Guest Tony149 Report post Posted July 8, 2003 (edited) BA-BUM, DUN, BA-BUM, DUN, BA-DO-BA-BUM "JAMES BOND THEME"-like music plays as something similar to the famous James Bond "gunbarrel" logo (look at the LICENSE TO PIN logo to see how it looks) appears on screen. A MAN, dressed in a tuxedo, begins walking towards the center. Out of nowhere, just as the MAN turns towards the gunbarrel, ANGLESAULT -- dressed in his wrestling gear -- charges towards MAN and blasts him with a STEEL CHAIR. MAN falls down. ANGLESAULT looks down at him then the camera. He smirks, and then spins around ala the former 16-time world heavyweight champion "Nature Boy" Ric Flair. DING-DING, DING-DING-DING FADE TO: CHARLESTON COLISEUM CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA Beautiful night in Charleston, South Carolina. Traffic is seen near the coliseum. POLICE OFFICERS patrol the arena. SCALPERS all around, but the police don't seem to care. As a matter of fact, an POLICE OFFICER is seen in the background buying a ticket from a SCALPER. The few FANS rush towards the entrance doors, to get inside. While others hope the box office might have tickets left over. No doubt, when the OAOAST is in town, tickets sell like Kurt Angle to his opponents. EVERYBODY outside look around, as the sound of SWIRLING blades ring though the air. A HELICOPTER appears overhead. EVERYBODY looks up. Some in awe. Some in fear. One thing's or sure: nobody knows what's going on. Inside the HELICOPTER, all we see besides the PILOT, is a MAN in BLACK LEATHER and HELMET. MAN'S FACE - CLOSE UP. The black helmet covers his face, but the nickname "THE BODY" is painted above the HELMET VISOR. "THE BODY" looks down. A CROWD has gathered outside. POLICE OFFICERS have also increased their presence. POLICE CRUISERS have lined up in a row. POLICER OFFICER #1 An F-16 fighter jet is on its way. I suggest you land the helicopter on the police cruisers lined up. If you're one of those hippies protesting somethin', don't worry -- the tax-payers will pay for any damage done. F-16 FIGHTER JET CONTROL PANEL - CLOSE UP. MESSAGE READS: "TARGET LOCKED" PILOT presses a RED BUTTON. MISSLE FIRES. MISSLE P.O.V. (POINT OF VIEW) THE MISSLE goes directly for the tail of the HELICOPTER. KA-BOOM! The 'COPTER EXPLODES. A cloud of hell, fire and brimstone covers the night sky. CROWD gasps. F-16 PILOT (OFF-SCREEN) Hit! Suddenly, a PARACHUTE OPENS, revealing the OAOAST logo. "THE BODY'S" P.O.V. The CROWD outside have their mouths dropped in awe. "The Body" jumped out of the 'copter seconds before the missle hit. "Body" notices a HAIRY-BIKER, drinking a BUDLIGHT BEER on his HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLE. "The Body" maneuvers his parachute towards the biker. As he prepares to land, 'The Body' KICKS the biker behind the head, sending him and his beer a flying. "The Body" rips-off the parachute. The sound of closing POLICE SIRENS makes "The Body" ties the PARACHUTE CORDS to the bike handles. MOTORCYCLE WHEELS - CLOSE UP. Snake-skin boots unlocks the kickstand. ENGINE TURNS OVER REAR-VIEW MIRROR - CLOSE UP. WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE (instrumental) PLAYS AS -- "The Body" sees 3 POLICE CRUISERS heading his direction. The POLICE chase "The Body" around the arena. As the CRUISERS close in, "The Body" digs into his breast pocket. He pulls out a small KNIFE. "The Body" CUTS the CORDS, BLOWING the parachute backwards towards the CRUISERS. The 'chute manages to cover the FRONT MIRRORS of 2 CRUISERS, sending them into a tailspin before crashing into each other, casuing a massive EXPLOSION. THE CROWD - VARIOUS SHOTS. They actually APPLUADE the carnage. HOT WOMAN Fuck the cops! LITTLE BOY (sobbing) But may daddy was driving one of those cars. HOT WOMAN Ooo. In that case, it's even better. You father was an asshole! LITTLE BOY runs off crying. All the smoke and fire causes the 3rd CRUISER to crash into all the other POLICE CRUISERS lined up. The cops learned their lesson: always bring cruisers that work; you never know when the wanted person may have a plan. CUT TO: "THE BODY'S" BACK The motorcycle has stopped. But only 'The Body's' back is seen. He TAKES OFF the HELMET. Now we know he has BLACK HAIR. "THE BODY'S" P.O.V He sees the damage done on his REAR-VIEW MIRROR. Then 'The Body' digs into his leather jacket and pulls out a CIGAR; takes out his LIGHTER and lights it up. CUT TO: "THE BODY'S" LIPS - CLOSE UP He smirks, with a smile to die for, then inserts CIGAR. FADE TO: Edited July 26, 2003 by Big Poppa Popick Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Tony149 Report post Posted July 9, 2003 (edited) JR Welcome to License to Pin! I'm JR, and well, you just saw what Tony "The Body" is right now. JESSE I guess with my good friend Arnold Schwarzenegger most likely running for governor of Califorina, Tony thinks -- no, he knows he'll be the newest action star. JR I think Vin Diesel would object to that statement. JESSE Vin Diesel is 36 years old, Ross! JR Supposely Tony is older than that. JESSE Supposedly, Jim Ross. Supposedly. That's a joke that caught on a life of its own. For all we know, Tony could be some 18 year old, or he may be 20-something. But with a face to die for, I'm sure his agent's cellphone is already ringing off the hook with casting directors begging him to join their cast. JR How come I never get a flashy entrance? JESSE Look at you! When RuPaul is considered sexier than you; you know you got a problem. JR pantomines being really upset RING ANNOUNCER Ladies and Gentleman, WELCOME TO LiiiiiCEENNSE TOOOOOOOOoooooo PIIIInnnnn! The opening contest is set for one fall in a triple threat match for the OaOasT Tag Team Titles! Introducing first, "BEAUTIFUL" by SevenDust hits. Awash in lights, crowd popping because this is the first match, Jay "Shooter" Darring and his new stablemate Shocker walk out to a rousing ovation from the crowd. Sonic "Icon" Youth is behind both men, who turn to high five each other before Sonic walks back behind the curtain, his show of moral support. JR For those fans who don't know, young Sonic is on medical leave at the moment for a genetic condition. We wish him the best recovery. "CALIFORNIA LOVE" From the side of the stage, a dark green El Camino rumbles~! around the corner and down the walkway, cutting off Featured Attraction! Parka and Knight cockily hop out of the car and race to the ring, at least winning the battle of who is first in. Featured Attraction walk around the Camino and slide into the ring, both teams now sizing each other up standing in the ring "COME WITH ME" For the first time tonight, darkness overtakes the arena until a white shower of cascading sparks illuminates Edward Robbins and Stephen Joseph walking down from the ramp, Tag Team titles glistening around their waists. The Trinity slowly enter while the other teams continue to argue. Like a flash of light, Jay turns from arguing with Parka and SPEARS! Stephen, signaling the bell! DING DING DING! Stephen folds up accordion-style, crumpling near the ropes. Edward is forced into the corner by the referee, whilst Knight and Shocker take their places without problem. Jay stands over Stephen, slapping his face and turning it read. He bends down to pick up Stephen by the shoulders, but Stephen counters by slinging Jay through the ropes! He kips up! JR Stephen getting in a break here...and breaking out of his technical mode. Stephen runs across the ring, building momentum and speed. Close to the ropes where Jay is recovering on the outside, Stephen jumps and corkscrews, legs flaying back as his head just clears the top rope! Stephen CONNECTS hard as he completes his rotation, his stomach pressing into Jay's! The crowd, despite their hate, start up a holy shit chant! JR I don't what to call that. COLE I do? JR This isn't your time to call matches. JESSE Why not, JR? I have to carry you every night, adding another slug won't be a problem. I made McMahon look good. COLE Someone has to call it like it is. Face it JR, your vocabulary can't handle a move like that. JR Oh really. How would you say it? COLE WHATAMANEUVER! JESSE This unbelieveable. I never thought I'd see the day when I wished I was working with McMahon, again. COLE To answer your question, JR, Stephen just hit Jay with a never-before-attempted Corkscrew Shooting Star Press. JR Stephen's going to wind up wondering about that...He's got two more matches possibly. No-selling pain, Stephen gets up and throws Jay forcibly back into the ring. Pausing on the apron, Stephen scales the turnbuckle hitting a classic crucifix pose. before launching himself off in a TWISTING PLANCHA THAT MISSES JAY! Jay rolls over and blind tags Parka into the match! Capitalizing on Popick's mistake, Parka jumps up on the turnbuckle and hits a BIG TIME~ Frog Splash on Popick in the middle of the ring...He covers! 1! 2! Edward Robbins pulls Parka off! Robbins retreats to his corner as the ref admonishes him. Behind his back, Stephen recovers and hits a LOW BLOW EQUALIZER on Parka. He then scrambles over to the Featured Attraction corner and tags in JAY! Already sore, Jay has no choice but to accept the blind tag, but before doing that, he pulls Popick off the ring apron slightly , coming down with a legdrop snapping Stephen's neck and leaving him to thud onto the hard floor! JR These men are fastly approaching killing themselves. It's Jay and Parka now. Jay runs over to a Kneeling Parka and connects with a SHINING BLACK~! for a 2 count. Not relenting, Jay pulls Parka up and slingshots him across the ring, with Jay running to the other ropes...springboarding off and catching a returning Parka by suprise with STYLES DDT! 1! 2! No! Edward Robbins kicks Jay off of Parka and throws Jay back against the turnbuckle, punching repeatedly until the ref pulls him off. Parka, struggling from the impact of Jay's previous offense, crawls back to his corner to tag in his associate, PETER KNIGHT! Jay comes staggering out of the corner, bleeding from his upper eyebrow, and walks right into the wall that is Knight. He turns around into a KNIGHTMARE~! Knight covers Jay and positions himself to watch Edward, who doesn't move! 1! 2! 3! NO! Jay got his shoulder up and everyone is still alive! Knight stomps his feet in rage, yelling at the ref and fans that they were screwed. Finally calming himself down, he pulls Jay back up KNIGHTMARE~! NO! REVERSED INTO A STUNNER! Both men collapse, Jay nearer to his corner. Knights isn't moving at all, and Jay slowly crawls over to tag in Shocker JR TAG HIM! C'MON JAY! (Verbal Blowjob #2) Jay TAGS Shocker, who makes his first wrestling appearance by springboarding off one rope, onto the top rope, and rana'ing a standing Knight back to the ground! Shocker mounts Knight and rains down the punchs, ending it with a double fist shot to the ears! He covers! 1! 2! KNIGHT KICKS OUT! COLE Knight's getting really worn down in there. Shocker kips up and starts dancing backward, getting ready to end it by his signaling to the crowd. EDWARD Slaps his back and TAG HIMSELF IN! Shocker can't believe it, but he's forced to go back to his corner now! Edward SPEARS Knight straight back into the turnbuckle, and places Knight on the top rope! He spies Stephen and sees that while he's bleeding, his eyes are back and focused. Edward tags in Stephen and they head to the top rope! JR Oh My, this isn't good. COLE WAKE UP NEO! I mean KNIGHT! JR ... HOLY GOD! COLE TOP ROPE CRUCIFICATION! Crucification: Double Crucifix Powerbomb Stephen covers! 1! 2! 3! NO! Parka slides in with a baseball kick to knock Stephen off! La Parka Standing Splash and PARKA ELBOW~! Parka covers Stephen but JAY pulls him off and throws him outside. Edward surges in but gets a spinning roundhouse from Jay's charging partner Shocker JR We've lost all control! Jay and Shocker start working over Edward while Knight's a clubbering on Stephen. Parka pulls himself back in, yelling at Knight that its time! Knight pulls Stephen up into a PowerBomb position. COLE Do you know what this is? JESSE Do you know how Christmas trees are grown? COLE What? Dream Machines Connect with THE DEEP SLEEP on Stephen! Parka covers! 1! 2! 2.5!! 3! 3! NO! Jay breaks it up at the VERY last second! Featured Attraction is over, and then THEY dump Parka onto the oustide and scale opposite turnbuckles with KNIGHT still down! JR But you don't know what this is! COLE I know its not good for Knight! FATAL ATTRACTION~! FATAL ATTRACTION ON KNIGHT! Fatal Attraction: Tidal Wave- both guys jump off the same turnbuckle, one with a splash and the other with a legdrop JR Cover him, you son of a bitch, COVER HIM, its over! Jay and Shocker get up, looking at Knight totally out. Before they can bend down to cover, EDWARD ROBBINS grabs both of them by the hair and TOSSES THEM OUT, He looks around, and slides down to hook Knight's leg! 1! 2! JR NO NOT THIS WAY! NOT THIS WAY! 3! JR Aww Damn them to hell! COLE Edward keeps Stephen alive in the OaOasT. But I can guarantee that the Dream Machines will not appriciate being singled out by the Trinity tonight! JR MY GAWD WHATAMATCH! COLE That's my line! Edited July 27, 2003 by Big Poppa Popick Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Tony149 Report post Posted July 9, 2003 (edited) Anglesault & Tony149 Present The OAOAST in ANGLESAULT'S Job-ber Silhoutte of Kurt Angle spinning around Oh yeah, you'll remain a job-ber I need, I need, I've... Silhoutte of Big Show chokeslamming Kurt Angle got to hold on to my political power Uh GRAPHICS SpiderPoet & LaParkaYourCar GIANT tonuge, with HHH's face superimposed, firmly plants into cheek, with superimposed photo of Stephen Joseph Hey asshole, thought you were the one who tried to overthrow me. Jobber shoots out of an asshole silhoutte, and goes flying over the top rope of a wrestling ring Ohh, bitch, wasn't I the one who made you shit your pants? Jobber dressed in white tights, tights turn brown; dollar bills and coins fall from the top of screen MAIN TITLE DESIGN & TITLE SONG "LICENSE TO PIN" BY Tony149 Please don't bet that you'll ever beat me, Gunbarrel locks on the jobber's eye if you get lucky do once I get my sights on you I'll toture you with a best of Test comp Clips of Test matches and his bad acting flash in the eye of the jobber, staring into the gunbarrel. Jobber freezes, then falls backwards, cloud of smoke arises Got a license to pin (to pin) Silhoutte of a ring, ref makes the 3 count ASSISTANT TO PRODUCERS SpiderPoet Caboose ShooterJay LaParkaYourCar Jingus And you know who I'm going all out to hold you down Jobber runs to the center of the screen -- glass ceiling falls from above but stops short of landing on the jobber. Jobber looks up...out of nowhere, a giant boot smashes thru the glass ceiling, crushing it onto the jobber Repeat silhoutte of ring, ref making the 3 count (Got a License to Pin) Got a License to Pin (to pin) Anyone who tries to hold you down will pay Asshole turns into a back -- knife stabs it Hey asshole, don't you need a friend to stab you in the back Yes you do (stab your back) WRITTEN BY ShooterJay Michael Joel Benoit EvenflowDDT K-NESS~!! Mystery Eskimo Jailbait AngleSault 5StarFrogSplash What? LaParkaYourCar Caboose SpiderPoet Big Poppa Popick Zack Malibu Tony149 Silhoutte of knife being pulled in and out repeatedly; Pencial changes a "W" into an "L" Ohh, asshole, now you can depend on me to make things much worse (much worse) Casino-like setting, bystanders surround blackjack table as the dealer takes away player's chips Please don't bet that you'll ever wear the gold, Gunbarrel locks on jobber again ASSOCIATE PRODUCERS Zack Malibu Big Poppa Popick if you do I'll be sure to hold you down for-evah Repeat silhoutte of ring, ref making 3 count -- this time in slow-mo Silhouttes of various OAOAST superstarts doing their finishing moves Ooohh, License to Pin Ooohh, License to Pin Silhoutte of jobber holding OAOAST title -- Eye blinks -- now jobber in being pinned In the blink of an eye, I can change your whole career around And they'd better know why I'm gonna make 'em all pay OAOAST CREATED BY Anglesault CWM Tony149 Pink Slip reading; "Your Fired" on the top of slip Silhoutte of jobber being pinned by Mario's Dungen of Doom, Angle getting head shaved and being buddy-buddy with Brock Lesnar Till their last day They'll be jobbed away, jobbed away, jobbed away Repeat silhoutte of OAOAST superstars doing their finishers followed by silhoutte of ref making 3 count Ooohh, License to Pin Ooohh, License to Pin (License to Pin) Ooohh, License to Pin (License to Pin) PRODUCED BY Anglesault & Tony149 Silhoutte of OAOAST executive shoving jobber down Gotta hold onto your power License to pin Hahahahahaha! Piiiiin. DIRECTED BY Tony149 & Big Poppa Popick 3 gold coins fall from above, then morph into the OAOAST Championship Edited July 28, 2003 by Big Poppa Popick Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Tony149 Report post Posted July 10, 2003 (edited) Pyro goes off from the set, continues to blast until the ring posts shoot out fire. THE CROWD - VARIOUS SHOTS. As always -- sold out crowd onhand at the Charleston Coliseum. And once again, a very hot crowd in attendence. Along some of the SIGNS in crowd: STEPHEN JOSEPH IS MY DADDY!, THE U.N. ENDORSES TOTALLY ENDORSED!, AS FOR PREZ, THIS MONTH BOND, NEXT MONTH "ALICE IN WONDERLAND", IS THIS SUPPOSED TO BE FUNNY? THE SET: Keeping with the whole Bond theme, the set is the opening "gunbarrel" -- as seen in all James Bond movies -- with the OAOAST logo in the center, which leads towards the ramp. THE RING: A little different look from the traditional red, white, and blue look. The ring posts, ropes are black; the turnbuckles are still the same navy blue with OAOAST logo on them. JR Welcome everybody joining us LIVE, WORLDWIDE on pay-per-view for License to Pin. I'm Jim Ross -- along side the man who tells it like it is, Jesse "The Body" Ventura. Jess, the show was started off...well, different. Moments ago, we had a great tag team title match, but that opening with "The Body" -- we thought it was you Body? JESSE "THE BODY" VENTURA "Different", Jim Ross? JR nods JESSE're right. It's different because I'm NOT Jesse Ventura. "Jesse" rips-off his face. "JESSE" I'm TONY "THE BODY"! TONY (CONT'D) Oh, and you fat, out of shape morons. Hate to break the news to ya, but I won't be doing TBS tonight. CROWD CHEERS. TONY Yeah, you better beg me to do the show, but no! I refuse to work in a two-bit town and state. You people aren't even good enough to be in North Carolina. JR What?! Is this because of what happened on HeldDown! a few weeks ago? TONY How dare you suggest what happened at hD! affected MY decision to cancel TBS. Just for that, Ross, I may never even do TBS again. I'm out. WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE KICKS IN PAN around the CROWD, going wild. The "Body" rides the motorcycle on the ramp. JR What is this? "The Body" gets off the 'cycle and goes towards JR. He takes off the HELMET -- it's JESSE "THE BODY" VENTURA! The CROWD roars with approval, with chants of JES-SE! JES-SE! JES-SE! JESSE (doing a Sean Connery impression) The name's 'Body', Jesse 'The Body.' Jesse begins to take off his leather jacket. JR This isn't James Bond, Jesse. And that wasn't a good Timothy Dalton impression. While you're at it, lose the wig, will ya. Jesse then zips up the jacket, covering up his xXx t-shirt. JR (CONT'D) Last time I checked Vince McMahon didn't own the OAOAST; and we're not in Hollywood. JESSE Of course we're not in Hollywood! That's why two of my friends -- you know, us Hollywood people stick together -- JR rolls his eyes. JESSE (CONT'D) And How dare you accuse me of doing some James Bond-like impression. All I was doing is my best Xander Cage impression. I bet you don't know who that is, do ya? JR Yes, I believe that's who my second wife left me for. JESSE I'm just surprised you even know the difference between your ex-wifes. You're gonna break Larry King's marriage record in due time. JR I hope not. JESSE I gotta thank my boys, Jerry Bruckheimer and Michael Bay for setting up all the Hollywood stuff you, nor this people know about. They should be happy we even filmed -- JR Bay shot that in Charleston? JESSE God, no. That was ALL filmed in Hollywood U.S.A. JR Enough of the ego-trip, what a night of action we have. But the match everybody is talking about is the World's heavyweight title match -- the challenger Shattered Dreams vs. the champion Zack Malibu. We found out a few weeks back that the match will be an Iron Man match. JESSE I gotta think that favors Zack Malibu, Ross. For many months, SD was involved in tag team action. When you're in a tag team, a majority of the time, when you're tired you're able to tag out. He's not going to have that option now. While he's been very impressive in singles competition, being in an Iron Man match isn't going to help matters out. Now he's going to have to count on himself to get the job done. And the most important key in an Iron Man match is to pace yourself. You can't do too much too soon, if you do, you'll wear yourself out. I don't really care for Zack Malibu, but he's the OAOAST champion. And as the old saying goes "the champion doesn't have to beat you; you need to beat him"; one fall may cost you the match. JR Very good points -- JESSE I tell it like it is, Ross. I'm pumped up, let's get right to it! JR Sit back, fans, and enjoy the hard-hitting action of the OAOAST. It's gonna be a wild night of action, as only the OAOAST can provide. We hand things over to the heldDown! crew -- Michael, Coach, it's all yours. JESSE Why go to them? JR With all that Hollywood stuff you did, we gotta give the people what they paid to see. JESSE But that's Oscar-worthy filmmaking. JR A Razzie is more like it. Guys, it's yours. Jesse just stares at JR, as we cut to the ring. Edited July 26, 2003 by Big Poppa Popick Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Tony149 Report post Posted July 21, 2003 (edited) COLE Thanks J.R. Fans, our first match…I just can't even describe the tension that has preceded it…Starting us off, we have Ragdoll and K-Money…Title…for career… (A promo video plays, to U2's "The Hands that Built America".) Oh my love (still of baby Ken Baker and baby Austin Baker, K-Money and Ragdoll respectively) It's a long way we've come (another still of the Baker Boys. Ken looks to be 13, and Ragdoll is 12. They have their arms around each other) From the freckled hills (The Hollywood hills are shown, and we see a grown-up K-Money twirling around in the middle of the ring) To the steel and glass canyons (Las Vegas is shown, and we see a clip of Ragdoll smoking a cigarette in the middle of the ring) From the stony fields (Clip of Ragdoll hitting Mad Matt with the Devil Doll, and Money hitting the Sliced Bread #3 on Anglesault. It molds into a slow-mo shot of Ragdoll and Money hugging after Money won the X Title) To hanging steel from skies (slow-mo fade to the X Title hanging above the ring. Slow-mo clips of Ragdoll and Money looking up at the title are shown) From digging in our pockets (Ragdoll and Money are shown reluctantly shaking hands) For a reason not to say goodbye (Regular motion clip of Money saying "License to Pin…you and me…title for career) Last saw your face (Both K-Money and Ragdoll are shown, their faces covered in blood) In a watercolored sky (The sun is setting in Las Vegas and Hollywood) As sea birds argue A long goodbye (Slow-motion clip of Money and Ragdoll glaring at each other) I took your kiss (Melanie is shown kissing Ragdoll on the cheek, before fading to Josie kissing Money on the lips) On the spray of a new lined star (Clip of a fan holding a Ragdoll sign behind K-Money, who has an angry look on his face. MONEY (Voice-Over) "RAGDOLL GOT LUCKY! HE CAN'T BEAT ME!" You gotta live in your dreams (a slow-mo clip of Ragdoll reaching for the X Title) Don't make them so hard (regular motion clip of Money powerbombing Ragdoll from twenty feet up) Of all of the promises (Ragdoll is shown, a tear forming in his eye after Money challenges him to the match) Is this one we can keep (Money is shown, his face covered in blood, and his fist raised in the air) Of all of the dreams (Ragdoll is shown again reaching for the X Title) Is this one still out of reach (Money is now shown reaching for the ropes as Anglesault locks him into the Screams of No Reply) (As the opera-esque singing goes, clips of Money/Ragdoll at GAB are shown) Its early fall (Ragdoll is shown limping to the back as the fans give him a standing ovation) There's a cloud in the New York skyline (Josie and Melanie crying to their bloody boyfriends are shown in slow motion) Innocence...dragged across a yellow line (Ragdoll is shown, a cigarette in his mouth, his eyes closed. Money is shown crying as he looks at the X Title) RAGDOLL (V.O.) I will not lose this match (Scene of Ragdoll limping up the ramp is shown in slow-motion) K-MONEY (V.O.) "I am the Showstopper…He is nothing" (Scene of Money posing in the middle of the ring is shown) The Bell rings three times, causing the fans to stir in anticipation of the next match. FINKEL Ladies and Gentleman, this next match…is scheduled for one fall…and is for either the NWA/UPW/Zero-One Jr. Heavyweight Title OR the OAOAST X Title, as well as the loser's CAREER! The fans erupt and get to their feet. They know what match is next. K-Money takes on his little brother Ragdoll. COLE Oh boy…Fans, this match is NOT going to be pretty… COACH This is sibling rivalry at it's best…the WWE had Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy, which sucked… COLE Agreed… COLE …and Edge vs. Christian, which was good because of Christian COLE Hit the nail on the head… COACH But HERE, in the OAOAST, we actually have TWO incredible wrestlers who are brothers, going one on one. These two have been fighting since Ragdoll came out of the womb. COLE Ladies and Gentleman…this match is starting now! "BEWARE THE FUCKING BLACKOUT!" "VOODOO CHILD" The fans let out a cheer that nearly blows the roof off the arena. From behind the curtain, Ragdoll, accompanied by the lovely Melanie, steps out. In his right hand, he holds a Singapore Cane, in his left, he holds a chair. Melanie has the NWA/UPW/Zero-One Jr. Heavyweight Title over her shoulder. The pair slowly climbs into the ring as Ragdoll sits in the nearest corner, staring off into space. Melanie sits on his lap and watches the entryway. COACH Ragdoll looks more focused right now than I have ever seen him before… COLE He has a lot on his mind, Coach…tonight, Mother Baker has to watch her sons fight to END the each other's career…it's a sad day… COACH …Mother Baker?… The arena goes black again. "THE SHOWSTOPPER" "KICKSTART MY HEART" TUNES UP -- Which causes the fans to stand and deliver a MIXED REACTION!~. The flashy lights and the normal flamboyant entrance are not present tonight. Instead, when the singer starts to sing, we see K-Money step out from behind the curtain, his eyes locked on the now standing Ragdoll. Josie steps out, her hands wrapped seductively around the Singapore Cane. The duo stand at the top of the ramp as Ragdoll throws down his cane before taking off his shirt. The women in the audience cheer as Money does the same. Melanie softly grabs Ragdoll's arm and pulls him to the opposite side of the ring, which allows Money and Josie to start their walk towards the ring. Money slowly slides in and is followed by Josie. Finkel, being the smart man that he is, stays out of the ring. It's a smart move. The ref is a brave man being in the middle of Ragdoll and K-Money. FINKEL LADIES AND GENTLEMAN, it is now time for the Introductions! To my right, accompanied by the beautiful Melanie…from Las Vegas, NV, Weighing in at 195 pounds, he is the NWA/UPW/Zero-One Jr. Heavyweight Champion…the Las Vegas Nightmare, RAGDOLL! The fans erupt as Melanie smiles at them, blowing a kiss to a kid in the front row. FINKEL And to my left, accompanied by The Hollywood Goddess, Josie!…from Hollywood, CA…he weighs in at 210 pounds, and is the OAOAST X Champion…The Showstopper, K…MONEY! The fans deliver the loudest MIXED REACTION!