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Guest Mattdotcom

In Need of Help

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Guest Mattdotcom

I'm unable to order PPVs and trying to find some good comp tapes right now, so all I have for TNA coverage are the excellent recaps provided by Scarface Jr. I have one problem with them, though. I have no idea what some of these moves are. I need some descriptions, mostly about the up-and-comers, and especially such moves as the Ki Krusher and Death Sentence.



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Guest The Metal Maniac

The Ki Krusher: Grab them for a Fisherman's suplex. Lift them up into the air, but then turn them towards you and sit down, dropping them in sort of a Michinoku (Sorry if I mispelled that) Driver, except with their leg hooked by your arm, and your hands locked together.


I dunno about the other one though.

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Guest Mattdotcom

HO-LEE SHIT. I must see a Low-Ki match. Now. Damn my 56K connection. Thanks TMM, and keep them coming. It's not limited to AMW. I am totally unfamiliar with some of these guys.

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins

Ki Krusher - Sitout Fisherman Buster


Death Sentence - Old Smoking Gunns finisher I believe (The Sidewinder.) One holds the opponent in a backbreaker position, while the other comes off the top with a legdrop.




What others do you need?

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Guest Miss Independant

Well, I was going to show you some pictures of the Ki Krusher, but since my webhosting sucks, just go to www.low-ki.com and click on the large icon marked "Arsenal" and it's the first two pictures.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Ki Kruser '99 (by LowKi) - Described previously.


Death Sentence (by America's Most Wanted) - James Storm holds his opponent belly-to-belly, sliding them down so that they're at an angle as Storm crouches down slightly. Chris Harris flies off the top rope with a leg drop to the opponent as Storm drops them and then covers for a pin.


Any others?


EDIT: Just for the hell of it...


Flux Capacitor (by Frankie Kazarian) - Moonsault Rock Bottom off the top rope. Similar to The SAT's Spanish Fly, only performed by one man instead of two.


Future Shock (by Chris Sabin) - Double-leg Fisherman's Buster. Set up like a MuscleBuster (KinnikuBuster for you Ultimate Muscle fans), only dropped into a Fisherman's Buster.

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Guest Nevermortal

Red Star Press (By Amazing Red): Standing Shooting Star Press


Code Red (By Amazing Red): Sunset Flip Powerbomb Variant


Pepsi Plunge (By CM Punk): Top Rope Pedigree


Devil-Lock (By CM Punk): Combination Tequila Sunrise/Sharpshooter


Angel's Wings (By Christopher Daniels): Sit Out Pedigree


Last Rites (By Christopher Daniels): Inverted Front Facelock swung to Diamond Cutter [aka: Reno's Roll of the Dice/Test's Test Drive]


Moneymaker (By Kid Kash): Double Underhook Piledriver


Bankroll (By Kid Kash): Fisherman's Suplex position, then drops opponent's head on the knee


Crossfire (By Jason Cross): Shooting Star Press to Legdrop


Edit: A question for the TNA addicts here (I've only seen a couple of episodes), does AJ Styles do the "Hurdle the Guardrail" spot on TNA?

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

He has. The corner where SEX used to enter, and the corner next to the Heel Section are where he's done it.

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