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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

How the internet ruins wrestling.

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He's right about Lance Storm because the crowd just don't care about him, but Benoit has shown time and time again he can get the crowd in the palm of his hand through just wrestling.


And I've already shot down that last sentence in the paragraph you quoted.


The trend outside WWE right now that is growing in wrestling is a focus more on the wrestling. The only reason WWE isn't following it is because Vince doesn't want to. But that doesn't stop the fact that it's the growing trend outside WWE.


Groups like ROH may not be huge, but they are one of the most popular Indy Feds in the U.S. right now.

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Guest bob_barron
So this leads me to my subject. The internet ruined the wrestling industry because it is so one-sided and jaded. People say that, for example, Chris Beniot should be the champion. Well let me tell you something. If he should be champion, then so should a guy like Lance Storm. Do you want to know the difference between them and Kurt Angle? Kurt Angle has mic skills and wrestling talent. The days of someone just being a "grappler" is dead. Granted Storm and Beniot are both very talented but they are not "championship material" in the WWE today. Why is Triple H still champ? Why is Kevin Nash pushed despite his lack of moves? Because they have the charisma. They know how to market themselves to get the butts in the seats.


First of all Lance Storm is not talented- He's wrong there. Chris Benoit may not be the best promo man but watch the Royal Rumble.


He got a standing ovation- AFTER LOSING THE MATCH. And he had to follow Triple H v. Steiner. I don't think Benoit should be the champion right now- but he should not be wrestling the Basham Brothers and doing PPV jobs to the FBI.


Why is HHH still the champion? Because he has managed to think of a reason to get out of every PPV job and he fucks the bosses dughter.


Also- as AS pointed out- Kevin Nash has never put asses in the seats. And HHH hasn't been doing that either.

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I've given Lance Storm a chance, but even I'm starting to find him overrated. I wouldn't turn the channel on one of his matches, but I know he'll never amount to anything in WWE.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

*bangs head repeatedly against desk*


If I had a dollar for every time I've read something like this, with the author thinking he's a fucking trailblazer............


The HHH/Nash drawing asses in seats comment was so unsubstantiated. I would really like to see how he would back that opinion up. Not with the Judgment Day buyrate (unless a 0.43 is something to be proud of).


The link Eagan provided is off the hook. Yeah, you hate the "IWC" so much but you copy and paste to a newsgroup. :rolleyes:


Ah well, I guess it's something to talk about on a dull Wednesday.


EDIT: Come to think of it, did Mr. Eloquent here even say how the Internet ruined pro wrestling? Or describe how it became 'one-sided' and 'jaded'? The answer to both questions is no, and that is why he wasted his own time and the time of everyone who read the article. Pathetic.

Edited by Mulatto Heat

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

As much as "I wish I were a mark again" makes me giggle, "Watch Amateur Wrestling" busts a gut.


Seriously, anyone who says that has either not seen real pro wrestling or just hasn't seen amateur wrestling - cause the two are worlds apart.

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