~ of the night as Josie kisses the Singapore Cane on it's head and smiles at Melanie and Ragdoll. Ragdoll suddenly breaks his glare of Money and looks at Melanie, just before kissing her and pointing to the back. She nods and slides out of the ring. Meanwhile, Josie hands the ref the X Title and kisses Money on the cheek, his eyes never leaving Ragdoll. "I Love you" she says before slowly climbing out of the ring and following Melanie up the ramp towards the back. The tension is so thick, and can be cut with a knife. The fans start to stomp their feet rhythmically as Ragdoll gets an evil look on his face. Money has the same look, his lips moving as he talks to himself. Suddenly, the two burst out of their respective corners and rush towards each other. COACH Oh god…prepare for the Trainwreck! The brothers meet in the middle of the ring! Ragdoll brings Money down with a spear-like maneuver! Ragdoll and Money exchange left's and right's on the canvas! The bell rings, and the match is underway! COLE These two hate each other so much! Both men have been waiting for this day for going on Eighteen Years! The two start to stand, and their punches do not stop by any means. Ragdoll hits a blistering right, which staggers Money. WHAM! Another right sends Money reeling…WHAM! The third right hand knocks Money into the corner. Ragdoll rushes in…AVALANCHE! Ragdoll grabs onto Money's head and bounces out of the Avalanche, delivering a Bulldog. Ragdoll stands quickly and picks up the chair he brought to the ring. He unfolds it in the middle of the ring and picks up Money. Ragdoll whips him into the opposite ropes and follows, jumping onto chair. Ragdoll leaps off with his momentum…and looks for a MID-AIR DEVIL DOLL! The rebounding Money sees it coming and ducks down. Ragdoll flies overhead and lands on his feet as Money quickly stops and turns. Ragdoll turns as well…SUPERKICK! NO! Ragdoll grabs the foot and spins Money around quickly. Money twirls, and Ragdoll ducks the swinging leg, and EXPLODES into Money with a blatant choke. Ragdoll brings Money down and proceeds to choke him. The ref looks down at the two men, but can't do anything. This is no DQ, after all. Money's bulging eyes look into Ragdoll's which have "Bloodlust" written all over them. Money quickly raises his hands and wraps them around Ragdoll's throat. Both men are choking each other! Money's grip is obviously better, as he is the one that gets the upper hand. Money quickly pushes Ragdoll off of him as the two retreat to the opposite corners, both holding their throats and coughing. COLE Good god…I can just SMELL the blood that will flow in this match… COACH The hatred…Jesus, the hatred is so immense… Money slowly starts to get to his feet as Ragdoll grabs the middle rope, trying to pull himself up. Money stands and glares at Ragdoll before picking up the Singapore Cane and stalking towards his brother. Ragdoll looks up at Money, who slowly raises the cane…but Ragdoll explodes out of the corner, delivering a spear to Money! The fans erupt as Ragdoll rolls away and grabs the chair. Both men stand, holding their respective weapons…Ragdoll feints a charge, but holds back . Money swings the cane with one hand, fending off his brother. Neither man can get an advantage…Money backs off slowly and watches Ragdoll, who slowly lowers the chair. Money starts to talk to himself again, and the evil look in his eyes returns. Ragdoll starts breathing heavy as he watches his brother…Once again, the two explode out of their respective corners and meet in the middle of the ring. This time, Money gets the advantage. He ducks a chair shot…WHACK! Ragdoll stumbles back, his hands never releasing the chair. Money smiles as Ragdoll rushes in. Money swings the cane again, but Ragdoll ducks…WHAM! Money staggers back into the ropes, courtesy of a hellacious chair shot. Ragdoll smiles now, as he raises the chair. He brings the chair down, but Money dodges. The chair hits the top rope, causing it to rebound. Money drops quickly and sweeps Ragdoll's legs out from under him, causing him to fall back...WHAM! The chair smacks Ragdoll's face as his head bounces off the canvas. Ragdoll quickly pushes the chair away and covers his face, his hands getting stained with blood from his nose) COLE K-Money knew EXACTLY what to do in that situation! COACH The kid is brilliant…simply brilliant… Money quickly picks up the chair and unfolds it in the middle of the ring. He then quickly picks up Ragdoll and pushes him into the ropes, attempting to Irish whip him. However, Ragdoll wraps his arm around the top rope. Money looks back at Ragdoll, who then spits in his face! The bloodlust in Money's eye's return as he delivers a hard backhand to the face of Ragdoll, who lets go of the top rope. Money whips Ragdoll hard into the opposite ropes. Ragdoll rebounds as Money drops down, wrapping his legs around Ragdoll's…WHAM! Ragdoll clutches his face again as he rolls in pain. The Drop-Toe-Hold onto the chair always does that. Money stands and picks up the chair before throwing to the outside. Money slowly picks Ragdoll up so he's on his knees and grabs him by the hair. The blood is now flowing freely from Ragdoll's nose and mouth. Money reaches down and puts his finger into Ragdoll's blood, before bringing it up to his chest. Money slowly starts to write…F…more blood…U…more…C-K…more blood…Y-O…More blood…U… COLE Oh, that's just sick…that K-Money is sick! K-Money smiles wide as he flips off Ragdoll, before picking him up all the way…WHAM! A vicious DDT connects. Ragdoll bounces from his stomach to his back as Money sits up on his knees, looking around at the fans. Money slowly moves in for a cover. The ref drops down… 1 2 NO! Ragdoll gets his shoulder up! Money nods a "Yeah, I expected that" nod, before turning quickly and wrapping his hands around Ragdoll's throat. Another blatant choke. "WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! THIS IS MINE! I FUCKING EARNED THIS, YOU DEGENERATE FUCK! THIS IS MY FUCKING BUSINESS! THIS IS MY FUCKING LIFE! GET OUT OF MY FUCKING LIFE, AUSTIN! GET OUT OF MY LIFE!" Money screams as Ragdoll tries to fight out of it. Ragdoll slowly raises his arm, driving his elbow into Money's nose. Money grabs his face as Ragdoll rolls away slowly, before pouncing at his brother and wrapping his hands around his throat. A blatant choke from Ragdoll! "YOU WANT ME OUT OF YOUR LIFE, YOU ASSHOLE?! YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE TO KILL ME, KEN! FUCKING KILL ME, YOU FUCK! I FUCKING DARE YOU!" Ragdoll screams, as tears grow in his eyes. He quickly lets go as he slides back to his corner and watches Money slowly get to his feet. Ragdoll grabs the middle rope and pulls himself up as he watches Money cough. Ragdoll's anger suddenly turns to worry as he watches his older brother cough violently. Ragdoll slowly moves in, "Ken?" creeping softly from his mouth. "Ken? You ok?" The fans are silent as Ragdoll puts his hand on his brother's back…WHAM! Money quickly delivers a boot to the gut of Ragdoll…SHOWSTOPPER! The fans boo loudly as Money looks down at Ragdoll, before looking back up at the fans, a sinister and crazy look and smile on his face. He slowly taps his head as he covers. COLE NO…Not like this! 1! 2!! 3!!!NO!! The fans erupt as Ragdoll gets the shoulder up, a surprised look on Money's face. "You're…FUCKING…kidding…" he says to the ref, who shakes his head and holds up two fingers. Ragdoll slowly rolls away as Money looks around, still in shock that his brother kicked out of the Showstopper. He chuckles a "Holy shit, he kicked out" chuckle as Ragdoll rolls out of the ring. Money slowly shakes his head and laughs before looking back to where Ragdoll was. "Oh, Austin…" Money says in a sophisticated voice. He slowly rolls to the outside and makes his way around the ring to where Ragdoll is. He turns the corner to see Ragdoll…PSSSSH! The fans erupt as Ragdoll sprays Money with a fire extinguisher. Money covers his face as he retreats. Ragdoll slowly drops the Extinguisher and stalks his brother, who slowly rolls into the ring. Ragdoll once again reaches under the ring, and pulls out… COACH Is that…barbed wire? COLE It is…Oh my god, Ragdoll has got Barbed Wire! COACH And a LOT of it! Holy crap, that's a lot of barbed wire! Ragdoll raises the barbed wire, causing the fans to erupt, before throwing it into the ring. Ragdoll once again reaches under the ring, and this time pulls out… COACH It just wouldn't be modern wrestling without a Table… COLE Belie' Dat'… Ragdoll slowly slides into the ring and follows close behind. Money is now standing, but his back is turned. Money continues to rub his eyes as Ragdoll waits behind him…Money turns…WHAM! Kick to the gut…SHOWSTOPPER! Money's head bounces off the mat as Ragdoll stands quickly and spits on his brother, causing the fans to erupt. Ragdoll turns back to the table and sets it up before picking up the barbed wire and laying it out on the table. COLE What is Ragdoll going to do with that? Ragdoll slowly positions the table near a turnbuckle and looks at it before nodding. COACH Duh, genius… COLE Ah…I see… Ragdoll quickly moves over to Money, who is beginning to stir, and picks him up…WHAM! Ragdoll delivers a huge right hand to the face of Money, who staggers back. Ragdoll then violently whips Money towards the table. Money runs and hurdles over the table, running into the turnbuckle. Money hits hard, causing him to twirl around so he is facing Ragdoll, who slowly walks over to his brother in the corner. The fans erupt as Josie and Melanie appear on the stage, watching their boyfriends fight each other. Back in the ring, Ragdoll moves around the table, before running towards Money, who quickly moves out of the way, dodging the avalanche! Ragdoll hits hard into the turnbuckles, causing him to stagger back. Money sees his opportunity and grabs Ragdoll's head Diamond Cutter style and runs towards the turnbuckle. Josie screams a happy scream as Melanie screams in terror. SLICED BREAD #3!? NO! Ragdoll sets Money down hard before spinning around. Ragdoll is now in a reverse DDT formation as he grabs Money by the head, Diamond Cutter style! Ragdoll slips free of Money's grasp and runs towards the turnbuckle! JOSIE NO! MELANIE COME ON, BABY! COACH SLICED BREAD #3 FROM RAGDOLL?! Ragdoll quickly runs up the turnbuckle, but doesn't turn. Instead, he backflips and drags Money with him…CRASH!! The fans erupt as Ragdoll clutches his ribs. Money lies motionless in the rubble of the broken table and barbed wire, courtesy of a Sliced Bread #2, Spanky's finisher. COACH SLICED BREAD #2! I DON'T BELIEVE IT! COLE RAGDOLL HAS IT WON! Ragdoll slowly gets to his feet and picks up a strand of barbed wire, before picking up Money and putting him into a kneeling position. Ragdoll quickly wraps the barbed wire around Money's head before stepping back a bit. Josie's eyes go wide as Melanie smiles wide. Ragdoll suddenly runs forward….WHAM! BARBED WIRE ASSISTED DEVIL DOLL! Money collapses to the canvas as Josie screams in terror. Melanie covers her mouth as Ragdoll clutches his knee. The blood is now pouring from Money's head. The fans start to chant… FANS HO-LY SHIT! HO-LY SHIT! HO-LY SHIT! COACH Ho-ly shit… COLE Ho-ly Shit… Minutes pass before Ragdoll slowly gets to his feet. Money, somehow, is beginning to stir. Ragdoll looks down at his brother and shakes his head before picking him up into a kneeling position again. Ragdoll reaches down and puts his finger into Money's blood before bringing it up to his chest, spelling out a word…D…more blood…I…more blood…E…"DIE" is written on Ragdoll's chest in K-Money's blood. COLE My god…that is too much… COACH He…He's insane… Ragdoll slowly pushes Money down before walking over to the opposite side of the ring. He slowly slides out of it and reaches under the apron, and pulls out… COACH A pack of cigarettes? COLE Winston, I believe… COACH What? Is he taking a smoke break? Ragdoll slowly slides into the ring and reaches into his pocket, pulling out a lighter. He slowly lights his cigarette as he sits in the corner far from Money, who is still not moving. Ragdoll's eyes are fixed on the near dead K-Money, before an evil smile crosses his blood-soaked face. Ragdoll puts the cigarette in his mouth and resting his arms on his knees, an evil chuckle coming from his slightly open mouth. Melanie slowly makes her way down to the ring, as does Josie. Melanie stands beside the insane Ragdoll, a look of fear in her eyes as she stares at her boyfriend. Josie slowly walks over to Money, who's eyes are open still, but he is not moving. Josie's eyes are filled with tears as she kneels beside her fiancé. "Ken?" she says softly. "Baby, please answer me…please?" No reply from Money… COACH K-Money…K-Money is not moving… COLE Oh Jesus Christ…oh my god… Josie now starts to cry as she looks down, picking up the Singapore cane. She looks over at Ragdoll before sliding in the ring. The fans erupt as she takes off her jacket and points at him, the tears now flowing freely from her eyes. Ragdoll smiles even wider as he watches his brother's bride-to-be berate and threaten him. Melanie shakes her head at Josie, telling her to run. COACH Oh god, someone get Josie out of there! COLE What is she doing?! COACH She's protecting her boyfriend…this is too much…someone stop the damn match! Ragdoll laughs as Josie gets into a fighting position. He then shrugs, his maniacal smile still on his face, and grabs the top ropes, pulling himself up. Ragdoll stands and stares at Josie, before making a "Come on" motion with his hand. Josie blindly runs forward, swinging the cane. The fans erupt as the cane connects with Ragdoll's head. Ragdoll stumbles a little bit before looking back at Josie, his smile now gone completely. Josie, terrified now, starts to back up. Ragdoll slowly stalks after her, yelling for her to hit him again. Josie looks at her soon-to-be brother-in-law, before swinging the cane again. This time, Ragdoll catches it. Josie screams in terror as Ragdoll grabs her by the throat, causing her to release the cane. "YOU LITTLE BITCH!" he screams, before pushing her away…WHACK!! COLE NO! THAT BASTARD RAGDOLL!! COACH THAT'S IT! COLE NO, Stay here! That BASTARD! Josie clutches her head as the fans gasp. The resilient Hollywood Goddess slowly drops to a knee. Ragdoll's maniacal smile returns as Melanie covers her mouth, shaking her head. The fans rise and scream "No! Don't!" as Ragdoll smiles at Josie, who slowly looks up at him. Ragdoll slowly points to the "DIE" on his chest…and runs forward… COACH DEVIL DOLL ON JOSIE!? COLE NO! SOMEONE STOP HIM! …WHAM!! RAGDOLL GOES FLYING BACK, CLUTCHING HIS FACE! K-Money quickly pulls Josie away from him and pushes her towards the ropes. The fans erupt as Money rests against the ropes, waiting for Ragdoll to turn around slightly. COLE HUGE SUPERKICK FROM K-MONEY! THAT JUST SAVED JOSIE! Ragdoll slowly turns, still on his knees. Money runs forward, causing the fans to erupt…WHAM! DEVIL DOLL FROM K-MONEY!! The fans are deafening as Money crumbles on top of Ragdoll. The ref drops… 1! 2! 3!!!! NO!!! Ragdoll got the shoulder-up at 2 3/4! The fans groan along with K-Money, who slowly stands. He looks out at the sea of fans, who are cheering the HELL out of him, and smiles. He then quickly makes a cutting motion across his throat, signaling for the end! The fans erupt as Money grabs the barbed wire and sets it down, before picking up Ragdoll…and positioning him for the SHOWSTOPPER! COLE YES! K-MONEY IS IN CONTROL HERE!! COACH BYE-BYE RAGDOLL! GOOD RIDDANCE! Money hooks the arms and lifts, but Ragdoll blocks the attempt! Ragdoll quickly shakes his arm free and drops to his knees…POW! LOW BLOW! Money holds his groin as Ragdoll stands quickly, positioning Money for the Showstopper! COLE NO! COACH NO! Ragdoll hooks the arms and leaps up…CRASH!! Money's face lands right in the barbed wire! The fans groan as Ragdoll flips the motionless Money onto his back and covers… 1! 2!! 3!!! DING, DING, DING! The fans erupt in a chorus of boos as the ref slowly raises Ragdoll's hand! Finkel, now with a sad look on his face, steps slowly into the ring. FINKEL Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner…and NEW…OAOAST X Champion…RAGDOLL! According to the stipulations that K-Money made before the match, Ragdoll is now a double champion, and K-Money MUST retire! The fans boo as "Voodoo Child" by Stevie Ray Vaughn hits the P.A. System. A sobbing Josie slowly crawls into the ring and holds her fiancé, who is still not moving. Ragdoll quickly takes the X Title from the ref and raises it into the air as Melanie slowly slides into the ring, standing beside her boyfriend. A sad look covers her face. The entire arena is in shock. K-Money is no longer in the OAOAST. Ragdoll looks down at his bloody and brother and smiles a wicked smile. Suddenly, he pushes Josie away from him and tells Melanie to hold her back. Ragdoll orders the mic from Finkel, who slowly hands it to him. Ragdoll stands above Money and raises the mic to his lips. RAGDOLL ………Ken…you will always remember this day…this is the day that the great K-Money, Ken Baker…was battered and destroyed by his little brother…by Austin Fucking Baker…by Ragdoll…but… (The fans cut off Ragdoll) FANS ASS-HOLE! ASS-HOLE! ASS-HOLE! ASS-HOLE! Ragdoll shrugs them off. RAGDOLL …but…I'm not through with you yet… Ragdoll quickly drops the mic and straddles his near-dead older brother….WHAM! The fans groan as Ragdoll drives his forehead into K-Money's nose. Josie screams in terror, trying to fight away from Melanie, who also has tears in her eyes…WHAM! Josie's screams become louder as another vicious head BUTT goes down into Money's nose…WHAM! "NO!" WHAM!! "AUSTIN, STOP!" WHAM!! "PLEASE STOP! STOP!" WHAM!!!! Ragdoll slowly gets off of his brother, who is barely clinging to life, and grabs the mic. The maniacal man from Las Vegas slowly stands and looks out at the sea of booing and shocked fans. RAGDOLL Now he must walk amongst all of you as a fucking freak! His pretty little face is no more! He tried to beat me, and he fucking failed! HE CAN'T BEAT ME! I PROVED THAT I AM THE SUPERIOR ONE! I AM THE ONE THAT WILL RUN THIS FUCKING COMPANY! NOT HIM! LET THIS BE A LESSON TO ALL YOU FUCKS IN THE BACK: Ragdoll slowly raises the X Title and looks at the entrance way. RAGDOLL IF ANY OF YOU ASSHOLES WANT THIS, YOU HAVE TO PRY IT FROM MY COLD DEAD FINGERS! THIS IS A DAWNING OF A NEW AGE! THIS IS THE AGE OF RAGDOLL! YOU HEAR ME?! THIS IS MY TIME! MAD MATT, YOU WANT TO BE THE NEXT ONE TO DIE?! I NEARLY ENDED YOUR CAREER LAST TIME, AND THIS TIME, I'LL FINISH THE FUCKING JOB, YOU HEAR ME?! I FUCKING OWN ALL OF YOU! I AM FUCKING RAGDOLL! AND I AM UN FUCKING STOPPABLE! Ragdoll quickly throws down the mic, grabbing Melanie by the hand. Melanie and Ragdoll slowly slide out of the ring as Josie crawls over to the lifeless K-Money. COACH …K-Money…is gone… COLE Oh my god…Ragdoll is the one left standing…Ragdoll is the new X Champion…I don't believe this… COACH K-Money's gone… The screen fades to black as we see paramedics slide into the ring, attending to K-Money. Edited July 27, 2003 by Big Poppa Popick Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big Poppa Popick Report post Posted July 26, 2003 (edited) [scene opens backstage, where a door leading to the parking lot flings open, and GOBLIN comes barreling through, pulling Black Widow along by the arm. Something has clearly changed, however, and she's no longer the passive, glazed over servant she's been in recent weeks. Widow's struggling against his grip and crying out for help, while Goblin just laughs. He spies the camera and makes his way towards it. As he nears this destination, Widow's cries finally annoy him, and he whirls around and PUNCHES her, right in the jaw. Widow's head snaps around, her eyes roll up, and she goes out. Goblin turns and loks at the camera with a wicked grin] GOBLIN Ladies and Gentlemen, it looks like we're gonna have a change in plans! The Poet is insane, I'm out of "medicine" for Widow, and me? Well, I'm just aching to kill somebody tonight! (Goblin throws his head back and laughs loudly before looking back to Widow) Baby, you're gonna be fallin' for me before tonight's over! [Goblin throws Widow up over his shoulder, winks at the camera, and continues on his way to . . . wherever . . . he's going] JR: That's just...weird Jesse: Makes me shiver like a minnesota winter JR: The next match is... ::mic cuts off:: "AS HEAVEN IS WIDE" HITS Edward Robins, the man formerly known as evenflowDDT, all smiles because of his team's retention of the tag titles, appears at the top of the ramp, soaking in the boo's. EDWARD ROBINS Ahhh, I haven't been myself lately, but you make me all fuzzy-wuzzy inside. The best man's won, and the best man will win again tonight, twice more in fact. You know, it's really funny...all this time, all we've been trying to do is help. Of course you can't get that through your thick skulls, which is fine, but then you try this conspiracy bullshit? It's a wonder Stephen and I even bother sticking can and will rot in Hell for all I care. See this smile? It's the same smile that'll be looking down on you for eternity, because you didn't get it and you never will! Ahh, excuse my childishness, but I have to matter how hard you fools try to get rid of us, ::sings mock gospel:: weeeeee shall ooooooovercoooooome! No, seriously...think of what's happened to our fair stable. You could go back to the beginning, with Los Infernales. Even pawns can become queens, but you stuck your necks out too far, lost your faith, and you failed us. We giveth, and we tooketh away. You could go back to poor Jacob's departure. Jacob was my brother in every sense of the word but one, ahhh, but I'm not one to hold a grudge now am I love? Every queen's a whore underneath, you opened your twat out too far, lost your faith (and any sense of decency) and you failed us too, slithering in, scissors in hand, and removing our beautiful locks so Jay could deliver a lucky and final blow. Alas! Despite losing our brethren, either to their own temptations or to countless evil conspiracies, we persevered, we continued. Damian, Timothy, Some Guy, Anglesault, Zack, and any other would-be Judas out there... look at who's crossed us before. Remember how Stephen's taken care of the dissenters, and how I've taken care of the traitors. I helped Abel become Cain, helped bring pillars of fear down upon Delilah, and no, dear DANDY~!, I haven't forgotten about you, I just haven't found time in my busy schedule to whip out the fly-swatter yet. Dear Judas, despite all you've done to us, Stephen still loves those that accept their fate and misguidings, and I'm more than willing to help you repent; see what I've done tonight, and see what Stephen will continue to do tonight...was that silver really worth it? But I digress. We've been through so much've overcome greater challenges before, as have I. Bar the end of the world, nothing can stop you. Nothing can stop us. Keep the faith, no matter how much these hellspawn try and take it away. Purity through pain, my brother. evenflowDDT clasps his hands together and bows his head, dropping his mic in the process. He remains still in that position for a few seconds, before turning around, lashing out his arms in the crucifix pose and leaving the ramp. Edited July 27, 2003 by Big Poppa Popick Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big Poppa Popick Report post Posted July 26, 2003 (edited) [scene opens backstage, where a door leading to the parking lot flings open, and GOBLIN comes barreling through, pulling Black Widow along by the arm. Something has clearly changed, however, and she's no longer the passive, glazed over servant she's been in recent weeks. Widow's struggling against his grip and crying out for help, while Goblin just laughs. He spies the camera and makes his way towards it. As he nears this destination, Widow's cries finally annoy him, and he whirls around and PUNCHES her, right in the jaw. Widow's head snaps around, her eyes roll up, and she goes out. Goblin turns and loks at the camera with a wicked grin] GOBLIN Ladies and Gentlemen, it looks like we're gonna have a change in plans! The Poet is insane, I'm out of "medicine" for Widow, and me? Well, I'm just aching to kill somebody tonight! (Goblin throws his head back and laughs loudly before looking back to Widow) Baby, you're gonna be fallin' for me before tonight's over! [Goblin throws Widow up over his shoulder, winks at the camera, and continues on his way to . . . wherever . . . he's going] Edited July 27, 2003 by Big Poppa Popick Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big Poppa Popick Report post Posted July 26, 2003 (edited) JR Now fans, we've got something really brewing on IntenseZone between Jailbait and Eskimo. Jesse? JESSE Interesting doesn't really begin to describe the issues between these two men. “Too Cold” hits and sends a shot of adrenalin to the crowd. Mystery Eskimo limps out to the ring to an uproar of a reception. Eskimo is looking amped tonight, but could this be his last match ever? JR This is certainly what I’ve been waiting for. This street thug Jailbait has had this ass whipping in this street fight coming to him for quite sometime and I really think tonight is the night that Eskimo kicks some discipline into Jailbait. JESSE Tonight’s the night?’ What the hell JR? You Rod Stewart all of a sudden? Jailbait knows what he’s gotta do tonight, he’s gotta take what he started three months ago and crush not only Eskimo’s leg, but his career! JR How could you be so cruel? JESSE I’m not cruel, this is just what Eskimo deserves, and he hit a woman… JR No he didn’t Jesse, you can’t believe that!? JESSE Yes, he did and Clarissa has the marks on her face to prove it. Eskimo climbs into the ring decked out in jeans and a cut-off t-shirt that says ‘One Life, One Chance, No Fear.’ Eskimo grabs a baseball bat and stands in the middle of the ring. “How I Could Just Kill a Man” hits and Jailbait comes out to a wall of boo’s. Clarissa slowly follows, and yell’s obscenities at Eskimo. JR Some lady, huh Jesse? JESSE Hey, if someone beat your ass, would you go and give em’ a hug the next time you saw 'em? Jailbait jumps into the ring and the referee tries to come between them. They both go face to face and Jailbait slaps Eskimo right across the face! Jailbait, arms spread apart, shouts at Eskimo to ‘Bring It On!’ Eskimo lands a right hook that sends Jailbait all the way to the outside. Eskimo then hits a plancha to the outside. Eskimo slowly gets up, favoring his leg, and grabs Jailbait and whips him into the steel barricade. Eskimo dashes at Jailbait, but as he gets close to Jailbait, Clarissa comes out of nowhere with a pipe shot to the thigh of Eskimo! JESSE Oh man, Eskimo went down like a ton of bricks there JR. JR That was one hell of a Barry Bonds-like shot by this mysterious woman. Jailbait, breathing heavily, picks Eskimo up and tosses him into the ring. Eskimo slowly gathers his senses, but Jailbait comes off the top rope with a double axe-handle shot and goes for the cover. 