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Guest Anglesault

Clarification on the racism/sexism ban

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Guest Anglesault

Just want to clarify this. I've been wondering this for a while.


**NOTE: All offensive terms are just being used as part of this question and are not meant to offend nor are they directed at anyone***


If I were to call a black person a "nigger" or a Spanish person a "spic", I'd obviously be banned.


What if a black or Spanish person referred to be as a "cracker" or some other term that is used as a derogatory term directed towards white people? Same thing, I presume?


Also, if I called a female a "bitch," I'd get in trouble. What if she called me a "bastard"?


Sorry if this has been covered, but I was in a situation like this recently and I wanted to know exactly what the rules are.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

This is like South Park.


"Cunt is okay, in anything but the literal form. For example, 'I was a cunthair away from getting a blowjob' is fine. But if a girl says, "My cunt was really dirty today... automatic BAN"

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

How about we act like grownups and realize that people actually use swear words. Sorry, but it's true.


You cocksucker, you.


I guess we could technically "act like grownups" and not use them, but isn't that just a WEE bit stodgy? Pretty soon there'll be no calling each other anything that might be misconstrued as derrogatory.


For instance, if we go down that path, Kotzenjuge or some random fucker will be banned for calling someone else a "Loser."

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Guest Kotzenjunge
For instance, if we go down that path, Kotzenjuge or some random fucker will be banned for calling someone else a "Loser."

And no one wants this.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

How do you know no one wants that to happen? That means you're prejudiced. You just made a broad generalization about everyone.


Someone ban this racist scumbag.

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Guest Cancer Marney

Cultural supremacists. You're all insulting my witch-burning ancestors.

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Guest Ten Ton Lid

The picture of the car in Kotzenjunge's sig clearly promotes the use of fossil fuels, which is probably racist ( give me a few minutes to work something out), reinforces existing gender stereotypes (a male having a car in his signature is the equivalent of saying "ah don't want no womenfolk drivin'!", and promotes violence and recklessness by reinforcing the "male" image), but completely misanthropic, presenting a direct threat to the entire human race in the form of airborne pollution. Also, a working non-electric, possibly not California emission standard vehicle mocks Liberals, who can't help their political affiliation - a bleeding heart is a medical condition, dammit!


And don't get me started about what the username Ten Ton Lid potentially says about the overweight.


Fuck cock poo.

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Guest El Satanico

"Pardon me dear chap, but in my humble opinion your statement was erroneous and therefore I respectfully decline to agree"


It's what this is leading to...mark my words...mark them I said!



Within 15 years all of the posters will be forced to talk like Stewie Griffith...not that there's anything wrong with that.

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Guest DrTom

I don't think "cracker" is on the same level as "nigger" or "spic." It just sounds really silly whenever it's said, even if someone means it to be as hateful as it possibly can. I just picture Chris Rock saying, "Cracka-ass cracka!" and I just can't take the "insult" seriously.


"Bitch" has become such a common term that it's hard to see it as a sexist slur anymore. People "bitch" about work being a "bitch," the traffic on the way home is a "bitch," etc. Heck, even guys call each other bitches. I've just become desensitized to it. "Cunt," on the other hand, is still a sexist slur, IMO, and I treat it as such.

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Guest El Satanico

cracker is a derogatory term for white people...so it must count regardless of how stupid it sounds.


Is the term "Nigga" outlawed too? It should be, because it's just slang for "nigger". If "nigga" isn't outlawed, then it means we're allowed to say "nigger" as long as it's not in a serious hate filled way. If that's the message you're sending then alright mission accomplished.

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Guest Cancer Marney

We've already had this discussion.


First thread


Second thread


The second one wanders a little, but here's the relevant bit from page 3:

Any use of any racial slurs in name calling or in description of someone will not be tolerated, due to the offensive nature of such slurs.

My extrapolation, never officially endorsed but never contradicted either:

I think your reconfiguration is fine. Essentially, if "nigger" is used as a rhetorical device - to characterise a person's attitude (direct quote or sarcasm) or a person's position, rather than as a direct insult (as in a KKK declaration) - which is when it's perfectly fair to call it a racial slur, hate speech, and ban offenders - I don't think reasonable people will take offence at the word itself. Of course, some song titles and stories will also contain it. All that's covered by your new statement.

