Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted July 10, 2003 OAOAST HeldDOWN~! Before the opening graphics, we see CWM~! hop out of a limousine, a can of Canadian beer in hand. CMW:Yo, camera man...bring that thing up close over here. CWM takes a quick chug of his booze, and looks into the camera. CWM: Tonight is my chance to prove I still have what it takes to compete in the OAOAST. Tonight is my chance to get an oppurtunity to wrestle Zack Malibu for the World Title. Zack I respect the hell out of you but If it's you and me for that Big Gold Belt...well I take no responsibility for what I'll do to you to get MY belt back. And another warning for Popick. One day soon I'll come for my revenge and when I do nothing on heaven or earth will keep me from crushing you like the bug you are. Same with the former Evenflowddt. You picked the wrong side my friend and now you'll have to pay the price. You're either with me or you're against me... and you don't want to be against me. *CWM drops the mic and the segment ends, fading into the opening graphics* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted July 10, 2003 Michael Cole is standing himself? Where's the Coach? ::Jonathan Coachman comes fumbling over to the booth, tucking his polo shirt into his khaki's.:: MC:"Coach, I was just about to welcome everyone to HeldDOWN~!, but I didn't think you doing a striptease was on the agenda." Coach:"Very funny. Damn that Matthews. Do you know he put chocolate laxatives in my chicken parm?" ::Cole stares incrediously at Coach, holding in laughter.:: Coach:"It's not funny! I just gave that little terd a swirlie for it!" ::Michael Cole is crying laughing now.:: Coach:"Can we get on with the show now?" MC:"Yeah, sure...bwahahaha..." We cut to the ring, where Tough Enough alumni turned OAOAST roving reporter Josh Matthews stands, microphone in hand. Luckily, he is not selling the effects of the swirlie. JM:"Ladies and gentlemen, tonight, OAOAST HeldDOWN~! will crown a Number One Contender to the World Championship. Later tonight two men will face off for the right to call themselves the Number One Contender, as well as the chance to challenge for the World Championship, currently held by Zack Malibu, at our next Pay Per View, entitled License To Pin. That match will be determined by the two finalists in our opening bout, which is the Number One Contender Battle Royal!" The crowd pops at the announcement. JM:"The battle royal will consist of 10 men, and will be contested under Royal Rumble rules. Two men start out, with another entering the ring every 60 seconds. The final two men left in the ring will then face off later tonight, and one man will walk away with the trophy and the title shot. So, without further delay...Let's Get Crackin'!" Josh utters his catchphrase, and "Fighter" by Christina Aguilera hits... MC:"Look who #1 is, Coach!" Shattered Dreams and Alix Spezia emerge from the back, neither looking too happy about his seeding in this match. SD's flamboyant actions are combined with a disgusted sneer, as he berates several ringside fans, including one who tried getting touchy-feely with Alix, on the way to the ring. Coach:"Hehe, you can tell that this is not sitting well with Shattered Dreams." MC:"What goes around, comes around. He's had a big mouth, even moreso as of late. Now it's time to back it up." Shattered Dreams and Alix converse in the corner, as Josh Matthews announces entrant number two... JM:"Now introducing entrant number 2..." "Smells Like Teen Spirit" starts to play, and causes a stir amongst the crowd, as CWM~! comes storming out of the back. Shattered Dreams' jaw hits the canvas, and he turns to Alix (now on the outside) and asks what he's done to deserve this. CWM slides into the ring, standing behind Dreams and allowing him to talk with Alix. CWM takes a can out of his pocket... MC:"What's that?" Coach:"If it's what I think it is, then CWM is going to be a bit tougher to handle." CWM pops the top on the can, and starts chugging on his trademark CANADIAN BEER~! behind Dreams' back. When Shattered Dreams turns around, he gets a faceful of alcoholic spray, as CWM CANADIAN MISTS~! him with the beer! With him blinded, CWM quickly tries for a Polly Cutter, but gets shoved away, and Shattered Dreams bails out under the bottom rope. Alix grabs a T-shirt from a ringside fan and starts wiping SD's face off, while CWM continues chugging in the ring. He walks over to the ropes, looking down on Alix and Dreams, and then Mists Alix! She shrieks in disgust, as Dreams slides into the ring, ready for a fight now! CWM and Shattered Dreams go toe to toe in the center of the ring, both men firing off some hard shots in hopes of gaining the advantage. Shattered Dreams hits a knee to CWM's ribs, then whips him to the ropes, only to have it reversed. CWM catches Dreams off the ropes, and throws him up in the air, bringing him down, crotch first, on his knee! With SD stunned, CWM bounces off the ropes and hits a swinging neckbreaker, snapping Dreams' head to the mat. The crowd roars in approval as Dreams rolls over to a corner, while CWM stands tall. Dreams scurries up to his feet in the corner, and as he does, he gets sandwiched by a charging CWM. CWM whips SD to the opposite corner, and Dreams does the Flair Flip, going up and over the corner, landing on the apron! MC:"If he falls off the apron, that's it!" Coach:"Is it wrong to hope his grip slips?" Dreams is holding onto the top rope for leverage, not wanting to fall to the floor. CWM comes running with a clothesline to knock him off the apron, but Dreams ducks, then springboards back in, huracanranaing CWM to the canvas! MC:"Better luck next time, Coach." CWM tries to get up, but Dreams hits a basement dropkick, taking his knee out from under him, as 60 seconds are up, and it's time for the third entrant. "SATAN!" The name of the devil echoes through the arena, as Hex Machina, recently recovered from a beating at the hands of Caboose, charges the ring. CWM is starting to get up from the dropkick, as Hex slides in behind him and bulldogs him to the canvas, slamming his face into the mat. Hex turns to his left and shoots a gaze to Shattered Dreams, who raises his hands in a truce. Dreams points to CWM, and goes to the other side, helping Hex pick him up. Both men tuck their heads under CWM's arms, and lift him, dropping him on the mat with a double back suplex! The crowd boos the two men, as CWM lay prone on the mat, with Hex stomping him a bit for added measure. Coach:"CWM is in a world of hurt right now!" MC:"Who's to say that Shattered Dreams and Hex Machina are going to work well? It's every man for himself, and giving the sneakiness of Dreams or the mental instability of Hex, do you REALLY expect them to align for that long?" Dreams picks up CWM, slapping him across the face in taunting fashion, then shoving him back to the canvas, snickering at him in a demeaning manner. Dreams turns to Hex, who nails him with a scissors kick, catching him flush in the jaw! Coach:"You called it, Michael." MC:"That's why I'm a student of the game." Coach:"Triple H trained you? Man, so it's only a matter of time before you're no selling commentary and contending for the World Title!" Hex picks the