1…………Kickout by Eskimo. Jailbait hooks the leg this time and goes for the cover again 1………….2…….quick kickout by Eskimo Jailbait goes to the outside looking for some ‘plunder’ and finds a toolbox. Jailbait pulls out a hammer! Jailbait looks at Eskimo, who has his back turned away from him while attempt to get his legs under himself. Jailbait charges but Eskimo moves at the last second! Jailbait crashes into the turnbuckle and Eskimo lands successive right hands flooring Jailbait. Eskimo then grabs the hammer and whacks Jailbait right on the skull with it! JR Oh my! That shot has gotta be it, how could Jailbait even stand after that? JESSE Man that shot sent chills up my spine! Eskimo has got to take advantage now because if he doesn’t, Jailbait is in better shape and will take over this bout. Eskimo points to crowd and picks up Jailbait and tosses him to the outside. A clothesline to the crowd takes this brawl into the crowd! Eskimo and Jailbait brawl deep into the crowd as Eskimo lands a back suplex on Jailbait. He then takes ‘Bait and stands on a barricade. He wraps his arm the head of Jailbait and hits a TORNADO DDT ONTO THE CONCRETE FLOOR! Jailbait’s already bloody skull is now a crimson mask! The blood is everywhere and OaOast doctors run into the crowd to examine him. JESSE This match may be over before it even got started here as Jailbait is losing MASSIVE amounts of blood. JR Well, he deserves this, everything he gets, it’s all warranted! Eskimo grabs the doctors and tosses them aside and picks up Jailbait and carries him up the arena steps. They reach the top floor and Eskimo takes control. Eskimo hits a blizzard bomb onto the concrete! Jailbait is literally crying for Eskimo to stop, but Eskimo just picks him up and tosses his bloody face into the glass window of a popcorn machine! JR (Laughing) That was beautiful, give it to him! JESSE This has got to stop, get someone down there, where’s Clarissa? Jailbait falls to the ground and Eskimo climbs the concession stand. He hits a FROG SPLASH onto Jailbait, but screams in pain as he landed hard onto his leg on the splash. Eskimo delicately gets to his feet, but Jailbait somehow sweeps his leg and Eskimo is down with him. Jailbait mounts him and wails on his skull. He then grabs him and tosses him into the concession stand onto the hamburger grill!!!! Eskimo rolls off quickly and howl’s in pain. The gory Jailbait falls to his knees trying to gather the strength to mounts some offense. Eskimo and Jailbait both meet up near the entrance of the arena and trade punches. Jailbait ducks an Eskimo right hook and nails a climb-up enziguri. Eskimo is then tosses to the outside of the arena into the sea of fans that could not get into the show tonight! Eskimo is hurled onto a black rental car. JESSE Hey, that’s my car damn it!!!! JR (Chuckling) Really? That’s pretty unfortunate… JESSE Son of a bitch…. JR Hey now, don’t worry, it’s a Buick, and how much can the insurance on it be? Jailbait hits a pumphandle slam onto the windshield of the car!!!!!! JESSE That’s it, I can’t take this! I’ll be right back! Jesse throws down the commentator’s headset and runs to the scene. Jailbait continues to stomp Eskimo into the windshield. Jailbait then gets into the car and the keys are mysteriously left in the ignition. JR That dumb ass Jesse… Jailbait starts up the car and Eskimo rolls off. Jailbait reverses and looks as though he is going to run Eskimo right through the arena doors! Eskimo climbs to his feet and Jailbait revs the engine. The accelerator blows and Jailbait charges!! JR Oh my god, this is so despicable! He won’t do it, he can’t do it?!? Just as Jailbait rushes forward, Jesse “The Body” Ventura dives and pushes Eskimo out of the way!!!! Jailbait crashes into the arena doors and the airbag pops out! JR: That was the most evil and surreal situation I’ve ever come across in my 25 years in this business. Jesse “The Body” saves Eskimo’s life and Jailbait crashes into the arena doors. The only thing that saved him was the airbag! Ventura pushes Eskimo to the ground and Jailbait begins to saunter back to the ring. Jailbait accidentally loses his balance and falls down 1/4 of the way down the steps. Hot in pursuit is Ventura and Eskimo. JR This is wild, ladies and gentlemen, what is going to happen next here tonight?! Jailbait climbs into the ring and falls to the canvas. Ventura climbs into the ring and Jailbait doesn’t realize it!!! The crowd is going berserk!!! JR This crowd is going crazy to see the “Body” kick Jailbait’s ass for ruining his car! Nothing mean’s more to a man than his car, believe that! Jailbait begins to raise his hands up thinking he has gained the crowds approval. He turns around and Jesse is waiting for him with his finger pointed straight at him, wagging back and forth! Jailbait begins to cower in the corner on one knee. He bows to Jesse and wraps his hands behind his back. Jesse is fuming with anger and Jailbait tries to frantically calm Jesse down! Jailbait bends down and kisses Jesse foot!!! What can happen next? JR (Yelling at Jesse) Kick…..His…….Ass!!! Jesse then begins to reason with Jailbait and tells him to give him a hug. The crowd begins to boo as Jesse stands in the middle of the ring with open arms. Jailbait smiles and walks towards him with blood dripping down his face to his chest. He goes for the hug, but Jesse kicks him in the gut!!!!! JR (In full on orgasm mode) YES! YES! Jesse pushes Jailbait into the corner and kicks the hell out of him! Eskimo, with bloody cuts all over his back, climbs into the ring. Jesse yells at Eskimo to get up and kick his ass! Eskimo gets a surge of energy from the frantic crowd and runs over and spears Jailbait into the corner, and follows up with an Ice Breaker!!! He goes for the cover!!! 1 2 Kickout at the last second!!! JR Oh man that should have been it, Eskimo is in disbelief!!! As Jesse is hollering out instructions, Clarissa climbs into the ring. She has a lead pipe in her hand and is aiming it at Jesse. Clarissa rears back, but Jesse turns around. Jesse catches the pipe and picks up Clarissa and puts her in a CANADIAN BACKBREAKER!!! The crowd is nuts!!! He tosses her to the outside and Eskimo gives him the thumps up sign. Jesse leaves the ring and Eskimo sets Jailbait up top. He hooks a full nelson and………… OH MY LORD!!! THE KILLER WHALE PLEX OF THE TOP ROPE!!!! Eskimo is out, Jailbait is dead!!!! JR HOLY………That has to be the most brutal thing…… With both men out, the referee begins to count both men out…. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8, Eskimo puts a hand over Jailbait!!! The cover!!! 1 2 The Winner…….WAIT! The Arena goes black??????? JR What the????? What is going on here? This isn’t right; Eskimo had the match one damn it!!! The lights come back up and ten thugs are holding Eskimo back and beginning to tie him up in the ropes with handcuffs!!! JR Jesse, do you see this????? What is going on?? JESSE What the… come on Eskimo!! Get up!! I don’t want to help him any further; he has to do this on his own!!! The thugs pick Jailbait’s lifeless body up and slap him awake. Jailbait sees what’s going on and begins to look under the ring. He pulls out an aluminum baseball bat!! Jailbait walks into the ring slowly and looks Eskimo in the eyes. He yells ‘Say hello to Elvis and Jim Morrison for me!’ and swings the bat!!!! The shot echo’s through the arena and the aluminum bat is dented with the shot to Eskimo’s skull. JESSE NO, NO, NO!! JR Oh………my….., get somebody out here! Please, right now, please!!! Eskimo is uncuffed and Jailbait puts one foot on Eskimo. The cover….. 1 2 3, Jailbait wins this atrocious and heinous battle!!!! * DING DING DING DING * JR Get someone down there right now!! Medics, officials, Eskimo may have a crushed skull and may not live much longer, get someone down there!!! JESSE (Stuttering) I……..don’t… Jailbait is literally carried out by his “Friends” and for the second PPV in a row, Eskimo is carried out on a stretcher fighting for his life. Jailbait looks up at Jesse on the way out and flips him off and laughs at him, then falls to his knees due to blood loss. JESSE I don’t know what to say JR. JR Just do your job, Jesse, that’s all I can ask. Edited July 27, 2003 by Big Poppa Popick Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big Poppa Popick Report post Posted July 26, 2003 (edited) [Coridoor backstage. For easier mobility, Crystal has seated herself in a wheelchair. She's rolling down the hallway, and she comes to a stop at the door of the women's locker room. Goblin normally stows all their stuff there, and she's banking on that same mistake tonight. She pushes the door open and rolls in, and sure enough there's Widow's duffel there. Her duffell is open, and her ring gear is gone. Her clothes that she arrived in are strewn about. There are drops of blood and a clear liquid covering the bench. Crystal approaches the duffell and she pulls the zipper apart. She looks in and an eyebrow shoots up as she reaches for something. She pulls a small sheet of paper out, where something was ahstily scrawled across it. Crystal reads it, and her jaw drops. She pulls a cell phone from her purse and dials a number quickly] CRYSTAL Dames! It's Crystal. I found something in the locker room . . . and I think things are worse than we thought. But I think I found something I needed. Look, I'll explain on the way . . . I need a limo or something. I think I've got what I need to get what we need. . . . a hero. Alright. I'm on my way to the parking lot now. Thanks. I'll call you from the Limo, once i get all this sorted out and can explain it better. Bye. [Crystal puts the phone away and looks at the note, something have caught her attention. She looks from the note to the bench and then bends down and looks under the bench a best she can, feeling around under it with a free hand. She freezes suddenly, and her eyes go wide. She tugs on something and with a ripping sound, brings a small vial filled with a yellow liquid from under the bench, where it was apparently taped. Crystal looks from it to the note, and sighs heavily] CRYSTAL It's going to be a hell of a night . . . JR: This isn't looking good at all! Jesse: Spider-sense or not, we're in for something very bad tonight. JR: Let's kick it to the ring. Ring announcer: Ladies and gentleman, this match is scheduled for one fall with a 15 minute time limit, introducing first, from Colombus, Ohio, weighting 220 pounds, Kyle "Ace" Landis! Kyle's music hits and he makes his way to the ring to a chorus of boos, but he simply ignores the fans and enters the ring. JR: This is it folks, Kyle Landis will finally faces the consequences of his acts as K-NESS will make his way to the ring in a few seconds, the self-proclaimed "Ace" better be prepared because taking out K-NESS is going to be no easy task. Jesse: That's right Jim, but Kyle Landis is no rookie either, I don't think he's going to let himself be intimidated by K-NESS, I mean we all know the guys is a friggin' MACHINE in the ring but Kyle might just be able to knock K-NESS out with his strikes if he can't get his submissions. Trans Magic hits and K-NESS slowly walks to the ring to a huge pop from the crowd. Ring announcer: And his opponent,making his way to the ring, from Samar, Philippines, weighting 221 pounds, K-NESS! *DING DING DING* Kyle Landis charges right away but K-NESS hiptosses him, he comes back to take K-NESS down with a side kick to the ribs and slaps on an armbar, but K-NESS reverses into a headlock!, Landis slowly get up and tries to push K-NESS into the ropes but he hangs on and jumps, Running Bulldog!!! JR: K-NESS still has the side headlock on, Kyle Landis HAS to make his way out of that hold before his opponent weakens his neck too much! Kyle finally elbows his way out of the hold and gets up, so does K-NESS. Knee to the midsection by Kyle and a kick to the back of the knee, and another, and another!! Jesse: Look at that JR, K-NESS is now struggling to stay up, I told you Kyle Landis wasn't affraid of him! Landis runs into the ropes, Shoulder tackle to the back of K-NESS'S knee, who is on the ground, holding his knee and screaming in pain. JR: This could end quickly Jesse!, we're a little over 5 minutes in and K-NESS is already in big trouble! Kyle crosses K-NESS's legs and... goes for an Indian Deathlock! He's screaming in pain and tries to make it to the ropes, and he does!, but Kyle won't release the hold as he gets booed heavily. Jesse: No!, don't do that Kyle!, you'll get disqualified! The referee counts: 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. Kyle FINALLY releases the hold but the damage is done, K-NESS nearly passed out from the pain and can barely move his legs. Landis picks him up, he goes for another side kick to the ribs but K-NESS blocks!, Dragon Screw Leg Whip!!!!!, he tries to follow with a Figure 4 Leg Lock but Landis pushes him back into the corner, small package! 1.. 2.. K-NESS kicks out, Kyle picks him up once again and goes for an elbow to the face but K-NESS blocks!, kick to the midsection, HIGH-ANGLE EXPLODER!!!, the crowd roars as they see that K-NESS might just be getting the upper hand!, he slaps on a DRAGON SLEEPER!! JR: This might be it folks! Kyle Landis's neck has been weakened in the early portion of the match and now K-NESS is trying to end the match by going back to the neck with a Dragon Sleeper. Landis makes it back to the ropes and the hold is released, K-NESS is starting to show signs of frustration, kicking the bottom rope. Jesse: K-NESS will have to remain focused if he wants to win that match JR, letting his frustration out on anything else than his opponent simply won't help. K-NESS pick a stunned Kyle Landis and sets him up for the Release Tiger Suplex 85', but Landis REVERSES, ROLLING GERMANS!!!!! 1 suplex... 2 suplexes.. and a third one!! JR: BAH GAWD!, IT'S ALL OVER!!!!! Landis goes for the pin, ONE... *DING DING DING* Ring announcer: Ladies and gentleman the time limit has expired, therefore the match is a DRAW. JR: These two got 15 minutes and they weren't even warmed up yet, and beleive me fans this heated rivalry is far from over! Edited July 27, 2003 by Big Poppa Popick Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big Poppa Popick Report post Posted July 26, 2003 (edited) JR Next up we have a return match of sorts for the F13 title. At The Great Angle Bash Orion took on Blurricane and Reject and won, but this time around he takes on Bizarro Blurricane and Reject. Can he pull it out again? JESSE Of course he can! He's proven already that he's better than Reject and I believe that Bizarro is just there to help out Orion. Think about it. The two of them haven't laid a hand on each other yet, but Reject and Orion, on the other hand, have had issues for awhile. JR You may be right. JESSE May be? I'm always right. JR Let's just send it to the Ring Announcer RING ANNOUNCER This next match is a No DQ match scheduled for one fall and is for the F13 Title! CUE: Blackened RING ANNOUNCER Coming to the ring...weighing in at 191 pounds...from Parts Unknown...BIZARRO BLURRICANE!!!!! (Bizarro slowly rises from below the stage as the slow guitar opening plays. A lone spotlight shines on the spot where he rises. As the song becomes heavy he lifts his head and walks to the ring as the fans boo him. Bizarro swats at a fan who is calling him names, which causes the fan to raise his fist at him. Bizarro then slides into the ring and throws his arms out to the side, basking in the boos from the crowd. He slowly takes off his cape and throws it to ringside as the music dies out.) JR This man makes me sick! He walks around here like he's God's gift to wrestling. Someday Blurricane is going to come back and whoop his ass! JESSE Keep dreaming JR! CUE: Hate Me Now RING ANNOUNCER Coming to the ring...weighing in at 225 pouds...from New York, New York...REJECT!!!! (Reject runs to the ring and slides in, throwing his arms up in the air. He walks forward, but stops dead in his tracks when Bizarro stares him down. Reject motions for Bizarro to come on, but Bizarro just smirks and rests in the corner. Reject's music dies down and the crowd prepares their trash to throw at the F13 champ as he comes out.) JESSE Hey that's not fair! The fans are gathering up trash to throw! CUE: Headstrong RING ANNOUNCER Coming to the ring...weighing in at 212 pounds...from Las Vegas, Nevada...The current F13 Champion...ORION!!!! (Orion comes out to a chorus of boos and a shower of trash. He is wearing a "Freddy vs. Jason" T-Shirt to remind the fans about the movie. Orion shows off the F13 title to the fans as he walks the isle. A fan spits on the belt, which causes Orion to hop off the ramp and nearly punch him. While Orion is distracted by the fan Reject comes running up and decks him with a Forearm shot.) Orion falls back and begs Reject off while trying to get back to his feet. Reject goes after him, but Bizarro attacks Reject from behind. Bizarro slams Reject head first into the guardrail and both Orion and Bizarro bring him to the ring and toss him in. *DING DING DING* JR Bah Gawd you were right! Bizarro is helping Orion! JESSE Did you doubt me!? Orion and Bizarro whip Reject to the ropes and hit a Double Team Flapjack! Bizarro bounces off the ropes and hits a Leg Drop. Orion follows suit and hits an Elbow Drop. Orion covers. One...No!! Orion picks Reject up and hits a Snap Suplex. He holds on and pulls Reject to his feet. Orion punches Reject in the face, sending him back to Bizarro who punches him in the face as well. Orion and Bizarro punch him back and forth like a toy. JR How humiliating! JESSE Yeah...isn't it great? Reject finally ducks Orion's punch, but Bizarro kicks him in the gut. Orion whips Reject to the ropes and hits a The Final Chapter (Tilt-a-whirl Backbreaker). Cover. One...Two...No!! Orion picks him back up and whips him to the ropes, but Reject manages to reverse it and whip Orion towards Bizarro. Bizarro leapfrogs Orion, but is blasted with a Superkick from Reject as he lands! The crowd lets out a collective "whoa" at the move. Orion comes running at Reject, but he's Back Dropped over the top rope. Orion lands on the apron and grabs Reject by the head, snapping his head across the top rope. Reject lands hard on the mat as Bizarro hits a Senton Splash on him. Orion goes up top, but Bizarro runs up and hits a Top Rope Belly to Belly, dropping Orion right on top of Reject! JR Bah gawd! Bizarro just tossed Orion off the top and onto Reject below! JESSE Why isn't he going for a cover? Bizarro tosses Orion to the side and picks up Reject. He then hits a Splash Mountain Bomb on Reject, but still does not go for the cover. Orion gets to his feet and Clotheslines Bizarro down. Orion then goes for the cover on Reject. One...Two...No!!! Bizarro gets up and kicks Orion hard in the chest as he's getting up. Bizarro picks Orion up and Slams him hard to the mat. Reject tries to get up, but Bizarro hits a Soccer Kick to Reject's back. Orion shoves Bizarro...and then hits his own Soccer Kick to Reject's back! Bizarro shoves Orion out of the way and proceeds to kick Reject even harder! JR Good Gawd Almighty! They're having a kicking contest on Reject's back!! JESSE Yeah! Kick him harder!! Orion waits for Bizarro to go for another kick and when he does Orion sweeps Bizarro's other leg out from under him, sending him crashing to the mat. Orion then grabs Bizarro and hits a Snap Suplex! Orion goes for a cover, but Reject hits a Low Dropkick to Orion's head, breaking up the count! Reject grabs Bizarro and hits a DDT. He then bounces off the ropes and does a Cartwheel into a Moonsault Pin on Bizarro. Cover. One...Two...No!! Reject stands up as Orion runs in and Reject Back Body Drops Orion! Reject then picks Bizarro up and hits a Vertical Suplex, dropping Bizarro onto Orion! JR Now Reject is dropping Bizarro onto Orion! JESSE That's not fair! JR A few minutes ago you thought it was brilliant! Bizarro lays on top of Orion in the ring as Reject goes up top for a Five Star Frog Splash! Bizarro sees him come off the top rope and moves so that Reject hits Orion, but not Bizarro! Bizarro grabs Reject as he bounces off Orion and he hits The Stroke on Reject! Bizarro then taunts the crowd as he stands over his fallen opponents! The fans boo loudly as Bizarro grins. JR He's not going for a cover again! JESSE I don't like this! Bizarro!! Go for a cover!! Orion slowly starts to stand and Bizarro kicks him in the gut. He then whips Orion to the ropes and Hot Shots him! Reject starts to stand and Bizarro whips him...into the ref! Reject collides with the ref, but the ref doesn't go down. The ref rests in the corner so Bizarro grabs Orion and whips him into the corner so that he collides with the ref. This time the ref goes down. JR What the hell is Bizarro doing!? JESSE The ref is out! Bizarro is brutalizing the ref! With the ref out Bizarro slides to the outside and grabs a chair. He then slides back into the ring and blasts Reject in the head with a chairshot! JR That sonofabitch!! He knocked out the ref and now he's knocking out Reject! JESSE I am really starting to like this guy! Orion stands up and starts applauding Bizarro's actions. Bizarro looks annoyed and blasts Orion with a chairshot as well! JESSE What the hell!? The fans don't know what to think. Some of the cheer the chairshot to Orion, but the realize who was holding the chair and boo. Bizarro grabs a mic and begins to talk. BIZARRO I have no need for this worthless belt! I have proven my superiority to you two. If you want this belt so bad then by all means continue fighting. As for me...I'm out of here! Bizarro drops the mic and heads to the back. The fans boo him and call him a quitter. Bizarro just laughs and flips off the fans as he walks back through the curtain. JR I can't believe this! Bizarro just walked out of the match! JESSE He's right! He's above this title and it's time for him to move on to other things! The ref starts to come to and finds Orion and Reject laid out in the ring and Bizarro gone. The ref starts a 10 count on the two men in the ring. 1...2...3...4...5...6...Reject and Orion both start to move...7...8...Reject drapes an arm over Orion. Cover. One...Two...Thr.No!! Reject slowly stands up and rests against the ropes. Orion pulls himself to his feet and the two men meet in the middle of the ring. They begin trading punches. Orion manages to stun Reject with a right and then whips him to the ropes. As Reject comes off Orion hits a Spinebuster! Cover. One...Two...No!! JR I guess he's not coming back. This match just became a One on One fight! JESSE're smart! Orion grabs Reject and goes for a Fade to Black, but Reject blocks the Tazplex a couple of times. Orion shoves Reject forward and takes him down with a hard Clothesline! He then hits a Standing Elbow Drop. Cover. One...Two...No!! Orion picks him up, whips him to the ropes, and hits an Inverted Atomic Drop. As Reject stumbles back Orion grabs him and hits a DDT. Cover. One...Two...Thr.No!!! Orion starts to become angry with the ref's count and stalks him across the ring. The ref warns him so Orion turns around just in time to catch Reject's foot, stopping a Superkick attempt! Orion spins him around and goes for a Clothesline, but Reject ducks. As both men turn around Orion decks Reject with a right hand and whips him to the ropes. Orion catches him on the return and hits a Samoan Drop! Cover. One...Two...Thr.No!! Orion starts slamming his hands on the mat in anger, but the ref just holds up two fingers. Orion spies the chair in the corner that Bizarro used and goes for it. The ref sees him and grabs the chair. Orion and the ref have a tug-o-war with the chair and the ref manages to pull the chair back causing Orion to stumble back into the arms of Reject. Reject hits a DDT and leaps to the top rope for a Split Legged Moonsault, but when the ref had pulled the chair back he whacked his head on the turnbuckle and had become dazed. After a few seconds the ref finally makes the count. One...Two...No!!! JR Dammit ref! Wake up! JESSE If the ref wasn't so worried about Orion then he wouldn't be so unfocused! He should just leave Orion alone! Orion begs off into the corner as Reject comes after him. Orion puts his hands up in protest and even extends a hand to Reject as if to shake hands. Reject stares at him and then consults the crowd, who of course boo and say no. As Reject turns back to face Orion he gets poked in the eye and Orion rolls him up. Orion puts his feet on the ropes! JR Ref!! Feet on the ropes! One...Two...Three...No!!! Reject kicked out!! JESSE JR will you stop yelling at the ref! That's not your job! Orion slides to the outside and pulls Reject by his feet so that Reject lands hard on the mat outside. Orion then whips Reject into the barricade as the ref yells at Orion to get it back in the ring. Orion drapes Reject stomach first over the barricade and goes up to the apron. Orion then raises an arm into the air, which draws boos from the crowd. JESSE Is Orion going to do what I think he's going to do!? JR He's taking a page out of Reject's book! Orion comes running off for a Flying Wheel Kick, but Reject moves and Orion lands hard on the ground! Orion slumps over and holds his tailbone in pain! Reject grabs him and tosses him back into the ring. Cover. One...Two...Thr.No!!! Reject then picks him up and sets up The Pitch Black, but Orion reverses and hits a Back Body Drop, but Reject holds on and does a Sunset Flip! Cover. One...Two...Thr..No!! Orion shoves Reject away and tries to leave the ring, but Reject grabs him and pulls him back. This time he goes for a Lethal Rejection, but Orion slips out behind him and hits a Backdrop Suplex. Orion then goes up top for a Lo Down! Reject gets his knees up at the last second and Orion curls up in pain after the impact! Reject bounces off the ropes and goes for a Rolling Thunder, but Orion grabs the chair that's still in the ring and holds it up so that Reject lands on the chair! Orion pulls himself up and blasts Reject in the head with a chairshot. JR Orion with a brutal chairshot!! He's busted Reject wide open! JESSE He's not done yet! Orion continues to blast Reject with shots to the back and to the head. The ref tells him to back off, but Orion raises the chair at the ref, causing the ref to stumble back. Orion throws the chair down and picks Reject up. He then hits a Sitout Powerbomb onto the chair! The crowd "oooh's" loudly at the move. JR GOOD GAWD ALMIGHTY!! He's broken him smack dab blammit bah gawd in half!! JESSE He did what??? Orion then goes up and hits a Lo Down and covers. One...Two...Three!!! *DING DING DING* JR Bah Gawd Orion wins again! JESSE I think he's gone crazy...I like it! Orion drops the chair and rolls to the outside. He then walks to the back with his F13 title raised high as the fans boo him. RING ANNOUNCER Here's your winner....ORION!!!! Reject pulls himself up as blood trickles down his face. He looks pissed as Orion steps through the curtain and leaves. JR Orion still has that damn belt! This is far from over! JESSE Yeah, but what happened to Bizarro? Why did he leave? Edited July 27, 2003 by Big Poppa Popick Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big Poppa Popick Report post Posted July 26, 2003 (edited) DING! DING! DING! "SEXY BOY" The music blares and Some Guy appears to rile the crowd up! He DANCES~! like a white boy with rhythm acrross the length of the stage, then takes his sweet time walking down the ramp, turning and slapping each hand he can find, and even holding up a little kid to make the youngster's day. JR What a comeback SG is making JESSE What? Like losing all the time? Please. Saluting the crowd, SG rolls into the ring, crouching into a SEXY BOY POSE ::not to be confused with a WASHED UP SEXY BOY POSE found on other promotions:: He flings a lone hand into the air, and the PYRO~~ explodes on the other side of the ring in red, white, and blue. Finishing the stance, he flings his Red Sox into the crowd, fans chasing after it. "COME WITH ME" Slowly, as the remix hits full strength, the lights in the arena slowly turn off, enveloping the people into sweet darkness. White Pyro cascades down from the top of the AngleTron, Stephen Joseph walking out beneath it, drawing the crowd into a hateful mood as the lights go back up. Stephen walks unaffected past the jeerers to slide into the ring, casting a sideways glare into SG's eyes, then scaling the turnbuckle with his crucifix pose. JR I have never liked him. JESSE Forgetting your verbal jobs last year? Why JR, why not like him now when he's RIGHT? Stephen twists turning and jumping around, landing close to the middle of the ring, and even closer to an approaching Some Guy. They stand in the middle, getting closer, standing head to head, shouting at each other. What is said, well, it isn't really nice. Our official, Jack Doan, tries to wedge himself between the two wrestlers, but both shove him away! Stephen and SomeGuy slowly walk in circle, grinding their foreheads together, working up the crowd in an anticipatory anxiety waiting to be quenched. Joseph pushes SG off, breaking the tension and NOW they start faster pacing around each other, beginning to size the other up in the initial contact. They tie up in the ring! Some Guy forcing SJ towards the turnbuckle in a slow walk back. SJ strains against the push, and as he nears the turnbuckle, lifts his left leg to brace against the turnbuckle, and turning the momentum back to Some Guy. Stephen begins to push SG towards the OTHER turnbuckle. Some Guy drops to both knees and backdrops Stephen, but Stephen lands on his feet! Stephen watches SG turn around, and grabs Some Guy's arm, Deep Armdrag from SJ! He gets up, but SG grabs his arm, and Stephen gets a taste of his own medicine. A series of one-up armdrags ensues, but stops when SJ blocks an armdrag attempt and counters it into a backslide! SG wiggles! 