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Guest chirs3

Randumb smackdown! thoughts

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Guest chirs3

--> Thanks for the Topic Description, Stubby.


--> Oh God. Angle promo hails the return of "WHAT?!" to interviews. I'm not against "WHAT?!"... I think it's kind of funny... BUT SAVE IT FOR AUSTIN!


--> Nice sendoff for the Dudleyz.


--> Better sendoff for the APA.


--> Sigh. I have no problem with Jericho facing Matt Hardy (Well... I do, but that's not the point). But considering Jericho was just the Undisputed Champion of the World, you'd think he'd do a little bit better against the likes of Matt Hardy. I think it's a rule now that if a heel is the champion, any underdog he faces automatically gets to have the upper hand in the beginning. (Matt Hardy, Maven, etc). Which is kinda dumb.


--> When they showed all of Flair's roster, it didn't seem TOO crappy... but you'd never be able to tell going by just his 10 picks.


--> Brock still scares the crap out of me.


--> Wrestling was... well, it was better than Monday... that's gotta be worth something.


--> A pretty enjoyable main event, too. I could have done without Taker's interference, but before that it was alright. An Angle victory over HHH is always good in my book, even if their tag team partners were the ones who decided the outcome.


--> Wow, that Hardcore match was xTr3Me!!!11!!1   [/sarcasm]


--> Kane's delivery of the lines wasn't as comical as the spoilers I read had implied. The look on The Rock's face is what sold it for me.


--> All in all, a decent end to the overcrowded era. No better, but certainly no worse, than the average Smackdown of the past few months.

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"I think it's a rule now that if a heel is the champion, any underdog he faces automatically gets to have the upper hand in the beginning."


*Except HHH who dominated as a heel.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

The Rock went up 10 more spots in my 'favourite wrestler' book all because of his swank facial expressions...

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Guest TheDames7

I marked for the ECW chants that were actually acknowledged by the WWF announcers tonight.



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Guest TheDames7

Oh, also, bout damn time someone tapped to the Walls....and bout DAMN time he does it properly.


Dames - Tapped Out To A WristLock

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Bingo hall! Bingo hall! Bingo Hall!..


The king was *on* tonite.

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Guest areacode212

The APA breakup was nice, but having the lights go off and zooming in on the "Closed" sign was a bit too schmaltzy. I liked the way Bradshaw said "Thanks" to Faarooq--it could be read as "thanks for being a great partner" or "thanks for helping me get over for the first time in my career". It was a pretty sweet moment (and I mean this in a manly way).

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Guest The Man in Blak
The APA breakup was nice, but having the lights go off and zooming in on the "Closed" sign was a bit too schmaltzy. I liked the way Bradshaw said "Thanks" to Faarooq--it could be read as "thanks for being a great partner" or "thanks for helping me get over for the first time in my career". It was a pretty sweet moment (and I mean this in a manly way).

I gotta agree and if there's anything the WWF can do to help push this idea of a split legitimately, it's do stuff like this that not only caters to long-term fans who've tracked and watched the APA, but infer that the split is the real deal to casual fans just tuning in.



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Guest KOR420

The APA thing was kind of sad,I'm gonna miss all those card games,and strip poker to where you can almost see terri,trish's breasts before something dumb happens,the thing that always got me though was how they always make people knock on that stupid door,I laugh everytime they acknowledge it

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Glad to see Raven back, I mark out for him for some reason or another.

Whats up with Godfather? He wasn't drafted but he was on smackdown...

Scott Hall looks to me like he could have a good match or two with the right person

Better show than raw

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Guest Zero_Cool

I found it kind of funny how Bradshaw and Faarooq just happened to beat up on Spike Dudley, almost like they picked on him because he was standing there...but it was kinda sad how the APA is now dead.  A good run.  Two years, I think?

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Guest Goodear
--> Oh God. Angle promo hails the return of "WHAT?!" to interviews. I'm not against "WHAT?!"... I think it's kind of funny... BUT SAVE IT FOR AUSTIN!


Eh, its been cut back a great deal recently, so I'm cool with the whole thing at the moment.  Angle usually encourages the chants in his promos anyway, so I'm not going to fault the audience reacting to it.


--> Nice sendoff for the Dudleyz.


--> Better sendoff for the APA.


Two sendoffs handled very well.  Both teams going out the way they should have with The Dudleyz putting people through tables and The aPa doing one of their fun, if pointless backstage vigenettes.  Now if Lawler would just shut up about his stupid ECW vendetta... tell me he's going to RAW.... please.


--> Sigh. I have no problem with Jericho facing Matt Hardy (Well... I do, but that's not the point). But considering Jericho was just the Undisputed Champion of the World, you'd think he'd do a little bit better against the likes of Matt Hardy. I think it's a rule now that if a heel is the champion, any underdog he faces automatically gets to have the upper hand in the beginning. (Matt Hardy, Maven, etc). Which is kinda dumb.


Eh, the match was like 40 seconds long or at least it seemed like it and I never got the impression Matt had any sort of chance for the upset.  The whole thing didn't do anything for anybody, and thats no good at all.


--> When they showed all of Flair's roster, it didn't seem TOO crappy... but you'd never be able to tell going by just his 10 picks.


Nah, RAW will be fine as long as they remember to let Kane have some sort of personality and keep nWo in a whole bunch of six mans where they can switch in and out quickly enough so not to drag matches down.


--> Brock still scares the crap out of me.


Hmmm, I think its time to put Brock in some actual matches instead of using running in and hitting two moves on the midcard.  I've seen big guys be able to do good moves but unable to put on good matches way too many times to get too pysched (911 anyone?).


--> A pretty enjoyable main event, too. I could have done without Taker's interference, but before that it was alright. An Angle victory over HHH is always good in my book, even if their tag team partners were the ones who decided the outcome.


I was a little unhappy with Flair's and Vince's performances. Vince's work on Flair's leg was particularly irksome.  HHH and Angle were their usually very good and awesome (respectively) selves.


--> Wow, that Hardcore match was xTr3Me!!!11!!1   [/sarcasm]


Maven couldn't hit anything well last night.  Dreamer seemed ... moist... I mean it looked like mist was coming off him when he was moving around.  Would it have killed the WWF to show Raven's reaction to Dreamer's run in to find out if Tommy was trying to help or hinder him.


--> Kane's delivery of the lines wasn't as comical as the spoilers I read had implied. The look on The Rock's face is what sold it for me.


I laughed until I coughed.  Then again, I have a chest cold, so I may cough if I laugh at Beetle Bailey.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

I thought it was a nice kinda end of era show. Call me sentimental but despite hating Bradshaw I thought the APA thing was really good. I was surprised they didn't trade the Dudleyz to  be on the same show. I knew they wanted to push Bradshaw as a singles wrestler (argghhhh) but not the Duds.


I don't see the point of having Jericho vs Matt Hardy, but at least he won clean, thank god. Kane was pretty funny, and its still good to see Flair, even he was sloppy.

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Too bad the WWF didn't let Jericho wrestle and beat people like that when he was the Damn Champion.

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