. K takes his time lifting him up and tries a whip into the stairs but Rando reverses and Money hits the stairs hard. Rando rolls Money in the ring and follows close behind…Rando covers… 1… 2…Kickout! Cole: Rando had to know that it would take more than that to take out K Money. Rando goes to the attack again, working on the neck and possibly trying to set up Money for the Double Arm Brainbuster. Rando tosses Money into the ropes and almost takes Money’s head off with a Running Enziguri. Rando quickly covers… 1… 2… 2.5…Kickout by Money! Rando picks K up and signals for the brainbuster, but he powers out and begins throwing punches and then connects with a picture perfect jumping wheel kick. Rando falls backwards and through the ropes to the floor. Rando takes a moment to recover on the barricade as Money looks to be setting up for something. Rando does not even turn around as Money springboards to the outside with a HUGE LEGDROP OVER THE BARRICADE~! Both men crash into the crowd and both look hurt, but Money is the first to his feet. “HOLY SHIT!” chants echo through the arena as the crowd goes crazy. Money stands up and looks out into the crowd and lets a little smile creep across his face. K Money rubs his hip a bit as he continues to assault Rando while the crowd boos and shows their lack of appreciation for K Money. Money takes a moment to show the crowd how he feels about them but the break of concentration helps Rando get in a good kick to Money’s sore leg. Rando shakes the cobwebs out and begins kicking mercifully at Money’s head and his legs Coach: It seems the champ is trying to disable the aerial arsenal of the challenger. Cole: Money is a resilient guy, he can come back. Look! Rando tries to toss Money back over the barricade but it is reversed and instead Rando’s back is the one meeting with the mat. Money climbs over the barricade and rolls Rando back in the ring, rolling right behind him. Money signals for the top rope. Cole: Money looks like he is going to end this right here. Coach: But will his legs hold up? K Money climbs the ropes and tries for a moonsault, but Rando moves out of the way and Money eats nothing but mat. The crowd goes wild, trying to give the champ the energy to win this match. Rando stands and sees Money down and hits a standing Shooting Star Press. The ref is ready for the count… 1… 2… 2.75….Kickout by the challenger! Rando is in disbelief, hoping that move would cinch his title defense. Rando picks Money up off the mat and hooks him in for the brainbuster, but Money blocks the attempt and back body drops Rando over and onto the mat. Money hits a quick standing moonsault for the cover… 1… 2… 3…NO Rando kicks out! Cole: Money thought he had that title! Look at his face! Coach: That’s one pissed off face… Money picks Rando up off the mat and heads to the corner for Sliced Bread #3, but as Money walks the ropes Rando follows and doesn’t let Money turn it over and hits a variation of a super back suplex. Both men are down! The crowd is on their feet! Cole: What a reversal by the champ! I’ve never seen that before! Coach: What is going to happen next here…both men have really put their hearts into this match! Both men crawl to their feet, almost making it up at the same time, but Rando is a bit ahead and knocks Money back down. Rando heads to the corner and climbs up. The crowd is electric as Rando stands on the top and raises his arms. Swanton Elbow Drop~! But Money MOVES! Rando bounces off the mat as Money stands up slowly in the corner. Rando comes up to his feet a bit slower and is met by a springboard clothesline from K Money. Money picks Rando up and looks to hit the Sliced Bread #3…and connects! The cover… 1… 2… 3…NO…Money pulls up Rando’s shoulders! Coach: WHAT IS HE TRYING TO DO! Cole: The challenger could have just made a crucial mistake, Coach. His cockiness might have just cost him the championship. Coach: Wait…look! Money seems to be preparing Rando for the end! Money smiles and hits The Show Stopper on Rando for just desserts. Money makes the cover… 1… 2… 3!! K Money is the new X Champion! Out comes Ragdoll to celebrate with his brother! The Amazing Zero follows closely behind and pulls Rando out of the ring, trying to wake him up. Rando comes to as Black Label continue to celebrate in the ring. The crowd does not like this at all. Rando is finally up. Rando rolls into the ring and asks for a mic. Coach: What is Rando doing now? Cole: It looks like Rando wants to talk to the new champ… **Rando grabs the mic and looks over at K Money** Rando: Hey man…that was one hell of a fight you just put me through. I knew I was probably going to have to lose that title sometime, and even though I didn’t want it to be this soon, at least I lost it to a friend. **K Money and Ragdoll smile and the crowd seems in shock** Rando: As I sat in the back last week and watched your match, I knew that the guys I trained with so long ago have finally went to that “next level” and I am proud of you. We always used to talk about how one day we would make it big in the wrestling world. How one day we would have people stopping us on the street and asking us for autographs. Now…we are stars. Look at you, you are a champion, now! I never thought I’d be the one you would beat to become a champion, but now that I look at it…I’m glad it was me. And I know you are glad that it was the X Title. I hope you defend that belt with pride, man. Even if you don’t care about these fans or anything else…I want you to take care of that belt, and think of me and all of our matches each time you have to defend it. Because as you always used to say…there is nobody better than us. **Money’s smile grows larger and he puts out his hand. Rando shakes it and holds it high. The crowd pops for the admiration and K Money takes the mic** Money: good friend are part of the select few, man... *Rando stands back slightly, listening to what Money has to say* Money: You are one of the few that can accept defeat gracefully. And that is a RARE gift in this business. I mean...I beat Anglesault, and he had to completely IGNORE me to help get over it. He had to take his anger out on Some Guy, because the bastard KNEW that if he came after me, I would beat him again! *the crowd pops huge. Money turns to face some of them* Money: Oh shut up, you fucks! *crowd boos the FUCKS THEY ARE! HA!* Money: Anyway, are a true commodity in this fed, and I am proud to follow in your footsteps with the X title, but unlike you-no offense, in advance-, this title is STAYING around my waist...because you know it...I know it...Ragdoll knows it...that silent twit behind you knows it...and all these fuckwads know better...than K-Money. **Rando pulls the mic back** Rando: Oh I know…I know… **Rando drops the mic and smiles as the lights go out and when they come back on a moment later, Rando and Zero are gone. Money and Ragdoll look at each other and smile before climbing out of the ring. K Money clutches his belt to his chest as he walks to the back, ignoring all the fans** Coach: It looks like Money still doesn’t care about these fans, Micheal. Cole: I guess he thinks that because he’s a champion now he doesn’t have to listen to them… Coach: Maybe you are right…but what was the deal with Rando? Cole: It seems that these two teams have a history that is so far unexplained…I guess we’ll have to wait and see how that turns out. **HeldDown goes to commercials as a few highlights from the match are shown, including K Money’s legdrop and DDT plus Rando’s super back suplex, and the 3 count for the victory** Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 26, 2003 Coach:"What a match that was, Michael!" MC:"Phew, I'm out of breath just watching it! Fans, if you just joined us, the X Title has just changed hands, as K Money defeated Amazing Rando in an AMAZING matchup!" Coach:"Big props to the Money man for that one!" MC:"Big props? Are you planning on chillin' wit da G dawgs and rappin' about shiz on da fly