1! 2!! NOPE! C'mon, a pinfall this early? SG rolls over, then SPEARS SJ down to the mat and bridges! 1! 2! NO! Stephen powers out of the bridge, and into another backslide…SG's shoulders are down! 1! 2! No! SG kicks his legs up and carries himself over SJ's back, pinning SJ's arms with his legs… 1! 2! No! SJ reverses! 1! 2! Kickout by Some Guy! JR What a SLOBBERKNOCKER! JESSE Pinfall reversals are slobberknocker material? JR It's my line. He rolls away, stopping to look at Stephen with a "Can we stop this stupid pinfall reversal sequence" look. Stephen charges in plain anger, but SG drop toe holds Stephen down to the mat, cinching in a headlock. SG grinds the lock in, leaving SJ no choice but to punch Some Guy in the kidneys for a break. Stephen springs forward, off the ropes and right into a Some Guy clothesline…spinning Stephen around before he lands! Some Guy catches the opportunity to go from standing to sitting, a spinning legdrop onto Stephen's throat! Some Guy catches the wave and scales the ropes, bringing the crowd to its feet. SOME SPLASH! SOME SPLASH CONNECTS! Guy hooks the leg of Stephen! 1! 2! 3! NO! Stephen Got the shoulder up! JESSE No Way that's beating Stephen. He's a man on a mission! Some Guy, a little frustrated, pulls Stephen up. He tries to pick up Stephen for a suplex, but its blocked! Stephen Joseph with a throat thrust, then a kick to SG's knee, and a brutal drooping DDT! But he wastes no time, keeping the arm locked around the head, and picks up the limp Some Guy. SYNCHRONICITY V1! Popick floats over with a "COME ON!" gesture to Jack. 1! 2! 3! NO! JR BY GAWD, SOME GUY WILL NOT QUIT! Frustrated, Stephen stands up and begins kicking the proverbial shit out of Some Guy's ribs and kidneys. SG rolls on the ring with each kick, dumping himself outside and onto the matted floor. Popick follows with murder in his eyes. Stephen comes close to SG , aproaching him from SG's prone legs. POP UP KIP-UP HURRICANRANA FROM SOME GUY! Stephen's back arches in pain from the impact, and now Some Guy is on the offensive...Back Drop to Stephen! JR THAT'S RIGHT Take him to School! Make him YOUR BITCH, Some Guy! Do it for all of us who experienced the toture of that ego-manic. Who's your daddy, Joseph!? JESSE Get up Stephen! Some Guy takes a break from the beatdown of Stephen to slap some fans' hands, pumping himself and the crowd up. Stephen, meanwhile, has slowly raised himself up on the ring apron, holding onto the ropes like a lifeline keeping him afloat. Popick tries to get in the ring, but finds that his foot won't move...SG is there! SG jerks once, but Popick holds on. He jerks again, and Popick loses his footing. Snap SpineBUSTA~ from the ring apron to the floor! CROWD CHANTS "HOLY SHIT!" A near unconscious Popick is picked up and rolled back into the ring outside the ring brawling, SG takes to a corner. JR He's done for people....Some Guy is going to take his head off! JESSE Drop back down Popick! Don't get up yet! Some Guy is TUNING UP THE BAND! The crowd stirs and rises to its feet, sensing the end. The band's raring to go when Popick finally gets back to his feet...and it CONNECTS~! SOME KICK TO POPICK'S HEAD, flipping him stomach first onto the mat! Some Guy doesn't go for the cover! He pulls Popick back up again, and DANCES~ to the corner once again, to TUNE UP THE BAND FOR AN ENCORE! SOME KICK! SOME KICK! MISSES! DESPERATION FINALITY!! JESSE WHATACOUNTER! JR Both men are feeling it now And BOTH men are down now, Jack Doan beginning a 10 count. The crowd begins to chant, buying into the sheer exhaustion and finished nature of the combatants. At 3, Some Guy and Stephen haven't stirred. At 5, SG shakes his head, trying to get some grogginess out. Stephen tries to stand, but he falls back down. At 7, the crowd is chanting, but their chants turn to boos. Edward Robbins runs through the crowd and jumps the rail, nailing Jack Doan from behind. He pulls Some Guy up, soaking in the boos. THE EVENFLOW DDT! Plants Some Guy back on the mat, knocked out. JR THAT *CENSORED ...................................................* JESSE Damn JR, knock off the overdoses on the sauce Edward basks in the jeers of the crowd, finally realizing he should pull Popick over...He gets a few feet when the crowd cheers, stopping Edward as he sees CABOOOOOOSE! running down to the ring... Edward slides out to meet him halfway, but Caboose gets a duck in on an Edward Clothesline EMERALD FUSION ON THE RAMP! JR THAT'LL TEACH THAT BASTARD! JESSE Doesn't matter, He'll get up. But what's with all this bias? JR Oh shut up! Like you don't do it yourself. JESSE I tell it like it is, Ross; I don't lie to the people. POPICK drapes an arm over Some Guy in the ring. CABOOSE WITH AN END OF THE LINE ON EDWARD NOW TOO! Caboose is obsessed with beating Edward up! Jack Doan recovers! He sees Stephen covering Some Guy! 1! 2! Caboose turns around JR No! NOT LIKE THIS! The crowd waits in anticipation, Caboose is lightning quick in getting to his feet, running to the ring. 3!! Popick got a three Count! JESSE Stephen survives again! Whattdahave to say about that? JR That rotten SON OF A BITCH can GO TO HELL! DAMN YOU TO HELL, STEPHEN JOSEPH! DAMN YOU! He won't survive another match! JESSE What gives you the right to call a good catholic boy, a "rotten son of a bitch"? Stephen was clearly tired so Ed came out to help him. Nothin' wrong with that. Doan calls for the bell as Caboose cannot believe it on the outside, throwing a fit. Some Guy is totally still out of it, and Popick probably doesn't even realize he won...again. JR THAT DAMN EDWARD ROBBINS! JESSE WHAT A TEAM PLAYER....2 DOWN, 1 to GO! JR Popick better count his lucky stars, he's stayed alive TWICE because of his teammate. I know the OAOAST board of directors are watching this event at the OAOAST headquaters in Pittsburgh, and I pray to God they'll take some action. The Trinity always find different ways to cheat. Edited July 28, 2003 by Big Poppa Popick Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big Poppa Popick Report post Posted July 26, 2003 (edited) Cole: Next up is a match that was due for HeldDown, but because of CWM, Pier Pressure and Caboose's recurring alcohol problem, the match was delayed to the PPV because Tony thought we could squeeze a few extra buys with this match... Coach: You are SO getting fired for that! Cole: For what?! Coach: You just totally broke kayfabe man! Cole: Kayfabe? Whats this Kayfabe you speak off? *WINK*WINK*NUDGE*NUDGE* Coach: Oh god... (LaParkaYourCar's Match Graphic) Cole: Yes its time for the Tag Team Match with unhealthy hatred as Naz Mistry comes out of retirement to tag with fellow luchardore Hex Machina to take on the ever popular Commonwealth former aWo members Caboose and Cobainwasmurdered! Coach: Naz and Caboose hate each other... Cole: Despite being the same person... *WINK*WINK*NUDGE*NUDGE* (Coach shakes his head disappointingly) Coach: Hex and Caboose hate each other, Hex has also pissed off CWM and what exactly is the realtionship between Caboose and CWM? Last time we saw them, Caboose cost CWM a match against Hex... Cole: Combustive elements to say the least... Coach: It's too late now Cole... The lights go out and strobe lights fill the arena... The crowd gets to its feet in anticipation... "SATAN SATAN SATAN" Hex Machina strolls out casually with Naz Mistry in tow. The crowds eagerness turns to boos for the mexican duo. Hex and Naz come out dressed in matching black, green, red and white attire with Naz wearing his accustomed mask as well. The lights return. Naz steps ahead of Hex and leaps onto the apron and holds the ropes open for Hex, almost more out of fear than out of respect as Hex glares at Naz. Naz then dows his patented second rope pose to more boos, as Naz steps off the ropes and turns to Hex, Hex grabs Naz by the back of his mask and can be seen clearly mouthing 'DONT FUCK THIS UP FOR ME OR ELSE!' to Naz. The lights go out again and neither 'Cochise' or 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' play, instead massive red, blue and white pyro explodes on the stage as 'a-W-o' is heard over the sound system... Cole: What the hell?! Coach: Oh my... The crowd goes insane but 'Not Quite, But Close Enough' is spoken over the system and 'My Own Summer' by The Deftones kicks in! Cole: A few mind games perhaps from Caboose and CWM?! Coach: Where the hell are they?! The lights return with Caboose and CWM stood behind Hex and Naz in the ring! The crowd pops huge as Hex and Naz slowly turn realising their fate... ...Explosive right hands from Caboose and CWM on their mexican opponents as the bell rings for the start of the match! Caboose whips Naz into the ropes as CWM clotheslines Hex out of the ring! As Naz comes back off the ropes Caboose body presses Naz into the air and as Naz come downward CWM grabs Naz into a PollyCutter! Caboose makes the cover, but Hex drags Naz out of the ring to make the save! Caboose and CWM pose for the fans who are going nuts at this point! Hex grabs Naz by the collar and tries to get Naz going, but Naz is out on his feet, so Hex throws Naz into the ring steps in anger tries to formulate a new plan... Cole: What a start to the match! Caboose and CWM play paper, scissors, rock o decide who starts off... Caboose holds out his hand in the paper shape as CWM displays scissors. Caboose laughs and steps out through the ropes and onto the apron. CWM shoots the 'Just Bring It' signal to Hex who cautiously climbs onto the apron and tells the referee to keep CWM back so he can get in the ring. The ref tells CWM stand back as Hex slowly climbs through the ropes... Hex and CWM walk over to each other and talk trash before Hex pushes CWM away. CWM pushes Hex back. Hex pushes CWM a second time, however CWM reacts by tackling Hex down to the floor and unleashing furious rights that ignite the crowd in cheers. Coach: I suspect this match isn't going to be much of a technical wonder... Cole: Not saying the four men can't go old-school if they want to. Coach: Of course not, Hex and Naz are world-class luchadores and while Caboose and CWM are famed brawlers, they can 'shut up and wrestle' with the best of them. CWM gets up, steps back, bounces off of the ropes and drops an FU elbow across Hex's chest. CWM picks up Hex whips him into the ropes and back body drops Hex square in the centre of the ring. CWM looks up and points at Caboose to pop the crowd again. CWM tags Caboose in before dropping a quick leg across Hex's chest. Caboose steps into the ring and stands over hex's shoulders as the crowd pops... Coach: Here it comes! Cole: I don't know why he bothers?! He never hits it! Coach: For gods sake Cole! A little professionalism please! Caboose takes off his right elbow pad and throws it into the crowd, waves his arms a bit and runs towards his left, bounces off the ropes, skips over Hex, bounces off the other ropes, comes to a stop balances on one leg before goign to drop his elbow... ...But Naz comes in with a SuperKick to Caboose's face! Cole: See I told you! Coach: I can believe this shit... Naz steps out of the ring and leaves Caboose and Hex both down and out. CWM starts pounding the top of the turnbuckle to get the crowd behind Caboose. Naz starts shouting at Hex to tag him in. Hex being the slightly less rocked tags in Naz who dives at Caboose, but Caboose has made it across to CWM as well. Naz comes to a schreeching halt and cathes a right hand to the face from CWM! Naz goes down and CWM runs into the opposite corner and knocks Hex off the apron. CWM turns around and picks Naz off of the floor. CWM whips Naz into the corner, Naz rebounds out of the corner and into an armdrag from CWM! Naz gets straight up into another armdrag, and another armdrag and a fourth! Coach: CWM is taking Naz to school! Cole: Its all fake anyway... Coach: Good lord would you shut up Cole! Naz quickly gets up off the floor again but is this time whipped into the ropes. As Naz come back off the ropes, CWM looks for a Tilt-A-Whirl driver, but Naz mnages to rotate himself out of the move and grabs a neckbreaker on CWM from behind! Naz takes advantage of the situation and starts crawling towards his corner to make a tag. CWM also tries to move to towrads his corner to make a tag the recoverd Caboose... ...Naz makes the tag first and Hex charges into the ring, he runs towards the Caboose corner and knocks Caboose off the apron to stop CWM from making the tag. Hex grabs CWM's leg and drags the lumberjack back into his and Naz's corner. Hex props CWM up on the ropes and starts opening up with chops to CWM's chest. Hex backs up a few steps as Naz holds CWM in place. Hex takes a quick dash before delivering a drop kick to CWM's face! The crowd gasp in horror at the viciousness of the move. Coach: Looks like Hex and Naz are going to go to work on CWM. Cole: Which name would shift the most merchandise? The Lunatic Luchadores or The Mexican Madmen? Coach: What the hell are you on about?! CWM falls to the mat face first like a Flair-Drop motion as tags Naz back in. Hex picks up CWM and places CWM's back across his knee as Naz climbs to the rop rope. Naz blows a kiss to the crowd and delivers a top rope Leg Drop to CWM, whose body flips over in a violently disgusting way! Coach: Oh my word! Cole: CWM is a trained wrestler, he knows how to take bumps properly... Coach: I'm speechless. Naz taunts Caboose and the crowd as Hex shouts at him to get on with it. Naz drags CWM into the centre of the ring, runs at the ropes and goes into a rolling senton splash! Naz stays on top of CWM as the referee makes the count... 1! 2! Caboose breaks up the pin with a kick to Naz's body! Naz shouts at the referee to get Caboose out of the ring. The referee forces Caboose to leave the ring as Naz and drags CWM back into his corner and starts to stomp away at CWM. Naz tags Hex back in as Caboose gets a CWM chant going... Coach: Naz and Hex are using Tag Tactics 101. Simple and effective... Cole: Like cheese. Coach: That doesn't even make sense! Hex picks up CWM and whips him into the ropes. As CWM bounces off the ropes, Hex delivers a standing dropkick to CWM's face! As soon as CWM hits the mat, Hex grabs his legs, and flips into a Figure-4 Pin... 1! 2! CWM kicks out! Coach: How much has CWM got left?! Cole: I think he's got a lot of hair left... Coach: I'm not even going to bother reacting to that... Hex doesn't even hesitate after CWM's kickout, instantly he drops an elbow onto CWM's chest and drags CWM back into his corner. Hex tags Naz as the corwd is almost silent, only booing the offence of the Mexican duo. Coach: The crowd has been completely taken out of it! Cole: I can still see them though... Coach: cough*idiot*cough Naz picks up CWM and whips him into the ropes, but CWM reverses, and as Naz bounces off the ropes, CWM looks for a clothesline! Naz ducks it but as he bounces back off the ropes again, CWM delivers a scissors sweep to buy himself some time! CWM falls to the mat exhausted as Naz scrambles to tag Hex back in. Just as CWM dives for Caboose's outsstretched hand, Hex drags him back away from Caboose! Coach: Absoloutley perfect strategy from Hex there. Cole: I... Coach: Shut it! Hex whips CWM into the ropes and powerslams him dead centre in the ring. Hex tags Naz who coems off the top rope with a diving Moonsault! 1! 2! Caboose breaks the count again! As the referee drags Caboose away, Hex throws a chair to Naz. Naz rears back with the chair, but the referee spots it and grabs the chair, however Hex waits with another chair and blasts CWM in the face as he sits up. Coach: Questionable tactics from Hex there, but clever nonetheless. Naz makes goes to make the cover, but Caboose has already stepped in and starts punching away at Naz. As the referee tries to get Caboose out of the ring again, Hex comes in and blasts CWM again with several chairshots. Coach: Its like Hex picked Naz as his tag partner simply as a distraction so Hex himself could get the job done... Caboose returns to his corner as does Hex who then calls for the tag, which Naz duly supplies. Hex steps into the ring and circles CWM arrogantly. Hex mocks the crowd and Caboose before performing a mock tree-chopping action. Hex signals for the N(X)Press which draws boos from the crowd. Hex climbs the ropes and birches on the top. Hex crosss his chest before shooting off the top in a Stardust Press motion... Coach: Look at the height he gets! ...But CWM rolls out of the way, and Hex hits nothing but canvas! The referee administers a standing 10-count as both men lie motionless on the mat, and the crowd starts to chant 'CWM! CWM! CWM!' 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... And both men start to move towards their corners. Hex gets across to Naz first who eagerly climbs in the ring in an attempt to prevent a tag. Naz pulls CWM away from Caboose again, but CWM gets up and delivers a enziguri to Naz! CWM continues to pull himself towards Caboose as Hex starts screaming at the referee. CWM finally makes the dive across for the tag to Caboose as the crowd erupts after the enforced silence! Caboose steps into the ring with violent intentions but is met by the referee who signals there was no tag! Coach: Dammit Hex had the ref distracted! Cole: Smart work there from Hex. Coach: So you've decided to join the land of the living then? Cole: What are you talking about? Coach looks bemused. As the referee forces Caboose out of the ring again, Hex grabs CWM, who has rolled out of the ring, and tosses him back in. Naz has got to his feet and sensing an oppurtunity signals the Mystryfyer! Naz hooks up CWM in the vertebreaker style move as Caboose and the crowd watch in horror!... ...BOOM! Naz drops CWM neck first to the floor with the Mystryfyer! Naz makes the cover... 1! 2! 3! No! CWM throws his left shoulder up at 2.9999999999! Cole: What resilience from CWM! Coach: How'd he do that?! Naz looks in shock as he tags Hex back in! Hex goes straight for CWM with a few elbow drops before picking CWM up and putting him the Powerbomb position! But YOU CAN'T POWERBOMB KID... CWM~! CWM flips out and grabs Hex into a PollyCutter!... ...CWM is too tired to make the cover as both men start to crawl towards their respective corners again. Hex makes the tag first again, but just as Naz steps into the ring, CWM finally makes the tag to Caboose to a massive pop! Naz runs at Caboose, who delivers a spinebuster! Caboose goes after Hex who hasn't left the ring yet, Caboose picks him in the corner and starts pummeling Hex with chops and right hands! Naz charges at Caboose, but Caboose sidesteps out of the way and Naz splashes Hex by accident! Cole: Hell yeah! Caboose is like a runaway train! Coach: That was a terrible pun. Cole: You want spaz-out Cole back? Coach: Nope, no problem, carry on. Caboose goes to whip Naz, but Naz reverses the whip, bumping Caboose into the referee, but Caboose stops and pulls Naz into a Rock Bottom! Hex gets up and grabs Caboose in a rear waistlock, which Caboose reverses into a waistlock of his own, followed by a Release German Suplex! Caboose signals for the Emerald Fusion, drawing a pop from the crowd! Caboose picks up Naz and throws him over his shoulder, Caboose turns to face the rabid crowd, when suddenly Stephen joseph runs down the entrance way!... Coach: What does he want?! Caboose seeing Joseph, drops Naz and leaves the ring to confront the man formerly known as Big Poppa Popick! However Joseph instead turns around and runs back up the entrance way to the back! Caboose follows him to the back leaving CWM alone with Naz, Hex and no referee! CWm climbs back into the ring and seeing Naz and Hex both down, sets Naz up for the Conspiracy Bomb! CWM hooks Naz's arms in the Tiger Bomb position, but Hex low blows CWM which allows Naz to deliver a Hurricanrana to CWM! Suddenly Hex amshes Naz's face on a turnbuckle and throws Naz out of the ring! Cole: What the hell?! Coach: I think Hex wants all the glory for himself! Hex places one foot on CWM's chest... Coach; Oh my god! The Reboot! Hex then proceeds by delivering a Somersault kick to CWM's chin! Hex checks on the referee, who is still out. Hex grabs a chair and is about to got to work on CWM but out of nowhere Caboose comes running back down to the ring brandishing his Cricket Bat to a huge pop! Caboose slides into the ring and swings at Hex who ducks, and Caboose lashes CWM in the stomach with the Cricket bat! Cole: Dammit that shot was meant for Hex! Coach: Or was it Cole? Remember HeldDown a few week's ago? Caboose looks in shock as to what hes done and turns back towards Hex, but Hex is blasts Caboose with the chair across the face! Caboose goes down like a sack of potatoes, busted open as well! Hex drops the chiar, leaves the ring and throws Naz back in as the referee starts to come to. Naz is still a little dazed. Caboose and CWM both come to their feet and CWM questions Caboose about the Cricket Bat shot, Caboose denies it but Hex is back in and pushes Caboose from behind into CWM, knocking the canadian out of the ring! Coach: Not again! Caboose turns around and kicks Hex in the gut and setting Hex up for the Emerald Fusion, but this time Naz pulls Hex's legs to get him out of the move, Caboose, turns to Naz and Hex, but CWM spins Caboose back around into a PollyCutter onto the chair Hex used! Hex tags himself back in and climbs the top rope and come off the top wit the N(X)Press! Hex nails it perfectly and makes the cover, as Naz drags CWM out of the ring and the referee makes a groggy count... 1! 2! 3! *DING*DING*DING* Winners: Hex Machina & Naz Mistry @ 18:47 via N(X)Press Naz lets go of CWM as Hex quickly slips out of the ring. Hex and Naz scurry up the ramp to a chorus of boos. The two disappear behind the curtain, leaving Caboose and CWM in the ring. Cole: I can't believe Hex and Naz won! Coach: Thats Hex's second pinfall on a bloody Caboose in two months! Cole: But whats gonna go down here?! Caboose and CWM stare at each other intensely as the crowd anticipates a brawl. CWM however shakes his head in disappointment, slides out of the ring and backs up the ramp staring at Caboose the entrie time before disappearing behind the curtain. Caboose is left in the ring, his face a crimson mask. The replay of Stephen Joseph's run-in appears on the AngleTron. Caboose picks up his Cricket Bat and leaves to a mixed reaction of confusion and disappointment from the crowd. Fade Out.... Edited July 28, 2003 by Big Poppa Popick Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big Poppa Popick Report post Posted July 26, 2003 (edited) Welcome to my world. Brock, after two weeks of sitting on your ass at home, and watching me tear the house down, we finally meet, one on one. Your time is now Brock, the stage is set. Tonight, Brock, your streak comes to an end. Last month you had to cheat to beat Crystal, the single toughest female I have ever met. You continued your attack, after the match. I had been waiting for my opportunity; I had been waiting in the wings. You detest me Brock, viciously attacking Crystal like you did. Then, you attacked me, damn near injured me. But you couldn’t get the job done. I was back, and I beat your ass down. So tonight Brock, you will feel the pain, taste the pain, and when it all said and done, I will make you like the damn pain. ::”Sad But True” by Metallica starts up, and Jim Heyross appears, dressed in suit and tie. Brock Ausstin appears, and does the HAPPY HAPPY HIPPO~! Dance. He looks to be back to perfect condition. Brock does his usual jump up onto the apron, and the HAPPY HAPPY HIPPO~! Dance yet again. Brock looks more focused than he has ever been :: Cole: Brock Ausstin making his return from a two week absence due to a back injury sustained at the hands of Axel and Crystal. Coach: He looks to be in good shape Michael, looks like he’s been training a whole lot. :: ‘Sabotage’ plays, and Brock looks all the way around to see where Axel is coming from. Axel sneaks up from behind in a black balaclava and long leather coat, and waits for Brock to turn around :: Cole: Hey! Its Axel! :: Brock turns around and Axel nails him with a huge Harlem sidekick, knocking Brock down. Axel then goes up to the second turnbuckle and plays the crowd, doing the Raven crucifix pose, while taking off his balaclava and jacket:: Coach: Brock is down early; Axel with a great sidekick, but now is not the time to play the crowd! Cole: Brock is getting back up, Axel better watch his back! :: Brock gets up quickly and smashes Axel in the back with a double axe handle. Axel stumbles off the turnbuckles, and Brock catches him with a HUGE Belly to Belly Suplex, right out of the ring, onto the floor, and his manager, Jim Heyross! :: Cole: My God! I think Heyross is out Coach! Coach: What a huge move by Brock, that could have broken Axel’s back! :: Brock rolls out of the ring and picks Axel up to his feet. He then sends Axel shoulder first into the steel steps, knocking them out of place:: Cole: Axel might be hurt! :: Brock rolls Axel into the ring. Elbow drop onto Axel. 1.. 2.. Kickout :: Coach: First near fall of the match up and we have started off with a bang! :: Brock picks Axel up. Kick to the stomach by Brock. Vertical Suplex by Brock. Axel slowly gets up again. Brock picks Axel up. Sidewalk slam by Brock. Cover. 1.. 2.. Kickout. Brock picks Axel up again. Scoop Slam by Brock. Running Leg Drop by Brock. 1.. 2.. Kickout. :: Cole: Axel is in trouble early here Coach, Brock is all over him. Coach: Brock is slowing the pace right down, he likes it this way. Cole: Brock is in control of Axel, the newcomer. :: Axel slowly gets up, and Brock goes for the right hand. Blocked. Another attempt. Another block. Axel counters with right hands of his own. Irish Whip by Axel, reversed by Brock. Brock gets Axel into a bearhug! :: Cole: Look at Brock, squeezing the life out of Axel, this has to be bad for the dark one. Coach: I don’t know how Axel is going to get out of this Cole. :: Brock squeezes Axel, Axel is fading. Heyross is up and a little groggy, and screams for Brock to squeeze. Brock has a smile on his face. The ref sees the Axel’s hand is down. He grabs Axels hand, and lets go, but it drops down! 1!! :: The ref grabs Axels hand again, puts it up in the air, but Axel still can’t keep it up! 2!! Cole: Axel is gone, the dark one is finished! :: The ref again grabs Axels arm, and puts it up in the air, but this time Axel holds on! Axel with the right hands t the head of Brock, who lets go. Axel with the kick to the mid section, and a Sitdown Powerbomb on Brock! :: Cole: Devastating Powerbomb by Axel! BOTH MEN DOWN! We have a Ten Count! 1!! 2!! 3!! 4!! 5!! Both men are trying to get to their feet! 6!! 7!! 