shocked Dreams up off the mat, and grabs him around the waist, drilling him into the mat with a sideslam. Hex takes a look at the two fallen bodies around him, when the buzzer sounds, signalling entrant number four. Cue:"Working Man" FOSHI~! MC:"All right!" Coach:"Foshi Numbah One!" That's what the fans are chanting, as Foshi sprints to the ring, sliding under the bottom rope and coming face to face with Hex. Hex nails him with a knife edge chop to the chest, but Foshi barely cringes, then slaps Hex with one of his own. Hex tries one again, and Foshi takes it like a man before slapping Hex with his own chop. They continue to duel, and notice Shattered Dreams getting up, so they BOTH hit a chop on him, leaving two red handprints on his chest! Dreams goes down in a heap, and now their attention is turned to CWM, who is starting to get up. Foshi and Hex each grab a leg and attempt to dump CWM over the top rope! Coach:"The Canadian Badass is going to be the first one out!" MC:"Look at it this least he can resume drinking afterwards." As they are dumping CWM, Shattered Dreams recovers and comes over, and now it's 3 men trying to dump him out. CWM hangs even further over the ropes, trying to hang on... BUZZZZZZZ! MC:"Who is entrant number...what the...?" The lights go out, and after a moment of silence, Audioslave's "Cochise" plays, as the crowd roars. Coach:"It's Caboose! Caboose is number 5!" The lights come back up, and when they do, Caboose is standing in the center of the ring with his cricket bat in hand. Hex Machina is the first to notice this, and turns to his arch-rival, engaging in a tense staredown. Caboose then TOSSES THE CRICKET BAT to Hex, and extends his arms outward, taunting Hex to bring the pain. Coach:"He's NUTS! Hex could find a way to castrate him with that bat!" Hex comes charging in a rage of fury, taking a swing with the bat, but Caboose ducks, and reaches into his coat...PULLING OUT ANOTHER CRICKET BAT! MC:"DUELING BATS~! DUELING BATS~!" Hex and Caboose battle it out like Luke and Darth Vader, only with Cricket Bats as opposed to lightsabers. After a few seconds of back and forth action, Hex takes a Mark McGwire style swing with the bat, but Caboose ducks, and drills him in the ribs! Hex drops his bat and hunches over, and Caboose grabs him by the head, pulling him forward and then flinging him over the top rope and to the floor for our first elimination! ELIMINATED:Hex Machina Coach:"One down!" MC:"Phew. Could you imagine if HEX got the title shot? What a company representative he'd be." Caboose stands by the ropes, looking down at his rival as he picks himself up off the ground. Shattered Dreams breaks away from trying to eliminate CWM and hits an elbow to the back of Caboose's head, and now is trying to dump him out! As he does so, the crowd counts down to the entrance of the newest participant... CUE:"Back Up" It's The Slacker! Shattered Dreams throws Caboose to the mat, and waves on his nemesis, as Slacks hits the ring! He slides in and takes Dreams down with a double leg takedown, then starts raining punches on his face! He picks Dreams up and Irish Whips him to the corner, and Dreams back absorbs all the impact on that shot. Slacker charges, monkey flipping Dreams out of the corner...but Dreams lands on his feet! AND GETS WIPED OUT BY A FOSHI SPIN KICK! Coach:"GOOD NIGHT!" Dreams is laid out, and Slacker picks him up, scoop slam style, trying to dump him over the ropes, but Dreams wriggles free, kicks Slacker in the gut, and DDT's him out of desperation. Foshi has CWM in the corner, pounding on him to wear him out. Foshi steps out of the way,and Caboose comes running with a corner lariat that takes the wind right out of the Nirvana fan. Foshi and Caboose lift CWM up and put him on the top, then signal to each other for a DOUBLE SUPERPLEX~?! They both start to climb up on either side, but CWM fights them off, shoving Foshi down and hammering at Caboose until he falls to the mat. When both men return to try and take him down, CWM grabs them both by their heads, and hits a DOUBLE TORNADO DDT~! Coach:"YO!" MC:"MTV Raps?" Coach:"Har Har." CWM has gotten a burst of energy, and the crowd pops wildly, chanting his initials. He sees Slacker and Dreams facing off near the ropes, and charges, double clotheslining both! CWM is ON FIRE~! CWM picks up Shattered Dreams. Foshi pairs off with Caboose. Slacker is starting to stand up, when the next entrant is introduced... "Miss Independent" by Kelly Clarkson starts up, confusing the crowd. MC:"Hey, catchy beat!" All is revealed when Calvin Szechstein makes his way out, as the song is the Number One Song in America, as brought to you by Casey Kasem. Remember to listen to American Top 40 every week with Casey Kasem...check your local radio listings for airtimes! Calvin comes down to the ring, and enters, hitting Slacker with a high knee just as he was standing up. Calvin holds onto the top rope for leverage, and then starts choking Slacker with his boot, then stomping him once on the chest once he's done. The crowd boos the leader of Totally Endorsed, who basks in the reaction. MC:"Now there's a man who has a good shot at becoming the Number One Contender." Coach:"He's been focused, he's been frustrated. But could you imagine the endorsments T.E. would get with Calvin as World Champion! They'd take us over!" We've got 6 men in the ring, and have only had one elimination so far. Caboose scoops Foshi up and tries dumping him over the ropes, but Foshi locks his legs on the ropes, wrapping his arm around Caboose's head and trying to carry him over the top! Coach:"Which one is gonna go over, Michael?" MC:"I'm not sure, but if you're asking so that you can bet me, you already won my last 20 bucks in the poker game before the show!" Both men teeter near the ropes. Slacker is attempting to fight Calvin off with forearm shots, but Calvin ducks one and uses a hotshot, dropping Slackers neck across the top rope. CWM is in the corner, hammering away on Shattered Dreams, and the crowd counts along with the punches! 1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7! NO! Shattered Dreams shoots his arm up between CWM's legs, nailing him low. SD then tucks his head, and backdrops CWM off of him, right over the top rope! CWM is a goner! ELIMINATED:Cobainwasmurdered Just after CWM hits the floor, the seconds tick down for the next entrant... "Oooh, Oooh, OOOH" The crowd pops huge, as Some Guy comes a-struttin' his way out. Having put on a remarkable performance last week, Some Guy will have another shot at being Number One Contender tonight. Some Guy enters, and pries Calvin away from The Slacker, slamming him to the mat with a snap spinebuster! Foshi comes charging but SG scoops him up and carries him over, smashing him on the canvas with a powerslam! Some Guy spins around, right into his trademark pose, as the fans go nuts for his onslaught! Some Guy stands up, and turns around...right into Caboose! MC:"Oh my..." Coach:"This could get very interesting! These two are allies, and this is the first time they've stood face to face as opponents of any sort!" Some Guy and Caboose stare each other down, neither man blinking once. Suddenly, without warning, they both turn to their left, and see Foshi