tip?" Coach:"Hey, I'm just keepin' it real!" The arena goes dark and the opening beats of Oh Hell Yeah pulse through the arena. The crowd gets to its feet as the blue strobes flash and Peter Knight makes his way to the ring wearing a Great Angle Bash t-shirt, the 24/7 title in his possession as always. Coach: “This is it, Michael. The final gauntlet challenge will be thrown down right now.” Cole: “It’s down to Candie or Calvin, will we see some intergender action tonight?” Coach: “I’d….." Cole: “We know Coach, we know.” PK climbs into the ring, holding his back a bit as he does so. Cole: “Knight’s looking pretty beat up from these last three weeks of challenges.” Coach: “Wouldn’t you?” Cole: “I mend quickly.” PK gets a mic and waits for the music to fade. PK: Three days. To all of you, that doesn’t seem that long, does it? Just 72 hours, not even half a week. Well to me, 72 hours is an eternity. I can’t wait for the Great Angle Bash and getting the opportunity to finally settle the score with Totally Endorsed in the glass table match. But at the same time, I’m dreading that night. Why, you ask? Because it may be the last night of my career. I am well aware of the risks a match like this has. I’m well aware that I WILL bleed, I WILL be hurting afterwards, hell, I’m going into Sunday with the notion that I may not get out of that arena on my own power. But I don’t care. I don’t care because whatever happens, I will make DAMN sure that Calvin and Colvid are laying RIGHT NEXT TO ME in that hospital room!! *Crowd pops* Now, that’s Sunday. Let’s talk about tonight. Tonight is my last match in the TE Gauntlet. Three TE members have gone down, and I have two left to choose from: Candie *crowd boos*, and Calvin *LOUD boos*. Now, I could take the “easy” route and choose Candie because, let’s face it, she’s pretty easy herself. *Crowd laughs* But everyone who knows me knows one thing……I HATE the “easy” way. So tonight, my final challenge goes to the lucky son of a bitch whose partner I’ve already taken care of two weeks ago ……. ……. ……. CALVIN! *Big pop from the crowd* Cole: “Oh boy. Coach, we may see a preview of Sunday tonight.” PK: But, I’m going to waive those rules the commish put up when this thing first started. Calvin, you can bring your boy with you to the ring, because I’m bringing mine. Cole: “Strike that, we WILL see a preview tonight!” PK: But first, there’s something I should show everyone. I was going to unveil it Sunday, but, let’s face it, I’m impatient when it comes to gifts. It’s right under the ring. Coach: “Huh? What does he mean by that?” PK drops the mic and slides out of the ring. He lifts up the ring apron and first pulls out a can of black sraypaint, tossing it into the ring. Next, he reaches in and slides out a GLASS TABLE!! The crowd pops HUGE for that. Cole: “Oh my God.” Knight slides it in and re-enters the ring. He stands it on its legs and shakes up the can of spraypaint. Knight picks the mic back up. PK: I hope you like it, Calvin. I may have bought it brand new, but, and trust me when I say this, it will be “broken in” by YOU. The crowd pops again as PK points the spray at the table and scrawls the word “Calvin” across the glass. Without another word, he drops both the mic and the paint and exits the ring as his music kicks back in. The camera grabs a close up of the table. Coach: “Really not much more to say there, Cole.” Cole: “I don’t think we’ll have to wait until Sunday for things to get out of hand.” The cameras close in on a view of the table, the spraypaint on it showing Calvin as a marked man. ::Somewhere in the back... Hex Machina is seen walking around with a massive smile on his face. Suddenly Naz Mistry comes running from out of nowhere screaming at Hex to get back to his locker room because its been trashed. Hex lifts his eyebrow in contempt for Naz and his news and continues to walk down the corridor... Cole: Why does Hex not care that his locker room has been trashed?:: Hex steps around a corner, in the distance Caboose stands watching...:: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 26, 2003 MC:"Man...this Sunday is going to be intense." Coach:"Nevermind this Sunday, what about tonight!? What if that Glass Table comes into play!" MC:"And how about Caboose and Hex Machina!? What's going on there?" Coach:"Too many questions, Michael." MC:"Well, while we try to figure out the answers, let's take you know to Mad Matt. After much hype, he made his debut just 2 weeks ago in a tag match, pairing up with Zack Malibu, the OAOAST Champion, against Black Label. Last week, it seems Ragdoll took a bit of exception to the praise surrounding Mad Matt, and left him worse for wear. Let's go now for an update on Mad Matt." We slowly fade into a hospital room We see a doctor looking over notes at the table. Doctor:As you know last week Mad Matt had to be rushed to the hospital because of a beatdown after his match with Ragdoll. Now there is no clear cause of the injuries until the test results get back Tuesday. My hypothesis is its a concussian because of all the shots to the head Mad Matt took and all the times he has blacked out this past week. Also the psycho-like outbursts. You can be talking to him as nice as you please and he would be nice but all the sudden he turns into a raging madman screaming for Ragdoll's head. Voice from another room:GIVE ME THAT SON OF A BITCH RAGDOLL. I AM GOING TO DESTROY HIM WHEN I GET HIM IN THE RING AGAIN. Doctor:He was supposed to give you this update but for his own good he is kept in a private room under sedation medicine althrough the sedation medicine doesn't seem to work. Anyway I hope its a minor concussian and something that can see Mad Matt back in the ring within a few weeks. I am not going to even speculate on his condition any further than that. We fade out of the hospital. Next week we should have a further update on the condition of Mad Matt when the test results get back. (Before the cameras cut to commerical, the screen stays black) *Red X on Black Background* (voice) They say the greatest trick that the Devil ever pulled was convincing mankind that he did not exsist. Well, I do exist, and I am coming... *Red X gets bigger* SOON *lightning flash. screen goes black* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 26, 2003 In the backstage area, RANDY SAVAGE~! is standing by with the OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion, Zack Malibu. RS:"Ooooh yeah, dig it! The Macho Man is back here on HeldDOWN~!, yeah, and I'm standing with the World Champ-ee-un, Zack Malibu, yeeeeah! Zack, the quest-ee-un on everyone's mind is, who's your partner gonna be tonight, yeah!" ZM:"Randy, people have been asking me that all day...all week, even. It's no big deal, it's just some guy..." RS:"SOME GUY~!? Yeeeah, the Macho Man with the scoop! Some Guy and Zack..." Zack puts his hand over the mic to stop Randy from talking. ZM:"No, Randy, it's just some guy, not SOME GUY." RS:"I get it, I get it! So, is this guy here, right now?" ZM:"Not sure. He was taking a train in, I think he was staying in the caboose..." RS:"It's Caboose! Oooh, I can dig it! Zack Malibu and Caboose, tonight, against..." Zack again stops Randy from talking. ZM:"No, Macho, I said he was coming IN on the caboose." RS:"Ooooh, I can dig it, yeah. OK, you have to let us in on it, yeeah. Who's it really going to be?" ZM:"Hey, isn't this why they call it a mystery partner? I know who it's going to be, that's all that matters. Stephen Joseph and Edward Robins think they're gonna crash my party, they've got another thing coming. Tonight, I might put an end to this Trinity stuff ahead of time, that way we can turn the Great Angle Bash into the OFFICIAL BURIAL OF THE TRINITY~!" RS:"The casket match, it's on everyone's minds as well, yeeah. I'm just won-der-ing, can we get a hint about your partner before you go?" ZM:"Randy, my man. There's no need for hints. I mean, it's fairly obvious who it is, isn't it?" RS:"Well, yeeah, I