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Guest edge007

Mick Foley + House Fire

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Guest edge007

When telling my friend about Mick Foley's house fire, he shared this view/aspect witrh me:


"...quiet convientent isnt it?? Mick is trying to sell the house...he doesnt live in it any more...he's been trying to get rid of it, and then a fire comes along and burns the house to the floor. All Mick is left with is EVERYTHING, a house (in which he currently lives) and a handsome amount in insurance..."


Now I don't believe that Mick could do such a thing, but he does pose a good point. :huh:

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Guest Blue Bacchus

That's the first thing that popped into my mind when I read the story. Who knows if Mick is capable of such an act? :unsure:

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Guest KingOfOldSchool

This couldn't have been said in the other thread?


Besides which, Foley would never do something like this.

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

I don't think he would either, but just for a laugh and to add further fuel to the fire...he DID try to sell a car via e-Bay...

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Guest Memphis
This couldn't have been said in the other thread?


Besides which, Foley would never do something like this.

Right, because you're a personal friend and all and would know better than anyone else would.


Whatever, everyone is capable of anything.


Remember, it's always the one you least suspect.


Metal M

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Guest The ChriZa

Whatever happened with that Ebay car, anyway? Didn't he offer to drive it to your house if you lived in the NY area? Shit, I'd open a vein for that honor. Then I'd trap him and have my very own Dude Love.

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Guest Choken One

^ If Foley is "capable" of such an act...That means No more Foley and WWE once again gets dragged across the mud and it sends wrestlers back down a few more notches...

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Guest mach7
^ If Foley is "capable" of such an act...That means No more Foley and WWE once again gets dragged across the mud and it sends wrestlers back down a few more notches...

Well, boo-hoo for WWE.

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Guest Choken One

wait...Foley was in NYC...How could he fly down to Florida to set the house on fire and get away and not be noticed?

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Guest Plushy Al Logan
^ If Foley is "capable" of such an act...That means No more Foley and WWE once again gets dragged across the mud and it sends wrestlers back down a few more notches...

Foley will be brought back as a Mankind like character who kills faces who don't like his books.

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Guest mach7
wait...Foley was in NYC...How could he fly down to Florida to set the house on fire and get away and not be noticed?

You don't do something like that yourself. As said before, you get some hired goons [hired goons?] to do the deed.

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Guest Choken One

Maybe it's me but if the fire started in the attic...That indicates Electrical Wiring problems...

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Guest mach7
Maybe it's me but if the fire started in the attic...That indicates Electrical Wiring problems...

... or that the hired goons started it in the attic. ;p

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Guest crandamaniac

This is the funniest and most pathetic thread I've read in awhile

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Guest mach7
This is the funniest and most pathetic thread I've read in awhile

I think it's even funnier if Choken thinks it's serious. IF...

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Guest Goodear

I'm guessing that Cynical Profit walked in during the burning and took a bullet for it.

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Maybe it's me but if the fire started in the attic...That indicates Electrical Wiring problems...

... or that the hired goons started it in the attic. ;p



Dude... I haven't laughed like that in a while! Great!

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Guest JaKyL25

They could always use it as part of an angle.



**Raw next week opens with a burning house**


JR: This is J.R., and we're live here on Raw, but what's that King?


King: It looks like a burning house, JR!


JR: I can see that, but why are we seeing thi--Wait a second, that's Mick Foley's house! Foley's house is burning down BY GAWD!


**Pan over to Kane walking down the sidewalk with a can of gasoline**


JR: Wait, is that--It is By Gawd it's KANE! KANE is on a rampage! That inhuman son of a...! What has he done with Mick Foley!

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Guest Coffey

I don't think the Foley had anything to do with it, however one could start a conspiracy theory about it.


Think about it. Foley didn't lose anything in the fire, and most likely will just gain insurance money. Secondly, his new book just came out not too long ago, and this will draw more attention to him. Non wrestling attention...where he could use the free publicity to promote his book. He could've easily hired someone to set the fire for him. You can't tell how a fire was started if you use lighter fluid because it's non-traceable. I learned that from the local fire chief when someone burnt down our garage.

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