pulling himself up via the ropes...and hit a double clothesline from behind, sending Foshi tumbling over the top rope and crashing face first to the floor! ELIMINATED:Foshi Coach:"They're pooling their efforts now, but what if it comes down to these two? What a main event we'd have tonight!" MC:"PPV Quality right there." Slacker attacks Caboose from behind, taking him off to one of the corners, while Calvin runs up behind Some Guy and grabs his left leg, trying to lift him up and over the ropes. Some Guy is hanging over the top, but shifts his weight back down, landing back in the ring and then firing an elbow back. Calvin keeps coming, so SG fires off another back elbow, this time driving the leader of Totally Endorsed back a few steps. Calvin rushes at Some Guy, who ducks and grabs Calvin up on his shoulders, dumping him behind his back over the top rope...NO! Calvin lands on the apron, and springboards off the top, hitting a Springboard Bulldog that's brought to you by Red Bull. Red Bull gives you wings! Coach:"Man, someone will be scraping SG's nose off the canvas with a spatula tonight!" MC:"That's...that's graphic, Coach. Thank you for that." Coach:"Anytime." Some Guy lay face down on the mat, and Calvin turns his attention to Caboose, hitting him with a clubbing forearm to the back of the neck. Shattered Dreams comes over, and the duo hits a Double Russian Legsweep on the former World Heavyweight Champion, his head bouncing up off the ring floor. Just as Calvin and Dreams get to their feet, the buzzer sounds, indicating the entrance of number 9... ANGLESAULT! The crowd pops for the ex-aWo leader, as he storms the ring, sliding in and spearing Calvin out of his boots! He stands up, and dodges a haymaker from Dreams, and then drops him with an atomic drop, then rams him headfirst into the top turnbuckle! Once isn't enough for AS, however, and he continues to ram Shattered Dreams' pretty face into the corner a few more times! Dreams staggers backwards, and Slacker scoops Dreams up so that he's sitting on his shoulders. Anglesault sees this and heads to the top, and he comes off with a flying clothesline, smacking Dreams and sending him careening from Slacker's shoulders to the canvas! MC:"A Doomsday The Slacker and Anglesault!?" Coach:"There's an odd couple for you." MC:"Kinda like if you wound up with Crystal?" Coach:"Yeah...HEY!" SD rolls off to the side, as Anglesault and Slacker now start fighting each other. Caboose and Calvin are still brawling, and Some Guy recovers, coming over and helping Caboose wear him down. The two faces play Ping Pong, each hitting Calvin as he staggers in the middle of them. MC:"'s just about time." Coach:"Number 10?" MC:"You know it." CUE:"Kickstart My Heart". MC:"It's the X Champion, K Money!" K Money comes skipping down the aisle, unsnapping his X Title belt and proudly holding it up. Money keeps the belt raised, and continues to gloat, while in the ring both Caboose and Some Guy have Calvin pressed up over their heads... And launch him onto K Money! ELIMINATED:Calvin Szechstein MC:"Totally Endorsed, meet K Money!" Coach:"Endorsed meet Money...there's a pun in there, somewhere." Money gets up and dusts himself off, looking down at the fallen T.E. member. He heads around the ring and leaves his X Title on the timekeepers table, but then stops short. He turns around again, pulling the timekeeper out of his seat by his collar. Money folds the chair up and slides into the ring, first catching Some Guy in the head with it as he turns around! Coach:"He nailed him!" Slacker is next to take a chairshot, then Shattered Dreams. Money approaches Caboose, but Caboose retrieves his cricket bat, and challenges K Money to take a swing. Money scowls, and as he goes for Caboose, Anglesault comes behind him...ANGLE SLAM...NO! Money slips out of it, and tries a chairshot, but AS ducks it, and uses a waistlock takedown to force K Money to the mat. Anglesault waves Caboose over, and they send K Money into the ropes, and backdrop him over, but Money lands on his feet! He grabs AS' head in an inverted facelock, and catches Caboose with a kick as he turns around...REVERSE DDT ON AS AND DDT ON CABOOSE AT THE SAME TIME! MC:"There's one for the highlight reel!" Money kips up, and does a little shuffle to gloat about what he's done, only to turn around and be met by a SOMEKICK~! Some Guy takes K Money, and tosses him over the ropes, however Money hangs on, and SKINS THE CAT~! Some Guy sees this and charges, and K Money ducks down, backdropping Some Guy out and to the floor! ELIMINATED:Some Guy K Money leans over the ropes and gloats, then turns around to see Caboose getting up, his cricket bat in his grasp. Money gulps, and then hops over the ropes to the apron. Coach:"What is he doing?" Caboose comes over, and takes a swing, but Money ducks, and shoulders him through the ropes. Money then comes slingshotting back in over Caboose's back, standing behind him and waving him on. Caboose drops the bat, but as Money begs off, Shattered Dreams jumps up on Caboose's shoulders, and takes him over with an INVERTED HURACANRANA~! MC:"OMG!" Coach:"OMG?" MC:"Oh My God. It's what the kidz say on the net." Coach:"Since when do wrestling personalities support the 'net?" MC:"You see Bradshaw around?" Coach:"True 'dat." The crowd starts a major "Holy Shit" chant, as Money applauds Dreams...then floors him with a Yakuza Kick! Money stands above him, but then gets spun around by the Slacker, and dropped with The Slackoff! Slacker does his trademark shrug, but as he does, is lifted, and tossed onto the canvas with a Release German Suplex by Anglesault! MC:"Man, did you get all that?" Coach:"It looks like a car wreck in the ring!" Anglesault looks down at the bodies around him, and the crowd starts up an "AS" chant. Anglesault reaches down, picking up his old rival K Money, and smacking him with a chop that staggers the X Champion. Money stumbles backwards, losing his balance, but being stalked by Anglesault. AS spins him around, again hitting a chop. Money staggers around by the ropes, which is not a place you want to be in a Battle Royal. Money continues to trip over his own feet, when AS comes across the steel chair in the ring...the same one K Money brought in. Anglesault reaches down and picks it up, and K Money turns to see him holding it up high...AND JUMPS OVER THE ROPES TO THE FLOOR! Eliminated:K Money K Money grabs his X Title and walks away, pointing to his head and then to his title. MC:"He just eliminated himself!" Coach:"He's the X Champion...I guess that's good enough for him?" MC:"I think he's a chickenshit, personally." Coach:"Oooh, the langauge!" So we're down to the final four-Caboose, Anglesault, Shattered Dreams and The Slacker. AS throws the chair over the ropes, and turns to catch a right hand from The Slacker. Slacks tries whipping him into the ropes, but AS holds onto his arm, pulls him in, and hits a release overhead belly to belly suplex, sending Slacker sliding across the ring as he lands. Across the ring, Caboose and Shattered Dreams brawl. Dreams gets sent into the corner, but puts a boot up to catch a charging Caboose. Dreams comes running out of the corner, but Caboose catches him, throwing him up and slamming him down with