mean, noooo." ZM:"All I'll say is it could be anyone. It could be YOU!" Savage lowers the mic, and looks at Zack in a half shocked, half happy way. ZM:"But it's not!" The crowd laughs, and Randy frowns slightly. ZM:"Just playin' ya, Mach. Just take my word for it, it won't be a disappointment. It's not Savio Vega." RS:"Oooooh yeah, well that makes me feel better, yeah! Zack Malibu and his partner, against The Trinity tonight...tag titles on the line...DIG IT~!" The scene goes to the back and a camera follows Peter Knight as he walks through the halls to his dressing room. He turns the corner and, once again, is face to face with Crystal. The crowd pops at the sight of the Female Phenom. PK: *Sighs* Right on schedule. All right, you want another shot? Let’s just get this over with so I can get ready for later. Crystal: No. PK: No? Tired of failure are we? Crystal: No, because I’ve noticed something over the past few weeks: you are a wimp. PK looks at her with a surprised look, but then chuckles at her. PK: Wimp, eh? Are you purposely trying to piss me off to get me fired up for my match with Calvin later? If you are, mission accomplished. Crystal: I’m not saying that to do anything, it’s just the truth. PK (now getting angry): You know, I’ve been saving a lot of hurt for Calvin tonight, but I think I can spare some for you. Crystal: Right, and then when I actually get the better of you, you’ll just scamper off and go hide, right? PK: I…… Crystal: Well you can take off the running shoes, because I’m not going to try anything tonight. Rather, I’m going to wait for a moment where you have nowhere, NOWHERE, to run, and nowhere to hide. And that moment is coming VERY soon. Have a good match. Crystal walks past him, leaving PK with a puzzled expression. Cole: “What does Crystal mean by that?” Coach: “Do I look like I can get into her mind? Besides, there are other, better places of hers I’d like to get into." Cole: “You really are a sicko. Let's take a break.” Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 26, 2003 Back from break, and the cameras have taken us into the backstage catering area. As Hex stops to pour himself a coffee, Naz Mistry approaches him again and tells him that Hex's car has been spraypainted. Hex follows Naz out to the parking lot where Hex's lowrider is parked. Across the bonet 'End Of The Line' is sprayed. Hex laughs and walks off as Naz looks perplexed. As the camera follows Naz chase after Hex from its lower view, Caboose can be seen standing atop the production truck... Cole: "What the hell is Caboose playing at?!" Coach:"Man, our brains are going to be fried from sorting all this out tonight. Let's take it to The Parka, who is standing by in his locker room!" (We go backstage to see Parka sitting in his locker room. All we see is his face in the shot. He's wearing the La Parka mask.) PARKA I once was lost, but now I'm found. Was blind, but now I see. You see I lost my way not long ago. Anger blinded me and made me into a person I did not like. Now I can see. Now I am focused and I know who I am. We have come a long way on this journey and soon it will come to a head. Are you ready? Are you prepared to lay in a bed of glass? I am. (Parka removes the mask and looks straight into the camera) PARKA PK is ready. Eddy is ready. It's time to finish what you started. At the Bash we will end this one way or another and when all is said and done we will go down in history. The question is do you want to go down in history as the losing team or the winning team? I am confident as to which one we will be. Remember you made this bed of glass and now you must lie in it. Blood will be spilled and scars will be made. (The camera pans back to show that Parka is sitting on a glass table) PARKA At the Bash we will go through hell and back and it will make us stronger. (Fade to black) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 26, 2003 The scene opens in the women's locker room, where Black Widow is talking on a cell phone. WIDOW I'm already in the arena . . . your flight was delayed? Oh my . . . alright. I'll call you as soon as I get back to the Hotel room. . . . yes, I'll be sure to tell Zack that you said thank you, and that you are in his service if he needs it. Okay. . . . I love you too. Bye. ((Widow flips the phone closed and immediately goes to gather her things and pack them away, intent on leaving the arena. From the camera's view point, the ladies showers can be seen in the background, and the lights suddenly go off inside them, and a bloodcurdling scream can be heard from inside. Widow whips around and pauses)) WIDOW (muttering to herself) I should be the only person here . . . ((Widow gently sets her bag down and takes uneasy steps towards the dark room. As she nears the edge, two white eyes suddenly reflect the light from the locker room and a head leans forward out of the shadows. An oil black head with two monstrous white eyes. A mask. Hiding a monster.)) The Dark Poet (Wickedly) MISS ME? ((TDK leaps from the shadows and tackles Widow to the ground. Thinking quickly, she raises her knee as he tries to straddle her and he takes a stiff shot to the junk. It stuns him long enough for her to slide back and out from under him and to try and scramble for the door. The cameraman, scared witless, does nothing as he tries to follow the action. TDK is on her heels as she tears down the hall, screaming for help. Two random jobbers try to head TDK off in her wake, but he quickly dispatches both of them by breaking their arms when they try to reach out and catch him. With two disturbing *CRACK* sounds, they are tossed aside like nothing. Widow skids around a corner and disappears . . . . . . and backs up back into frame slowly, EDWARD ROBINS having stopped her. She looks back and forth from Ed to the approaching TDK for a few moments before quickly doing an about face and trying to run down the other side of the hall. TDK leaps and lands on her back, however, forcing her down. She rolls over to try and fend him off, but can do nothing before he quickly punches her right in the face. She slumps in his arms with a flutter of her eyelids, and he laughs before turning to Ed)) TDK Help me carry her to the car. ED (kneels down to help pick her up. He wipes a strand of blood-matted hair from her brow first, however) Poor Widow. Zack tried, didn't he? It was a good show but . . . well, he failed you, too, didn't he? (Ed looks at the camera) Do you see, Poet? He failed you. Yet you'll still trust him and, "be at his service". I'll just have to beat the obvious truth into you. See you Sunday. TDK (They lift her up) Yes . . . come on, my dear. We've got miles to go before we sleep . . . *fade out* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 26, 2003 Coach:"Unbelievable." MC:"Robins is a sick, sick man. Same goes for that these guys just creep me out!" Coach:"Did you hear what she was saying about Zack, though? Is there something we don't know about with Zack Malibu and Spider Poet?" MC:"As usual tonight, I can't answer that, Coach. Zack and Spider Poet have put on two classic battles before, and SP was a charter member, albeit just a pawn in the game of Stephen Joseph's original Trinity. However, if SP is on good terms with Zack Malibu...who better to talk about Edward Robins than with Zack!?" Coach:"Could be a turning point in the 3 Stages of Hell match this Sunday!" MC:"Right now let's take it backstage again, where apparently Some Guy will have words for Anglesault, his opponent in the Hell In A Cell this Sunday!" The camera seems to cut a bit early, as Some Guy is walking into his dressing room. He just gets in and is ready to sit down when you can obviously hear a door slam. Some Guy gets up to see what the noise was. Out of no where, Anglesault pops up and clips Some Guy's knee, sending him crashing to the floor. Anglesault: So, you want to fuck with me, huh? (Anglesault smashes his sledgehammer into SG's ankle, causing his to scream in pain. Anglesault: