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Guest Kingpk

Coming July 29th

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Guest Kingpk

(Note: I TRIED to make a cover, but realized my photo editing abilities are of teh suck. If someone wants to make one, go ahead. I was thinking of the GAB logo in the center with Popick and Zack on one side and Poet and Robbins on the other)


OaOast Home Video, in conjunction with IntenseZone and HeldDOWN, presents the bloodiest, most brutal PPV in the company's history, the 2003 Great Angle Bash in a mega-sized 3 (yes, 3) DVD set!!!


Main Event: Zack Malibu vs. Stephen Joseph (Casket match for the OaOast World Heavyweight title)


Double Hell in the Cell Action!!!:


Anglesault vs. Some Guy (winner is #1 Contender for the OaOast World Heacyweight title)


Spider Poet vs. Edward Robbins (one on one match for the OaOast World Tag Team titles)


Glass Table Grudge Match!!: Calvin and Colvid vs. The Dream Machines


Mask vs. Mask!!: Vince McMahon Mask vs. The Masked Man


Impromptu Double Fall Match: K-Money vs. Ragdoll (Fall 1: Hardcore rules for the NWA/UPW/Zero-One Jr. Heavyweight Title, Fall 2: Ladder match for the X-Title)


The Body Shop: with Special Guest Stephen Popick


Last Man Standing: CWM vs. The Superstar


Dangerous A vs. Banky


Crystal vs. Brock Austin


Tag Scramble Match for #1 contendership of the Tag Team titles: Toy Machine vs. I.O.U. vs. Sonic Youth


Y2Jailbait vs. Mystery Eskimo


First Blood Match: Caboose vs Hex Machina


Triple Threat for the F13 Title: Blurricane vs. Orion vs. Reject


Ladder Match for the North American AND Puerto Rican Titles: Shooter Jay vs. Puerto Rican Lightning


Shattered Dreams and Alix vs. Slacker and Choko


Special Features


- From Aggression: Shooter Jay vs. Crystal vs. Amazing Zero (interbrand triple threat for the North American Title)


- Post-Match comments:


Shooter Jay


Dangerous A


Dream Machines

Edward Robbins

Zack Malibu


- From Popick to Prophet: The Evolution of Stephen Joseph


AND SO MUCH MORE!!!! Pre-order NOW!!

Edited by Kingpk

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Guest Tony149

You bring up an intriguing concept.


As some might know, in the past we've done "special editions" type things (director's commentary) on past PPVs. For License to Pin, we already have a number of things that can be used as extras (un-used segments, logos that never were, etc). Would you guys like it if we did more of that?

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Guest The Superstar
OaOast Home Video, in conjunction with IntenseZone and HeldDOWN, presents the bloodiest, most brutal PPV in the company's history, the 2003 Great Angle Bash in a mega-sized 3 (yes, 3 DVD set!!!

I think Sandman and Doomsday 2002 would beg to differ :P

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins
Crystal vs. Brock Heyross

Screwed up my name.




I feel special now.

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Guest OAOASTorch

It's reported that the 3 DVD Set will also include a documentary on The Dark Poet and the events leading to the unfortunate "incident" at the end of 3 Stages of Hell.

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Guest Kingpk
Crystal vs. Brock Heyross

Screwed up my name.




I feel special now.

I combined you and your manager's names, didn't I?


Hee hee. I'll fix it.

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Guest caboose
It's reported that the 3 DVD Set will also include a documentary on The Dark Poet and the events leading to the unfortunate "incident" at the end of 3 Stages of Hell.

You really do have a lot of time on your hands, don't you Poet?

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Guest SP-1

I don't have a clue what you're talking about. To whomever registerd as OAOASTorch, bravo. I'd have done it sooner or later.

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Guest What?

Also, a special feature!



On the match selection screen, when K-Money/Ragdoll is highlighted, press RIGHT on your DVD remote to see K-Money/Austin Baker/Shannon Baker vs. Donny Vicious/Sid Rotten/Kat Vicious Barbed Wire 6-Person Tornado Tag.



Quite bloody, indeed. It's the match that nearly killed Austin Baker aka Ragdoll.

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Guest The Amazing Rando

By Highlighting the Stephen Joseph vs. Zack Malibu match and pressing up you will find a teaser hype video package on "No Relation" Tom Popick



...as well...


Selecting IOU vs. Toy Machine vs. Featured Attraction and pressing Down, Right, Left, Up, Up, Up, Up you can see The Amazing Rando's return promo on HeldDown leading into the Purist feud and can also watch Rando vs. Sonic Youth also from the Agression before GAB...


...because you know that match ruled it.

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Guest The Superstar

By highlighting the Last Man Standing match and pressing Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, you can hear a sound clip of The REAL Superstar saying "Why the fuck did I say yes to this gimmick?!"

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Guest What?



See K-Money beat "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson, Paul London, and TAKA Michinoku for the NWA/UPW/Zero-One Jr. Heavyweight Title! From the TOKYO DOME!~ WHOO!




High-flying and technical masterpiece is how to describe this Fatal Four Way Match! See it to believe it!

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Guest ShooterJay

To keep the international flavor:

Never-before-seen Jay Darring matches from Big Japan- vs. Men's Teoh, Jun Kasai and his Junior Heavyweight Title win against Winger!

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Guest Zack Malibu

Ultra-Mega Bonus Feature:


Zack shows you exactly how he gets his hair in perfect form!

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