the Sky High, a la D Lo Brown! MC:"Shades of one of his heroes!" Coach:"And his former World Tag Team Championship partner!" MC:"I see someone has been reading up on OAOAST history." Coach:"Hey, after 6 tacos, you need something to keep you occupied while know." MC:"I know. Please don't go into detail." Coach:"Oh but Michael, there was this BIG..." MC:"STOP!" Coach:"What? The big article on the Sandman/Evenflow feud. They were some sick SOB's, yo." MC:"..." With Slacker and Shattered Dreams each laid out on a side of the ring, Caboose and Anglesault backstep into each other. The two turn around, and we have another staredown, this time between two of the OAOAST's greatest stars. Caboose and Anglesault jawjack for a bit, and then both run the ropes, crashing into each other with shoulderblocks, though neither man really gives. They run the ropes again, and with the same results. Anglesault grabs Caboose and tries to pull him, sending him to the ropes with an Irish Whip, but Caboose counters by pulling AS in and scooping him up...EMERALD FUSION~!...NO! Anglesault slips out, spinning Caboose around...BELLY TO BELLY...NO! Caboose knees AS in the ribs, and then lifts AS up from under his arms...SKY HIGH...NO! AS lands on his feet, and reaches down, picking Caboose up on his shoulders...ANGLE SLAM...NO! Caboose slips out...EMERALD FUSION! NO! Anglesault grabs the top rope to block the move! Caboose has AS up on his shoulders, but 'Sault is doing everything in his power to not get driven into the...SHATTERED DREAMS SHOVES CABOOSE FORWARD...CABOOSE AND ANGLESAULT GO OVER THE TOP ROPE AND TO THE FLOOR! Coach:"Is that it?" MC:"It's over!" Eliminated:Caboose and Anglesault Coach:"Look at who's facing off for the title shot, Michael!" MC:"Oh man, these two hate each other already." Shattered Dreams collapses, as Alix enters the ring to help him up. Slacker picks himself up as well, and leans in the corner. The fans cheer for the victors, knowing that the match they get later on tonight is going to be a killer. Coach:"What a battle royal! Shattered Dreams comes in at Number One, and eliminates 2 of the OAOAST's "originals! Slacker handled himself well against Calvin Szechstein, who we can safely say is his FORMER partner now..." MC:"How about K Money? If he didn't bail, he could be in the ring right now as a winner!" Coach:"K Money already IS a winner! He's the X Champion!" MC:"Well fans, this was a heck of a way to kick off our show, and it looks like we're going to end it with a bang tonight. The Slacker will face off in the main event tonight against Shattered Dreams, with the Number One Contendership hanging in the balance!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted July 10, 2003 We return to heldDown with the "Earlier Today!" logo in the lower left-hand corner. We see Calvin Szechstein walking down a beautifully carpeted hallway. He steps into an office, taking a seat. We can see in front of him a nicely-dressed man sitting in front of a Pepsi logo, and he begins to speak. "Calvin, nice to see you again. Loved the glass tables match?" "That's nice, sir... but why did you ask me here?" "Quite simple, Calvin. You're not performing up to standards. And as a result... we're going to have to pull our sponsorship." "Pull your..." "You are dismissed, Mr. Szechstein." "Thank you.. sir..." The logo disappears and we shift to a shot of inside the Totally Endorsed locker room, where Calvin is leading another TE meeting. "Guys, I have some unfortunate news." "What is it, Cal?" Colvid asks cheerfully. "Well... Pepsi's pulled their sponsorship." The room, already quiet, silences. Colvid murmurs some uninttelligible words, and Candie remains quiet... but Terry Simmons speaks up. "I'm out, Cal." Calvin, who had turned around, wheels back around. "What?" "I'm out, Calvin. I joined this place for money - which we're not getting anymore - and for exposure - which I never got in the first place. It's not worth my while to stay here anymore. So goodbye." Simmons gets up, leaving the room. Calvin watches him go, then turns back to Colvid and Candie. "Looks like we're down to the three of us." "I'm with you til the end, Calvin," Colvid pipes up, and Calvin looks at him gratefully before turning to look at Candie. "You're sticking with us, right?" Candie looks first at Calvin, then at Colvid. She looks very unsure... then makes her decision. "Until I collapse." Colvid lets out a whoop of excitement, and Calvin simply smiles. "Guys... we've got to come up with a plan. Turn that camera off." And just like that, we fade to black. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted July 10, 2003 MC:"Wow! First he loses out in the Battle Royal, and now we find this out?" Coach:"First Slacker has a change of heart, now Simmons heads for the high road. Times are bleak for the stable of Totally Endorsed!" MC:"You said it...and it looks like we won't get to swipe any free Pepsi products backstage anymore." Coach:"Aw damn." MC:"Folks, we take you now backstage to a newcomer who will be in action later tonight...AXEL!" *Screen cuts to Axels dark room where he has dark sunglasses and a leather jacket* Welcome to my world. Brock, you surprised me last week. You surprised me with your guts, you surprised me with your power, and above all else, you surprised me with your incredible stupidity. 'There is no fate but what we make for ourselves.' A quote from a favourite movie of mine Brock. You have made your fate Brock. You chose to attack me. Therefore, you will pay the ultimate sacrifice. I will not only break your body, I will break your soul. Brock, I am challenging you to a match at the Pay Per View. You and me Brock, my first Pay Per View match, and it will be your Judgment Day. Brock, tonight, in the Tag Match, and at the Pay Per View, I will make you feel the Pain, taste thre Pain, and when its all said and done, and when you are defeated, I would have made you like the damn pain. *Axel rolls his eyes back as the screen fades* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted July 10, 2003 (We return from our commercial break, as the camera cuts over to Michael Cole and Coach~!) Michael: Welcome back to OAOAST HELDDOWN! Coach: What a show! And next, we have action between four people who HATE each other! Michael: That's right, Coach. Up next, we have the team of Crystal, and the debuting Axel, taking on The Undefeated in Singles Action here in the OAOAST, "The Current Big Thing" Brock Ausstin, AND his agent, Jim Heyross! Coach: At the Great Angle Bash, Brock defeated Crystal, with the help of a F-Stunner-5 and a certain steel ring post, but after the match, Brock attacked Crystal, trying to further injure her shoulder that he had spent the night destroying, with a chair. When through the crowd, ran in Axel, giving Brock a steel chair shot, and sending him packing! Now tonight, Axel makes his debut, alongside Crystal, as they get revenge on Brock and Heyross! Michael: A lot is unknown about this match. We don't know how Axel wrestles, and we don't know why kind of mood Brock is in, the shape Crystal is in, AND HOW WILL HEYROSS FACTOR INTO THIS MATCH? Coach: We are going to find out soon enough... (The camera cuts to the entranceway, as "Sad But True" by