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NWA-TNA Xplosion recap

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This comes from Phillip McConnell:


NWA:TNA Xplosion Review For 6-30-03

By: Phillip McConnell NWA:TNA Correspondent

[email protected]


This week's show kicks off the same way the Pay-Per-View on 6/25 did, with a video going over the events from 6/18 show.


Next up was a short video going over the history of Americas’ Most Wanted vs. Triple X feud heading into 6/25.


Mike Tenay and Jeremy Borash join us for the first time this week. They talk about the events from this past weeks’ PPV.


Ron Killings, Konnan, and BG James vs. CB Cane, Todd Sexton, and Delirious w/ Eddie G

James and Cane start out with a collar and elbow. James with a wristlock then an armwringer. Cane with a forearm to break. He follows that with two right hands, a whip into the ropes and a dropkick. Cane with another right. He goes to whip James into the ropes but James blocks that and nails Cane with the left hands and one hard right. Knee drop by James. Cover gets two. Both men up, James with a knee to the mid-section. Killings tags in and quickly gets taken to the mat by an armdrag from Cane. Sexton tags in and applies a wristlock. He goes to whip Killings into the ropes but Killings reverses the move and kicks Sexton in the mid-section. Suplex into a stunner for two by Killings. Killings whips Sexton into the ropes, kicks him in the mid-section, and nails him with an axe kick. Killings goes to whip Sexton into the corner but Sexton reverses. Killings puts on the breaks and floats back behind a charging Sexton. Killings does the splits to avoid a clothesline. Konan then clothesline Sexton. James with an elbow. Killings covers for two. Killings whips Sexton into the ropes and the two BUTT heads after Sexton bounces off the ropes. Konnan and Delirious tag in. Delirious goes for a wheelbarrow but Konnan turns that into a release german suplex. He then hits a reverse DDT on Sexton and a rolling clothesline on Cane. Konnan then finishes the match by kicking Delirious in the mid-section, hitting the face jam, and applying the Tequila Sunrise. Delirious taps out. After the match, James slingshots Eddie G into the ring. Killings kicks Eddie in the mid-section and then plants him with a picture perfect Falcon Arrow, which Eddie sells better than anybody I have ever seen take the move.

Winners, by pinfall, Killings, Konnan, and James


Commercial Break.


Mike and Jeremy talk about Jerry Lynn vs. Justin Credible feud.


Highlights of Lynn vs. Credible “Lights Out Match” from this past weeks PPV.


Commercial Break.


Video hyping the Sting interview by Mike Tenay next week.


Next up was video of New Jack talking to Shark Boy in the Shark Tank (a kiddie pool) from this past week's PPV.


Commercial Break.


Mike and Jeremy talk about the Hard 10 Tournament.


Highlights of Sandman defeating Sonny Siaki in the semi-finals of the Hard 10 tourny. Also shown was the post match promo by New Jack about this coming weeks’ Hard 10 finals. I personally thought this was the best match of the Hard 10 tournament thus far.


Commercial Break.


Video airs again to hype the Sting interview.


Commercial Break.


David Young vs. 2 Face

Face with a quick go behind into a waistlock takedown then a front face lock. Young tries to escape but Face simply reapplies the front face lock. Both men up to their feet. Face with a wristlock into a side headlock. Young shoots Face into the ropes. He goes for a hip toss but Face turns that into a firemans’ carry followed by an armbar. Young with three forearms to break. He goes for a kick to the ribs but Face blocks that and clotheslines Young. Young backs up the ropes and Face clotheslines him to the floor. Face follows him out only to get distracted by Sonny Siaki who walks out on the ramp. Young takes advantage of this with a forearm to the back. Young whips Face into the side of the ring. Face pulls himself up out of the way of a charging Young then skins the cat back into the ring. Face off the top rope to the floor with an axe handle on Young. Both men back in and Young attacks Face with an axe handle to the shoulders. Right hands by Young. He whips Face into the corner. He tries again but Face tosses him into the corner and rains some rights down onto him. He whips Young into the ropes and catches him with a big boot. He then whips Young into the corner and follows him in with a clothesline. Forearm to the back by Face who then pulls a Kid Kash and scales the ropes and catches Young with a clothesline. Young with a drop toe hold sending Face into the corner. Young eats boot when he charges in after him. Face pulls himself up to the top rope then comes crashing down on Young with a big leg drop. Siaki on the ring apron distracts Face. When he turns around Young plants him with a spinebuster for the win.

Winner, by pinfall, Young


Commercial Break.


Mike and Jeremy talk about AMW vs. XXX.


Highlights of Americas’ Most Wanted defeating Tripls X in a steel cage to win the NWA World Tag Team Titles. This segment from the start of Mike and Jeremy talking to the end of the highlights of the match lasted almost twenty-one minutes and was without commercial interruption.


One of the best segments in Xplosion history.


Commercial Break.


Mike and Jeremy talk about the odd tag pairings of Jeff Jarrett and Raven and the equally as odd pairing of Glenn Gilbertti and Shane Douglas.


Highlights of Jarrett and Raven over Gilbertti and Douglas by DQ after Father James Mitchell hit Raven in the face with a fireball.


End Show.


Closing thoughts:


Overall the best Xplosion to date. Only thing I would have changed would have been a few less minutes of the AMW vs. XXX match in favor of at least a few minutes worth of highlights for both the D-Lo Brown vs. AJ Styles fight and the Chris Sabin vs. Frankie Kazarian match.


Once again my continued thanks to all of you for your support for these reports and the great NWA:TNA sites like www.totalnonstop.com, www.tnattitude.com, www.tnarevolution.com, www.heelsection.com, and www.tnacentral.com.


Have a great Tuesday and see you all after the show with the NWA:TNA Live Notes Report. As always… best wishes.

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