Well, people who fuck with me have to learn their lesson the hard way. (AS takes Some Guy's bad ankle and situates it between the open door and the wall.) Anglesault: Some Guy, welcome to... (AS smashes the sledge into the door, causing it to shut on Some Guy's ankle.) Anglesault: Hell! (Fade out to the screams (of no reply) from Some Guy) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 26, 2003 (edited) MC:"We may as well ditch format for the rest of the night..." Coach:"Have you ever seen anything like it, Michael? All of our superstars are on edge, all getting those much desired last words and last actions in before The Great Angle Bash...and we still have more to go!" MC:"Mmmhmm. Like a promo." Coach:"OK, from who?" MC:"Crystal." Coach:"YEEHAW...I mean...OK, so let's cut to her already!" Scene opens up to a dimly lighted room, maybe a storage room. Crystal is seen, sitting against a chain-linked fence. She looks pensive, collected in her own thoughts. Instead of her usual bright white pants, shirt and silver coat, she is in all black from her sunglasses to her boots. Still not looking directly at the camera, she begins speaking.:: Crystal: “You know, all I’ve heard since my match with Brock was announced is that it is a battle of David and Goliath. The underdog who needs a miracle against the unstoppable monster.” ::Crystal pauses, and then turns her head towards the camera, her eyes still shielded by her sunglasses:: Crystal: “What makes me the underdog? Is it because Brock is bigger and stronger than me? Well I have news for you. It takes more than just strength and size to win a wrestling match. It takes skill to win a wrestling match. It takes speed to win a wrestling match. It takes stamina to win a wrestling match. But more importantly, it takes heart to win a wrestling match. So really, am I the underdog?” “See, I don’t think Brock realizes just how important this match is for me. Winning this match would send me over the top. I would be seen as a legit threat on HeldDown. It seems that you think that I will just be your stepping stone. I am NOT a stepping stone. I’ve had to work damn hard to get where I am.” ::Crystal takes off her sunglasses and looks directly into the camera, her eyes blazing:: “Brock, you think you know me, but you have no idea. But you will know. I don’t care what I have to do this Sunday, but I will be victorious. All the pain throughout the years, all the sacrifices will be worth it when my hand is raised in victory. Pain is temporary, but pride is forever.” ::Crystal puts her sunglasses on and strides out of the room while the scene fades to black:: Back to the announce table, where Coach is all smiles. MC:"You're like a 6th grader with a crush on the older woman, you know that, don't you?" Coach:"Man, she makes my heart melt!" MC:"Everything melts in the summer. It's just the heat. Relax." Coach:"Jealous?" MC:"Not at all. Though we do have another woman coming up right now, according to our sheet here..." "Fighter" hits and Alix walks out to the entrance ramp holding a microphone. Alix: Hello... Crowd: Shut the fuck up! Shut the fuck up! Shut the fuck up! Alix: I have no intention of dealing with your potty mouths Cole: The crowd is chanting what I'm thinking. Alix: I find the Slacker to be funny! He makes me laugh! His tag team partner has more wins then he does and she's only been in the OAOAST for three weeks! That's hilarious. She's beating guys that normally pound Slacker into the ground. Plus she's a girl. If I won more matches than my boss, I'm pretty sure he'd retire out of embarrassment! Anyway, what's the deal with Choko and Slacker? They're not even dating! They're just partners. I don't mean sexual partners. I mean tag team partners. What's that about? Is Slacker not satisfying you honey? Is Slacker not the man he claims to be? It seems to me, you don't sleep with Slacker, you endure him. That's okay. Not everyone can be the sexual stallion that my boss is. Choko, it's a shame you got stuck with the short end of the dick! Coach: Game. Set. Match! Boomshakalaka! Alix: Oh and Zackie, don't think we've forgotten about you. After Great Angle Bash, our focus will be on you and you alone. Good night everyone! MC:"Well, someone is looking ahead!" Coach:"As am I, because after the break, it's Gauntlet time, bay-bee~!" Edited June 27, 2003 by Zack Malibu Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 26, 2003 I Ran begins and the crowd lets the boos fly as Calvin makes his way to the ring, flanked by his tag team partner, Colvid. They aren’t playfully hawking anything, but they ARE wearing stylish Nike wrestling trunks (with a swoosh on each buttcheek) and Colvid is sporting a sweet TE velour tracksuit. Cole: “Here we go!! The final leg of the TE Gauntlet is about to begin!!” Oh Hell Yeah roars through the arena and the crowd gets to its feet again as the Dream Machines and Eddy Kalm, foregoing the Camino tonight, walk down to the ring. Parka is playing Eddy Kalm a bit, motivating and firing up his partner. Cole: “Feel the tension, feel the hatred that has overwhelmed these four men that are standing in the ring.” Coach (Under breath): “I can’t over the hatred that has overwhelmed these two men at the announce position.” Cole: “What was that?!” Coach: “Nothing. (Under breath) Jackoff. The ref orders the partners out of the ring as Knight and Calvin go face to face. Words are exchanged and the two get further into each other’s faces. Calvin shoves Knight, Knight reciprocates. They circle each other and lock up. Calvin backs Knight into the corner and holds him there, which forces the ref to get between them and break it up. While he does, Calvin slaps the taste out of Knight’s mouth, drawing an *ohhhhhh* from the crowd and pushing Knight over the edge, but the ref restrains him. Coach: “Oh come on ref, let em’ go at it!!” Knight flexes his jaw and they lock up again. Knight pushes Calvin into the corner and won’t break, so the ref has to go in to break it up and Knight SLAPS Calvin, almost 10x harder than he got slapped. The ref restrains Calvin as Knight laughs and jokes with Parka, who holds his cheek and mocks Calvin. They lock up once more and Knight grabs a headlock. Calvin pushes him towards the ropes and goes for a clothesline, but Knight ducks it and clotheslines Calvin down. He goes off the ropes again, but Calvin drops down and Colvid forearms Knight in his injured back, getting huge boos for it as Calvin takes Knight down with a heelkick. Parka points at Colvid and starts toward him, but the ref leans out and orders Parka to get back. Calvin picks up Knight and gives him some Euro-Pro uppercuts before whipping Knight into the ropes and hitting a BAAAACK body drop (brought to you by Peter Kostka, TSM columnist). Knight holds his back after hitting the mat and Calvin stomps away on it. Calvin goes off the ropes and drops a knee on the back before picking Knight back up, whipping him off the ropes and hitting a Jelly Belly-to-belly suplex. Coach: “Calvin firmly in control at this point. It seems as if he’s been wanting to face Knight just as much as Knight wanted to face him.” Cole: “There is some serious bad blood between these two. Knight has taken the 24/7 title from Calvin not once, but twice over the last few months.” Clavin sends Knight into the corner and charges, but Knight gets a boot up to his face. Calvin charges again, but Knight sidesteps him and hits a belly to back suplex. He goes for the cover. 1…. 2…kickout. Knight goes to pick Calvin up, but he gets some knees to the gut to force Knight back and swings, but Knight ducks it and spikes Calvin with a German suplex and bridges. 1….. 