Metallica begins to start up....) Michael: New music for Brock? Coach: I guess so... (Before the lyrics pick up, Jim Heyross makes his way out from the entrance way, wearing a black Brock Ausstin "Next Victim" T-Shirt, and some work out pants, with his usual New York Yankee's baseball cap on. Heyross has a nervous look on his face, as he turns around, and waits for Brock to make his way out...) HEY (HEY) I'M YOUR LIFE I'M THE ONE WHO TAKES YOU THERE HEY (HEY) I'M YOUR LIFE I'M THE ONE WHO CARES THEY (THEY) THEY BETRAY I'M YOUR ONLY TRUE FRIEND NOW THEY (THEY) THEY'LL BETRAY I'M FOREVER THERE I'M YOUR DREAM, MAKE YOU REAL I'M YOUR EYES WHEN YOU MUST STEAL I'M YOUR PAIN WHEN YOU CAN'T FEEL SAD BUT TRUE (Brock begins to make his way out, looking as focused as ever. Brock stands at the top of the stage, and starts his HAPPY HAPPY HIPPO~! dance. Brock makes his way down the ramp, with Heyross looking at the ring, scared of whats going to happen...when from out of nowhere, Axel and Crystal jump Brock from behind! Both of them, weilding steel chairs, crack shot after shot across Brock's back, laying him out in the entrance way. Heyross continues his way down towards the ring, not knowing of the attack on Brock!) Coach: YES! GET HIM CRYSTAL! Michael: Crystal and Axel are taking the big man down, leaving Heyross all alone! (Heyross stops at the ring, and waits for Brock to do his usual leap onto the apron and HAPPY HAPPY HIPPO~! dance, but after a while, Brock is still down from the attack. Heyross turns, expecting Brock, but is met face to face with Axel! Heyross lets out a loud, girly scream, and turns and throws himself into the ring.) Coach: Teach that fat bastard a lesson! Michael: That is a horrible thing to say.....But I don't like Heyross either! Kick his ass! (Heyross tries to get to his feet, but falls flat on his face, as Axel slides into the ring after him. Heyross tries to crawl away, but Axel quickly steps in front of him. Heyross looks up, and begins begging for his life, but Axel won't hear any of it, and grabs Heyross by the hair. Heyross gets pulled up to his feet, but in an act of desperation, pushes Axel's arms off him. Heyross turns and begins to run away.... AND IS MET WITH A SPEAR BY CRYSTAL THAT KNOCKS ALL THE OXYGEN OUT OF HIS FAT, TUBBY, BODY!) Coach: Crystal is getting some revenge from The Great Angle Bash! (Crystal gets to her feet, and begins jumping up and down, getting the crowd into her excitment. Heyross lays on the mat, near death, as Axel walks over to him, and lifts him to his feet. Axel grabs Heyross from behind, and lifts him onto his shoulders, in a reverse Death Valley Driver position. Axel tosses Heyross backwards, and drops down, driving Heyross face first into the mat with an Axel Slam! Heyross starts shaking, as if going into acoma, as Crystal turns him around, and sits on his chest, getting the easy cover!) ONE! TWO! THREE! (The referee signals for the bell, as Crystal gets off Heyross, and her and Axel begin celebrating. Heyross lies on the mat, dead to the world, as the fans rejoice.) Coach: JIM HEYROSS IS DEAD! Michael: I think he might be! (The camera goes to cut towards Brock in the entrance way, but shows officials helping Brock up, and carrying him to the back.) Michael: I think Brock might be hurt. This is coming at a horrible time, and hopefully, it's not serious. Coach: Who cares? Brock is a dick, and Heyross is an even bigger dick! Crystal and Axel beat the crap out of him! Thank the good lord for the sweet, sweet thing we like to call Revenge! ("I'm Just a Girl" starts up, and Axel and Crystal begin posing some more over the near dead body of Jim Heyross, before stepping through the ropes and making their way to the back. Also in the back... Josh Matthews is in the back with his microphone awaiting the arrival of someone. He looks like he sees who he's looking for, and ANGLESAULT steps onto the screen. Josh: AS! AS! Can you explain your actions from last... Anglesault: Look...(AS has no idea what Josh's name is) guy, you'll get to find out when everyone else does. Now just point me in the direction of Moysey's office. (Matthews points and AS starts to head in said direction, as we cut to commercia break.) 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Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted July 11, 2003 Cut to the back, where Crystal is walking down a hallway with her 24/7 title held in her right hand. Passing a door on her left, Stephen Joseph walks out of a un-marked locker-room. He turns around, noticing he's been brushed by. SJ: Well, if it ain't a damn prideful jezebel... Crystal: And if it isn't the man no one wants around? What? Problem? SJ: No, not of my own. It's just really sad when the only thing you've got going for you is your looks, which your whore out, and your title, which you greed for in your sleep. Oh please, DON't look at me like that, you know the reason why you got the title was to get attention. Crystal: And you're not seeking attention? SJ: Never said that...Nope. I'm at least honest about it. Face it, you had to steal that piece of tin in the first place. Get over yourself, hussy, you're lucky to be walking these halls. By the way, exactly HOW many times did you whore yourself to the grand marshall of these parts to get a job...I can see, it wasn't about any talent in the ring. Crystal: EXCUSE ME? You self-righteous son-of-a-BITCH! I didn't sleep with anyone, and if you got a problem with an empowered woman contradicting the docile female we're supposed to be according to what perversion of a god you worship...Puhlease SJ: Woman, stop. Look, remember what I said about talent in the ring? That's my main beef. Wrestling is wrestling in a ring, not some backstage hallway. Crystal: That a challenge? SJ: Not for me. Crystal: You know ::slams down the belt:: I'm sick of your pathetic bullshit. Superior, better? ZACK beat you honey, and if you think you're the type of man who'd want to hold down a lady, then another thing is coming little man. I ain't afraid of you, your crippling ways, your blinded faith. You're such a hollow man its no wonder no one sticks around you forever. Face it, you've got a massive chip on your shoulder, and its all because we didnt SUCK UP to you enough... SJ: And you know all about sucking... Crystal: NO you just didnt! ::Crystal charges at Stephen Joseph, but Tim Moysey and HD~! Security are on the scene quickly.:: TM:"Hey, hey...BREAK IT UP! Typical of you, Joseph, to pick on somebody who just had a hell of a match." Crystal:"It's OK, Tim. I could still kick his preaching ASS." SJ:"Oooh, curse words? You're a tough lil' hussy, eh?" Crystal:"Why..." TM:"Enough. Crystal, you sure about this?" Crystal:"Damn right." TM:"Take it to the ring. Now. 24/7 Title. Go!" Coach:"What!? But she...and he..." MC:"Hey, she said she's good to go, Coach!" CUE: I’m Just A Girl Announcer: “Making her way to the ring, weighing in at 128 pounds, from Coquitlam, British Columbia, the 24/7 champion, CRYSTAL.” ::Crystal emerges from the smoke and red probe lights, in her trench coat and sunglasses and her title slung over her shoulders. She looks out at the crowd and smiles, hurrying her way to the ring. After posing to the crowd, she looks focused, waiting