8- No! Both men are up! They exchange right hands, with Brock getting the advantage. Irish Whip by Brock, Axel rebounds back with a Flying Crossbody! One! Two! No! :: Axel is up first! He shouts to the crowd! Cole: Axel is getting an adrenaline rush! Where is this strength coming from? Coach: I don’t know Cole, his hatred is fueling him. Axel with the T-Bone Suplex to Brock! Brock up quickly, Axel with a Tilt-a-Whirl Powerslam! Axel is in control! Axel with the right hands, and then a gutwrench into a powerslam! Cover! One! Two! Thr- No! Brock got a shoulder up! Axel does the Raven crucifix pose yet again. Axel with the Irish Whip, SPINEBUSTER! :: Cole: Axel with the Spinebuster! Brock is in a lot of trouble now! :: Axel goes over to Brock and locks in the Axel Grinder! The Single Leg Crab is locked in! Brock is screaming in pain! :: Coach: Brock might tap here Cole, this move is absolutely devastating! Cole: Brock is too far from the ropes! We are going to see Brock lose! :: Heyross jumps up on the apron, distracting the referee! Brock taps out! :: Cole: Brock is tapping! Axel should have won this match! Coach: The referee doesn’t see a thing! Heyross has got him distracted! :: Axel releases the hold when he sees Heyross, and goes after him! Axel chases Heyross around the ring, and right into a Brock Ausstin Belly to Belly Suplex! :: Coach: Brock has the advantage now! Heyross may have cost Axel the match! :: Brock picks Axel up, and shoves him into the corner. BIG shoulder thrusts by Brock, driving his shoulder right into the ribs of Axel! :: Cole: Axel is writhing in pain! :: Brock picks up Axel, and drives him down with a rib breaker!:: Coach: That has to hurt Axel, he might be bleeding internally! ::Axel kicks Brock in the stomach, and Irish whips him, only to have it turned into an abdominal stretch!:: Cole: That is a painful maneuver! :: Axel tries to get out of it, but Brock uses the ropes for leverage! The referee can’t see this!:: Coach: Blatant cheating there by Brock Ausstin. Is their anything that this man will not do to get a victory? :: Axel tries to get out of the hold again, but again Brock goes to the ropes for leverage! But this time the referee sees the cheating, and orders Brock to release the hold! :: :: Brock picks Axel up and signals for the finish! Brock picks Axel up for the F-Stunner-5, but Axel counters into a roll up! One! Two! Thr- No! Brock is fuming! Cole: Surprise roll up there by Axel! :: Both me get to their feet. Clothesline by Axel. Another. Axel goes for the Irish whip but it is countered into a pick up by Brock! :: Coach: Brock is going for an F-Stunner-5! This is going to be over! :: Brock tries for the F-Stunner-5, but Axel slips off behind Brock! Axel goes for the Axel Slam, but Brock pushes Axel right into the referee, knocking him out! :: Cole: The ref is down! Brock can now capitalize! :: Brock motions for Heyross, and Heyross grabs a chair and slides it into the ring. Brock picks it up, and smashes Axel right between the eyes, busting Axel wide open! Brock then picks Axel up and gives him the F-Stunner-5 on the chair!:: Cole: There is no one to make the count Coach, the referee is down! :: Brock realise that the ref is down, so he picks Axel up again and goes for another F-Stunner-5 on the chair, but Axel reverses into an Axel Slam, driving Brock face first into the chair!:: Cole: My God! Brocks face bounced off the chair! :: The Referee recovers, and Axel hooks the far leg, we have a count, while Heyross is screaming NO! NO! :: One! Two! THREE!! This one is over! Cole: MY GOD! AXEL BEATS BROCK! Coach: Halleluiah! The Brock beast is finally slain! :: Axel stands, his face a crimson mask, looking down at Brock. He does the Raven Crucifix pose, and mouths ‘This is over.’. Edited July 27, 2003 by Big Poppa Popick Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big Poppa Popick Report post Posted July 26, 2003 (edited) [Medical University of South Carolina Psychiatric Care Center. The camera's view is in a hallway. We hear the cameraman saying that he just went live to someone unseen, to try and catch a "big moment". "Can't believe she pulled it off," he says. "Amazing stuff." A hush falls over the crowd as confusion/anticipation sets in. Crystal's wheelchair rounds the corner . . . . . . followed by SPIDERPOET~! Pulling on his costume shirt with the trademarked "~!" design on the spider's back. And he looks PISSED!] CRYSTAL I can't believe it was that easy. POET Well, with evidence like that, they can't really do anything more to keep me here. CRYSTAL You know, this isn't what I signed on for when I wanted to become a pro wrestler. POET Me neither. (Pulls on his left elbow pad) Psychopathic brothers showing up, drugging my girlfriend, pocketing law enforcement and medical personnell along the way to control me. (Pulls on right elbow pad) All I wanted was a run with the Title. CRYSTAL Are you ready to do this? Are you sure you don't want to involve the police? POET It wouldn't do any good. (Pulls on left glove) He's worked his way around it legally, using IZ's Warzone rules to escape responsibility for murder before. He knows the loopholes and how to use them. (pulls on right glove as they leave the building and approach the limo) CRYSTAL (Rolls to a stop beside the open limo door and looks at Poet) Are you sure you're ready? He's aiming to kill you both tonight, from what Widow wrote in that note. She must have still been half-drugged when she belted it out and hid the vial of antidote, but she explained that after he offs her, he was going to come after you, here. (Crystal reaches into the limo and brings out the final piece of Poet's costume - his mask) POET (Takes it and holds it in his hands) I've been dead before. That's not enough to stop me. Besides, (he pulls the mask on and regards Crystal for a moment,) she's worth dying for. [The two get into the Limo, and it drives off] Edited July 28, 2003 by Big Poppa Popick Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big Poppa Popick Report post Posted July 26, 2003 (edited) K-NESS is shown backstage, watching the ending of his first OAOAST Pay-Per-View match at AngleMania II, which was against Undisputed, who tapped shortly after K-NESS applied the Ganso STF, he turns to the camera. K-NESS: Did you see that Mr. Darring?, that's the Ganso STF, a move which I chose to lock out of my moveset right after AngleMania II, fearing that I would permanently injure opponents that didn't deserve it, but YOU on the other hand, are going to be subjected to the exact same fate as Undisputed. You see, he's the only guy against who I used that move, and whre is he now?, that's right, he never fully recovered and quit the OAOAST a few weeks after that. So tomorrow night on IntenseZone, your career as an active wrestler might just come to an end, so don't say I haven't warned you. JR: Not only does Jay have a battle tonight, it looks like if he survives he will have one tomorrow! Jesse: We're going to have a new NA champ soon, I can smell it. JR: Kids, this next match is going to be ugly- this may be a North American title match, but the title is of no concern to the champion right now. His hatred for Puerto Rican Lightning is SO INTENSE that he can only settle the score in one match- THREE STAGES OF HELL! PRL crossed a line, and now he's gonna pay, I can guaran-damn-tee it! Jesse: What line? Jay defiled the Puerto Rican title, so PRL defiled something of his! Eye for an eye. JR: Jesse, I never thought I'd say this, but *BLEEP* OFF! Asshole...Anyway, earlier this week our camera crews, while shooting Jay's "OAOAST BEHIND THE MONITOR" DVD, also featuring Zack Malibu, Shattered Dreams, Ragdoll, and Crystal- ended up with some disturbing footage... take a look. (Jay, face again shrouded by his glasses and cap, walks into the hospital reception area.) JAY: Hi, Lauren Gellar please? RECEPTIONIST: Fourth door on the left. (Jay walks down the hallway, to see a groggy and badly bruised, but wide awake Lauren, with Sonic Youth and Janet-sans her Harley Quinn attire- at her side.) JAY: How's she doing? SONIC: She's doin' great, ain't ya slugger? *wink* LAUREN: G-d, you're lame. JANET: Doctors say she can be out by Monday! JAY: That's great news. LAUREN: Hey, can you guys clear out for a sec? I want to talk to Jay. (Sonic and Janet quietly leave the room) JAY: ...So, the Sox are on a hot streak right now. LAUREN: Yeah, hopefully their pitching holds up. Wakefield and Burkett are fragile. We should have grabbed Mussina when we had the chance. JAY: Yeah. LAUREN: Congrats on your wins tonight. You looked good. JAY: Don't I always? LAUREN: Wiseass. JAY: (smiling). Yeah, but that's why you love me. LAUREN: Damn straight. JAY: Yeah. LAUREN: ...It wasn't your fault Jay. JAY: (tears starting to form) Yes it was, I should have been there, I should have made sure you were protected, I always put myself over the team... LAUREN: Jay, this is the business we've chosen. Janet and I knew the risks when we followed Sonic here... JAY: I'm sorry, I've been to the seediest places on Earth to wrestle, and NOWHERE is what happened to you an "acceptable risk." LAUREN: Jay, calm down. I'm a strong girl. Nothing has changed. I'm still with you, I'll still be there with Sonic and Shocker to cheer them on. We'll all get through this as a team, as a unit. Whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Remember who taught me that? You. JAY: You are beyond amazing. LAUREN: Ditto. (Jay hugs Lauren and gives her a peck on the cheek.) JAY: Second you get out of here, I'm taking you to that comic book festival you wanted to go to. LAUREN: Looking forward to it, good luck Jay, be careful. JAY: See you tomorrow. (Jay exits the room, Sonic and Janet waiting by the door.) JAY: How you feelin' man? SONIC: Decent, my head kinda swims from time to time, doctors said I probably shouldn't be in the ring for a while until they figure out the problem, just in case. JAY: I understand. Shocker can get the job done. SONIC: I know you guys'll kick ass and take the straps home bro. JAY: A belt will be waiting for you when you get back. Take care of him Janet. JANET: I'll make sure he gets plenty of bed rest. SONIC: Lookin' forward to it. JANET: (Playfully punches Sonic on the arm) You goober. Take care Jay. JAY: Alright. See ya tomorrow. (Jay exits the hospital, fumbling for the keys to his car.) -ONLY TO GET HIS FOOT RUN OVER BY A TRUCK! Jay is SCREAMING in pain as Vitamin X and PRL jump out of the truck, bats in hand! The Lightning Crew immediately set to work, SMACKING Jay across the back with the bats, the sickening THUDS audible throughout the lot! Finally, PRL winds up and CRACKS Jay across the head, shattering the bat and drawing blood! PRL: You're lucky you're so close to a hospital. See you Sunday! PRL smiles and drives off with X, as Jay lays on the empty lot unconscious and bloody. (Fade out) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RING ANNOUNCER: The following contest is a 3 STAGES OF HELL match for the OAOAST NORTH AMERICAN CHAMPIONSHIP! The first fall is a SUBMISSION MATCH, the second fall is a TABLES MATCH, and the third fall is a STEEL CAGE MATCH! Introducing first... (*Cue "Cloud Connected" by In Flames*) RA: From Boston Massachusetts, weighing in at 173 pounds, representing Featured Attraction, the OAOAST North American Champion, "SHOOTER" JAY DARRING! JR: In the mind of Jay Darring, the tag title match earlier doesn't matter, his own OAOAST North American title doesn't matter, the only thing that matters to Jay Darring is CRIPPLING Puerto Rican Lightning! Jesse: Look what he's brought with him. It's like a giant bucket of weapons- light tubes, glass plates, thumbtack bats, bats with light bulbs on them, bats with barbed wire on them! Jay, with a look of strangely calm serenity on his face, places the bucket of plunder in the ring and awaits his opponent. *SKABOOM!* (*The Lightning bolt hits, and "Bulls on Parade" by Rage Against the Machine begins to play.) RA: And the challenger, from San Juan, Puerto Rico, weighing in at 223 pounds, accompanied to the ring by Mr. Boricua, PUERTO RICAN LIGHTNING! JR: Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez strangely absent tonight, Jesse: He was afraid that dastardly Jay would want payback on her! JR: Are you kidding me? Jay Darring is a man of honor! Jesse: Have you dug through this kid's past? More skeletons than a cemetery. PRL, sneering at the crowd, climbs up on the apron, only to eat a STIFF~! Superkick immediately by Jay! PRL falls into the arms of Mr. Boricua, but here comes Jay! RECKLESS ENDANGERMENT connects on both men! Jay keeps up with the aggression, STIFF~! roundhouse kick decapitates Boricua, and Jay throws Puerto Rican Lightning into the ring. JR: I think Puerto Rican Lightning just made the biggest mistake of his life! Puerto Rican Lightning crawling on all fours in the ring trying to make it to his feet, but Jay is having none of it. He grabs PRL by the hair, and starts laying into him with KAWADA KICKS! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 SHOTS RIGHT TO THE HEAD! JR: He's caving the PRL's skull in, just as he promised on IntenseZone! Jay tosses PRL hard on his head using the challenger's hair...and goes for the bucket. JR: Uh oh. Jesse: Jay Darring is a SICK, SICK freak! Jay picks up the light tube- *CRASH* right across the right arm of Puerto Rican Lightning! Another light tube -*CRASH* across the left arm! Here comes the light bulb bat- *CRASH* across the right and left arms. The bat SNAPS in half! Jay pulls out the barbed wire bat! *CRACK* across the right arm, *CRACK* across the left! *CRACK* *CRACK* *CRACK*! Jay STILL isn't done- he picks up the bucket and DUMPS the thumbtack and glass-filled bucket across his back! PRL is SHRIEKING IN PAIN! JR: HE REALLY IS GONNA KILL HIM! Jay: "THAT'S IT!" PRL is a bloody mess on the mat, tacks stuck in his back, his arms lacerated and bleeding. -MADE WORSE BY THE HARSH REALITY! LOCKED IN TIGHT! The crowd is chanting "TAP! TAP! TAP!" Jay is yelling "TAP! TAP! TAP!" PRL TAPS! RA: Your winner of Fall #1, "SHOOTER" JAY DARRING! JR: It's over, just like that! One more fall to go for the Shooter! Wait a second, Jay is STILL HOLDING ON TO THE HARSH REALITY! Ref: "Jay, let him go!" Jay: "NO!" JR: The referee can't disqualify him, this fall is a tables match! Jesse: That no-good scum Jay, he's going to separate both of Puerto Rican Lightning's shoulders! JR: AND HE DESERVES IT! Jay is STILL HOLDING ON to the Harsh Reality! The referee tries to break the hold himself, but Jay kicks him away! The ref is down! Jesse: This is turning into an "I Spit on Your Grave" moment. JR: Except Jay's a guy. Jesse: Yeah, right. Wait a second- Mr. Boricua has hit the ring, he's got the barbed wire bat, and he BASHES it across Jay's stomach! Jesse: HAHA YES! THAT'LL break the hold! Jay releases, clutching his chest in agony. Jay gets to his feet, but PRL is up too, and with his last ounce of strength, DRILLS Jay with a SPINNING HEEL KICK! JR: Desperation maneuver by the battered challenger, can he capitalize? Jay gets back up to one knee, but PRL, clutching his shoulders, manages to NAIL Jay right in the face with a SHINING WIZARD! Jesse: PRL is UN-STOPPABLE! After this match is over, ask Jay how it feels to be beaten by someone who's more of a man than he'll ever be? PRL makes the slow throat-cutting gesture, and grabs a waistlock- GERMAN SUPLEX! ANOTHER ONE! A THIRD ONE COMPLETES THE ROLLING GERMANS! But PRL is still clutching his arms in pain! JR: That initial onslaught severly injured PRL's arms, he's gonna have to adjust his gameplan. Jesse: He can, and he will, because he's all man! JR: Oh yeah, real big shot. PRL: "Boricua, table!" The massive body guard pulls a table from under the ring and sets it up on the outside. PRL picks Jay up, whip into the bucke- STINGER SPLASH CONNECTS! PRL tries to toss Jay over the top through the table, but Jay hangs onto the apron! PRL tries a clothesline, ducked, hard slap by Jay. Jay slides under the ropes behind PRL clotheslines him over the top, PRL also hangs onto the apron. Jay charges, PRL tries to backdrop him over the top through the table- Jay hangs on again. Jay connects with some hard elbows to the face, tries for the roaring elbow- BLOCKED by PRL! PRL with a LOW BLOW! Jesse: The great equalizer, it should be in every wrestler's arsenal! Jay is doubled over in pain, PRL with the double underhook... JR: Oh, he's not gonna... Jesse: OH YES HE IS! ANNEXATION OF PUERTO RICO, OFF THE APRON, THROUGH THE TABLE, ON THE FLOOR! JR: MY GAWD HE MAY HAVE BROKEN HIS NECK! RING ANNOUNCER: The winner of the second fall, PUERTO RICAN LIGHTNING! Jesse: YES! We're tied up now at 1-1! PRL is finally going to end that little twerp's title reign! Boricua shoves both men back into the ring, and the referee checks on the downed wrestlers as the cage lowers for the final fall. Ref: "Lightning, you ok?" PRL: "Fine." Ref: "Jay, you alright?" Jay: "...I can handle it." JR: Wait a second, that's not a regular steel cage! Jesse: You're right JR, that's a CAGE OF DEATH! Look at the weapons sticking out of it- cactuses, trash cans, kendo sticks! JR: This must have been the "special favor" Jay was referring to last week on IntenseZone! *bzzzzzzzz* JR: What's that humming noise? Jesse: It's a generator, that cage is electrified! And who has the jumper cables- MR. BORICUA! Jay is GONNA FRY! As Jesse utters those words, a large fat man with an afro in an Armani suit, a black man with gold teeth and a doo rag, and a deranged blond man with an overbite hit ringside, and jump Boricua! JR: THAT'S TED WEDDY, GARY BUSEY AND J-TRAIN! WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING HERE!? The trio put the boots to Boricua, and ram him into the cage! Ted has Boricua up- COCK ROCKET ON THE FLOOR! They pick up the beaten Boricua, look at Jay, and scream "MY BLOOD MY BLOOD, MY FLESH MY FLESH!" as they carry him out of the arena? Jesse: What the hell was that? I know Jay and Ted fought on Aggression... JR: Maybe they developed a respect for each other. Jesse: Wow, a real honor to get respect from the "President." Finally, both competitors are on their feet, staring at the cage, then at each other. Jay is the first to react, grabbing a trash can off the cage and throwing it at PRL. He rolls under it, grabs a kendo stick off the cage, and as Jay turns around, *CRACKS* it over his head, AGAIN AND AGAIN! JR: What sickening shots by the challenger. Jay is busted open, both competitors' blood staining the mats! Jesse: How much do you think OAOAST spends on new canvas per show JR? PRL: "NOW it's over!" PRL grabs the dazed Jay, setting him up for the P.R. Nightmare! NO! Jay reverses into a release Northern Lights Suplex! PRL gets to his feet, but gets DECAPITATED with a roaring elbow! Jay is motioning for someone...and out comes Janet from the back! She grabs the jumper cables and hooks onto the cage! JR: That cage is ELECTRIC! Literally! Suddenly, PRL grabs Jay from behind and hits a half-nelson suplex! JR: That's the Foreshadow, Jay's move! Jesse: And PRL does it BETTER! Exhausted and leaking blood everywhere, PRL allows himself a haughty smile, and LAUNCHES Jay into the cage! REVERSED BY JAY! PRL goes FLYING into the electric bars! Sparks fly, and PRL is CONVULSING! Janet takes the opportunity to punch PRL in the face! Jesse: I think she broke his nose! JR: Shouldn't you be more concerned with the fact he got ELECTROCUTED!? PRL staggers back into a DOUBLE-ARM DDT! COVER! 1! 2! SHOULDER UP! Jesse: What a man PRL is, to kick our of electrocution! JR: I thik the convulsions involuntarily jerked his shoulder up! Jay, instead of frustration, starts SMILING, and pulls out a bucket of thumbtacks! Jay dumps the entire bucket ONTO Puerto Rican Lightning! Jess: Jay Darring is DERANGED! JR: He's had glass broken on him, been cut with barbed wire, electrocuted, and now has thumbtacks sticking on him...and somehow it doesn't seem like enough. Jay picks the pin-cushioned PRL out of the tacks- GERMAN SUPLEX ON THE TACKS! HE HANGS ON, AND PANCAKES HIM FACE-FIRST ON THE THUMBTACKS! JR: MY GAWD, MY GAWD, PRL LOOKS LIKE THE HELLRAISER NOW! COVER! 1! 2! KICKOUT! Jesse: PRL is invincible! Jay: "AFTERTHOUGHT!" Jay signalling for the Afterthought, he's got him hooked.... PRL SLIPS OUT AND REVERSES! HE'S GOT HIM FOR THE P.R. NIGHTMARE! IT HITS ON THE TACKS! COVER! Jesse: IT'S OVER! COVER! 1... 2..... 2.99! JR: Jay Darring will not be denied his revenge tonight! PRL, undaunted, grabs a glass pane from the cage and places it over Jay. He stands over the fallen champion, and FLIPS THE BIRD! Jesse: It's my favorite move JR! Off the ropes- FU ELBOW CONNECTS! The glass SHATTERS over the champion's fallen body! His own elbows has been cut open again, but he has the strength to make the cover! COVER! 1! 2! SHOULDER UP! Jesse: GIVE ME A BREAK! JR: PRL is rapidly losing blood, and has to come up with a finish quick. PRL looks like he has an idea, and he starts climbing the cage, (the non-electric part, of course)! JR: This cage match is pinfall only, I have no idea why he's climbing! Jesse: He's gonna go Superfly on us. PRL is an excellent flier, we might see the first ever Shooting Star Press off the cage! PRL is almost on top- but Jay has already gotten up! He climbs the same safe side of the cage, giving chase to the challenger! Puerto Rican Lightning sees him coming, and as Jay stands on the top, he kicks his legs out from under him, and Jay lands hard on the scaffold on top of the cage! Jesse: I think Jay is about to die now- MY HOROSCOPE WAS RIGHT! PRL has Jay hooked for the ANNEXATION OF PUERTO RICO, ON TOP OF THE CAGE! HE PICKS HIM UP! JAY KICKS HIM IN THE FACE! PRL staggering... JAY SHOVES HIM OFF THE CAGE! PUERTO RICAN LIGHTNING GOES FALLING, FALLING 20 FEET BELOW... AND CRASHES WITH A SICKENING THUD THROUGH THE SPANISH ANNOUNCE TABLE! JR: MY GAWD, MY GAWD, HE'S DEAD! The referee frantically unlocks the door to the cage and checks on Puerto Rican Lightning amid the wreckage...he's not moving. Ref: "PRL, can you hear me?" No answer. The ref raises PRL's arm three times-it drops three times. Ref: "RING THE BELL, GET THE MEDICS!" *DING DING DING!" RING ANNOUNCER: Puerto Rican Lightning has been determined to be unable to continue the match, therefore, STILL OAOAST NORTH AMERICAN CHAMPION, "SHOOTER" JAY DARRING! JR: JAY DARRING HAS FULFILLED HIS PROPHECY! He said PRL wouldn't be able to walk out of this match under his own power, and he can't! Jesse: Jay Darring is a maniac, he should be in prison for what he just did. Jay Darring slowly climbs down the cage, and coldly looks at the medics attending to Puerto Rican Lightning. He calmly grabs his belt and walks back to the entranceway. ....Where he's met by Reject? JR: What's Reject doing here? This is very odd. Reject approaches Jay, and shakes his hand. Jesse: Congratulating a guy who could actually get the job done, I guess. Jay turns to Reject picks up a chair- "HEY JAY, CATCH!" Jay catches the chair, and REJECT CONNECTS WITH THE 2-1-2! Jay falls off the stage- THROUGH A TABLE! Reject: "YOU ALWAYS GOT THE FUCKIN' BREAKS, WHERE'S MY FUCKIN' SHOT!?" JR: I can't believe Reject just did that! Is he still loopy from the chairshots tonight? Jesse: Haha, looks like Jay isn't walking under his own power tonight either! A second medical crew attends to the fallen North American champion as Reject stalks back to the locker room... Edited July 28, 2003 by ShooterJay Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big Poppa Popick Report post Posted July 26, 2003 (edited) DARKNESS! [A Spotlight shines up to the catwalk that runs across the top of the North Charleston Colisum, and there, we see THE GOBLIN standing with Black Widow, who seems to be drugged out of the world again, dressed in her ring gear. A cameraman is up there with them, and that view of the scene is on the AngleTron] GOBLIN [Raises the mic to his mouth] LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! Due to the absence of a certain webbed ringrat, we've had to change the plans for our regularly scheduled match! And it's sad, really. Because, my dear brother, you could have shined tonight. This could have been your moment to show the world what you're made of. To show ME. To me, you've never progressed past the worthless little bastard that got knocked down when we were kids and walked away. You're still just a little boy crying out for mommy and daddy, and you always will be. You talk about finding yourself, you talk about being a hero. Well, Poet, find the words to talk about a eulogy. Remember what you've learned as a writer about TRAGEDY. Tonight, I hope they put a TV in your padded little room. I hope you're getting to see this. Because this is the moment in our little story where some psychotic villain comes along with a dastardly choice. Fight him or save the one you love? But . . . you can't! (Goblin begins cackling) You can't! But, the show must go on. Our little play must continue. And in your absence, young Widow here will have to pull double-duty. Not ONLY is she the damsel in distress . . . but she also has to take YOUR PLACE for our match. And as your Valet, it's my CONTRACTUAL RIGHT to declare she take your place. Little known clause, you see. Which leads me to the declaration of what kind of match we'll be engaged in tonight . . . [Goblin walks over to Widow and backs her up against the railing, a wicked smile growing across his features] GOBLIN DEATH MATCH! [GOBLIN SHOVES WIDOW OVER THE RAIL!] JR SON OF A BITCH! NO! WIDOW! [On the AngleTron, Goblin is cackling, but a DARK FIGURE plummets past him from the rafters above the catwalk! The figure is right there behind Widow - THE FIGURE CATCHES HER! THE CROWD EXPLODES! JR . . . SPIDERPOET! YES! YES! THE POET IS BACK! HE'S BACK! HE CAUGHT HER! JESSE THERE'S GONNA BE HELL TO PAY NOW! KICK HIS ASS, KID! [Poet and Widow lower slowly to the ring, as Poet holds on to her tightly, suspended from CABOOSE'S HARNESS! From the Catwalk above, the camera catches it from an "aerial" view, and the crowd is going absolutely NUTS! The camera moves up to Goblin, just in time to see him leap from the Catwalk over to a lighting array. In the ring, Poet and Widow touch down, and Poet gently sets her down, as she's passed out from what was very like the greatest surge of fear she's ever felt. He quickly unhooks the harness, which snaps back up towards the rafters. He removes a needle from his belt, and it's filled with the same yellow liquid that Crystal found in the locker room. Poet jabs it into Widow's leg and forces it into her body, tossing it aside and stroking her hair gently, trying to revive her. Above, Goblin unplugs a cable running to a set of the lights, and jumps off, riding the cable down to LTP Stage/AngleTron area, where he sets down. He whirls around and jabs a finger at SpiderPoet, bringing the mic he's been holding on to up to his mouth] GOBLIN YOU! I DON'T KNOW HOW THE HELL YOU GOT OUT, BUT I'M GOING TO KILL WHOEVER FAILED ME! BUT SINCE YOU'RE HERE, I HOLD YOU TO THE DEATHMATCH. I'LL JUST KILL YOU FIRST! [CUE: "Gimme The Light" by Sean Paul] JR THE DAMES! JESSE This just keeps getting weirder and weirder, Ross. [DAMES~! emerges from the curtain with a mic in hand much to the delight of the crowd] DAMES Hold it right there you son of a bitch. I've watched you turn this organization into a sideshow long enough. You're still a free agent, and that's allowed you to get away with Warzone rules long enough. I'm releasing Poet from the match challenge issued by you for this PPV, and am instead setting in place a new match, which you BOTH must participate in. It will be a SINGLES MATCH. ONE . . . on . . . ONE . . . for the right to remain under the protection of the Warzone Effect. None of that kung-fu shit, either. This is a wrestling show, and since you have a problem with Poet becoming a wrestler, YOU'VE got to beat HIM at his own game. You get all Kung-Fu, you lose. And if you do lose, Goblin, IntenseZone rejects your offer and you become heldDOWN by default. In the absence of a true IZ contract, YOU ARE ACCOUNTABLE for ALL of your actions up to this point. Including the attempted murder of SpiderPoet, and drugging Widow with a version of the South American "zombie" drug. Not to mention all the illegal shit you've been doing, buying off doctors and cops around here. (The crowd is going absolutely INSANE now) DAMES Good luck with your match, gentlemen. Poet . . . whip his sorry ass. (Crowd goes up a notch at that!) [Goblin turns back to the ring, where Poet stands, waiting for him, Crystal at ringisde with Black Widow, who seems to be shaking off the effects of the drugs, and coming around under Crystal's care. Goblin's face twists in barely contained rage, but he nods and begins making his way towards the ring, as the bell rings . . . Goblin slides in the ring, and Poet just stands there, back straight, chin high, facing him. Goblin gets to his feet and walks up to him, getting in Poet's face. Goblin does alot of jaw jacking, but Poet just stands there. After a moment, Poet backs away a step or two, raises his hand, and makes the, "Come on," sign, much to the delight of the crowd. Goblin, enraged, lunges at SP, but SP spins around to avoid and is suddenly behind Goblin. Poet quickly wraps his arms around his waist and yanks up - GERMAN SUPLEX TO GOBLIN! Poet bridges it for the pin, and the ref slides in just in time. 1 Goblin kicks out and rolls away. Poet is on his feet quickly, and the two face one another across the ring. Goblin bolts forward, swinging wildly, and Poet backs away, keeping pace, heading towards the corner. Suddenly, Poet ducks, drops, and slides through Goblin's legs. On his back, Poet spins around and kicks Goblin in the back of the knees, forcing him to drop to them, facing the corner. Poet pops up, and DROPKICKS Goblin in the back, sending Goblin into the ringpost face first! Goblin quickly tries to get up, and Poet leapfrogs over him as he's on one knee, landing on the middle ropes in the corner. Goblin gets to his feet and stumbles back a few steps, and Poet is on it, leaping, twisting in mid-air and landing on Goblin with a Cross-Body. Poet hooks the leg on the landing. 