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Guest Nevermortal

National Do Not Call Agency

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Guest Dangerous A

I've already signed up on California's Anti telemarketers program. I'll probrably hit up the national one too.

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Guest El Satanico

blah blah blah...telemarketers will just find a way around it.


However, it's funny to read them treating this like some great deed they've performed for humanity. Wow a bunch of lazy bastards won't have to pick up and then promptly hang up a phone...amaaaziiing.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

No shit, just be brutally rude to the person on the other end, you'll feel better.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

Got caller ID -- Don't need no hippie government program...

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I'd answer it anyway then..only answer it by screaming obscenities.

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Guest godthedog

you're still not safe from charities, surveys or calls on behalf of politicians.


the lemmings must face it, there is no escape.

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Guest El Satanico

A question I always wonder. Why do people in their home feel the need to answer the phone everytime it rings? I mean why answer the damn phone if answering it at that time will interupt what you're doing.


If it's an emergency whoever it was will call back. Bunch of self important jackasses thinking every call is important.

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Guest The Metal Maniac
I mean why answer the damn phone if answering it at that time will interupt what you're doing.


Because, I personally feel that there are few things on earth more annoying then ringing telephones. Especially when you're in bed, and the phone is in the next room, and you REALLY don't want to get up, but the damned thing rings so loud it means you can't sleep anyway, so you finally get up, stomp into the other room...




I'm sorry, I just hate telephones in general.

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Guest El Satanico

As do i, which is why I will not answer it if It's interupting something I'd rather do.


Answering it for a meaningless call annoys me more than it ringing. I usually turn the answering machine on, so I don't have to answer and so the phone doesn't ring ten times each call.


You could also just turn the ringer volume down.

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Guest Kingpk

We have a rule in the house:


"If the ID says 'Unavailable', then we are unavailable to answer."


Still, it is annoying when they try to call at 8:30 at night.

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