for Stephen Joseph Popick.:: CUE: Come to Me Announcer: “And the challenger, from Atlanta GA, weighing in at 225 pounds, Stephen Joseph Popick!” ::Popick steps out of the water fall of fireworks, emotionless. No one can really see the emotion in his eyes, since his sunglasses covered them. He enters the ring, and poses on the ropes in a crucifix style. He turns and stares at Crystal intensly.:: Coach: “I don’t think this match is a very good idea…” Cole: “Crystal has to be considered the underdog here. To top it all off, she’s already been in a match earlier this evening.” DING! DING! DING! ::Crystal and Popick circle around each other, then lock up. Popick goes behind for a waist lock, and Crystal reverses and has Popick in a waist lock. SJP gets out of it and applies a wrist lock, which Crystal flips out of. She puts Stephen in a headlock, and he pushes her off towards the ropes. He knocks her down with a shoulderblock and runs to the ropes. Crystal moves and Popick runs over her and whips back. He tries a clothesline, but Crystal ducks, and delivers a drop kick. Stunned, Popick gets up quickly and charges, but Crystal toe drops him. He gets up again, and Crystal hits the clothesline!:: Coach: “Wow, Crystal’s really on fire now!” ::Crystal goes to pick up Popick, but he kicks her in the gut. He goes to whip her to the corner, but she reverses. She goes on the second rope in the corner and starts punching:: Crowd: 1! 2! 3! 4! 5! ::Popick shoves her off after five. But she’s relentless, and comes at him with a clothesline. He ducks and Crystal goes on the second rope and goes for the crossbody. Popick catches her and gives her a powerslam. Popick goes for the cover:: 1! 2! Kickout! ::Crystal gets to her feet and Popick charges at her. Crystal ducks and plants her boot in his stomach. She runs to the ropes, but Popick catches her a hit a thunderous belly-to-belly suplex. 1! 2! Kickout! ::Popick picks her up and throws her out of the ring, but Crystal lands on the apron. Popick turns around and is met with a shoulder in the gut. Crystal goes for a sunset flip pin attempt. 1! 2! Kickout! ::Both get up at the same time. They trade punches, which isn’t really the style of either competitor. Both brawl the outside. There, Crystal hits a spinning heel kick, knocking SJP down. She goes on the apron, springboards off the second rope, and hits a moonsault!:: Cole: “Nice move by Crystal!” ::Both competitors take their time getting up and Crystal is limping, having hit her right knee on the guardrail on the way down. Ever the opertunist, Popick whips her to the steps, knee first. He picks her up and rolls her back to the ring. Popick kicks her right knee a couple of times, and rams it into the mat too with Crystal screaming in pain. Crystal trys to get up, but she’s struggling, using the corner as an aid. SJP clips her though. He goes to the outside and takes Crystals right knee and harshly wraps it around the ring post. He does this again and again. Popick then applies a figure four leglock, on the post. SJH screams for Crystal to give up, who is yelling in pain now. But Crystal refuses.:: Coach: “I don’t think this is even about the title. He just wants to inflict pain.” ::Finally, Popick lets go of the painful submission move. He goes towards the ring announcer, and shoves him off his chair. He then snaps in shut:: Coach: “Wait a minute! He can’t do that!” Cole: “Well, there isn’t really any disqualification in 24/7 title matches, so he can.” ::Popick stalks Crystal, how is still at the corner. He hits her right knee with the chair with a satisfied sneer at her painful screams. He does it twice more before rolling into the ring, with the chair still at hand. He drags her into the middle of the ring, smiling sadistically. He hits her with the chair at her face as Crystal attempts to get up. Stephen grabs the hair of the know bloody and struggling Crystal, yelling obscenities at her. He rams the chair into her knee a couple of more times. HE then pauses, and smiles bigger:: Cole: “Oh no, what is Stephen going to do now?” ::Popick takes the chair and wraps it around her knee. He then heads the corner, climbing the ropes.:: Coach: “Oh god, he’s going to Pillmanize her knee!” Cole: “No Popick don’t do it!” ::Popick is about to to jump when…Sexy Boy hits? Some Guy is here! He rushes walks down the ramp, staring down Popick. Popick, who has since got off the rope, stares at him right back. Both exchange words, and Some Guy gets closer to the ring. Popick is daring Some Guy to get in when Crystal rolls up Popick from out of nowhere! 1! 2! 3! Crystal wins! ::Crystal rolls out of the ring to avoid a post-match beatdown from Popick, who is furious that he just lost to Crystal. Some Guy helps her stand and continues to stare down Popick, with a satisfied smirk on his face. The cameras close in on SG, and then the screen fades to black.:: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted July 11, 2003 MC:"So Coach, you must be happy. More Crystal than you'd bargained for, AND she's still got her 24/7 title." Coach:"Coachy Likey!" MC:"Oh God, Choko's infectious..." The lights turn off, causing the Fans to buzz in anticipation... "THE SHOWSTOPPER!" CUE: "Kickstart My Heart" by Motley Crue. The fans rise to their feet, their ovation nearly blowing the roof off the arena. The normal entrance is spared tonight; this time the lights just turn back on when the singer starts to sing. The lights suddenly reveal K-Money standing at the top of the ramp, his back to the fans. Money slowly juts his right arm out, his hand clutching a Singapore Cane. He slowly sticks out his left hand, which holds the OAOAST X Title. COACH Whoo! K-Money! COLE I must applaud this young man...he fought one helluva battle at Great Angle Bash against his brother Ragdoll. Ragdoll, sadly, is still feeling the effects of that match...we got word earlier tonight that he suffered to broken ribs from that...sick...powerbomb...let's take another look at it... (Scene switches to a still of Ragdoll pushing K-Money off of the ring holding the title belt before it plays in normal motion) COLE V.O., don't watch...just listen... (The scene plays, and the viewers are shown Ragdoll getting a twenty foot Super Powerbomb. A slight crack is heard, but is drowned out by the fans moans and cheers. Ragdoll rolls out of the ring into the arms of Melanie) COACH V.O. Can we see it from that cool overhead shot? (Coach's request is granted, and we see Money powerbomb Ragdoll from the title ring to the wrestling ring. The cool shot ends as we switch back to K-Money and Josie, who are standing in the middle of the ring. Josie still wears the "I Fuck The X Champion" shirt, but this time wears a green school girl skirt. K-Money wears a purple velvet jacket and black "Beware the Blackout" shirt, as well as normal jeans and Emerica Kirchart 2's [buy them!]