2…..kickout. Cole: “I think that took a little bit out of Knight’s back, he’s kind of slow getting back up.” Calvin also sees this, and forearms him in the back to take control. Calvin whips him hard into the corner and follows with a shoulderblock to the back. He delivers three more, and Knight grimaces in pain. Calvin puts his head on the middle rope and bends it backwards, grinding his knee into Knight’s back. The ref gets past four and orders a break, turning away to admonish him which allows Colvid to drape Knight over the apron and elbow him in the back. Parka starts after Colvid, but the ref jumps out of the ring and gets in his way, threatening to eject him if Parka tries something again. Coach: “Parka better keep his cool or he may leave his partner hanging out to dry.” Back in the ring, Calvin hits a backbreaker on Knight, holds on to him, and gets another, dropping him to the mat afterwards. He scoops him up and slams him hard to the mat, dropping down for another cover. 1…. 2….Kickout. He shoves his shoulders back down and covers again 1….. 2…..Kickout Calvin, getting a little frustrated, rolls Knight onto his belly and stomps the back again. Calvin plugs the new Harry Potter book as he picks Knight up, but Knight suddenly gets a small UPS package. 1…. 2….kickout Calvin swings again and Knight ducks, grabbing him by the waist and nailing a back suplex with a twist and driving Calvin’s head and neck to the mat. Knight gets to his feet and delivers some right hands, sending Calvin into the ropes and hitting a powerslam. Getting some momentum, Knight boots him in the gut and picks him up in a powerbomb position, but instead of dropping him forward, he backs up towards the ropes and drops Calvin throat-first into them, dropping him with a reverse DDT and going for the pin. 1….. 2….. 3! NO….Colvid puts his foot on the rope. Knight stares at Colvid, and Parka argues with him. Colvid picks up a steel chair to defend himself. The ref demands that Colvid drop it, and he agrees to, putting it on the floor. But as the ref turns his back to deal with Parka, he picks it back up and gets on the apron. Knight, not noticing Colvid, gets ready to whip Calvin into that corner, but he reverses and Colvid lets him run chest-first into the buckles before nailing Knight in the back with the chair. Calvin clotheslines him down and drags him into position before climbing the corner. Coach: “Cole, it’s time for the Four Hundred and Fifty Degree splash, as brought to you by Skittles, Taste the Rainbow.” Cole: *Sighs* “It’s just a damn 450 splash, Jonathan.” Calvin soaks in the boos before setting himself, leaping off, spinning the required one and a quarter times before landing on Knight, hooking the leg. Coach: “That’s it Cole, this one is D-O-N-E.” 1….. 2….. 3! NO, SHOULDER UP!!! Cole: “No it isn’t Coach!” The crowd pops huge at the kickout and Parka slaps the apron to rally his partner, with the crowd joining in. Calvin stomps the mat and Colvid looks in disbelief. Calvin pounds on the back and sends him into the corner, but Knight avoids the charge and PICKS HIM UP FOR THE KNIGHTMARE!! Cole: “YES! DO IT!!” Knight, back hurting from the weight, takes a deep breath and nails it to a HUGE pop. Knight lays on the mat afterwards, unable to follow up, but Parka and the crowd wills him to crawl over to Calvin and drape his arm on his chest. 1…… 2…… 3! NO!! Colvid pulls Knight off and out of the ring and clubs him in the back with the 24/7 title!!! The crowd lustily boos Colvid as the ref yells at him. Parka decides he’s had enough and sprints around the corner and leaps onto Colvid, triggering a brawl at ringside which the ref jumps out to try and break up. Meanwhile, Calvin crawls to the corner and picks up the same chair Colvid used earlier. He readies it as he waits for Knight to get to his feet. Knight does so and Calvin goes to strike, but Knight ducks. He runs off the ropes, but….. *CRACK* Calvin quickly recovers and PASTES Knight in the head with it. Meanwhile, Colvid tosses Parka into the Post brand cereal ringpost and shows the ref Calvin covering Knight in the ring. The ref slides back in to make the count. Cole: “No, he’s gonna steal this one!” 1…… 2…… SHOULDER UP!!!! Calvin is LIVID and picks the chair back up, looking for another strike, but the ref gets in his way. Calvin just shoves him away and rears back, nailing Knight with an even HARDER shot, busting Knight open. The ref has no choice but to call for the bell and disqualify Calvin. Cole: “He lost his cool. Calvin couldn’t put him down so he resorted to crap like that. What a jerk.” Coach: “Easy there, Calvin wants to save his energy for the Bash. He also wants to take Knight OUT of that match.” Calvin pounds on the cut, picking up the chair for yet another strike, but suddenly, Eddy comes in and takes the chair away, but freezes, realizing that his plan really wasn’t thought out enough. Calvin stares at him, grabs him by the throat, and backs him into the corner. He goes to hit Eddy with the chair, but Parka comes in and axehandles Calvin, delivering right hands. Colvid goes for Knight, but he slaps his arms away and pounds away also. The crowd is going bonkers, but that turns to boos as the rest of Totally Endorsed swarm into the ring. Coach: “Knight waved those gauntlet rules earlier tonight, so he has NO ONE to blame but himself for this.” Slacker gets the chair and whacks Parka with it while Terry Simmons jumps Knight. A group beatdown commences with Calvin whipping Knight into the corner and Simmons following up with an avalanche on the back, doing the same onto Parka’s chest in the opposite corner. The beatdown continues until the crowd looks towards the entrance and spots Shattered Dreams sprinting to the ring!! Cole: “IT’S SHATTERED DREAMS!! Is he going to help his old mates?” SD slides into the ring and pulls Slacker away from Parka and they begin to brawl. They get so into it that they head towards the ropes and topple over the top to the floor. Slacker tries to flee through the crowd, but SD follows right behind. Meanwhile, Colvid hits a Casio Volume Spiker on Knight and Terry and Candie dominate Parka, tying him up in the ropes. Calvin gets the same sadistic look he got at the Wal-Mart and motions Colvid to get something from under the ring. Cole: “Oh, no. Not tonight.” Coach: “You said you wanted a preview of the Glass Table match, partner. Well, Calvin and Colvid are about to give you one.” Sure enough, to a half positive, half negative reaction, Colvid pulls out the glass table that Knight revealed earlier (with “Calvin” spraypainted on it) and slides it into the ring. Parka tries to struggle out, but Terry chokes him to prevent it. Calvin sets the table up in the middle of the ring and picks up a bloody Knight from the corner. Colvid and Calvin whip him off the ropes as the fans get the cameras ready. They pick him up for a front slam through the table, but Knight hangs on to their heads and DDT both men to the mat! Cole: “YEAH!!” Parka fights off Terry and Eddy manages to get Candie out of the ring and all four brawl on the floor. Knight; face a crimson mask, gets to his feet and motions for Calvin to get up. PK: GET THE F**K UP!!! Calvin gets to his feet and Knight PICKS HIM UP FOR THE KNIGHTMARE!!! The crowd goes insane as they realize where Knight is about to deposit him. Knight gets ready, but at the last minute, Colvid grabs Calvin’s leg and pulls him off Knight to HUGE heel heat. TE retreats up the ramp and the Dream Machines pick up the glass table, pointing at it and then at Calvin as a mega “TE Sucks!!” chant rises from the crowd. Cole: “Oh man, it’s going to be hell come Sunday. Totally Endorsed, Dream Machines, GLASS TABLES!