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Guest SP-1

The GAB Predictions thread!

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Guest SP-1

Casket Match for the OAOAST Title:

Zack Malibu Vs. Stephen Joseph


Hell in a Cell Match for the #1 Contender to the OAOAST Title:

Some Guy Vs. Anglesault


3 Stages of Hell for the Tag Team Title (Pinfall, Barbwire Ropes, & Hell in a Cell) w/ El Dandy as ref:

Spider Poet Vs. Edward Robins


Glass Table Match:

The Dream Machines Vs. Calvin & Colvid


Mask vs. Mask Match:

The Masked Man Vs. Vince McMahon Mask


Last Man Standing Match:

CWM Vs. The Superstar


Dangerous A Vs. Banky


Crystal Vs. Brock Ausstin


Mystery Eskimo Vs. Jailbait


200 Light Tubes Match:

Shooter Jay Vs. Jacob VS Hex Machina vs Caboose


F13 Title Match:

The Blurricane Vs. Orion Vs. Reject


Ladder Match for the North American & Puerto Rican Titles:

Puerto Rican Lightning Vs. Shooter Jay


Tag Scramble:

I.O.U. Vs. Toy Machine Vs. Featured Attraction


Slacker/Choko vs. SD/Alix


Hex Machina Vs. Caboose


I'll add my predictions later on.

Edited by SpiderPoet

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Guest caboose

Yeah, me and IDRM are both in the 200 lightbulbs match, but we've got a separate First Blood match as well.

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Guest y2jailbait

Out of curiousity, where do we send out matches when they're done?

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Guest Kingpk

Casket Match for the OAOAST Title:

Zack Malibu Vs. Stephen Joseph


Hell in a Cell Match for the #1 Contender to the OAOAST Title:

Some Guy Vs. Anglesault


3 Stages of Hell for the Tag Team Title (Pinfall, Barbwire Ropes, & Hell in a Cell) w/ El Dandy as ref:

Spider Poet Vs. Edward Robins


Glass Table Match:

The Dream Machines Vs. Calvin & Colvid


No prediction, since I, you know, wrote the thing and all.


Mask vs. Mask Match:

The Masked Man Vs. Vince McMahon Mask


Last Man Standing Match:

CWM Vs. The Superstar


Dangerous A Vs. Banky


Crystal Vs. Brock Ausstin


Mystery Eskimo Vs. Jailbait


200 Light Tubes Match:

Shooter Jay Vs. Jacob VS Hex Machina vs Caboose


F13 Title Match:

The Blurricane Vs. Orion Vs. Reject


Ladder Match for the North American & Puerto Rican Titles:

Puerto Rican Lightning Vs. Shooter Jay


Tag Scramble:

I.O.U. Vs. Toy Machine Vs. Featured Attraction


Slacker/Choko vs. SD/Alix


Hex Machina Vs. Caboose


The mat is going to be red by the end of the show with all these opportunities for blood.

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Guest SP-1

With two cell matches back to back?


Red isn't even the appropriate word. We'll have to get into shades. Like maroon. Hell . . . black.

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Guest CanadianChick

Casket Match for the OAOAST Title:

Zack Malibu Vs. Stephen Joseph

WINNER: Zack Malibu


Hell in a Cell Match for the #1 Contender to the OAOAST Title:

Some Guy Vs. Anglesault

WINNER: Some Guy



3 Stages of Hell for the Tag Team Title (Pinfall, Barbwire Ropes, & Hell in a Cell) w/ El Dandy as ref:

Spider Poet Vs. Edward Robins

WINNER: Edward Robins


Glass Table Match:

The Dream Machines Vs. Calvin & Colvid

WINNER: Calvin & Colvid


Mask vs. Mask Match:

The Masked Man Vs. Vince McMahon Mask

WINNER: The Masked Man


Last Man Standing Match:

CWM Vs. The Superstar



Dangerous A Vs. Banky

WINNER: Dangerous A


Crystal Vs. Brock Ausstin

WINNER: I'm not telling....


Mystery Eskimo Vs. Jailbait

WINNER: Jailbait


200 Light Tubes Match:

Shooter Jay Vs. Jacob VS Hex Machina vs Caboose

WINNER: Shooter Jay


F13 Title Match:

The Blurricane Vs. Orion Vs. Reject

WINNER: The Blurricane


Ladder Match for the North American & Puerto Rican Titles:

Puerto Rican Lightning Vs. Shooter Jay



Tag Scramble:

I.O.U. Vs. Toy Machine Vs. Featured Attraction

WINNERS: Featured Attraction


Slacker/Choko vs. SD/Alix

WINNERS: Slacker/Choko


Hex Machina Vs. Caboose

WINNER: Caboose

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Guest The Superstar
Last Man Standing Match:

CWM Vs. The Superstar

Since WHEN?!?!?!

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Guest SP-1

Not a clue. That's the first I had seen of it as well. I copied and pasted that list from GCF. There were already two matches that had to be corrected, that may be one as well. And is, from the looks of it.

