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Guest El Satanico

DVD Releases

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Guest Downhome

There's no doubt in my mind a SE of some sort will come out for Phone Booth. The film just screams out SE.


It wont be out for a while though, so if you like the film, just get the DVD. Besides, even the one out now has a commentary at least.

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Guest evenflowDDT
Oh yeah there's no doubts about the popularity of Army of Darkness. I was saying that overall Army of Darkness has a small audience compared to "major releases". Unless Phone Booth has awful DVD sales it should sell more than Army of Darkness would, so it has just as much chance as any movie to get a SE.

You really think so? I'd agree for major releases that were really popular, but IIRC, Phone Booth didn't really pull in that much on its theatrical run. I imagine it as being the sort of film that'd have a bigger audience on video anyway (like, I'll probably rent it now that it's on video), but compared to true "cult films" where their entire popularity revolves around their video release, I think the cult film's sales would at least match, if not surpass on the initial week or so of release as all the devoted fans quickly snatch up their copy. There'd probably be a sharp drop-off whereas a less-popular mainstream film's sales would stay about the same, but for that initial release I'd think the audiences would be around the same.


Or maybe as a cult fan who deals mainly with cult fans in regards with what to purchase/new releases are expected my view on the matter is skewed.

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Guest El Satanico

Yeah I'm not saying a major release on the level of Phone Booth would destroy Army of Darkness in sales. Still unless Phone Booth totally bombs out on DVD sales it will at least be equal with AOD.


I was basically just using AOD as an example of a movie not needing to be a HUGE DVD market to get a SE.

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Guest Downhome

Phone Booth pulled in a very respectable $46,470,711 at the box office. Considering it only cost around 38Mil to market and produce, it made a profit.


A lot of worse films, both in BO total/popularity/quality have recieved a SE and I see no reason to think Phone Booth will not get one eventually.

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Guest evenflowDDT
Yeah I'm not saying a major release on the level of Phone Booth would destroy Army of Darkness in sales. Still unless Phone Booth totally bombs out on DVD sales it will at least be equal with AOD.


I was basically just using AOD as an example of a movie not needing to be a HUGE DVD market to get a SE.

Ahh, OK, I misinterpreted everything you were saying then.


Veering back towards topic here, if you're a fan of a mainstream film, like Phone Booth, and are pretty sure it'll get an SE, why bother buying it now? I'm going to go out on a limb here and say there's been no "must own" movie in the past few years that's so good it requires "immediate purchase". You like a newer film? Rent its initial incarnation, maybe dub it or whatever, but I've started a policy of waiting at least six months before buying any major studio release (which is why I've yet to buy Adaptation or Punch Drunk Love). Fuck double dipping; bastards aren't getting any more of my money than they have to.


But I think I'm just bitter and broke :lol:

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Guest Downhome

I'd rather spend a few bucks right now to get what I want, instead of waiting months and months just because of a few more extra features especially when you aren't 100% sure it'll be coming out.


I have Adaptation, Punch-Drunk Love, and Phone Booth, and if a better version of any of them come out I'll just get some cash for them off of eBay or something and use that to buy the new ones.


In the end, it'll just be like I "rented" the lesser versions of the DVDs.

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Guest Lil Naitch

Can somebody please tell me what Basic was about? Normally you can see what the main plot of a movie is from it's cmercials, but not in Basic's case. And that just drove me nuts.

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Basic is this: A special forces group of the military and their commander disappear into the jungle on what's supposed to be a training mission. A couple of survivors come back telling different stories so Travolta is called in to interrogate one of the survivors to find out what happened.


It's good. It suffers a little bit from too many swerves, but it's still good.

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