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 26, 2003 Cole: "We are goign back stage now to Josh Matthews who is standing by with Hex Machina..." Matthews: "Caboose seems to be stalking you and trying to get inside your head before your rematch at The Great Angle Bash. However you seem to be not worried at all. Why?" Hex: "Don't you get it Matthews? That is your name isn't it? I'm inside Caboose's head already. He lost to me. I beat him. I am the better wrestler. This sunday is just me being honourable and giving him a rematch. It won't come to anything though." Matthews: "So you don't care that Caboose wrecked your locker room and then trashed your car?" Hex: "Look at me, do I look worried?" Matthews: "No, but..." Hex: "Shut up. Caboose doesn't know what to do. He always prided himself on being this unbeatable almost mythic creature. But I beat him. He has realised his human frailty and cannot comprehend that he has a superior. Caboose can play all these mind games and whatnot, but at the end of the day, I am his better. He cannot beat me. I know it. You know it. All the fans know it. Caboose doesn't know it yet. But I'm going to beat it into him Sunday...." Naz Mistry again appears and whiseprs something to Hex. Hex: "He wants to meet me in the ring, well thats fine with me. It seems the little vandal has grown some balls after all. Matthews you're coming too, to hold my mic for me..." MC:"Is he coming out here now?" Coach:"I guess...but Caboose isn't IN the ring?" 'Satan' starts up and Hex Machina makes his way to the ring slanked by Naz Mistry and Josh Matthews. The crowd boo the man who defeated Caboose for the first time since July of 2002. Hex climbs into the ring... Hex: "Hey Caboose. I'm here, you want to kiss my feet yet? I'm waiting..." ...The lights go out... ...However Caboose's music does not play, instead, with the lights still out, Caboose appears on the HeldTron to a loud roar from the crowd. Caboose is standing on top of Hex's car. Caboose looks up at the camera and stares striaght at Hex. Caboose slowly lifts his right arm and points his Cricket Bat straight at Hex Machina. As Caboose's arm raises, Hex's car catches light and is soon a ball of fire, with Caboose still standing in the middle pointing his Cricket Bat at Hex as the corwd pops. Hex: "Yo Caboose! Your shitty pyrotechincs don't scare me. Any 14 year old can go out and start a fire. Be a man and lets shake on our rematch for Sunday..." Caboose lowers his arm and shakes his head slowly. The lights in the arena return and Caboose is standing behind Hex in the ring with Naz Mistry and Josh Matthews are out cold in the ring as the crowd cheers again. Hex: "Fine stand back there you chicken shit! Listen to this crowd they are embracing me!" Cole: "No they are not Hex!" Coach: "Turn around!" Hex looks frustrated as he turns around and is struck across the face by Caboose's Cricket Bat! Hex goes down and is instantly busted open! Caboose picks up a mic and stands over Hex's fallen body. Caboose places the tip of the Cricket Bat under Hex's chin and speaks... Caboose: "I may not be inside your head. But I just busted it open. You made me bleed. I made you bleed. This Sunday, The Great Angle Bash, lets see who bleeds first this time..." Caboose drops the mic as the crowd explodes in cheers! Cole: "The is Sunday, The Great Angle Bash, Caboose looks for revenge from Hex Machina in a First Blood Match!" Coach: "Someones gonna bleed!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 26, 2003 MC:"And so ANOTHER Stipulation match is in the books for the GAB!" Coach:"Man, the local hospitals may have their work cut out for them come Sunday!" MC:"Well Coach, we've had a lot of questions tonight, but one is about to be answered right now...who is Zack Malibu's partner?" Coach:"It's time?" MC:"Oh it's time. Let's take it down to the ring!" "Trinity Infiniti" from The Matrix plays, as an Angletron video of the three sickest individuals in OAOAST history, Stephen Joseph, Edward Robins, and the absent from HeldDOWN~! Jacob X plays. Stephen and Edward, the OAOAST World Tag Team Champions, make their way out, the crowd hurling insults in their direction. Not one positive response is heard for either of these two, the men dedicated to making Zack Malibu's life a living hell. MC:"For 3 months, it's been brewing, and you could call tonight the beginning of the end. This Sunday, that man, Stephen Joseph, will go up against Zack Malibu in a casket match for the World Heavyweight Title. There's no doubt in my mind that Zack will close the lid, pun intended, on the Trinity this Sunday!" Coach:"It could happen tonight, Michael. We still have no clue who Zack's partner is. By the same token, however, a match of this magnitude just days before a title KNOW The Trinity has something planned for Zack here tonight!" Stephen Joseph and Edward Robins stand on the far side of the ring, our view of them taken away as the lights drop. The fans in the arena clamor in their seats, as the opening verse of "Bring Me To Life" begins to emit from the speaker system. BOOM! The song kicks into it's heavy chorus, as the World Champion, Zack Malibu, comes raging out of the back, Alison-less this time because he knows what this match will bring. MC:"It was just last week that Zack and one of the men in the ring, Edward Robins, took their falls count anywhere match ALL OVER THE STATE! I mean, do you remember what we saw last week?" Coach:"Hah, how can I forget! We had Hollywood Stars, street racing, bridge jumping, and a brutal brawl that went from the arena, across the city and back! HeldDOWN~! really IS the home of the unexpected!" Zack stops about halfway down the aisle, and it's now noticeable that he has a microphone in his hand. He makes the hand motion for people to settle down, as his music fades out. ZM:"Stephen Joseph...Edward...I know what you're thinking. You're thinking to yourselves that you're so intimidating, so beyond remorse for anyone's well being, that no one would want to team with me. Surely none of the young talent wants to deal with two career killers, right? Crystal...Crystal's just a girl, she wouldn't want to feel the wrath of The Trinity, it might be too much for her, right?" The cameras cut to Edward and Stephen, who are nodding in agreement. ZM:"Well, you see, that's why I didn't ask the young talent this time. This isn't a match about getting a chance, or showing your stuff. This is a war. This is revenge. This is the final chapter in your book." Now SJ and Edward seem confused, as they listen on. ZM:"See, there's a core of wrestlers you've spurned in your day, Stephen. A group of veterans, of homegrown talent...some of the biggest names in the business, all turned away because of you. Caboose, Angle-Plex, Some Guy, Big ran them all off, because you were nothing more than a glory hog. No matter what your beliefs are, whether it was when you were the fun-loving, night owl Big Poppa Popick, or whether it was when you revealed your true colors as Stephen Joseph, you had all these people clamoring for your head. Finding someone to deal with you wasn't that tough to do." SJ has swiped the microphone from the announcer. SJ:"Enough hesitation, Malibu. Either bring your partner out here, or get in the ring yourself, and feel our wrath...the wrath that you have brought upon yourself!" ZM:"Whoa, easy killer. I'm not done yet. See, if you remember clearly, you've got yourself a shot at this belt again on Sunday. This time it's a casket match, the match that will end it all. So I was thinking to myself about what this match means to me, because personally, if you think you're going to walk out of the Great Angle Bash with the World Title draped over your shoulder, then that casket will be my final resting place, because you'll have to KILL ME to take it!" Stephen sneers, as Edward glares at Zack. ZM:"So, that brings me to my mystery partner. Tonight I wanted to give you a taste of this Sunday, Stephen. I wanted you to live life, yet taste death. There is a man who knows all about living on the brink, and a man who hates your ass maybe moreso than anyone...THAT man, is my partner." Zack drops the mic in the aisle, as SMELLS LIKE TEEN SPIRIT BEGINS TO PLAY! MC:"It can't be!" Coach:"IT IS!" The fans ERUPT, as CWM COMES STORMING OUT OF THE BACK! STEPHEN JOSEPH AND EDWARD ROBINS CLEAR THE RING, AS ZACK MALIBU AND CWM CHARGE IT, SLIDING IN AND THEN WORKING THE CROWD INTO A FRENZY~! MC:"It's CWM! CWM!" Coach:"Just a few weeks ago he said he'd never set foot in an OAOAST ring