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Guest Kingpk

Well, CWM DID challenge Superstar on last week's HD:


CWM: Well at GAB this HAS-BEEN is going to beat you. I challenge you to a last man standing match!


The crowd ROARS~! Superstar is in shock, possibly not thinking that it would come to this. CWM exits the ring and hops the rail, leaving through the crowd. He turns to look at the stunned Superstar, who is still sitting on the mat, wiping his mouth off after that punch. CWM RETURNS TO ACTION AT THE GAB~!

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Guest Zack Malibu

Casket Match for the OAOAST Title:

Zack Malibu Vs. Stephen Joseph




Hell in a Cell Match for the #1 Contender to the OAOAST Title:

Some Guy Vs. Anglesault


3 Stages of Hell for the Tag Team Title (Pinfall, Barbwire Ropes, & Hell in a Cell) w/ El Dandy as ref:

Spider Poet Vs. Edward Robins


Glass Table Match:

The Dream Machines Vs. Calvin & Colvid


Mask vs. Mask Match:

The Masked Man Vs. Vince McMahon Mask


Last Man Standing Match:

CWM Vs. The Superstar


Dangerous A Vs. Banky


Crystal Vs. Brock Ausstin


Mystery Eskimo Vs. Jailbait


200 Light Tubes Match:

Shooter Jay Vs. Jacob VS Hex Machina vs Caboose


F13 Title Match:

The Blurricane Vs. Orion Vs. Reject


Ladder Match for the North American & Puerto Rican Titles:

Puerto Rican Lightning Vs. Shooter Jay


Tag Scramble:

I.O.U. Vs. Toy Machine Vs. Featured Attraction


Slacker/Choko vs. SD/Alix


Hex Machina Vs. Caboose

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Guest Dangerous A

Casket Match for the OAOAST Title:

Zack Malibu Vs. Stephen Joseph

Winner: New OAOAST Champion Stephen Joseph


Hell in a Cell Match for the #1 Contender to the OAOAST Title:

Some Guy Vs. Anglesault

Winner: Some Guy


3 Stages of Hell for the Tag Team Title (Pinfall, Barbwire Ropes, & Hell in a Cell) w/ El Dandy as ref:

Spider Poet Vs. Edward Robins

Winner: Spider Poet


Glass Table Match:

The Dream Machines Vs. Calvin & Colvid

winner:Dream Machines


Mask vs. Mask Match:

The Masked Man Vs. Vince McMahon Mask

winner: Masked Man


Last Man Standing Match:

CWM Vs. The Superstar

Winner: CWM


Dangerous A Vs. Banky

Winner: I ain't tellin, I am writing it though


Crystal Vs. Brock Ausstin

winner: Brock Ausstin


Mystery Eskimo Vs. Jailbait



200 Light Tubes Match:

Shooter Jay Vs. Jacob VS Hex Machina vs Caboose



F13 Title Match:

The Blurricane Vs. Orion Vs. Reject

Winner: Reject


Ladder Match for the North American & Puerto Rican Titles:

Puerto Rican Lightning Vs. Shooter Jay

Winner:Shooter Jay


Tag Scramble:

I.O.U. Vs. Toy Machine Vs. Featured Attraction

Winner: Featured Attraction


Slacker/Choko vs. SD/Alix



Hex Machina Vs. Caboose

winner:Hex Machina

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

::looks up::


::Sees DA picked BPP as da new CHAMP~!::


::decides to push DA::


that is all

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Guest Sandman9000

200 tubes match has been cancelled.


BPP or Zack, next time you guys are on AIM, talk to me. We've got something important to discuss.

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Guest Lightning Flik
Casket Match for the OAOAST Title:

Zack Malibu Vs. Stephen Joseph


Hell in a Cell Match for the #1 Contender to the OAOAST Title:

Some Guy Vs. Anglesault


3 Stages of Hell for the Tag Team Title (Pinfall, Barbwire Ropes, & Hell in a Cell) w/ El Dandy as ref:

Spider Poet Vs. Edward Robins


Glass Table Match:

The Dream Machines Vs. Calvin & Colvid


Mask vs. Mask Match:

The Masked Man Vs. Vince McMahon Mask


Last Man Standing Match:

CWM Vs. The Superstar


Dangerous A Vs. Banky


Crystal Vs. Brock Ausstin


Mystery Eskimo Vs. Jailbait


200 Light Tubes Match:

Shooter Jay Vs. Jacob VS Hex Machina vs Caboose


F13 Title Match:

The Blurricane Vs. Orion Vs. Reject


Ladder Match for the North American & Puerto Rican Titles:

Puerto Rican Lightning Vs. Shooter Jay


Tag Scramble:

I.O.U. Vs. Toy Machine Vs. Featured Attraction


Slacker/Choko vs. SD/Alix


Hex Machina Vs. Caboose

*The every so cuteful Choko walks into this predictions thread*

HIYAS~! Choko be herey! If yous be wondery where be Dory, well, let be say Dory is looky for mannyhoody. HEHEH~! Yup, yup. Choko snippy off mannyhoody... :( Well, Choko lost scissys in towny so only could give Dory DAY LOWY BLOWY! But yous nos worry~! Dory definitely be feely it. Heheheheheheheh.


