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Guest starvenger

Gail Kim

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Oh I dunno.


They got what, 2 matches outta Jones??


The hype lasted longer than he did.

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Guest The ChriZa

I was at Wrestlemania, and when Jones did his little run-in, most of the crowd groaned. And he HADN'T EVEN WRESTLED YET. Those promos do NOT work.


But back on subject, Kim is sloppy, IMO. Couple months experience and she could be one of the best, though.

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Guest geniusMoment

Womens wrestling is the same now as it was years ago. Did you hear the crowd during the two womens matches: they chanted we want puppies or nothing at all. Why does Vince continue to push womens wrestling when all the audience wants is girls covered in oil in g-strings. What would have gotten a bigger rating: trish vs. molly or trish vs. stacy vs. gail vs. victoria in a fatal four way oil g-string match?

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Guest LJSexay

I think the women's division is better than it ever has been. If they stick to good matches and they have Fit there to guide them... it will continue to prosper.


I think people are WAY too negative about everything. Gail has done okay so far... can we *please* try to not shit on everything we don't deem perfect? I know the WWE is crap right now, but c'mon... it's her second week, and she's done better than to have her tenure already demed a failure.



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Guest The ChriZa

I had a point to make geniusMoment, but your last sentence completely derailed my train of thought.


Another brilliant notion taken away before its time.

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Guest Sakura

What's weird is that O'Haire, Jones and Gail all got bizarre gimmicky videos hyping their debut and then when they finally did debut they scrapped the gimmick and were just like normal people. Has Gail done ANYTHING Matrix like or whatever?

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Guest The ChriZa
What's weird is that O'Haire, Jones and Gail all got bizarre gimmicky videos hyping their debut and then when they finally did debut they scrapped the gimmick and were just like normal people. Has Gail done ANYTHING Matrix like or whatever?

She's obviously going for the look, with the shades and coat. But until she makes a movie about evil bank-robbing surfers who wear Nixon masks, I'm not buying into it.

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Guest Korgath

Let's be realistic here:


1) The booking for the women's division is crap. We all know that. Trish has gotten the belt more than any other woman in history, and she's feuding with a mainly heel division, who turn face as and when necessary.


2) Gail Kim is the first official face in a LONG LONG time, and yet she get heel heat for grabbing a belt that Trish should have won. Yes, sports fans, it comes to a point when EVERYONE expect Trish to be the "transitional" champion.


3) Lita is STILL over as a high-flying women's champion. No one's going to be able to replace her in that niché. Not Victoria, and definitely not Gail Kim. Why market her as someone who can, you wonder.


4) Gail Kim's only WWE experience prior to her debut were lingerie matches with Dawn Marie at house shows. GO FIGURE.




1) The WWE hired an above average female wrestler who had the body, if not the face to pull off a decent face reaction.

2) Trained her "WWE Style" for half a year by putting her in lingerie matches.

3) Built her up as a reality bending high-flyer a month before her big debut

4) And then threw her into the ring with 6 other women in a match Scott Keith refuses to rate, before slapping THE belt on her.

5) Following which, as a finger up the ass to all of us smarks, puts out an interview with Coach, taped during commercials where all she says is "It... is... orgasmic".


With an introduction like that, can you really put all the blame on her for not being able to produce the goods?

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Guest AndrewTS

So it comes back to the WWE is run by morons again?


As for being built up, she got a vague set of hype-up promos. She wasn't given any sort of gimmick or persona. The biggest mistake I see is that apparently they didn't do much to actually promote her debut or give people a reason to care. So she's supposed to get over by her wrestling alone I'm guessing, when she's simply not capable of it yet?


Although I've already pointed out how asinine it is to have her wrestling girls like Nidia in Dawn Marie if she herself is green. That's really the last thing they should have done.

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Guest starvenger
So it comes back to the WWE is run by morons again?

It seems like it. Dammit, why won't McMahon let the fanboys run the WWE?

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Guest AndrewTS

Because they aren't related to him and Vince doesn't hire fans to write.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

I think they should have built her up like Lita when she first started. Instead of blowing their load and having Gail in full-scale matches, they should have her associated with another wrestler and perform some spots in his matches. That would generate the interest to see her more and more and eventually get her over in full-scale matches.


On the bright side, Molly beat Trish for the 2nd time in a month and Trish’s slide continues in the women’s division.

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Guest AndrewTS

Polish_Rifle: I was thinking the same thing. They almost had her do that with Kidman, in fact. She would only need to do a spot or so on TV now and then and in the meantime she could be working on improving her wrestling at house shows.


Although it still makes no sense that they stuck her in matches with the fluffers rather than other female wrestlers. If they had made her a valet with Kidman the same problem would be there.

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