again, that was before The Blacker Scorpion lured him back, and revealed himself to be The Superstar. However, there was a reason why he left, he felt driven out, and tonight, oh man, revenge will be sweet!" MC:"Can he and Zack work together! They HATED each other! Rememeber Hell In A Cell late last year?" Coach:"Who doesn't! Honestly though, CWM and Zack, feud or no feud, have always respected each other deep down. Combine that with the utter hatred both have for Stephen Joseph and his followers, and you have a duo to be reckoned with!" CWM's music fades out, and he and Zack stand off to one side of the ring, watching and waiting on The Trinity to come in. Stephen and Edward hand their belts off to the timekeeper, and then Edward steps into the ring, while Stephen Joseph takes his spot on the apron. MC:"Look at this! He's afraid!" CWM whispers to Zack, and Malibu steps out to the apron as well. CWM is going to start for his team against the former EvenflowDDT! Lockup in the center of the ring, and CWM quickly grabs a headlock, but gets shoved away immediately by Edward Robins. CWM turns back to him, and catches a slap right to the face, courtesy of Edward! Coach:"I really don't think he wants to do that to CWM." It turns out to be a bad move for Edward, because CWM slaps him back, HARD. And a second time, and a third...CWM UNLOADS WITH A FLURRY OF SLAPS! Edward backs up from him, but CWM Irish Whips him to the other side, then charges forward, smashing into Robins with a shoulderblock. Edward stands up, and CWM takes him over with an armdrag. Robins recovers again, and gets taken over via another armdrag. Third! Robins slides out to the floor, and Stephen Joseph hops off the apron to go talk to his partner, while CWM jacks the crowd up in the ring! Edward reluctantly re-enters, telling the referee to keep CWM back. Once he's back in, Edward and CWM eye each other, and then again lock up, this time Edward quickly going for an arm wrench. CWM sneers, but then counters with an arm wrench of his own, putting Edward on the receiving end, until Robins grabs the top rope to call for a break. CWM lets go, and backs up as the ref tells him to, and this allows Robins to kick him in the stomach, then send CWM into the ropes. Robins ducks for a leapfrog, but CWM puts on the brakes, and grabs Edward by the head, bringing him back and slamming the back of his head to the mat! CWM runs the ropes, and comes off, planting a fistdrop on the forehead of Robins, and going for a quick cover...1 Count! CWM picks Edward up, and goes to send him into the ropes, however Edward holds onto the arm, pulling CWM in...EVENFLOWDDT~!...NO!...CWM shoves Edward backwards so that he bounces off the ropes, and then connects with a lariat! Edward gets picked up, and CWM takes him over with a snap suplex that reverbrates throughout Edward's back. CWM goes to hit the ropes again, but Stephen kicks him in the back, stopping his momentum, only for CWM to turn around and DECK Stephen right off the apron! CWM calls him on, and doesn't see Edward coming from behind...Schoolboy!...1 Count only! CWM rolls up to his feet, and catches a charging Edward with an inverted atomic drop, stunning him, and then tosses him into the corner. CWM MAKES THE TAG~!, and Zack slingshots in over the top rope. The two have Edward backed into the corner, and both CWM and Zack chop his chest, drawing a WHOO~! chant from the crowd as they slap their hands across him. Both men take an arm, and send Edward careening into the opposite corner, where he crashes hard. Zack then takes CWM and Irish Whips him towards the corner, and he CRUSHES Robins, taking the wind out of him. CWM gets out of the way and exits the ring, and Zack charges, diving onto Edward with a Stinger Splash...NO! Stephen Joseph pushes Robins to the mat, and Zack connects with nothing but turnbuckle! Malibu staggers, giving Edward a window to make the tag, which he does. Stephen comes in and grabs Zack as he's recovering, levelling him with a back suplex. Stephen then goes over to the corner and slugs CWM, drawing his ire. CWM tries to enter but the referee blocks him from doing so, and in the process allows for some Trinity double teaming. Stephen picks Zack, and he and Edward each stand on one side of Zack, delivering a Double Face First Russian Legsweep~! Stephen Joseph covers, and the referee turns around just in time...2 Count only~! Stephen pulls Zack up off the mat, draping his neck on the middle ropes, and then hitting the ropes for momentum, only to be kicked by CWM~! Stephen turns in disgust to his nemesis, as the referee comes between the two. With the distraction provided, Edward jogs across the apron, and leaps up, coming down with a legdrop on the back of Zack's head that sends him bouncing backwards to the mat! Robins walks around ringside, gloating about his move, while a ringside fan chucks him the finger on camera. Stephen Joseph pries himself away from the argument with CWM to make the cover...Another Kickout by Zack Malibu! Stephen locks on a chinlock, now trying to wear Zack out before following up with his next pin attempt. He wrenches on the head of the World Champion, but Zack struggles to stay in this, as CWM pounds the turnbuckle pad and leads the crowd in a rally for Zack. Malibu gets to his feet, Stephen keeping his arms locked around Zack's head. Zack fires an elbow to his ribs...and another...and gets the break! Zack bounces off the ropes...and catches a knee to the gut, flipping him right over! Stephen kneels down and starts choking Zack, as the crowd jeers. The referee calls for a break, which Stephen does, but as he stands up he stomps at Zack, keeping him down. He pulls the champion up, and sends him into the corner, and follows up with a charge...ZACK GETS A BOOT UP~! Stephen staggers, and Zack grabs him for a Tornado DDT...BLOCKED...Stephen lifts Zack up and dumps him on the apron, then tries a punch...BLOCKED...Zack nails Stephen with a right hand of his own! Zack fires a shoulder between the middle ropes, and comes over with a sunset flip, but Stephen reaches out and hangs onto the top rope to prevent from going over...CWM RUNS OVER AND KICKS HIS HANDS FREE! SUNSET FLIP PIN~! KICKOUT~! Coach:"That was a close one! Great thinking by CWM!" MC:"Hey, you know that The Trinity is going to bust out every underhanded trick they can imagine in order to retain their titles here tonight. Zack and CWM have no doubts about that, so they've got a game plan...fight fire with fire." Stephen rolls out of his pin, and quickly grabs Zack as he's getting up. He lifts him for a suplex, but Zack falls out of it, landing behind him, and rushes forward, trying to get Stephen with a rollup, however Stephen Joseph falls to the mat, sending Zack flying through the middle ropes and to the floor! MC:"Ouch! Crash landing by the champ!" Zack is shaken, but dusts himself off rather quickly...ONLY TO BE WIPED OUT BY AN APRON RUN DIVING CLOTHESLINE FROM EDWARD ROBINS~! MC:"HEY! That's Zack's move!" Coach:"Mind games, Michael! They're toying with Zack and CWM!" Edward Robins gloats, and strikes a pose that EvenflowDDT done to amuse us in his In Crowd days, but no longer does. Ed-venflow picks Zack up,and throws him into the guardrail, Zack flipping over in midair and hitting the guardrail backfirst! CWM hops down to the floor to chase after Edward, but the referee slides out, getting in CWM's way and telling him to return to the ring apron. As CWM makes his case, this allows a distraction, as Edward sets a chair up on the floor, and then takes Zack...DROP TOEHOLDING HIM ONTO THE CHAIR~! Edward rolls Zack back in, and Stephen drapes himself across his rival, motioning for the ref to come back and make the count. The referee's hand comes down once...TWICE...KICKOUT~! MC:"Oh yeah!" Coach:"You've been hanging around with Macho too much, haven't you?" MC:"Hey, the guy gets chicks. Not sure how, but he does." Stephen is in shock, as he though they had their opponents number