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Guest The Hollywood Fashion Plate

The OAO Contract Signing Thread

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Guest The Hollywood Fashion Plate

You know, I just realized how much contract signings have become an important part of the WWE. At least twice a year since 1993 (I think), there have been contract signing ceremonies on TV. As unconventional as this topic might seem, contract signings have become an important part of WWE storytelling. What I'm wondering is how many contract signings can you remember and which ones were the most memorable?


I was at one of the very first contract signings- the SummerSlam 93 contract signing between Lex Luger and Yokozuna held on RAW. I think that was one of the very few that have not ended in a beatdown.

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Guest mach7

Dude, Hogan & Andre for WMIII! I think it was on a Saturday Night's Main Event episode. Andre smashes Hogan's head into the table and then flips it over onto him. Awesome shit for back in the day.

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Dude, Hogan & Andre for WMIII! I think it was on a Saturday Night's Main Event episode. Andre smashes Hogan's head into the table and then flips it over onto him. Awesome shit for back in the day.

Actually, that was for the re-match with the twin referees...and it was at the first Royal Rumble event (the non-PPV one).


I should know...I have it on tape.

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Guest Eagan469

Most genius move ever -


Sting had a woman pose in the audience wanting an autograph from Rick Rude, Rude signed it, and it turned out underneath Rude's photo was a contract saying he'd defend the International title against Sting.


Rude was pissed.

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The best one was when Yoko sat on Bret.

Wasn't that the one where Heenen was thinking that it wasn't that good of a move, as there wouldn't be any title match if Bret was TOO injured?

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Guest ViciousFish

I'm still a big fan of the HHH/Austin signing before their 2/3 falls match in 2001. IT was when they couldn't tough each other after they signed the contract and HHH waited for Austin to sign, kicked the shit outta him and then signed. I hate the guy but he had his moments

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Guest the r-train

It appeared as if HHH had signed before Austin had, so the announcers were all, "HHH is gonna be suspended!" but then it was revealed he had only signed one H.

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