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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620

Buff Bagwell is pathetic,

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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620
Buff Bagwell, who had one of the shortest stints with WWE in recent memory, actually has been trying to get rehired by the company. He reportedly called Johnny Ace about returning, but Ace said there was no interest at the present time.


Now that is some funny shit!@

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Guest Showstoppa Icon

i really dislike Bagwell..........but hed be more entertaining than half the shit on Raw. Even if its just bc of him acting liek a jackass

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Guest Dangerous A

Wrong. People like Bagwell are bad for wrestling. Bagwell and Luger think alike. They think it's all about the look and if you happen to have some in ring talent then that's great too, but to them it's all about the look. They are what poisons wrestling for me.

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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620
Wrong. People like Bagwell are bad for wrestling. Bagwell and Luger think alike. They think it's all about the look and if you happen to have some in ring talent then that's great too, but to them it's all about the look. They are what poisons wrestling for me.

I don;t think you and I have seen eye to eye, but you are correct in this case.


That is the whole reason I stopped liking Luger.

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Guest Rob Edwards

Maybe he'd have more success if he got his mother to bug them about rehiring him

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Guest the 1inch punch

Would anyone mind if he was brought in and fed to HHH and Orton?

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Would anyone mind if he was brought in and fed to HHH and Orton?

No, because:


1. He'd fucking throw a fit at being used as a jobber and not go through with it...


2. He's an annoying AND self-absorbed sack of shit who doesn't even deserve to be buried by HHH, let alone the Gimp...

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Guest Space_Cowboy

Well, with the very shoddy state of the WWE's tag division, they could always bring in Bagwell and his Mommy as a team. They can't be that much worse than La Resistance anyway.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Right, cause there's not thousands of guys more worthy for a WWE job. I can almost handle WWE signing a shit wrestler, they do it all the time. But the guy is a major asshole, and they don't need any more of those.

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Guest CronoT
Would anyone mind if he was brought in and fed to HHH and Orton?

Put him on RAW, and feed him to Goldberg. Then, move him to SD!, and feed him to Big Show. Repeatedly do it back and forth, and he'll get the point soon enough.





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Guest Dangerous A
Put him on RAW, and feed him to Goldberg. Then, move him to SD!, and feed him to Big Show. Repeatedly do it back and forth, and he'll get the point soon enough.





Best idea I've heard all day.

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Guest TheGame2705

Thing about Luger though is that he has some talent. Maybe not wrestling talent but in WCW, Luger could get you into the shittiest matches in the world. Lex Luger plays a great hero/face in peril and that's undeniable. Connection to the crowd is very important.

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Guest The ChriZa
Thing about Luger though is that he has some talent. Maybe not wrestling talent but in WCW, Luger could get you into the shittiest matches in the world. Lex Luger plays a great hero/face in peril and that's undeniable. Connection to the crowd is very important.

In the same sense though, Bagwell always had his fanbase. They were just...you know...inbred retards.

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Guest Dangerous A

Luger's connection to the crowd was part of the reason they aborted his babyface run in WWF. For some reason, he was a much better face and heel in WCW. I don't think he bought into the "Real American" and "Narcisist" roles when in WWF and that's why his work there lacked.

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Guest TheGame2705

He had better people to play off of in WCW and had better booking. Who's gonna root for you win your big win and the culmination of Lex Express involves a countout finish? And who's gonna care about a primadonna? Rick Martel was doing it already and doing it better.

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