after that one. He gets up and tags Robins in, while holding Zack by the hair. Stephen says something to Robins, and both lock Zack in a front facelock...DOUBLE FALLEN ANGEL...NO~! ZACK COUNTERS WITH A DOUBLE DDT~! DOUBLE DDT ON THE TRINITY~! Coach:"Amazing!" MC:"Make the tag, Zack! Make the tag!" Malibu and both Trinity members lay in the ring, as CWM stands with his arm outstretched, just waiting for the opportunity to come in. Zack rolls over, onto his stomach,and starts inching towards his corner for the tag. He's about halfway there, when Robins reaches out, grabbing Zack's foot. Zack hops, trying to make it, then turns to Robins and CRACKS him in the head with an enzugiri! Stephen Joseph makes the attempt to grab Zack...but can't...HOT TAG TO COBAINWASMURDERED~! CWM comes in like a HOUSE OF FIRE~! and drops Stephen with a punch, then Robins, then Stephen again! He whips Edward into the ropes, and floors him with a HIGH Back body drop that has Ed cringing! Stephen stands up to meet CWM, and is met with a lariat that sends him over the top rope and to the floor! The fans go nuts as CWM is on a roll~! He pulls Edward up and whips him to the corner, then charges, but catches an elbow to the jaw from Robins! Robins hops up to the second rope, but CWM grabs him by the legs, turning back to the ring and throwing Robins to his feet...ZACK DROPS HIM FROM BEHIND WITH A TRENDSETTER~! MC:"TRENDSETTER~! I haven't seen one of those in ages!" CWM makes the cover, as the ref gets Zack out of the ring...BROKEN UP BY STEPHEN JOSEPH! SJ pulls CWM off of Edward, but is battered back by a flurry of punches from a raging CWM! CWM grabs Stephen Joseph...POLLY CUTTER...NO! Stephen Joseph shoves CWM forward into a Robins lariat...THAT HE DUCKS~! ROBINS LARIATS STEPHEN JOSEPH! Edward is in shock, as he tries to help his partner, but gets spun around...POLLY CUTTER ON EDWARD ROBINS~! COVER~! 1... 2... NO! Stephen pulls CWM off by his leg at the last second! Coach:"I thought we had new champions right there, Michael!" MC:"You, me, Zack, CWM, and about 20,000 people in this arena did as well!" Stephen is told to exit the ring, as CWM goes and makes the tag to Zack Malibu~! Zack comes in and he and CWM each take an arm, whipping Edward in, and going for a double back body drop...NO~! Edward grabs them both...DOUBLE EVENFLOW DDT...NO~! CWM and Zack push off...DOUBLE SCHOOL'S OUT ON EDWARD ROBINS~! ZACK GOES FOR THE COVER...BUT THE REF HADN'T SEEN THE TAG~! MC:"No! Are you kidding me!" The referee orders Zack off of Robins, as he's not counting the pin. Zack and CWM argue their case, but the referee will have none of it. Zack literally has to be shoved back to the corner by the referee, and as he does, Stephen Joseph comes in...BELTSHOT TO CWM, BUSTING HIM OPEN~! Stephen puts Edward's arm over CWM's fallen body, and slides out of the ring, putting the belt back on the timekeeper's table. The referee dives into position~ 1... 2... 3...NO! NO! CWM GETS A SHOULDER UP AT THE LAST POSSIBLE MILLISECOND~! THESE FANS ARE GOING CRAZY~! Coach:"Michael, pick your jaw up off the floor!" MC:"Man, what a clinic these four are putting on here tonight!" Both men are laid out on the canvas. Zack is itching to get the tag, while Stephen Joseph shouts words of encouragement to Edward Robins. Somehow, CWM is the one who musters up his energy first, and starts inching towards his corner, only to have Stephen Joseph run in and drop an elbow on the back of his head! Zack charges in, but gets held back by the referee. Again with a distraction in their favor, Stephen Joseph grabs the limp arm of Edward Robins, and drags him towards The Trinity's corner! MC:"Those bastards and their mind games!" Edward finally comes to his senese enough that he reaches up and makes the tag to Stephen Joseph. Just as SJ comes into the ring, CWM pushes himself up, and jumps forward...TAG TO ZACK MALIBU~! Zack jumps up, springboarding off the top rope and landing on Stephen's shoulders, snapping him to the mat with a huracanrana! Stephen picks himself up, and is met with a dropkick right to the chin by Zack! Malibu works himself up, drawing a huge cheer from the crowd, before returning to the offensive assault. He picks Stephen up and sends him in, then runs to the opposite side...catching him with a FLYING FOREARM~! Zack hooks the leg...2 3/4 COUNT ON STEPHEN~! Undaunted, Zack picks Stephen up, using a knife edge chop to keep him at bay, and then another. He goes for another Irish Whip, but it's countered, and Stephen sends Zack in, but makes the mistake of putting his head down...Zack kicks him back up to a vertical base...SCHOOL'S OUT...NO...STEPHEN DUCKS AND HITS A LOW BLOW~! SCHOOLBOY...2 7/8 COUNT ON ZACK~! MALIBU KICKS OUT~! MC:"These fans are on the edge of their seats!" Coach:"Does that make them eligible for discount?" Stephen Joseph is none too happy with the resiliency of the World Champion, and stands up, looking down at him in a disgusted fashion. Stephen then turns to CWM, and nails him, trying to draw him into the ring, however this time CWM will have none of it! He just stands on the apron, smirking, and then hocks a loogee at Stephen, catching him right on the cheek! MC:"HA! Looks like the mind games aren't working anymore!" Coach:"And it looks like Stephen just got spit-shined!" Stephen stands, digusted, and jaws with CWM, not seeing Zack coming up behind him...German Suplex with a bridge~! 1... 2... 3...NO! SHOULDER UP BY STEPHEN JOSEPH~! The fans are clapping, cheering, hooting and holllering. Zack looks to CWM, who's making the "lift 'em up"'s time for the POP DROP~! Zack picks up Stephen Joseph, and readies him for his finisher, but from the corner of his eye notices CWM pulled off the apron by someone who came from the crowd... It's THE SUPERSTAR~!??! MC:"What?! Why is he here!?" Coach:"We've been trying to figure this out for weeks now!" Superstar pulls CWM down, ramming his head into the corner post, and then dropping him facefirst on the floor with his very own manuever, the POLLY CUTTER~! The referee jumps out of the ring, and security comes rushing down the aisle, as SS jumps over the railing and escapes through the crowd. In the ring, Zack picks up Stephen Joseph again for the POP Drop, but with the referee distracted, Edward Robins comes in... TAG TITLE BELTSHOT~! Zack is down, and Stephen Joseph hooks the leg! 1... 2... 3...KICKOUTKICKOUTKICKOUT BY ZACK~!!!!!!!!! Coach:"HOW DOES HE DO THAT?!" Stephen Joseph wipes his hands across his face, shocked at his inability to vanquish Zack. He picks him up and puts him on the top rope, but Zack kicks him away as he tries to climb, finally forcing him to stumble back. Zack stands up on the top rope, and glides through the air with a flying bodypress that flattens Stephen Joseph...NO! SJ ROLLS THROUGH...HE'S GOT THE TIGHTS... 1... 2... 3!~!! Winners:The Trinity (roll-through on cross body block in 15:39) MC:"Those lying, cheating, son of a..." Coach:"Man Michael, there are kids watching!" MC:"You mean I can't say son of a guns?" Coach:"Who are you, Jed Clampett!?" Stephen Joseph and Edward Robins exit the ring, leaving Zack Malibu to ponder what has just happened. CWM is just now coming to with the aid of security, as the Trinity blow right past him and stand in the aisle, raising their belts in celebration. MC:"Stephen Joseph stole the victory tonight to keep the Tag Titles, but if he can do so this Sunday, we'll have a new World Heavyweight Champion!" Coach:"It's 3 days from now, folks! The World Title Casket Match...The #1 Contender Hell In A Cell...The Glass Tables Match...Crystal vs. Brock Ausstin...there's a whole lot going on this Sunday, and we'll have the results, as well as the fallout, next Thursday here on HeldDOWN~!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted June 26, 2003 PROPS: Caboose CanadianChick Parka PK SP Mad Matt 5 Star Frog Splash Zack Malibu Shattered Dreams Amazing Rando Anglesault Share this post Link to post Share on other sites