NOW! Onto the predicty!


Firsty, Choko picky Zacky Hotty to winny. Why? Well, Zack Hotty be such a hotty when hitty the Poppy Droppy. That be why! That and Choko never likey Renny.


So Spidey vs Stimpy! Since Stimpy is so evilly I predicty that Spidey lossy. Notty cause Spidey notty be beaty Stimpy, but Choko thinky Evil Spidey have evilly planny


Choko thinky that Dreamys winny. Just cause Capty of Stabby and Sidy just nos be toughy likey Choko!


OOOOOOOOO! Masky vs Masky! Um... Can Choko picky Masky? ...what? Both are Masky yous say? Then um... Choko um... Thinky DQ...?


Choko nos likey Supey. So CWMy winny. That and Choko go with gutty insecty.


Watchy it, Dangy! Watchy it, Dangy! Yous know... That songy from longs agos? ...nos? Well, Choko thinky Dangy winny.


Crysy be winny over Brocky or Choko be furry maddy and hunty down Brocky with scissy! THAT RIGHTY~! Choko be hunty yous down with scissy!


Esky. Why? Cause Esky likey Esky teamy Edmony have.


Uh.... Choko nos know... Um, Choko go with Shooty?


F13y matchy!!! Cause Choko know all supyhery winny, that make Blurrycany winny!


Twicy the titles! Ooooo! Choko thinky Shooty getty all the goldy nighty.


Taggy Scrambly! Weee! Too baddy that Crimsony Stormy Revoluty notty able to winny taggy scrambly. Cause CSR notty in, Choko thinky that Toy Machiny will winny!


WEEE! CSR vs ...Freaky and Slutty. Hm... Choko be sooooooooo wondery as to who be winny this matchy? Too baddy Choko nos know. :( Choko really wishy Choko notty DAY LOW BLOW Dory now. Then Choko know. Um... Well, Viccy can take nighty off, as Choko beaty both Freaky and Slutty tushy.


Choko thinky that Caboosy will hurty Machiny tushy so baddy that Machiny become Ministy from hurty. Yah, that what Choko thinky.


So Choko make predicty! WEEEE! Choko have stwab-cinny-cocoa cookies now then beddy...

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Guest caboose

Zack Malibu




Spider Poet


The Dream Machines


The Masked Man


The Superstar


Dangerous A


Brock Ausstin


Mystery Eskimo






Shooter Jay






The better man.

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Guest The Amazing Rando
Hell in a Cell Match for the #1 Contender to the OAOAST Title:

Some Guy Vs. Anglesault


3 Stages of Hell for the Tag Team Title (Pinfall, Barbwire Ropes, & Hell in a Cell) w/ El Dandy as ref:

Spider Poet Vs. Edward Robins


Mask vs. Mask Match:

The Masked Man Vs. Vince McMahon Mask


Last Man Standing Match:

CWM Vs. The Superstar


Dangerous A Vs. Banky


Crystal Vs. Brock Ausstin


Mystery Eskimo Vs. Jailbait


200 Light Tubes Match:

Shooter Jay Vs. Jacob VS Hex Machina vs Caboose


F13 Title Match:

The Blurricane Vs. Orion Vs. Reject


Slacker/Choko vs. SD/Alix


Hex Machina Vs. Caboose

I'm only answering the ones I don't already know...



and I think Ragdoll vs. K Money should be on there...

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins

Casket Match for the OAOAST Title:

Zack Malibu Vs. Stephen Joseph

- Zack


Hell in a Cell Match for the #1 Contender to the OAOAST Title:

Some Guy Vs. Anglesault

- AS


3 Stages of Hell for the Tag Team Title (Pinfall, Barbwire Ropes, & Hell in a Cell) w/ El Dandy as ref:

Spider Poet Vs. Edward Robins

- Spider Poet


Glass Table Match:

The Dream Machines Vs. Calvin & Colvid

- Blood! Dream Machines


Mask vs. Mask Match:

The Masked Man Vs. Vince McMahon Mask

- Vincent. Kennedy McMahon........the mask


Last Man Standing Match:

CWM Vs. The Superstar

- Superstar~!


Dangerous A Vs. Banky

- DA


Crystal Vs. Brock Ausstin

- Crystal is going to beat my ass.


Mystery Eskimo Vs. Jailbait

- Eskimo


200 Light Tubes Match:

Shooter Jay Vs. Jacob VS Hex Machina vs Caboose

- Jacob I says


F13 Title Match:

The Blurricane Vs. Orion Vs. Reject

- Reject


Ladder Match for the North American & Puerto Rican Titles:

Puerto Rican Lightning Vs. Shooter Jay

- Jay is the man.


Tag Scramble:

I.O.U. Vs. Toy Machine Vs. Featured Attraction

- F.A.


Slacker/Choko vs. SD/Alix

- Slacker/Choko


Hex Machina Vs. Caboose

- Caboose

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