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Guest ShooterJay

IZ Booking

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Guest ShooterJay



Jay Darring vs. Jacob X: Title vs. Career, in some hideous deathmatch type thing.


Stephen Joseph vs. Dangerous A


Jailbait vs. Edward Robins


SpiderPoet gets a "special visit" in the hospital.


Origin of the Blurricane!


Update on Mystery Eskimo's injuries.


Ninjas play twister!


Confrontation between K-NESS and Kyle Landis!

Edited by ShooterJay

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Guest KanadianKrusty

I'd like to start a feud with someone, anyone interested?

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Guest The Last Free Voice

I am. Or we are, whatever. would you rather feud with CSM or Kyle?

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Guest KanadianKrusty

I'd like to feud with Kyle... and this split personnality thing is really weird, anyway, PM me so we can start to set this up, I think I have a pretty good idea.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

/ooc jay, i need to know what youre planning in the match with jacob...cause hes central to some trin things




Oh harken the angel's cries. iZ, a place where I was once loved, now becomes a personal hell. What does this hell know about me? Nothing.


I am Stephen Joseph. This is my Anthem. It does not stop until I can go no further. You heathens, will all learn that the OaOasT cannot exist without me, that I am its heart, its soul.


But what if I don't want to keep beating? It is time for the OaOasT to die.


Oh, after resting, I will be on IntenseZone, my creation, my show, my purpose. But woe to anyone who tries and stops me when I enter the ring, and explain just what is what, and who is who, and why is why.


For there are no brave souls amongst us, only dead, rotting men, caring only for themselves.


Rot away IntenseZone. None can stop the disease.


/ooc that was a challenge for a match

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We are finally introduced to FATHER and the full story of Blurricane's origins!


Please do not skim over this segment on the show. It's very vital to the storyline and the ending I have planned.

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Guest SP-1
Word has it that someone very special is planning to visit SpiderPoet in the hospital during his condition update this coming IntenseZone~!.  More on this as it develops!

-- OAOASTorch


Man, I wonder who that could be?

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Guest j.o.b. squad

perhaps i will write a segment explaining the history of the ninjas or if i cant think of any thing funny for that story i will just have a massive game of twister to name a head ninja

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

I'll be sending in the next piece of the saga of Eskimo's career threatening injury~!

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

:: no sells, because it wasn't Eskimo but in fact big haired singer Barry Gibbs from the Beegees! ::

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Guest Big Poppa Popick



iZ is on the thirteenth


that is an unlucky number


someones getting it




I accept Dangerous A's challenge. He is at least more worthy than...*cough* Sonic

Edited by Big Poppa Popick

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Guest Dangerous A

Very good, Mr Joseph.


I want to see first hand your "purity through pain".


Personally I don't think you can give me any "purification". Not without your boys help at least.


You'd better get a puro tape or two before trying to fuck with me. Tell your Jacob and Ed the same thing.

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Guest y2jailbait
I'll be sending in the next piece of the saga of Eskimo's career threatening injury~!

How bout some more build to our feud? I was off this week but I'm open for something, Evenflow DDT, how bout that match now?

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

Yup. Check your PM.


If you're writing your match against Ed, have Eskimo watching from ringside, or something.

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Guest Kingpk

Well, since this week's Aggression ain't happening, should the Dream Machines/Featured Attraction confrontation occur on IZ? Or should I hold it off until HD? I don't want to have it next Saturday because there's already something planned.

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Well, since this week's Aggression ain't happening, should the Dream Machines/Featured Attraction confrontation occur on IZ? Or should I hold it off until HD? I don't want to have it next Saturday because there's already something planned.

It can't happen on either show since we're not allowed on either show and it should stay that way. I like it being on Aggression and I wish the show would just go on as planned.

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Guest Kingpk

Ok, I'm doing a little editing to keep with the split, and we'll have it on IZ. I guess it's going to Jay so if you want to add anything, feel free.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

theres....nothing...that says you cant be




the arena

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

initiative, me likey


DA, got your promo, reading it now, and ill send you da match later tonight


EDIT: The promo was great

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Guest Kingpk

Yeah, the confrontation has been all done for a few days now, ya think I should, you know, SEND IT IN?


Just call me Caboose Jr.


EDIT: But before I do,

Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

When is the match taking place? Is Aggression still going on or should we invite FA to HeldDOWN this week? I don't think that was discussed.

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Yeah, the confrontation has been all done for a few days now, ya think I should, you know, SEND IT IN?


Just call me Caboose Jr.


EDIT: But before I do,

Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

When is the match taking place? Is Aggression still going on or should we invite FA to HeldDOWN this week? I don't think that was discussed.

Aggression IS still on. I'm doing it now.

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Guest Michael Joel Benoit

How about we open the show with IntenseZone General Manager Dames will make a special annoucement regarding the Puerto Rican Lightning vs. Shooter Jay Darring feud?


I will not tell what the annoucement is. You will just have to wait to see what it is on the show!




How about we have Puerto Rican Lightning take on Sonic Youth? I'll write the match if it's okay with you, Dawn.




Lightning Crew segment.

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