1 2 Kickout. Goblin kips up and stomps Poet back down. Another vicious kick, and yet another to keep Poet down. Goblin sneers and walks around and grabs Poet's leg by the ankle and lifts it up - SLAMMING HIS KNEE DOWN TO THE MAT! Poet automatically tries to nurse his knee and roll away, but Goblin tries to grab it again. Poet, on his back now, kicks Goblin away and scrambles away, and to his feet. The two square off and move in, locking up in the middle of the ring. Struggle for power, and Poet dips, letting Goblin sway forward off balance. He whirls around behind Goblin and locks his arms around his waist and treis for the German, but Goblin is quick to block. Poet tries again but Goblin elbows his way out and the two face off again. Goblin throws a punch but Poet ducks and comes back with an UPPERCUT. Goblin is knocked stumbling back, and SP is all over it, booting him in the gut. He hooks Goblin up - SNAP SUPLEX. Poet sticks with it and hauls Goblin back up. SNAP SUPLEX TOO~! Hook the leg. 1 2 KICKOUT, and Goblin looks to be furious as he launches SP off of him. He gets to his feet and turns to face his brother, rage twisting his green, tattooed features. With a war cry, Goblin charges Poet, but SP just holds his ground . . . and hits a STANDING DROPKICK OUT OF NOWHERE to the charging Goblin! Goblin is knocked back and he slides across the ring from the force. SP goes with the momentum of the kick and rides it into a flip, landing couched in the corner. Goblin gets to his feet momentarily and wipes away a thin stream of blood running down his chin. He looks at it on his hand and then to SP, who holds a hand up and, once again, gives the "Bring it," gesture, and waits. Goblin charges and tries to stomp SP, but Poet is low to the ground and rolls away to his feet. Goblin turns just in time to see SP charging him, and he moves quick enough to reverse it, whipping Poet towards the opposite corner. Goblin is right behind him, and SP leaps forward, hoisting himself up horizontally on the top rope. He hoos his ankles behind him around Goblin's neck, and the two are frozen in a quiet power struggle. Dragon trying to pull Poet back off the ropes, Poet trying to maintain the lock and hold himself up. Finally, Poet pulls himself forward, OVER the top rope - HURRICANRANNA TO GOBLIN - OVER THE ROP ROPE! GOBLIN to the OUTSIDE~! POET SKINS THE CAT AND BACKFLIPS BACK INTO THE RING! The crowd pops big for that one. The two stare at one another for a long moment as Goblin gets to his feet outside the ring. Poet draws himself up to his full height and takes his mask off, further enraging his nemesis. And just as suddenly . . . Goblin becomes calm. Reserved. He backs towards the timkeeper and demands a . . . microphone? GOBLIN Wrestling, he says? Fine. I'll wrestle. But I need a change . . . of spirit. Do you remember what daddy taught us, brother? About the forces that can empower us? The dark things we can draw from? I don't think you have it in you. But I do . . . Goblin throws the mic down and rolls his eyes back in his head, raising his arms to the sky. The arena lights begin to flicker . . . and they go out. DARKNESS The lights return, and Goblin is in the ring, facing off with the maskless Poet. Only now Goblin is dressed in a dark green uniform with a gold shield, and a helmet on his head. It's a full, closed helmet, the dark visor of which is surrounded by teeth and the face of a fierce creature. Whatever dark forces have empowered him, Goblin is now stronger, faster, and more agile than Poet, and it's showing. Goblin lands a hard punch to SP, sending the Poet reeling back, where Goblin quickly sweeps him. Poet on his back, and Goblin is all over it, running and leaping over his brother to the ropes - GOBLINSAULT! SuperGoblin hooks the leg! 1 2 KICKOUT! It's going to take more than that. Poet trying to get to his feet, but Goblin stomps him mercilessly. SuperGoblin hauls Poet up and throws him to the corner. SG hoists Poet up to the top rope and follows, hooking Poet's head under his left arm. SUPER TOP ROPE DDT TO SP! Goblin goes for the pin. 1 2 2.9 - KICKOUT! At ringside, Widow and Crystal cheer in relief, along with the rest of the crowd. SuperGoblin picks SP up off the mat, presses him to the ropes behind him, and fires him off to the opposite ropes. SP on the return launches for a flying forearm, but Goblin catches him over his shoulder and SIDEWALK SLAMS SP DOWN! Stomp! Stomp! SuperGoblin reaches down and picks SP up by his neck, lifting him high into the air. - DOUBLEHANDED CHOKESLAM! SG goes for the cover! 1 2 2.99 SP KICKS OUT! SuperGoblin is agitated now, pushing the ref in anger and slapping his hands together three times. Poet takes the opportunity to roll out of the ring to the outside, where Crystal and Widow immediately rush to his side. A camera is there as SP coughs up some blood. WIDOW What the hell is going on in there, honey? CRYSTAL How'd he change like that? SP (Grimly, trying to get to his feet) Ancient . . . evil. Things our father showed us, but told us never to get into. I think I know now how he beat me when we were children . . . WIDOW . . . can you beat him like that? SP No . . . no, he's too powerful. But I refuse to draw on the darkness. I need time to find the anchor in myself. That thing that was with me when I came back after going through the cage. That good center . . . The conversation is interrupted as SuperGoblin comes flying through the ropes, colliding with SP and knocking Crystal out of her wheelchair. Goblin slams forearms into Poet's neck before turning and laughing at Crystal. With SP down again, SuperGoblin begins stomping his way towards the injured Crystal. He bends down to pick her up, but BLACK WIDOW DROPS BEHIND HIM WITH A CROTCH SHOT! SuperGoblin drops to his knees, and Widow pulls Crystal away. It doesn't effect SG for long, though, and soon he's kicking Poet back down and heading towards Widow, who is propping Crystal up against the barricade. GOBLIN I think it's time I finished what I started, little girl. You've tainted my brother long enough. Joseph was right about one thing . . . PURITY COMES THROUGH PAIN! Goblin snatches Widow and throws her into the ring, over the ropes. She lands hard and curls up, nursing her ribs. Goblin slides in and picks her up by the neck, one-handed, strangling her as she's lifted off the ground. Widow grasps his arm, trying deperately to get free, but it's a no-go. On the outside, Poet struggles to his feet, nursing his own ribs from Goblin's brutal stomps. He looks at Crystal, who shakes her head and points at Widow. "Don't worry about me. Go!" SP pulls himself up on the side of the apron and moves towards the corner. Goblin is fairly oblivious as he raises a mic to his helmet. GOBLIN Time to die, little lady. This ends tonight, either way. Nobody leaves here happy. I'm too powerful now, too far ahead of the curve. They can't arrest me, and your boyfriend can't stop me. But before I crush your windpipe, I have to ask . . . what do you see in him? What draws you to him? He's a weak child with his head in the clouds. I crush him soundly every time . . . yet you love him anyway. Just like all the others. Mother . . . Father . . . EVERYONE LOVES HIM DESPITE HIS OBVIOUS WEAKNESS! WHY?! Goblin shoves the mic in Widow's face. WIDOW (Sneers) Go to hell . . . I love him because of what you call weakness. He is a Poet, he is a dreamer of dreams. He is my love. My storyteller, my my warrior poet. My beloved Bard. And you will NEVER take that from us! Oh . . . and he's right behind you. WIDOW BRINGS OUT THE NEEDLE FROM EARLIER! SHE STABS GOBLIN IN THE ARM AND FORCES A CLEAR LIQUID INTO HIM! THE SAME DRUG HE USED ON HER! WIDOW Meet your destiny, you bastard! Goblin drops her and whirls around to see SP perched on the top rope. Poet and Goblin stare across the expanse, and a single tear falls from Poet's eye. SP looks to Crystal, who throws him the mic that Goblin just threw out of the ring. Poet speaks, and his voice tremples with something sweet, but deadly strong. Soemthing new, something deep inside. SP Lookout, Goblin. You just provided me with what I needed. I'm not just a wrestler, or a Poet. Or a Warrior. Why do they love me? Who am I to be loved? I'm . . . the SPIDER BARD. THE RINGPOSTS EXPLODE WITH WHITE SPARKS AND FIRE! JR BAH GAWD, HIM TOO?! JESSE I NEED A DRINK! SPIDER-BARD leaps from the top of the turnbuckle, grabs Goblin's neck on the flip - BARD BLOCKBUSTER! THE CROWD EXPLODES! SB quickly snatches Goblin up and lays into him with punches to the midsection before firing him off to the ropes. On the return, SB throws Goblin up into the air, but it's not the tildeBANG, it's an ELEVATED STUNNER! SUPER TILDEBANG~! POET COVERS! 1 2 3! THE CROWD GOES NUTS! Spider-Bard reaches down and pulls Goblin's helmet off, and the lights flicker back out. When they come back, Goblin is no longer clothed in his strange costume. Tattooed, bleeding, and broken, Goblin stares in contempt at Poet. Police swarm the ringside area, and SB hauls Goblin up and throws him out to the waiting police, daring him to put up a fight. The Police cuff Goblin and the crowd explodes again as he's hauled up the ramp, stunned and his will broken by his defeat at his brother's hands. A camera near him catches him muttering to himself about angels and demons, before the view returns to the ring, where Black Widow and the newly empowered Spider-Bard stand together. Widow reaches up and takes the Bard's helmet off, revealing SP's smiling face. She drops the Helmet to the mat and the two embrace and KISS~! as the crowd goes absolutely insane all over the arena. Outside, Crystal has hauled herself to her wheelchair, and she, too is cheering. Widow and Poet stand locked together in a passioante kiss for a long few moments, the world cheering them on. Finally they break and kiss AGAIN and leave the ring, joining Crystal on the ramp as "ENTH E ND" by Linkin Park plays . . . a fitting closure for this story. Edited July 28, 2003 by Big Poppa Popick Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big Poppa Popick Report post Posted July 26, 2003 (edited) “DREAM ON” The classic song blares through the building as them OAOAST’s first and only two-time world champion, Anglesault, makes his way to the ring. His GOLD~! Robe is literally shimmering and the red white and blue pyros seem louder than usual. The big match feel is in full effect tonight as AS gracefully removes his robe and hands it to the attendant. JR: This is a huge match for Stephen Joseph. JESSE: How is this fair? A two-time world champion in his third match of the night? "COME WITH ME" Stephen Joseph hobbles out to the jeers of the entire building. As he walks through the pyro cascades, you can see him visibly favoring his back. He’s fucking hurt. He makes it to the ring, and can barely do the crucifix pose. JR: Poor him. JESSE: You black hearted bastard. Stephen gingerly leaps off the ropes and right into a SUPAHKICK~! From Anglesault. The referee, for whatever reason, sends AS back to his corner so he can officially start the match. The crowd is not at ALL happy with that, as that could have possibly been the end of the match and Stephen Joseph just like that. AS sneers at the ref and walks back towards Popick, only to be met with a low blow and an inside cradle! 1! Anglesault kicks out right away and kicks SJ right in the back. He goes for another kick and SJ dragon screws him right into a pinning combination! Feet on the middle rope! The ref sees it and orders Stephen off. AS goes for a big right hand and Stephen Joseph tries to shove the ref in the way! AS stops short, and SJ goes for a roll-up! 1! Kick out! Popick with a backslide 1! 2! Kick out again! JR: He’s going for the quick pin. Some may call it shady, but it might be smart for Stephen Joseph to end this early. JESSE: DAMN RIGHT! AS is FUMING now, and he shows it by blocking another inside cradle attempt with a variation of a power bomb. Stephen SCREAMS as his bad back nails the mat, but Anglesault picks him right back up and Irish whips him hard into the corner. Anglesault charges and nails Popick with a clothesline before whipping him hard into the opposite corner and nailing a running dropkick to the face! Sault goes for the cover! 1! 2! Kick out! Anglesault picks SJ up once again and sets up what looks like a modified Alabama Slam! SITOUT ALABAMA SLAM~! SJ’s back is a mess! 1! 2! Another kick out! JESSE: Stephen Joseph will not give up! AS whips him into the corner again, and sets up for charge but Stephen Joseph blocks it with a drop toehold! AS’s head smashes into the bottom turnbuckle, and he Flair Flips into the tree of woe! SJ charges and nails a baseball slide right to Anglesault’s face! He signals for something and then perches Anglesault’s prone body on the top rope, with his back to the ring! Stephen Joseph climbs up to the top rope and grabs Anglesault’s waist. JR: He’s not. JESSE: He wouldn’t. HE IS! GERMAN SUPLEX OFF THE TOP ROPE! Anglesault goes flying across the ring and lands almost totally under the bottom rope of the other side of the ring! He’s half-dead, but so is Stephen Joseph, who landed right on his bad back! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! JR: CENSORED The Ref starts the ten count! 1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7! They start to stir! 8! 9! Anglesault is up he charges Popick who low bridges him and causes him to tumble out of the ring. Popick tries to grab the top rope and slingshot on to him, but his bad back slows him down, and Anglesault has recovered enough to catch him! BACKBREAKER! AGAIN! AGAIN! AGAIN! JESSE: Stop this! JR: You know what happens of the match is stopped! JESSE: Don’t stop it! Anglesault holds on and charges Stephen Joseph back first into the ring post three times in a row. Popick is dead. AS rolls him into the ring, and goes for the cover. 1! 2! Foot on the ropes. AS smacks the mat and screams in frustration. He drags SJ into the middle of the ring and slaps on the SCREAMS OF NO REPLY! JR: But Stephen has a bad BACK! Almost as if he heard JR, AS, while still holding onto the leg, does a full somersault, landing right on SJ’s neck. He still has the anklelock on, but the new position puts most of the torque on his opponent’s back. Stephen is SCREAMING! He starts to fight and AS loses control of his leg and the submission is broken. But Anglesault is still on Stephen’s neck, so he tries to lock on a camel clutch. SJ fights and is able to stand up. With Anglesault piggybacked on him, he runs backward into the corner, and then turns around and falls backwards, splatting Anglesault on the mat. He holds on for the cover! 1! 2! Kick out! Both men are up, and AS tries to attack SJ, but Stephen kicks him in the stomach and nails the SYNCHRONICITY V1! However, the move put too much stress on Stephen’s back and he was unable to capitalize! Both men are down again! The ref gets ready to count, but even before one both guys are stumbling up. JESSE: WHAT A MATCH! Stephen takes a swing, but AS ducks and hits the triple German suplexes. On the third one, he sends SJ into the ropes. Stephen bounces back and walks right into an old school SALT SHAKER! Cover! 1! 2! ANOTHER KICK OUT! Anglesault quickly picks SJ up and whips him HARD into the ropes! Stephen stumbles out! SUPAHKICK~! Stephen goes back into the corner and stumbles out into an ANGLE SLAM! Stephen bounces half way across the ring! Anglesault still isn’t done! He charges the prone SJ and actually hits a running senton! Stephen is barely here anymore! Anglesault tries another whip into the ropes, but Stephen’s back just won’t support it. He collapses, but AS picks him up and nails a DERAILER~! The straps are down, and Popick ain’t going anywhere. Anglesault runs to the opposite corner, climbs up, and NAILS the SaltSault! 1! 2! Edward Robbins charges down and pulls the ref out! JR: That CENSORED JESSE: Pottymouth. Edward tosses a chair into the ring as the ref comes out to discipline him. But WAIT! Caboose and Some Guy charge down the to the ring! SOME KICK ON EDWARD! Some Guy plays ton the crowd as the ref checks on Edward and Caboose enters the ring and goes after SJ. End of the Line on the chair! He picks up the chair and starts beating the fuck out of Stephen Joseph with it! Anglesault sees this and tries to grab the chair away from Caboose! ANGLESAULT: That’s ENOUGH! Caboose shoves AS out of the way and smashes SJ one more time just as the ref enters the ring and is forced to call a DQ! Stephen has won all three matches he’s safe! The crowd can’t believe it and even starts to boo Caboose, but that doesn’t stop Caboose, who continues the beating! JR: What has gotten into Caboose! JESSE: Stephen may have saved his job, but it doesn’t look like it was worth saving now, does it? Edited July 28, 2003 by Big Poppa Popick Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big Poppa Popick Report post Posted July 26, 2003 (edited) MC:"Here we are, Coach. It's time now for the main event here at License To Pin, a match that I honestly feel is going to be Zack Malibu's toughest test to date." Coach:"I couldn't agree more, Michael. We've seen Zack survive so much in the past. The breaking out of The Superstar from The In Crowd. The attacks and assaults by the aWo. Being bloodied by Sandman. Even his title win was rendered somewhat bittersweet by the betrayal of EvenflowDDT shortly before Anglemania 2 this year. After what he's gone through in the last week alone though, I have to admit what I never thought I would...I don't know how he can walk out of here with the World Title around his waist." MC:"You know, I've been friends with Zack and Alison for a long time, and they've made it through so much together. It just seems like Shattered Dreams and Alix Spezia picked their spot, so to speak, to expose all the events of the past year and a half for what they saw them as. You and I know Alison has had a tremendous effect on Zack's life." Coach:"I know, Michael. It's just that now, it's for reasons we never fathomed." Michael Cole and The Coach shake their heads in disbelief at the recent events. MC:"Let's go up to the ring, for the introductions for the OAOAST World Heavyweight Title Match." DING! DING! DING! Announcer:"Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is a 60 MINUTE IRON MAN MATCH for the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship! The man with the most falls at the end of the 60 minutes will be declared the winner!" Christina Aguilera's "Fighter" starts up, as smoke machines disguise the entranceway in a cloudy fog. Red lights flash throughout the arena, as Shattered Dreams and Alix Spezia make their way out, drawing the ire of the fans in attendance tonight simply by showing their faces. Dreams lowers his sunglasses and looks out to the crowd, an evil grin etched on his face. He heads to the ring, his cocky swagger matching his holier-than-thou attitude, while Alix is only two steps behind. MC:"I know we're supposed to remain biased, Coach, but I've got to say one thing. I absolutely hate that man and that woman right there." Coach:"Believe me Michael, you're not going to get any complaints from anybody here, myself included." Alix and Dreams pause at the top of the ramp, each looking out to the crowd, before Alix sits on the middle rope, pushing it down so that Shattered Dreams can enter through it. He steps through the ropes, and does a little twirl and finished by blowing kisses to the crowd, who return the affection with shouts of "Asshole" and the traditional "You Suck". "Fighter" fades out, and Dreams goes and leans against a corner, facing out to the crowd, while Alix massages his shoulders. Both of them have their eye on the entranceway, but visibility becomes a problem as the lights in the arena shut down. Coach:"It's about that time, Mikey." The piano keys are the first thing heard by the crowd, causing a loud pop to stir through everyone in the arena. Amy Lee's angelic voice fills the air, while anticipation builds for the arrival of the other competitor in this matchup. Just before the chorus... BOOM~! Pyrotechnics, showering the entranceway with blue and gold sparks, shoot off from either side of the ramp. Fans in the crowd are seen singing along to the chorus of "Bring Me To Life", as Zack Malibu, the OAOAST World Champion, stands tall some 10-15 feet away from the ring. MC:"Look at him, Coach. He's not working the crowd or anything. Just standing there, trying to keep focus. This is not the Zack we all know." Zack starts taking his steps toward the ring, heading down the ramp slowly and never taking his eyes off the two people in the ring. Dreams continues to lean on the ropes, looking out at Zack with an insincere smile. Dreams nods to Alix, who goes over and sits between the top rope and the middle rope, opening it up for Zack!? Coach:"Look at this. It's all a game to these two!" Zack stares down Alix, who seems shocked that he didn't take her offer of hospitality. She backs off, as does Dreams, so that Zack Malibu can enter the ring. The champion steps through the ropes, coming into the ring and stopping about halfway in. Zack unstraps the World Title from his waist, and all this time he never takes his eyes off of Shattered Dreams. The referee takes the belt from Zack, and raises it up to showcase this as a World Title match. After handing the title to the timekeeper, the bell is rung, and the main event of License To Pin is underway! Edited July 28, 2003 by Big Poppa Popick Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big Poppa Popick Report post Posted July 26, 2003 (edited) MC:"Here we are, Coach. It's time now for the main event here at License To Pin, a match that I honestly feel is going to be Zack Malibu's toughest test to date." Coach:"I couldn't agree more, Michael. We've seen Zack survive so much in the past. The breaking out of The Superstar from The In Crowd. The attacks and assaults by the aWo. Being bloodied by Sandman. Even his title win was rendered somewhat bittersweet by the betrayal of EvenflowDDT shortly before Anglemania 2 this year. To top that all off, he then had to face his closest friend of the aWo/OaOasT wars turned psychotic enemy in Stephen Joseph. After what he's gone through in the last week alone though, I have to admit what I never thought I would...I don't know how he can walk out of here with the World Title around his waist." MC:"You know, I've been friends with Zack and Alison for a long time, and they've made it through so much together. It just seems like Shattered Dreams and Alix Spezia picked their spot, so to speak, to expose all the events of the past year and a half for what they saw them as. You and I know Alison has had a tremendous effect on Zack's life." Coach:"I know, Michael. It's just that now, it's for reasons we never fathomed." Michael Cole and The Coach shake their heads in disbelief at the recent events. MC:"Let's go up to the ring, for the introductions for the OAOAST World Heavyweight Title Match." DING! DING! DING! Announcer:"Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is a 60 MINUTE IRON MAN MATCH for the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship! The man with the most falls at the end of the 60 minutes will be declared the winner!" Christina Aguilera's "Fighter" starts up, as smoke machines disguise the entranceway in a cloudy fog. Red lights flash throughout the arena, as Shattered Dreams and Alix Spezia make their way out, drawing the ire of the fans in attendance tonight simply by showing their faces. Dreams lowers his sunglasses and looks out to the crowd, an evil grin etched on his face. He heads to the ring, his cocky swagger matching his holier-than-thou attitude, while Alix is only two steps behind. MC:"I know we're supposed to remain biased, Coach, but I've got to say one thing. I absolutely hate that man and that woman right there." Coach:"Believe me Michael, you're not going to get any complaints from anybody here, myself included." Alix and Dreams pause at the top of the ramp, each looking out to the crowd, before Alix sits on the middle rope, pushing it down so that Shattered Dreams can enter through it. He steps through the ropes, and does a little twirl and finished by blowing kisses to the crowd, who return the affection with shouts of "Asshole" and the traditional "You Suck". "Fighter" fades out, and Dreams goes and leans against a corner, facing out to the crowd, while Alix massages his shoulders. Both of them have their eye on the entranceway, but visibility becomes a problem as the lights in the arena shut down. Coach:"It's about that time, Mikey." The piano keys are the first thing heard by the crowd, causing a loud pop to stir through everyone in the arena. Amy Lee's angelic voice fills the air, while anticipation builds for the arrival of the other competitor in this matchup. Just before the chorus... BOOM~! Pyrotechnics, showering the entranceway with blue and gold sparks, shoot off from either side of the ramp. Fans in the crowd are seen singing along to the chorus of "Bring Me To Life", as Zack Malibu, the OAOAST World Champion, stands tall some 10-15 feet away from the ring. MC:"Look at him, Coach. He's not working the crowd or anything. Just standing there, trying to keep focus. This is not the Zack we all know." Zack starts taking his steps toward the ring, heading down the ramp slowly and never taking his eyes off the two people in the ring. Dreams continues to lean on the ropes, looking out at Zack with an insincere smile. Dreams nods to Alix, who goes over and sits between the top rope and the middle rope, opening it up for Zack!? Coach:"Look at this. It's all a game to these two!" Zack stares down Alix, who seems shocked that he didn't take her offer of hospitality. She backs off, as does Dreams, so that Zack Malibu can enter the ring. The champion steps through the ropes, coming into the ring and stopping about halfway in. Zack unstraps the World Title from his waist, and all this time he never takes his eyes off of Shattered Dreams. The referee takes the belt from Zack, and raises it up to showcase this as a World Title match. After handing the title to the timekeeper, the bell is rung, and the main event of License To Pin is underway! Edited July 27, 2003 by Big Poppa Popick Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big Poppa Popick Report post Posted July 27, 2003 A small clock is shown in the lower left hand corner of the screen, and it will stay there for the duration of the matchup. Zack's feet do not leave the mat, as he stands tall, not even blinking when Dreams is in front of him. SD comes over, and the two meet nose to nose in the middle of the ring. Dreams makes a pouty face to Zack, rubbing in all that he's done in the last few weeks. He taps Zack's cheek with a slight slap, and snickers, only to be knocked for a loop when Zack cracks him across the cheek with a slap that will