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Guest Judas14

Faustian deal involving austin/hhh?

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Guest Judas14

Idea of what may happen to solve the problems between Austin and the WWF/Steph-HHH connection:


Austin comes back to Raw and gets into a "respect" feud with HHH which climaxs with Austin vs HHH at Backlash. Austin beats HHH and wins the belt and HHH gets drafted by Flair now that he's no longer champion.


Austin then gets a long title run for as long as he wants and can go back and forth from both shows depending on the ratings. Triple H goes to Raw and continues jacking off with the rest of the Clique and burying Booker T, RVD, and Brock Lesner and the downward spiral continues......

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Guest treble charged

Good for Austin, good for HHH, bad for us.


However, I don't really understand the Faust allusion?  Who's selling their soul to who?

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Guest The Man in Blak

I suppose Vince is selling his soul to get Austin to come back...or he's forcing Triple H to.  It's a little sketchy.


Of course, Steph and Triple H have to agree to this, which is an unlikely possibility.

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Guest Judas14
Good for Austin, good for HHH, bad for us.


However, I don't really understand the Faust allusion?  Who's selling their soul to who?

Austin is doing the soul selling. He gets the World Title for as long as he wants it and the ability to go between both shows as the "top ratings draw in the WWF" in exchange for him allowing Triple H to continue his political schemes and neferious plots to bury the only decent wrestlers on Raw.....

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Guest treble charged

OK, thanks for clearing it up.

Again, it sounds good for Austin and HHH, but if Austin refuses to drop the belt and the Clique basically goes around squashing the future of the company, it doesn't look too good in my eyes.

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