. He has a mic) COACH Stay quiet, Cole...I want to hear him talk... K-MONEY Before I begi... (Money is cut off by the roar of the fans, who are now chanting "MO-NEY! MO-NEY! MO-NEY!" Money looks around slowly and smiles slightly) K-MONEY Oh, I get it...I have to nearly kill myself before I get the respect of you fucks? Is that it? (The fans start cheering louder, causing Money to shake his head) K-MONEY ...And I bet you all respect the hell out of Ragdoll for beating me for the NWA/UPW/Zero-One Jr. Heavyweight Title, huh? (The fans cheers now grow deafening. A sign showing a picture of a ragdoll is shown. It reads "RAGDOLL-NEW CHAMP!" The fan starts hopping up and down like an idiot, which means its time to go back to K-Money) K-MONEY people are impossible to please, you know that? While guys like Shooter Jay Darring of IntenseZone... (Fans boo) K-MONEY Yeah, I know...IZ sucks...but while guys like him are getting no fucking respect, people with Sandman...are getting cheered...why? What the hell is the matter with you people? Can't you recognize great wrestling when you see it?! (Fans start to boo Money as he makes fun of them) K-MONEY Go ahead and boo, you idiots! You all know it's the truth! The Truth isn't just a wrestler in NWATNA, you know! (Fans boo louder now) K-MONEY ...Anyway...Josie, could you please tell the people what's happening here? (Josie nods and smiles as she takes the mic. The fans cut her off by chanting...) FANS SLUT! SLUT! SLUT! (Money looks around with an angry look on his face before taking the mic back) K-MONEY Who the fuck do you people think you are?! I swear to god, you fans are the biggest bunch of assholes in the world! Right here in the front row, we got a mom who probably teaches her daughter to suck dick! (Money moves over to the ropes and points at a pretty hot woman. She laughs it off) K-MONEY Yeah...keep's a joke for you: "You're not a whore!" HA HA HA HA HA! over here next to the Tool Brigade... COLE Is he talking about us? COACH No, just you... K-MONEY We got a guy who probably beats his wife like an egg! (The man becomes enraged and has to be held back by security as the fans chant...) FANS HE'S NO AUS-TIN! *clap clap clapclapclap* HE'S NO AUS-TIN! *clap clap clapclapclap* K-MONEY On this side, we have this fat fuck who probably sits at his computer all day long reviewing wrestling tapes and sounding like a complete ASSHOLE! (Money points to Scott Keith) K-MONEY And right over HERE... (Money points to the back) K-MONEY We have got the BIGGEST LOAD OF BULLSHIT WRESTLERS I HAVE EVER SEEN! We got who? Foshi?! Slacker?! CWM?! ANGLESAULT?!!? ZACK FUCKING MALIBU?!?! YOU FUCKING IDIOTS WONDER WHY I DON'T CARE, IT'S BECAUSE I HAVE NO COMPETITION! RAGDOLL JUST GOT LUCKY! MALIBU JUST GOT LUCKY! ANGLESAULT JUST GOT LUCKY! NOBODY CAN FUCKING BEAT ME CLEAN! NOBOD... (The lights dim again, causing the fans to erupt again. "BEWARE THE FUCKING BLACKOUT!" CUE: "Voodoo Child" by Stevie Ray Vaughn. The fans erupt as the lights flash back on as the heavy guitar starts. The cheers grow louder as we see Ragdoll suddenly limp out from the back, a Singapore Cane in his left hand and the NWA/UPW/Zero-One Jr. Heavyweight Title Belt in his right. Melanie follows right behind him, her shirt reading "I'm fucking the 3 Fed Champ." The back reads "It's just too BIG to fit in FRONT." She wears tight black leather pants and big aviator sunglasses. Her jet black hair is pulled back in a pony tail. Ragdoll wears exactly what he wore two days ago. They both climb into the ring, and Ragdoll gets in Money's face. The fans erupt, a "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" chant starting up. Ragdoll slowly takes the mic from Money and pushes him away slowly) COACH Wait... COLE Are we actually going to hear Ragdoll speak? (Ragdoll glares at Money before raising the mic...and handing it to Melanie. She takes it and stares at Josie before turning her attention to Money) MELANIE Who do you think YOU are, Ken? Every fucking week, Rags and I sit in the back and watch you and Blanch the Barnyard Slut over there... (Josie's mouth goes wide, then quickly shuts it before any jokes can be made) MELANIE ...come out here and blame the fans for all the bad things that happened to you. What happened, huh? Did you "lose your smile?" Well, I, for one, am SICK of hearing you bitch! "The fans turned on me...WAHHH! No-one respects me...MAMA HOLD ME! Just SHUT UP ALREADY! (the fans erupt as Money grips his Singapore Cane tightly. Melanie sees this and moves in closer) MELANIE You want people to respect you? Fucking EARN it! Ragdoll earned these people's respect! I can't even begin to count the number of times people ran up to us at the airport saying "Dude, are the man...You're my favorite of all're insane!" HE EARNED THEIR RESPECT! HE DOESN'T CARE! Jesus christ, you fuckwad...just be HAPPY for your little brother! He's had THREE singles matches in the OAOAST and he ALREADY holds a title belt! He didn't beat you clean? I do believe YOU said that the first fall was Hardcore...He beat you clean, you ass! (Money never takes his eyes off of Ragdoll as Melanie speaks. Ragdoll rests in the far corner from Money, his eyes never leaving his brothers) MELANIE What the hell, Ken? You guys are Black Label! The Best Tag Team in the OAOAST! You beat Zack Malibu and damn near crippled Mad Matt! You guys are incredible! Don't let your jealousy for your brother being a phenom split you two go over there and shake hands. (Melanie slowly steps out of the way as Money walks towards Ragdoll, who advances as well. The fans watch in anticipation for the imminent fight. Seconds pass like hours before...K-Money extends his hand! Ragdoll grins as he takes the handshake. The two shake awkwardly as the camera gets right beside them. We hear Money talk softly) K-MONEY License to and me...Title versus Career... (Ragdoll smiles wide before nodding) K-MONEY Good...see you then... (Money slowly breaks the handshake and climbs out of the ring, Josie following close behind. Ragdoll smiles sadly at Melanie as a tear forms in his eye) COACH Title COLE One of these men are retiring at License to god... (FADE TO BLACK) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted July 11, 2003 Coach:"Wow...first Simmons bails on Totally Endorsed and on HeldDOWN~!, now either Ragdoll or K Money is going to retire?" MC:"This has shaped up to be quite a night, and we're only halfway through it!" Coach:"Well, speaking of Ragdoll, there's a man who's dying to get his hands on him, so retirement might be a blessing for that sucka...let's take you now to Mad Matt." *Footage is shown of Ragdoll hitting the Devil Doll on Mad Matt. Mad Matt falling to the canvas is showed in slow motion. We then see Mad Matt getting beat up after the match and leaving the arena in the Ambulance* Mad Matt:The doctor's say I could never return. *Footage of Mad Matt coming down to the ring* Mad Matt:The doctor's can't control what I do. *Footage of Mad Matt hitting a split legged moonsault plancha to the outside onto Ragdoll* Mad Matt:Next week I return. I will be in the arena for the first time since nearly getting my career cut short. *Footage of Mad Matt standing in the ring* Mad Matt:Next week I will be live at HeldDown. The screen goes black with the letters M-A-D M-A-T-T appears on the screen. Mad Matt:Next week Ragdoll your time is up. In seven days I will be starting my campaign for revenge on you. Footage of Mad Matt getting loaded into the Ambulance is shown one more time. Mad Matt:Watch where you tread. Your time is up in seven days. Seven days. Beware of the shadows