NEVER be confused with a lovetap! MC:"Dreams is going to have to find his teeth if he expects to smile again!" Dreams wipes his face off, and seems to be in shock! He takes a swing at Zack, but Malibu takes him to the mat with a drop toehold, then swings over and grabs Dreams in a headlock. Both men get to their feet, and Dreams shoves Zack off into the ropes, then falls back to the mat so that Zack has to hop over him. Malibu runs the ropes and comes off the opposite side, getting hiptossed over by Dreams, but landing on his feet! Zack kicks SD's legs out from under him, but misses when he attempts to follow up with an elbowdop. Shattered Dreams uses an arm drag as Zack gets up, and keeps him contained with an arm lock. Zack gets to his feet, backing Dreams up to the ropes and then Irish Whipping him to the other side of the ring. Dreams comes off, and Zack leapfrogs over him, but Shattered Dreams stops short, standing right behind Zack and kicking him low, then planting him with a reverse DDT! The crowd showers Dreams in boos, as he gets a loving applause from Alix at ringside. Dreams picks Zack up, taking him to the corner and ramming his head into the top turnbuckle, then setting him up in the corner. Dreams kicks away at Zack's ribs, then stops the assault. He picks Zack's head up as he's hunched over, and then returns the favor from earlier by hitting a hard slap across Zack's cheek, sending spit flying from the mouth of the champion. He grabs Zack and send him to the corner across the ring, but Zack counters, and Shattered Dreams is the one who meets the turnbuckles. SD shakes it off, and comes charging out with a clothesline, but Zack ducks under it, then leaps up to the second rope. Zack makes like he's jumping off the second rope, and Dreams quickly slides to the floor, proudly dodging whatever Zack was going for...until he looks up and sees Zack on the top rope...SOMERSAULT DIVE ONTO SHATTERED DREAMS FROM THE TOP ROPE~! MC:"Did you see the elevation he got on that, Coach?" Coach:"I don't think Dreams is smiling much righ tnow!" Zack stands up from the dive, getting a huge applause. He wastes no time in perching himself on Dreams' shoulders while he lay on the floor, and hammers away at the Number One Contender. Alix comes around the corner and yells at Zack, drawing his attention away for a moment. Zack then gets up, pulling Dreams up with him, and rolling him into the ring. Zack eyes Alix, but gets up on the apron to return to the ring. Shattered Dreams crawls on all fours on the canvas, reaching a corner and using it to pull himself up. Zack stays on the attack, heading right for him despite Dreams' efforts to beg off. Zack continues coming, and Dreams sticks his body through the ropes so that he's hanging out of the ring, causing the referee to have to order Zack to get back. Malibu complains, telling the referee that Dreams is just doing it to play games. Zack looks up, and sees out of the corner of his eye that Dreams is running out of the corner with a Yakuza Kick...ZACK CATCHES HIS FOOT! Malibu slams Dreams' foot back to the mat, and tries for a Roaring Elbow, but that gets ducked by SD, who quickly grabs a waistlock and hits a Bridged German Suplex, getting a quick one-count on the champion! Dreams breaks the waistlock after Zack kicks out, but when the champion rolls over to push himself off the mat, Dreams grabs another waistlock, pulling him up the hard way to his feet. He tries for another German, but Zack fires off a back elbow, and another, then counters with a waistlock of his own. He lifts Dreams up and over, but SD flips over Zack's shoulders, landing on his feet. He spins Zack around, kicking him in the midsection, and then locking him in a facelock. He hooks Zack's leg, and he's going for the RODEO DRIVER...NO! Zack fires off shot after shot to Dreams' ribs while locked in the facelock, finally breaking away from his rival's finisher! With Dreams backed up near the ropes, Zack rushes forward, delivering a clothesline that sends both of them toppling over the top rope and crashing onto the raised rampway! MC:"This one has taken off quickly!" Both men get up, and Zack fires off a punch to stagger Shattered Dreams. Dreams fires back, and the two start trading fisticuffs on the ramp, with Dreams gaining the edge when he pokes Zack in the eye! Zack tries to regain his vision, allowing Dreams to climb into the ring, then springboard off the top rope, flying at Zack with a springboard huracanrana on the ramp...NO! Dreams is caught! SD flails his arms, not sure of what Zack is going to do, but has that question answered when Malibu POWERBOMBS HIM ON THE RAMPWAY! Coach:"YO!" MC:"Alix is gonna have quite the task massaging his back after THAT move!" Shattered Dreams lays on the rampway, flattened out like a human pancake. Zack moves his body so that it's laying parallel to the ring ropes. Malibu the reenters the ring, and charges the opposite ropes, getting a full head of steam and then doing a NO HANDS PLANCHA OVER THE ROPES, LANDING IN A SPLASH ONTO SHATTERED DREAMS~! The crowd erupts in a "Holy Shit" chant, as Alix Spezia slides into the ring and rushes over to the side where the rampway is. The referee looks on, and tries to keep Alix back, as both Dreams and Zack are holding their ribs after that manuever. Coach:"What a move that was! We HAVE to see that again!" *Split Screen Replay of the move shown.* MC:"Impressive for sure, Coach, though you have to take one thing into consideration...Dreams WANTS Zack to do stuff like that. It lets him know that he's in his head. Zack always keeps a pace with his matches, but in the last several minutes we've seen two suicide dives, and we've seen him get caught in situations that he can usually counter. I said it before the match started, this isn't the same Zack, and it's showing." Shattered Dreams rolls back into the ring from the rampway, coming in under the bottom rope, while Zack tries to push himself to his feet. He walks over towards the ropes, but waits as Shattered Dreams is getting to his feet in the ring. With Dreams up, Zack grabs the top rope, jumping up and bouncing off it with a springboard clothesline, but catches a dropkick to the ribs by Shattered Dreams! Zack falls to the mat, as Shattered Dreams goes for a pin...2 count only! SD pulls Zack to his feet, and quickly locks on an abdominal stretch, putting more pressure on the ribs of the champion. Zack struggles, reaching outward to try and grab the top rope, but he can't do it. Dreams then shifts into an inverted facelock, pulling Zack back and trying for an inverted suplex, however Zack stops himself from getting lifted, and spins around to face Dreams, then carries him over with a Northern Lights Suplex! The referee goes to the mat for the count, but Dreams is up right at the count of 2! Zack gets up, and when Dreams gets to his feet, Zack turns him around and lets out an ULTRA-STIFF chop, the slapping sound against Dreams' chest echoing throughout the arena. Dreams cringes, but Zack knocks his hands away from covering up, and lets out another chop, again making the Number One Contender reel in pain. Dreams tries to escape out to the ramp, but Zack grabs him, and spins him around, standing him up against the ropes, where he unloads chop after chop after chop, nearly tearing another hole in Dreams' mesh shirt! Dreams collapses to the mat, his eyes tearing from the pain that was sent through his body. He picks Dreams up and goes to send him into the corner, but Dreams spins around on the whip, taking Zack's arm and driving him to the mat with THE DIVORCE~! (Single Arm DDT)! Dreams uses this opportunity to recover from the chop-fest that he endured, as Zack lay dazed on the mat. Dreams sets himself up behind Zack, waiting for him to get up. When he does, Shattered Dreams rushes forward, clipping Zack's right leg out from under him! The champion falls back to the mat, and Shattered Dreams grabs the leg in his hand, then begins to stomp away at the back of it. MC:"Sound strategy by Dreams, trying to weaken the right leg that Zack uses for his trademark School's Out." Coach:"Both of these guys, as you've mentioned, are going all out in the early goings, which can be both a positive and a negative thing. Being in an Iron Man match you don't want to exert your energy too early, however by the same token, if you're opponent does so, you have a better chance of survival." Shattered Dreams holds Zack's right leg, and reaches down and grabs his left leg, trying to turn him over for a Boston! Zack won't roll over, as he's putting up a fight, so Shattered Dreams stomps him low to stun him, then catapults him over the top and to the floor...NO! ZACK SKINS THE CAT~! back inside, but Dreams jumps up on his shoulders and snaps off an INVERTED HURACANRANA~! Shattered Dreams quickly hooks the leg AND the tights, and yells at the referee to count...and GETS THE THREE~! MC:"He got it! First fall of the match and Shattered Dreams got it!" Coach:"He also probably gave Zack a wedgie with the amount of tights he had in his grasp!" FIRST FALL:Shattered Dreams via Pinfall Shattered Dreams-1, Zack Malibu-0 Time of the fall:13:35 Coach:"That was quite the impressive move, you have to admit, Michael." Alix jumps for joy on the floor, as the fans in the arena show their disdain. Shattered Dreams crawls over to the ropes and motions for Alix, giving her a little kiss, as Zack is just starting to get up from the pinfall. As Dreams turns back from Alix, he's tackled to the mat by an enraged Malibu, who again starts hammering viciously on him. Dreams lifts his arms up to protect himself, not wanting his precious face to be bloodied by the champion. Zack pulls him to his feet, and then quickly takes him back to the mat, nailing him with a Russian Legsweep with a floatover, hooking the leg...barely a 2 count! Zack picks him up off the mat again, and this time lifts him up and drills him into the mat with a sideslam, and then positioning him near the corner. Zack steps out onto the apron, and starts to climb up, but Alix jumps up on the apron and grabs Zack's ankle, preventing him from going up to the top rope! MC:"Hey, get her out of there!" Coach:"Remember Michael, the DQ rule was waived for this match, as well as the countout rule. What Alix is doing is within the regulations of the match, and without Alison to counteract, Zack's going at this 2 on 1 tonight!" Zack tries to shake Alix off, but before he can do anything to her or Dreams, SD is up and knocks Zack's left leg off the top rope so that he crotches himself. With the situation in his hands again, Dreams motions for Alix to get down, as he climbs up the ropes, standing on the top rope with Zack in a facelock. Dreams lifts him, and superplexes the champion from the top rope, crashing hard on the canvas below them, but Zack rolls backwards, cradling Shattered Dreams on the fall! The referee dives towards the competitors...3 COUNT~! Zack Malibu gets a fall on Shattered Dreams~! MC:"Yes! THAT'S the Zack we need to see!" Coach:"You just know that's gonna ruin Dreams' mojo, Michael." SECOND FALL:Zack Malibu via Pinfall Shattered Dreams-1, Zack Malibu-1 Time of the fall:16:17 Zack gets up, and Dreams is on his knees, shouting at the referee, in shock about what just happened. Zack comes over and pulls the crybaby to his feet, then hurls him backfirst into the corner. Zack blasts Dreams across the cheek with elbow shots to daze him, then tries for a Roaring Elbow while he's in the corner...and misses! Dreams ducks out of the way, crawling across the ring and sliding outside to be consoled by Ms. Spezia. Alix hugs Dreams, running her hands through his hair and telling him it's OK. Dreams pouts a bit, but enjoys the reassurance from his lovely, and breaks away from her embrace. He turns to enter the ring, but Malibu has been perched on the apron, and runs across, leaping off with his trademark Apron Run Diving Clothesline~!...AND GETS DROPKICKED IN MIDAIR BY SHATTERED DREAMS~! Dreams sprung up off the floor, catching Zack just as he was coming down with the clothesline, and took the champ out in midair. Having taken the wind out of Malibu, Dreams heads to the timekeeper/announce position and grabs a steel chair, folding it up and bringing it across Zack's back as he stands! The champion stumbles forward, catching himself by reaching out and grabbing the corner post. As Zack stands their dazed, Alix comes back around the corner and starts to mouth off to him, and then slaps him for good measure! The fans jeer the actions of the sexy yet snobby Spezia, as she turns to gloat to the crowd, drawing more heat to herself. With Zack leaning up against the ringpost, Dreams readies the chair, tapping it on the floor a few times as a "warmup" and then swings for the fences...AND MISSES~! The steel chair cracks against the steel ringpost, sending vibrations that cause Dreams' hands to tremble. Zack ducked out of the way in the nick of time, and Dreams drops the chair to the floor, his hands shaking in pain. Zack struggles to his feet, using the safety rail for support, and a frustrated Dreams charges, only for Zack to tuck his head down and backdrop his rival right into the first row of fans! MC:"Looks like an impromptu meet and greet session tonight during the main event." Coach:"You mean people actually wanna meet Shattered Dreams?" Dreams lay sprawled across the laps of several fans, who in turn stand up and let his body drop to the beer soaked and popcorn covered floor. Zack hops over the guardrail and tells everybody to clear out, leaving him room to deal with his opponent. One fan offers Zack a taste of his beer, which Zack kindly accepts, chugging away at the alcoholic brew, and then spitting it right in Dreams' face as he's pulling himself to his feet. Dreams wipes his hands over his face numerous times after that vile act, which the fans loved every second of, btw. Alix Spezia protests this from ringside, as Malibu chases Dreams through the crowd, nailing him with punch after punch while trying to make their way through the fans. Dreams finally escapes Zack before anything serious can be done, literally falling over the rail back to ringside. Alix tears the suit jacket off of the timekeeper and uses it to wipe SD's face dry, but has it swiped from her hand by Zack Malibu, who has also returned to ringside. Alix cowers back, and Zack takes the jacket and puts it over Dreams' head, before taking him by the neck and launching him facefirst towards the turnbuckles! The jacket falls off his head as he falls to the floor, and Dreams looks to be dazed and confused, while the champion continues on offense. MC:"Coach, did you ever think, I mean, did you ever imagine the effect Shattered Dreams and Alix Spezia would have on Zack's life? It seems like the last few weeks have been a bad dream." Coach:"Especially this past HeldDOWN~!. Alix struck a nerve in Alison, exposing what may have been her one weakness...her values. While I commend Alison for wanting to start her life over, walking out the way she did...hell, Alix ran her off! It's completely thrown Zack off his game, and gives more of an advantage to Dreams." Dreams gets yanked up by his hair, and slammed against the apron, then rolled into the ring. Dreams rolls over so that he's sitting up, panting as he's breathless. Zack comes back in, picking him up and then snapmaring him over, and then hitting a snap kick to the back of Shattered Dreams, making SD cringe. Zack then turns and runs the ropes, going across the ring, rebounding off the other side, and coming off with a basement dropkick to the jaw of Shattered Dreams! SD's upper body slams backwards to the mat, and Zack hooks the leg for a cover...2 3/4 count! Both men are on their feet now, Dreams being the one worse for wear. Zack takes his arm and whips him to the ropes, but Dreams counters with a whip of his own, and Alix jumps up on the apron, slamming the chair into Zack's back! Zack takes a few steps forward, right into the arms of Shattered Dreams, who lifts him up over his shoulders, Samoan Drop style, and then FLIPS FORWARD~! with a SOMERSAULT SAMAON DROP~! Coach:"Shades of Fit Finlay~!" Dreams sits up, his wily smirks replaced by weariness and frustration. He stands up, and hooks both of Zack's legs, and rolls him over into a Boston Crab! MC:"He's focusing on that back now. It's a systematic breakdown." Zack howls in pain, trying to walk on his elbows so that he can grab the nearest rope. He takes Dreams for a bit of a walk, but then SD sits down a bit harder, causing Zack to give up his cause, at least for a few moments. Shattered Dreams leans back as far as he can go, and then throws Zack's legs down, breaking the hold. MC:"What is he doing? He's not going for the tapout?" Coach:"Cocky move by Dreams." Shattered Dreams walks away from Zack, stepping through the ropes and out to the apron. He then slingshots himself up, springboarding back into the ring via the top rope with a kneedrop, right into the small of Zack's back! Coach:"OUCH~!" Zack grunts in agony, and Dreams picks his legs up, this time for more of a Walls of Jericho style submission. Zack has nowhere to go, as he can't even power up enough to use his arms to manuever. He turns his head from side to side, looking for a way out, but then Dreams adds to the manuever, kneeling on Zack's head! MC:"Oh for the love of..." Coach:"That might be overconfident, Michael, but it's smart. If he's pinning Zack's head and shoulder area down, that doesn't give Zack much leverage." Zack really has nowhere to go, as Alix Spezia plays cheerleader for her man. The grunts and growls can only do so much when it comes to fighting the pain, and Zack has no choice but to slap his hand on the mat, tapping out to the hold~! MC:"He tapped. Damnit, Dreams is ahead now." THIRD FALL:Shattered Dreams via Submission Shattered Dreams-2, Zack Malibu-1 Time of the fall:22:09 Zack Malibu lay facedown on the mat, covered in a massive amount of sweat. Dreams goes over to the corner, propping his arms up on the top rope and leaning, while Alix comes up on the apron and rubs his head, then kissing him on the forehead and rubbing his back. He brushes his hand through Alix's hair, and then turns his attention back to Zack, who is only now starting to push himself up off the mat. Zack is pushing himself slowly up on all fours, but Dreams returns to mid-ring and kicks Zack square in the ribs, causing him to roll over onto his back. Dreams grabs Zack's legs again, but this time Zack starts reaching out for the ropes as quick as he can, scrambling a bit while Dreams tries to turn him over and luckily grabbing the bottom rope. Dreams still has Zack's legs, however, and pulls back, breaking Zack's grip and dropping him on the mat via the back of his head! Dreams hits the ropes, somersaulting across the canvas and then springing up into a regular splash, and LANDS ON NOTHING BUT KNEES~! ZACK GOT HIS KNEES UP AT THE LAST SECOND~! MC:"Nice variation on the Rolling Thunder by Shattered Dreams, but the payoff isn't what he expected!" Zack recovers slowly, while Shattered Dreams is curled up in a fetal position. As Dreams rolls onto his stomach and pushes himself up, Zack grabs his arm, spinning around and over Dreams with LA MAGISTRAL~!... 1! 2!! KICKOUT AT 2!! SHATTERED DREAMS KICKS OUT! Dreams rolls through, up to his feet, but Zack stays low and goes behind with a SCHOOLBOY~!...KICKOUT! Dreams kicks Zack in the gut, then jumps over with a SUNSET FLIP...NO! ZACK ROLLS OUT OF IT~! He stands in front of Shattered Dreams and delivers a hard kick to the chest, leaving a red mark across SD's pecs. Zack reaches down, grabbing both of SD's legs for his own Boston Crab, but as he leans over to turn his opponent, Dreams reaches up and jabs a thumb in his right eye, blinding him! Zack turns away, allowing Dreams time to get up. As Zack turns around, rubbing his eyes, Dreams charges forward and catches Zack right in the mush with a Yakuza Kick, taking him out! Dreams hooks the leg...2 7/8!!! Zack kicked out~! Dreams is still ahead by one fall, as he stands Zack up, then bounces back off the ropes, going for ANOTHER Yakuza Kick...THAT GETS DUCKED~! SWEEP KICK ON SHATTERED DREAMS~! SD falls to the mat, and Zack goes for a standing legdrop...AND MISSES~! Dreams rolls out of the way, and Zack's tailbone hitting nothing but canvas...AND DREAMS GOES RIGHT BACK TO THE BOSTON CRAB~! Zack tries crawling again, but could barely do it the first time. He reaches out, though he is too far to make the ropes for any kind of break. Dreams arches back even further, and Zack has nowhere to go, and has no choice but to tap out AGAIN! FOURTH FALL:Shattered Dreams via Submission Shattered Dreams-3, Zack Malibu-1 Time of the fall:25:40 Dreams breaks the hold upon hearing the bell, and the announcement that he's two falls ahead of Zack. He then quickly turns Zack over, and hooks the leg for a pinfall...AND GETS IT~! FIFTH FALL:Shattered Dreams via Pinfall Shattered Dreams-4, Zack Malibu-1 Time of the fall:25:49 MC:"I'm going to give credit where credit is due...Shattered Dreams knows how to pick his spots. He knew Zack would be worn out, and rather than gloat or showoff like he's known for, he capitalized on the situation." Coach:"Agreed, he's playing this game smart, Michael. Hopefully Zack can rebound." Dreams takes a much needed breather, going and sitting in a corner a la Raven, while Alix hops up on the apron, sticking her head between the ropes and whispering things to Dreams. As they converse, Zack starts to get up, the chants of "Malibu" fueling his adrenaline. Zack pushes himself up, standing on his feet shakily, but up nonetheless. He turns to Shattered Dreams and calls him on...but Dreams doesn't respond! He just continues to sit there, talking to Alix,and holding up his finger and giving Zack the "one minute" gesture. MC:"What a coward!" Coach:"Actually, think about what we said about playing it smart. The more time Dreams wastes, the less time Zack has to gain falls on him!" With Dreams paying no attention, Zack storms over to him, dragging him up out of the corner by his hair. He peppers him with lefts and rights, sending him back down to the mat. Rather than stomp a mudhole in him, Zack pulls him back up, taking his arm and sending him into the opposite corner...REVERSED...ZACK HITS HARD! Dreams comes running and jumps up for a monkey flip, but Zack shoves him off! Dreams bumps on the mat, rolling through to his feet and charging again...AND GETTING TAKEN OUT WITH A BICYCLE KICK~! Zack goes for the cover...KICKOUT JUST BEFORE THREE!! Not wasting anytime, Zack takes Dreams and snap suplexes him to the mat, floating over into another pin...2 COUNT! He picks him up and delivers the same move again, and gets another 2 count, Dreams barely escaping. Zack picks him up a third time, holding him in a front facelock and lifting him for a suplex again, but Dreams shifts his weight so that he can't go up and over! Zack hammers on his back with forearm shots, and picks him up again...DROPPING HIM WITH A BRAINBUSTER~! Dreams' body goes LIMP, as Zack drags him across the mat a bit, then steps out to the apron, heading up to the top! Coach:"I'm not sure if this is a good idea. He should just be getting the pin, Michael!" Zack climbs up to the top rope, and leaps off, soaring through the air with a trademark GUILLOTINE LEGDROP, coming down right across Dreams' throat! Tired, Zack lay across Dreams' body, as the referee slaps the mat once...TWICE...THREE TIMES~! MC:"HE GOT HIM!" Coach:"I stand corrected!" SIXTH FALL:Zack Malibu via pinfall Shattered Dreams-4, Zack Malibu-2 Time of the fall:30:58 MC:"We're just about halfway through this match, Coach. Zack's going to have to rally, as well as avoid any other pin or submission situations!" Both Zack and Dreams are on their backs, Dreams still out and Zack recovering. Zack rolls over, and crawls onto Dreams again for a pin...2 COUNT ONLY! DREAMS GOT HIS SHOULDER UP! Zack pulls his head up, and fires off two punches to daze him even more (if that's possible), and then stands up, again climbing the turnbuckles. Knowing that another high impact move could mean another fall in Zack's favor (or more!), Alix rushes over to where Zack is climbing the ropes, jumping up on the apron and clutching his foot. Zack shakes his foot free, giving Alix nowhere to go but back to the floor, as she scrambles for a way to stop him. She quickly grabs a steel chair from the floor, and climbs up onto the apron, just as Zack is getting perched on the top rope (facing the crowd). Alix tosses the chair through the air, and it nails Zack in the back of the head, causing him to lose his balance and crotch himself on the top rope! Zack is virtually lifeless, as he sit on the top rope, his head hung low, while Alix screams for Dreams to get up. SD starts to stir, and Alix points to Zack, telling him to "finish him off, pin him again!" Dreams gets up, and heads for the corner, climbing up on the ropes behind Zack, and then jumping up on his shoulders... Coach:"No way, he doesn't have the strength!" Shattered Dreams jumps up on Zack's shoulders and floats over with a SUPER INVERTED HURACANRANA...NO! NO!...ZACK REACHES UP, HOLDING ONTO DREAMS' LEGS! DREAMS IS HANGING UPSIDE DOWN OVER ZACK'S BACK! MC:"Zack won't go over, Coach!" Coach:"But what can he do? Dreams is just hanging there!" Dreams is yelling, holding himself up by grabbing the middle rope with his hand, his arms extended out. Slowly, Zack lifts his leg up off the third rope, so that he's standing on the middle rope, his legs overlapping Dreams' arms! MC:"What is he doing here?" Zack is now standing on the middle rope, with Shattered Dreams over his back, his legs held in place on Zack's shoulders, while his arms are blocked by Zack's legs. In one swift, smooth motion, Zack Malibu springs OFF THE MIDDLE ROPE BACKWARDS, slamming Dreams to the mat with a FLYING INVERTED STYLES CLASH~~~~~!?!?!?!?!??! Coach:"YO~!" MC:"DID YOU SEE THAT!?!?! DID YOU SEE WHAT HE JUST DID!?!?" The crowd ERUPTS, people on the edge of their seat and shouting "Holy Shit!" at the top of their lungs. Shattered Dreams is a lifeless piece of flesh on the mat, as Zack rolls over, panting heavily and trying to gain his breath!" MC:"We have to see that again...get me a replay on that!!!" *A split screen replay is shown, once in normal speed, once in slow motion. Looking to the crowd, you can actually see people's jaws drop." Coach:"I've never seen ANYTHING like that even ATTEMPTED...and he HIT IT!" Zack reaches over and rolls Dreams onto his back, and then covers, not bothering to hook the leg. The referee slides to the mat, slapping it ONCE! TWICE!! THREE TIMES!!! ZACK WINS ANOTHER FALL! Seventh Fall:Zack Malibu via Pinfall Shattered Dreams-4, Zack Malibu-3 Time of the fall:34:38 Zack rolls off of Dreams after the fall, but before he can cover him again, Alix Spezia reaches in, grabbing Zack by the leg and dragging him out to the ringside floor! With Zack weary on the outside, she scrambles in and starts tapping Dreams on the cheek, attemtping to revive him. Dreams still won't come to, so she reaches into her pocket and pulls out...SMELLING SALTS!? MC:"OK, this is a first..." Alix waves them under Dreams' nose, and he starts to come too, coughing and grimacing in pain. Alix smiles, seeing as how she's brought him back to life, and helps him to get to his feet. She holds Dreams by his waist, supporting him as he stands, and tells him it's now 4-3, with him in the lead only by one! Dreams views Zack getting to his feet, and runs past Alix, sliding under the bottom rope and catching Zack with a baseball slide! Zack goes careening sideways into the guardrail, while Dreams lay on the mat for a minute, trying to build up some energy in his highly weakened state. He rolls out to the floor, and asks for Alix's help in getting Malibu back in the ring. Spezia steps out to the apron, and hops to the floor, each one grabbing one of Zack's arms and carrying him to the apron, then shoving him in. Dreams rolls back in, and drags Zack away from the ropes, then stands over his back, and locks on THE CHINLOCK~! Coach:"The same move that put The Slacker away and made him the Number One Contender could make him a champion tonight!" Much like the Boston Crab before this, Zack is worn down greatly, and struggles to try and break the hold by any means possible. He tries pushing off the mat, up on all fours, but Dreams jumps up, coming down on the small of Zack's back with all his weight and sending Zack right back to the canvas where he started. Dreams wrenches Zack's head with the hold, looking as if he wants to tear his head off of his body. The referee comes over, and notices that Zack's stamina is fading rapidly. Dreams orders the referee to check him and make sure he's not passed out. If he is, it's another victory in favor of Dreams. The referee raises Zack's hand once, and his arm falls limp. Coach:"He's out cold, Michael. His eyes are nearly glazed over!" The referee checks Zack's arm again, and for the second time it simply flops back to the mat. MC:"That's two, Coach!" The referee lifts Zack's arm for the third and final time, and as expected...IT STAYS UP! Zack catches his arm from falling back to the mat, and holds it up, getting quite the reaction as everyone thought Dreams was going to gain another fall over the World Champion. Zack tries prying Dreams' hands away, but to no avail, as SD has a vice grip, even moreso that Zack was reslient to the move the first time around. He continues to crank Zack's neck with the hold, as Zack pushes up, able to get into a seated position as Dreams stands over him with the chinlock applied. Zack tries pushing himself to his feet, and does so, pushing Dreams back into the corner in the process and breaking the hold...BUT WAIT! Dreams is momentarily stunned, but before Zack can do anything, he comes at him and grabs him in a sleeperhold! Zack waves his arms around, trying to get free, or cause a break, but can't...YES HE CAN! Zack slips out of the sleeperhold, and gets one of his own! Dreams is now the one in danger, as he looks for an escape route from Zack's version of the hold. Dreams turns so that he's nearly sideways in front of Zack, and elbows him once, twice in the ribs and gets Zack to break, then goes right back into his own sleeperhold! MC:"Great back and forth action. Both men are so worn out at this point, they know that a sleeper hold would be an easy win in their favor!" Zack squirms, and then turns to his side, causing Dreams to go from sleeperhold to more of a headlock. Zack grabs him by the waist and tries to use a back suplex to break his grip, but Dreams will not go, and keeps his weight down, not allowing Zack to take him over. Finally, in a last act of desperation, Zack shoves him off, into the ropes, and Dreams comes off with a shoulderblock that sends Zack to the mat. Dreams bounces off the ropes again, hopping over Zack's body and heading to the other side. Zack gets up and ducks his head so that Dreams can leapfrog over, but SD takes Zack by the head and pulls him backwards, giving him a whiplash move that smacks his head on the mat! With Zack stunned, Dreams bounces off the ropes and tries for a kneedrop to his throat, but Malibu rolls out of the way, and Dreams' knee jams into the ringmat! SD favors his leg for a moment, giving Zack the time to get up, and he comes running at Shattered Dreams and cracks him in the side of the head with a ZACK ATTACK~! as he's getting up! Zack covers Shattered Dreams! MC:"He's going to tie it up!" 1! 