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Guest brokentusk16

When is the lotr dvd coming out?

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Guest brokentusk16

I heard that the Lord of the Rings DVD is coming out soon, has anybody heard when?

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Guest starvenger

According to IGN DVD, the "basic" 2 DVD set comes out Aug 6.  A 4-disc Special Extended Edition comes out Nov 12.


(edit)Reading a little bit further on, there's a Widescreen and a Pan and Scam version of the 2-disc set, so make sure you look carefully before you buy...

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Guest TUS_02

To further what star said... the 2 disk set is going to have the movie, and the second disk is going to be an assload of behind the scene interviews, etc... with (I think) a Two Towers preview.  I think it's like 10 minutes long.  


4 disk set - 2 of the disks are going to be for the movie alone.  And besides director commentary (ABOUT FUCKING TIME PETER JACKSON!!!!! :)  )  the other extras have yet to be disclosed.

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Guest areacode212

What the hell is the point of coming out with separate Pan & Scan and Widescreen versions of a movie? Are there STILL people out there who say "I hate those black bars! I want this to fill my entire TV screen!"

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Guest starvenger
Are there STILL people out there who say "I hate those black bars! I want this to fill my entire TV screen!"


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Guest Big McLargeHuge

Yup. Trying to explain that those black bars actually expose MORE of the film has been pretty useless and only supplied with looks of ignorance.


I don't get why they just don't have the option of choosing the screen ratio.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

<<<Are there STILL people out there who say "I hate those black bars! I want this to fill my entire TV screen!">>>


Yep. Although I'm happy to say that I got the girlfriend addicted to WS format.


DVD question: Why are some wide screen formats "bigger" than others (eg. 1:85 ration to 2:35, etc) Do the larger widescreens leave out bits of the picture? Just curious...

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Guest starvenger
DVD question: Why are some wide screen formats "bigger" than others (eg. 1:85 ration to 2:35, etc) Do the larger widescreens leave out bits of the picture? Just curious...

Nope.  Check out the DVD FAQ for more information than I could possibly provide, and specifically this section which details some stuff aboat widescreen.

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Guest El Satanico

At one time i was also one of the people who didn't like the "black bars". Now i don't like watching movies that aren't shown in widescreen. If all of the people who claim to hate widescreen actually sat down and watched 5 or 6 widescreen movies without bitching aboot them a majority would be converted easily.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

"If all of the people who claim to hate widescreen actually sat down and watched 5 or 6 widescreen movies without bitching aboot them a majority would be converted easily."


In my experiences, most of the people I know who detest the black bars are older and have grown up watching movies on TV full screen. Much like other topics -- racism, Social Security, etc. -- you'll just have to wait until those that grew up thinking one particular way die off before any change is possible...

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