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Guest El Satanico

Oh I wasn't involved with those threads, but now I know.


Carry on folks

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Guest Anglesault
cracker is a derogatory term for white people...so it must count regardless of how stupid it sounds.

Exactly my point.


Not having it go both ways is racism in itself.

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Guest JudasSault

Also am I sacriligious(sp?)

If so, the Mods have full permission to change my name to whatever they find funiest

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Guest Danny Dubya v 2.0

Judas is only a name and may or may not be the apostle Judas... so don't bother worrying about it.


If someone named themselves Jesus and their name IS Jesus (as in "Hey-seuss"), it'd be stupid to change that person's screenname as well.

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Guest El Satanico

What...we can't be sacrilegious? I hope that's not the case or alot of people shall be banned.

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Guest bob_barron
I don't think "cracker" is on the same level as "nigger" or "spic."  It just sounds really silly whenever it's said, even if someone means it to be as hateful as it possibly can.  I just picture Chris Rock saying, "Cracka-ass cracka!" and I just can't take the "insult" seriously.


"Bitch" has become such a common term that it's hard to see it as a sexist slur anymore.  People "bitch" about work being a "bitch," the traffic on the way home is a "bitch," etc.  Heck, even guys call each other bitches.  I've just become desensitized to it.  "Cunt," on the other hand, is still a sexist slur, IMO, and I treat it as such.

Question on the c--t rule-


I know we can't use that rule referring to fellow female posters but can we use the term when referring to women who don't post at the board?


I'm just asking since I noticed APO referred to Ann Coulter as a c--ntbag and I just want to know what the rules are

Edited by bob_barron

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Guest Ripper

The bigger question is who called someone a cracker...I want to point and laugh.


I think that all of the racial slurs should be avoided because it can be misinterpreted. There are plenty of ways to get your thought across without Cracka-ass Cracka being in it.


If it insults someone, like it obvoiusly does AS, then no one should be saying it.


Cock, poo, shit.

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Guest goodhelmet

i agree with ripper. what is the point in calling someone a name or even using slang that has racial connotations behind it (cracker, honky, spic, nigger, etc..)? there are plenty of other options out there in degrading someone.


besides, isn't attacking sexual orientation the thing to do?

queer, fag, homo, buttmuncher, etc...



as for the sexist rule, if you have to resort to calling a woman a cunt or slut or douche etc. to validate your opinion then your argument or point probably doesn't have a lot of weight behind it.

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Guest The Metal Maniac

But Goodhelmet, can't you say the exact same thing about virtually any other insulting terms people would use for anyone?


Personally, I say that if you're going to say that you can't use insulting terms involving the female genitals, then the same rule should apply to the male ones, otherwise I see it as kinda bias.


But then again, I also feel that no one should be offended by most swear words, and I use them all liberally during my daily speech. So take that for what you will.

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Guest DrTom
But then again, I also feel that no one should be offended by most swear words, and I use them all liberally during my daily speech.

There you go, kids. What he said.

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Guest goodhelmet
But Goodhelmet, can't you say the exact same thing about virtually any other insulting terms people would use for anyone?

why yes, yes you could. that's my point. it is much easier to call someone a name than to actually... you know... make a compelling argument. i also happen to be a pottie mouth and have done my fair share of name-calling but some names (nigger, spic, faggot, cunt etc.), regardless of your thick skin, should not be tolerated.

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Guest Anglesault
but some names (nigger, spic, faggot, cunt etc.), regardless of your thick skin, should not be tolerated


Again, I don't quite get why certain racial groups should get preferential treatment over others, not just here, but in regular society.

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Guest goodhelmet

the "etc." covers all of the unmentioned.



"I don't quite get why certain racial groups should get preferential treatment over others,"



you mean, like how white people have historically received preferential treatment compared to miorities? yeah, i agree.

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