2!! 3!!! NO!!! NO!!! SHATTERED DREAMS GETS A FOOT ON THE ROPE! NO FALL!! The crowd is just RABID, chewing into Shattered Dreams for escaping a certain defeat. Zack can't believe it either, and Alix nearly fainted. Zack picks Dreams up, and sends him to the ropes again, catching Dreams with a Manhattan Drop and then following up with an UBERSTIFF clothesline that nearly takes him out of his boots! Zack Malibu covers again, and AGAIN, Shattered Dreams gets a shoulder up before the 3 Count! Coach:"They're kicking it into overdrive right now, Michael. Time is winding down, as we're about 2/3 through this match already!" Once again, Zack picks his weakened adversary up off the mat, and hooks both arms, Pedigree style. He attempts to lift him over for a butterfly suplex, but Dreams kicks his legs out and will not go, instead backdropping Zack over...ONTO A CHAIR! ALIX SLID THE CHAIR INTO THE RING RIGHT UNDER ZACK AS HE LANDED! PERFECT TIMING! MC:"I don't think that helped Zack's back any!" Coach:"Oh man, remember how Dreams talked about finding the weakness and exploiting it for all it's worth? After tonight the only thing Zack may be able to do is play wheelchair basketball!" Zack cringes in pain, as Dreams realizes he's been bought some time now. He pushes himself to his feet and blows a kiss to Alix, who responds with the same, and in turn they both draw the ire of the fans in attendance, 99.9% of whom want Dreams to get his ass kicked majorly by Zack. However, that's not happening right now, as Dreams is the one on his own two feet. SD pulls Zack up by an arm, and then attempts to send him to the ropes...COUNTERED INTO A BELLY TO BELLY BY ZACK...NO! Dreams elbows him on the side of the neck, breaking that, and then uses ZACK'S OWN ROCK BOTTOM BACKBREAKER ON HIM! HE JUST LEVELED THE CHAMP WITH HIS OWN MOVE! MC:"That's insult to injury!" Coach:"That's Dreams' style!" Boos drown out even the commentators, as Dreams is all too proud of himself for that one, even busting out the old Barry Horowitz "pat yourself on the back" routine. He turns Zack onto his stomach, his injured back exposed. Dreams then picks up the chair, and just when it looks like he's going to slam it into Zack's back, he turns away, only he heads for THE TOP ROPE!? MC:"What is he doing with that chair?" Dreams pauses on the second rope, holding the chair up and showing off for the crowd, who haven't gained much respect for him due to his actions here tonight. He then climbs up to the third and final rope, chair in hand...AND MOONSAULTS OFF WHILE HOLDING THE CHAIR!!! AND MISSES!!! SHATTERED DREAMS MISSED!!!! MC:"Well now, THAT backfired, didn't it!?" Zack Malibu rolled out from underneath the moonsault at the last possible second, causing Dreams and the mat to meet unexpectedly. Zack reaches for the ropes, using them to pull him up as fast as he can, as Dreams is stunned by starting to get to his feet, chair in hand. Both men are up, and Dreams takes a swing at Zack, who ducks and the chair bounces off the top turnbuckle! Dreams turns around, the chair still in his grasp...AND GETS IT KICKED RIGHT INTO HIS FACE~! SCHOOL'S OUT INTO THE CHAIR~! SCHOOL'S OUT~!!!! Dreams falls back into the corner, dropping the chair over the top rope as he's wiped out by the move. Zack grabs his leg and pulls him away from the ropes, hooking one leg as the referee counts ONCE...TWICE...THREE TIMES~! Coach:"HE TIED IT UP!" MC:"GO ZACK!!!" Eighth Fall:Zack Malibu via Pinfall Shattered Dreams-4, Zack Malibu-4 Time of the Fall:42:45 Zack rolls off of Dreams in exhaustion, and as he lay on his back, he's CRUSHED by a splash from the top rope by Alix Spezia!!! Coach:"What is she doing now!!" Alix lands right on Zack, knocking the wind out of him, and kicking at him, if for anything then to at least buy Dreams some recovery time. Alix sits on Zack's shoulders and starts slapping and clawing at him, until CANDIE comes running down the ramp! MC:"What is Candie doing here!?" Coach:"I guess she's not gone after all!" Candie takes Alix by the hair, pulling her up off of Zack, and then TOSSING her across the ring! Coach:"Does that answer your question!?" Alix is shocked, and leans over the middle rope, having been tossed clean across the ring. Candie sees this and runs to the ropes, jumping and swinging through, nailing Alix with a version of the 619!?!? Coach:"YO~!" Alix flops backwards to the mat, and the fans cheer wildly in approval, as of all people, CANDIE is the only one standing right now! Candie then takes Alix's limp frame and tosses her over the top rope, onto the rampway! Candie steps through the ropes, and with Alix by the hair, heads for the entranceway, tossing Alix through the curtain and into the backstage area! MC:"She's taking Alix out of the match! But WHY?" Coach:"You think this was planned by Totally Endorsed? Remember what happened on Thursday, Michael?" MC:"Candie left, though! This is either a very detailed and diabolical plan by Calvin Szechstein, or Candie is just doing what's right! I'm going to go with the latter." Candie looks out to the crowd, and sees that many are cheering for her. Zack Malibu is up on one knee in the ring, and looks out to the rampway to see her. Candie just smiles and then turns around, disappearing into the backstage area as quickly as she came! Coach:"It's straight up, one on one now, the way it should be!" Indeed, only Shattered Dreams and Zack Malibu are left. No Alix. No Candie. Just a referee to count the pin or check for submissions. Shattered Dreams gets up, his nose bloodied from having the steel chair kicked right into it. Zack slouches in a corner, using this downtime to regain some sense after being knocked silly for so long. Dreams slowly paces the ring, calling out for Alix Spezia, who is no longer there to answer. MC:"Dreams has no idea what happened!" Coach:"The guy got knocked out. I'm surprised he knows where he is right now!" Dreams continues to scour ringside, and looks up the ramp, never getting a view of his valet who was sent backstage some 2-3 minutes ago. He turns, his gaze meeting that of the champion, and his shocked tone turning into a more serious snarl. He quickly approaches Zack, and the champion comes bursting out of the corner, the two men locking horns in midring, jockeying for position as if it's the first few moments of the match again. MC:"Here we's GO TIME!" Both men jockey for position, and Zack quickly grabs a headlock, only to have it turned into a hammerlock counter. He spins back with an elbow, but Dreams ducks that and tries for a belly to belly overhead suplex, but it's blocked with an elbow to his shoulder, much like how he avoided the same situation earlier. Zack then grabs his arm and whips him into the corner, but Dreams reverses, and Zack hits hard, his sore back becoming moreso. Dreams comes running in, but Zack sidesteps it, and Dreams' sternum crashes against the turnbuckles. Zack grabs him in a facelock and hops up to the second rope, then comes jumping off with a TORNADO DDT~!...NO! Dreams holds onto Zack's waist, stopping his head from being drilled into the mat! He turns around and lifts Zack up, perching him up on the top rope, then springs off the middle rope and swings sideways through the air, cracking Zack in the back of the head with an enzugiri to stun him! Zack's head falls forward, as if it's ready to roll off his body, while Dreams climbs up to the second rope, trying to superplex Zack off, but getting shoved back to the mat in the process! Dreams pops right back up and charges the corner as Zack tries to stand, again knocking him off balance! He steps out to the apron and climbs up behind Zack, grabbing him in an inverted facelock as if to try a Super Bulldog...but gets elbowed by Zack! Dreams drops down to the apron, still standing, and tries to climb up the ropes again, but Zack kicks him away! MC:"Look at Zack fight! Another move off the top this late in the match could seal his fate!" Coach:"Time is winding down for sure Michael, we've only got just over 10 minutes left!" Zack again starts to stand, this time turned to face Dreams, who is on the apron/rampway. As he stands up, looking for another high risk manuever, Dreams charges the corner again, running up the ropes to the middle rope and grabbing Zack, press slam style! He grabs Zack and launches him like a missle through the air, heading for a crash landing on the rampway... AND ZACK MALIBU CRASHES THROUGH THE ELEVATED RAMPWAY! Coach:"YO~!" MC:"Good God NO!" You can hear the headset drop, as Michael Cole has left the broadcast position. Shattered Dreams is hunched over on the apron, out of breath and in awe. The referee has left the ring to run over, but is afraid of what to do. He makes the "X" motion that referees are noted for using when someone is truly hurt, as he looks down at the middle portion of the rampway, now a black hole filled with shrapnel and the body of the OAOAST Champion. Medics, road agents, roster members, all run out. Anglesault, Shooter Jay, both IZ and HeldDOWN members alike, stand on the far end of the rampway near the entrance, letting the medics do their job. Two prepare a stretcher, while road agent Rick Martel and interviewer Randy Savage, themselves former wrestlers, use their strength to move the wood and metal framing out of the way, and help lift Zack Malibu up out of the broken mass. Shattered Dreams will have none of this, however, and jumps down into the whole on his own accord, flooring Martel with a punch and piefacing Savage! Coach:"Fans...after what we've just seen, is this even necessary? Shattered Dreams does not care about the well being of Zack Malibu!" Dreams takes Zack's body, devoid of consciousness, and hurls it up onto the portion closest to the ring, the medics, etc. on the other side looking on in disbelief. A medic comes up the side of the ramp, up the stairs and onto it, trying to get Dreams away, to which SD responds "you can have him in 10 minutes!" Dreams then throws Zack into the ring over the top rope, and steps in, and covers him! Coach:"What a piece of shit! All he cares about is the damn title! Zack Malibu could be permanently injured, intentional or not!" The referee comes over, trying to tell Dreams to get up, but Dreams won't. The referee doesn't know what to do, so Dreams yells "Count!" at him, telling him to at least give him one fall so that he wins. The referee reluctantly goes to the mat, making the count. 1. 2. 3!! NINTH FALL:Shattered Dreams via pinfall Shattered Dreams-5, Zack Malibu-4 Time of the fall:50:55 Coach:"Son of a bitch. All right. Let the match end now. You've gotten ahead. The title is yours." Dreams stands up, raising his arms like he's already won, and the referee tries to pull Zack out of the ring to safety...AND DREAMS PULLS HIM BACK IN! Coach:"For the love of God, get him away from Zack!" Dreams lays across Zack cockily, asking the referee to count again. Shaking his head in disgust, the referee does so. Another three count puts Dreams ahead by two! TENTH FALL:Shattered Dreams via Pinfall Shattered Dreams-6, Zack Malibu-4 Time of the fall:51:08 Coach:"We GET IT, Dreams. You want to win! Just let them take Zack, let the time expire, and enjoy your reign!" Dreams gets up, and raises his arms again, when he's shoved from behind. MICHAEL COLE, who left the broadcast position to check on Zack, just put his hands on Shattered Dreams! Coach:"ALL RIGHT MC!" Cole yells at Dreams, pointing at Zack and saying to leave him be, that the match isn't important right now. Dreams shrugs in agreement, then kicks Michael in the gut...RODEO DRIVER ON MICHAEL COLE~! Coach:"NO! You're making me close the show alone? Damn you Dreams!" Dreams kicks at the announcers body, the fans tossing garbage and showering him in boos as well as trash. With just about 5 minutes left, it looks like we'll have a new champion on our hands, as the medics have hit the ring, and are starting to load Zack on a stretcher. Coach:"Fans, this isn't the best way to end a PPV. You always hear about going out on a high note, but that's not the case tonight. Zack Malibu has been hurt, my own announce partner is unconscious in the ring right now, and it looks like within 5 minutes, the man responsible for it all, Shattered Dreams, will be World Heavyweight Champion!" Dreams looks on, as they load Zack up, taking a seat in the corner Raven-style. Once Zack is finally loaded on, they begin to lift him out, but Dreams arises from his seat in the corner, and ATTACKS THE STAFF, THEN KNOCKS ZACK OFF THE STRETCHER! Coach:"GET THE COPS IN THERE! THE FBI, SWAT TEAM...GET THIS ASSHOLE OUT OF HERE!" Dreams nails everyone in sight, then picks up the stretcher and hurls it to ringside. Security is preventing any of the roster from interfering with this, as a full fledged riot would break out. Tim Moysey, The Dream Machines, FOSHI, and others from HeldDOWN~! are trying to force their way through. Dangerous A and Featured Attraction try going up the other side of the ramp, but are blocked as well. Dreams takes Zack's body, and picks him up in a facelock, then reaches down and tries to hook the leg for the Rodeo Driver. Coach:"You don't even need to do that! You've broken his spirit, and his back. You don't need to break his neck!" Dreams tries to hook the leg, but Zack Malibu falls faintly at his feet, drained of life. Dreams snickers, and reaches down to pick him up, then lets him flop at his feet. Coach:"It's a god damn GAME to him!" Dreams reaches down again, this time to put an exclamation point on what he's done tonight...AND GETS ROLLED UP!?!? WHAT IN THE WORLD?!?! THE REFEREE DIVES DOWN FOR THE COUNT!!!! ONE!! TWO!!!!! THREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Coach:"OH MY GOD! HE DID IT! HE GOT A PIN!!! ZACK MALIBU IS STILL KICKING!!!!!" Eleventh Fall:Zack Malibu via Pinfall Shattered Dreams-6, Zack Malibu-5 Time of the fall:57:30 A pop unlike any other is heard. Shattered Dreams is shocked, as is the crowd. Finally, the babyfaces on the roster storm past security, and surround the ring. They pound on the apron, and lead the crowd into a huge "Zack" chant. Shattered Dreams gets up and looks around. He looks like he's ready to cry, even though he's up by one fall. Zack Malibu is out like a light on the apron, as he hasn't moved since gaining that surprising pin. With only two minutes left in his condition, it's not likely he can capitalize. Dreams stomps his feet and shouts at the roster, who have the ring surrounded. He jumps up on the turnbuckles, and yells at the crowd. He jumps down, and pulls Zack up by the hair, slapping his face and daring him to get up. Coach:"He's trying to revive him? Has he lost it?" Dreams slaps away feverishly, daring Zack to come to, to come at him. He then reaches down, and picks Zack up again, Military Press style, walking over to the ropes near the ramp. Coach:"He is NOT going to do what I think he's going to do!" Dreams is looking to toss Zack onto, possibly THROUGH the ramp again! He walks over, the champion resting in his hands above his head, when ZACK FALLS OUT! He lands behind Shattered Dreams...GERMAN SUPLEX, but Zack's back can't hold the bridge! Coach:"C'MON ZACK!" Sixty seconds left. Dreams is shaken on the mat, while Zack is dragging himself around with the help of the second rope. He pulls himself up to his feet, the fans and the wrestlers are pulling for him, egging him on. Zack Malibu is on his own two feet, his hands gripping the top rope, and stomps his foot once. Twice. Three times. COACH THIRTY SECONDS TO GO!!! C'MON ZACK!! The fans clap along. Zack Malibu is warming up the band, a la the man he got this move from, The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels. Shattered Dreams gets up, and with one last burst of adrenaline, Zack Malibu comes flying at him with a superkick known the world over as SCHOOL'S OUT~!... AND DREAMS CATCHES THE FOOT! COACH NO! SONOFABITCH! Shattered Dreams catches Zack's foot on the kick, and smirks down at the other OAOAST Stars....AND CATCHES AN ENZUGIRI TO THE HEAD~! ZACK MALIBU KICKS HIM IN THE HEAD WITH AN ENZUGIRI! Dreams flops face first on the mat, and Zack Malibu quickly picks him up in a facelock, looking down on him as he holds him. Zack then reaches down and hooks the leg in cradle like fashion... POP DROP ON SHATTERED DREAMS~! COACH PIN HIM ZACK! PIN HIM! TEN SECONDS LEFT! Zack Malibu scrambles to cover Shattered Dreams, as the clock winds down the final moments of the match. The world seems to move in slow motion as the clock ticks in accordance with the referee's hand slapping the canvas. And then the bell rings. Ladies and Gentleman, Your Winner... OF THE TWELFTH FALL...ZACK MALIBU! THIS MATCH IS TIED AT 6 FALLS APIECE!!! The crowd roars. Jonathan Coachman nearly dies in the booth of a heart attack. RING ANNOUNCER Ladies and Gentlemen, the time limit for this match has now expired, resulting in a Time Limit Draw! COACH Draw goes to the champion! I don't know how he did it, but Zack Malibu has kept his championship! The referee checks on Zack, while HeldDOWN GM Tim Moysey is talking with the announcer. Moysey then goes into the ring, and checks on Zack as well. He and the ref pull Zack into the corner where he can sit up with support, and Tim and Zack are conversing. It's unclear what is being said, but Malibu nods his head yes. COACH What's going on here? Tim jumps out of the ring, and takes the mic. Shattered Dreams has rolled onto his stomach, and his holding his head. TM Folks, I'm sure you all know that in the case of a draw, the tie goes to the champion, meaning Zack Malibu keeps the World Championship! *Crowd pops huge* TM However, being that this was an Iron Man Match, as per the contract, it states that in the event of a tie, there would be a Sudden Death Match, as there MUST be a clear cut winner! Mixed reaction from the crowd. COACH Tim, he can't wrestle anymore! He can't do it! TM Now, what I've done, is seeing the condition of both of these athletes, moreso Zack Malibu, I have arranged for the Sudden Death Match to take place this week, on HeldDOWN~! pending the outcome of Zack Malibu's medical checkup! Another mixed reaction from the crowd. TM However...Zack Malibu has informed me that he does NOT want to wait, so therefore the Sudden Death Matchup will take place...(gets in close to SD's ear as he's getting up)...RIGHT NOW!!!! The crowd pops HUGE! Zack Malibu, a dazed look in his eyes, pulls himself up. Tim clears out of the ring, and the bell rings. Shattered Dreams stands up, not knowing where he is, and Zack Malibu scores with a Schoolboy...KICKOUT AT 2 7/8!! Dreams goes to stand up, but Zack Malibu tries for the pin again via small package...ANOTHER KICKOUT!! COACH C'mon Zack, you can do this! Shattered Dreams goes to get up, and Zack Malibu grabs a facelock...POP DROP...NO! Dreams shoves him backwards, into the ropes, and catches the rebound by hitting a spinebuster, jamming Zack backfirst onto the mat! Dreams hooks the leg...AND ZACK KICKS OUT JUST BEFORE THREE! Everyone is on the edge of their seats. Shattered Dreams picks Zack Malibu up, standing him on spaghetti legs, then hits the ropes, coming off with a YAKUZA KICK~!...AND MISSING! ZACK DUCKS IT AND DROPKICKS DREAMS' KNEE OUT FROM UNDER HIM! SD hits the mat facefirst, having his support taken right out from under him. He scrambles to get up, and now Zack hits the ropes, and YAKUZA KICKS HIM IN THE BACK OF THE HEAD~! Shattered Dreams falls forward, landing on the top rope and hanging over it. He's out of breath, but still conscious, turning around...INTO A SCHOOL'S OUT~! ZACK MALIBU HITS A SCHOOL'S OUT~! ZACK COVERS! 1!!! 2!!! NO!!!! NO!!!! SHATTERED DREAMS STICKS HIS HAND UNDER THE BOTTOM ROPE!!!! THE PINFALL IS BROKEN!!! COACH Good LORD how did he get away with that! Shattered Dreams is out, and Zack rolls off him, looking like he's ready to fall apart. This match has put both men through pure HELL, a hell nobody could have ever expected. Zack is the first to stir, after several moments of rest. He reaches down to pick Shattered Dreams up, but it met with the move that wreaks of desperation...a LOW BLOW~! Zack hunches over, and Dreams again gets desperate by taking him and hurling him over the top rope...ZACK SKINS THE CAT...NO! His injured back is too much to handle...DREAMS SPEARS HIM OFF THE APRON AS HE WAS TRYING TO SKIN THE CAT! ZACK GOES FLYING FORWARD TO THE FLOOR! COACH Oh MAN! Zack lay on the floor, his peers moving aside to give him room to breath. Shattered Dreams steps to the outside, and makes the motion for everyone to clear out. He picks Zack up, and rams him facefirst into the apron, and then wipes Zack's face all across the apron! COACH A face eraser! What a bastard! Zack claws at his own face, hurting from the friction burn. Dreams rolls him into the ring under the ropes, and then climbs the ropes, all the way to the top. Covered in a liquid mess of sweat and blood, he stands on the third rope, and comes leaping off with a BEAUTIFUL Senton Bomb, smashing his head and shoulder area across Zack's chest! The wind has been taken out of Zack, as he lay spread eagle on the canvas. Dreams covers him again, and this could be it... BUT IT'S NOT~~~!! KICKOUT BY ZACK JUST BEFORE THE THREE~! COACH HOW? All I wanna know is HOW are they still doing this! Dreams starts tantrumming, a la Christian. The referee tells him it was just two, and gets shoved away for his troubles. Dreams is tearing at his hair, not knowing what to do. He paces the ring, when suddenly Zack starts to come to lfie, his hands pounding the mat as HE tries leading the rally...AND HE KIPS UP~! BUT IT HURTS HIS BACK~! His back couldn't even handle a simple kip-up! Dreams uses the opportunity to fire off another YAKUZA KICK~!...AND IT'S CAUGHT~! Zack swings his leg around, then kicks him in the stomach...POP DROP...NO!!!! IT WAS A RODEO DRIVER~! ZACK MALIBU USED A RODEO DRIVER ON SHATTERED DREAMS~!!! Zack reaches over and grabs the leg, hooking it for what feels like the millionth time tonight. ONE!!! TWO!!!! THREE!!!!!!!!! Ding! Ding! Ding! RING ANNOUNCER Ladies and Gentlemen, The WINNER of the Sudden Death Match, and STILL OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion....ZAAAAAAAAAAACK MALLLLLLLLLIBUUUUUUUUU~!! The roof nearly comes off. The ring floods with the OAOAST faces, as Dreams looks up at the lights. Well, he would be if his eyes were open. COACH That was nothing short of amazing. That was a hell of a match, and the one hour we expected gave us everything we expected, plus MORE! These two went at it for nearly 80 MINUTES tonight!!! Indeed, Zack Malibu is spent. Even the best masseuse in town won't cure the soreness and near-paralysis he's endured tonight. Zack is helped out of the ring by Tim Moysey and FOSHI, with Mad Matt and Shooter Jay standing nearby. "Bring Me To Life" starts to play, and as Zack is being helped to the back, he notices something. He notices the fans standing up. They are applauding. Every single one of them. Not just for Zack Malibu, but for the effort of both men. It's a STANDING OVATION~! COACH All right, all right! Look at this crowd, showing it's love for Zack Malibu, and even a semblance of respect for Shattered Dreams! Too bad he's too preoccupied to see it! Dreams is checked on by medics as well, who are checking to see if exhaustion has hurt these guys at all. Zack Malibu is ushered up the side of the ramp, breaking loose for a moment to turn around and raise the belt high for all to see, adding more emotion to the ovation. COACH that's what it's all about, baby! About the heart and soul that that man is made of, and that he puts into that title. Fans, it has been a HELL of a night. On behalf of the OAOAST, for the IZ crew, The HeldDOWN~! roster, and for my partner Michael Cole, this is The Coach. We'll see you next month! WIDE SHOT of the ring as the sold out crowd still remain the the arena, demanding Zack come for a curtin-call...and he does. THE END of LICENSE TO PIN BUT THE OAOAST WILL RETURN IN ANGLESLAM: SCREAMS OF NO REPLY Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big Poppa Popick Report post Posted July 27, 2003 (edited) Dedicated to : My fiancee Jenni, may the world feel sympathy for her impending life of hell with me. For THE MAD CAPPA~!, who has graduated from boot camp and is awaiting assignment. He will be back shortly. For DANGEROUS A, who is getting married August 17th. For JINGUS, who has gotten a job and is living his dream of wrestling right now, the "true" wrestler of the OaOasT And every single unsung hero who dreams of the impossible, the fantastical while wrestling for twenty people in a high school gym. Carry on brothers. Edited July 27, 2003 by Big Poppa Popick Share this post Link to post Share on other sites