of Madness, they move when you are not looking. A graphic is shown:Next week Mad Matt will be live at the arena for HeldDown. MC:"Talk about focus! I look forward to Matt coming back here, and..." The camera focuses on Tim Moysey's office. Suddenly, AS exits, smiles and walks towards the ring. MC:"What's he doing?" Coach:"I think he's headed out here!" CUE: DREAM ON (The crowd ERUPTS in a loud...reaction. Far too many fans are weary of AS and don't understand his actions, so they still boo. The pyro shoots off and all that jazz. You know the deal by now.) ANGLESAULT Ya know, all week, all people have been asking me is "Why?" Why would I, a proven and admitted fuckhead, go out of my way to save Treble Cleft and Some Guy? And really, that is a valid question. COACH Damn right! (Anglesault looks over at Coachman) ANGLESAULT Shut up. (Big pop, because even though they can't here what Coachman said, they know it was stupid.) But really, I'm a man who bases myself on respect. You want my respect, you better fucking earn it. And Some Guy earned it. He went out there, and brought me further than even I thought I could go. He went through Hell just to prove that he could beat me and be a big time player. (Pop 'n' Stuff) And on top of that, he took world champion Zack Malibu (pop) to his limits. This is a man who has earned EVERYONE IN THIS BUILDING'S RESPECT. (Big Pop) But then for a WORM like Stephen Joseph, who has, despite opportunity after opportunity, amounted to exactly jack and shit, to come out and ruin the moment and attack him, I felt that pshyo-religious fuckjob needed me to do unto him as he has done unto others. (Pop) Popick, you want to start a Holy War and destroy my sin? Well, You just ran into a fucking Crusade, buddy! (Pop) I hope you've enjoyed heaven, Steve. Because I WILL take you straight to hell. (DREAM ON, and AS leaves) MC:"Well, we waited a week, but finally got our answer!" Coach:"Can you believe it, Michael? 'Sault is getting CHEERED?" MC:"Anything is possible!" Coach:"Uh, Michael? That was WWE's slogan. Come up with something new." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted July 11, 2003 (Open on Michael Cole and DA COACH~!, who are both looking at the camera gravely) MC Well fans, we recently received a tape of a newscast from Charleston, South Carolina, where the OAOAST's own SPIDERPOET was being hospitalized. We warn you that, for you Poet fans, the news may be hard to take. Have a look . . . [OPEN ON A FEMALE NEWS REPORTER STANDING NEXT TO POET'S DOCTOR FROM IZ, with the "WCSC, CHANNEL 5" Logo in the corner of the screen] REPORTER I'm Mandy Clark, here with Doctor Thomas Watson. Local and national wrestling hero Peter "SpiderPoet" Cone was being hospitalized here due to injuries sustained in one of the most brutal matches of all time. This morning, doctors entered his room to a shocking discovery. [Clark turns to the doctor and holds the Mic to him] WATSON Uh, we entered Mister Cone's room around 6 AM to administer his morning dose of pain medicines to find his bed empty, his IV's strewn about, and blood all in his sheets. He hasn't been found anywhere in the Hospital, nor in the surrounding areas. CLARK Police are currently on the hunt for Cone. Why is it such an important case, doctor? WATSON We believe that Mister Cone is suffering from delusional episodes. He could, indeed, be very dangerous to the public at large were he to have another of these episodes, going on about Goblins, God, and so forth. If someone has abducted him, it is also critical to find him to continue dealing with his various injuries, and to find the kidnapper. CLARK And if you find him? WATSON We'll be placing him in a mental institution to finish his medication and healing from his injuries. If he was abducted, we will be pressing charges against whomever violated our security. CLARK For further information on who to contact if you run across Peter Cone . . . [Cut back to Cole and Coach] MC You know, Coach, something doesn't seem right about this at all. COACH Agreed, Michael. The closer we get to LTP, the more personal all of this is going to get. DARKNESS! The lights return, and Goblin stands in the ring, cloaked and half-hooded. A dazed Widow stands at his side, and he holds a mic to his mouth. "My, my. A missing Poet and a match signed. What ever will we do? Don't worry, all. The kind of match I have in mind, he doesn't even need to show up for." The lights go out again, and we fade out to a horrible, horrible laugh . . . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted July 11, 2003 We return to HeldDOWN~! Coach is sitting at the table, sucking his thumb. MC:(turned to Coach)"Will you STOP THAT?" Coach:"Man...that Goblin stuff gives me the heebiejeebies. Can we start a petition to get that guy locked up?" MC:"Eh, we can try. Hell, if one of those things got the Blue Meanie his job back once, anything is possible." Coach:" what's next on the format?" MC:"Caboose." Coach:"OK. I can handle that. I'm cool." ::Somewhere in the confines of the arena Caboose sits in a drak room... Caboose: I'm a hypocrite. Caboose pauses to gather his toughts. Caboose: No, I'm worse than a hypocrite. I'm all talk and know walk. I came back vowing to destroy Stehen Joseph and yet three months later, here I am being manipulated by Hex Machina. I came to destory Joseph and instead I've had a never ending stream of opponents. I haven't come any where near Joseph since I came back. Yet all I can think about is crushing his face in my hands. I was supposed to be the intimidator, but instead Joseph is in my head. But not only is Joseph in my head, Hex is in my head. Worse still, Hex is bringing something out of me. Hex is bringing out the worst in me. The part I wanted to save for Joseph. If Machina can bring this out of me, have I lost control? Have I become the weak and desperate I once so easily defeated. Who Am I? What Have I become...? Caboose looks into his hands and a strange smile comes across his face. Caboose: I am Caboose. I am Hex's slayer. I am Joseph's destiny...:: The cameras close in on the legend, surrounded by darkness. Suddenly the picture starts to get darker...darker...and fades out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted July 11, 2003 COLE Next up we have a match between The Dream Machines and Toy Machine! COACH It's a battle of the machines! Just like the new movie T3!! COLE Riiiiight...did you join Totally Endorsed and not tell me?? COACH Hey, what can I say? I am a big fan of Ah-nuld! (Flexes his muscles...or lack there of) COLE Let send it to the ring announcer for our introductions. RING ANNOUNCER This next match is scheduled for one fall... CUE: California Love RING ANNOUNCER Coming to the ring...accompanied by Eddy a combined weight of 465 pounds...THE DREAM MACHINES!!!!!! (Headlights appear in the entryway as the El Camino pulls onto the stage and bounces a little for the crowd. The fans are on their feet and dancing to the music as all three men pile out of the car. Parka and PK slide into the ring while Eddy takes his spot at ringside. Parka and PK then pose on the turnbuckles for the fans as the music dies out.) COLE The Dream Machines took this match as a warm up for their match this saturday against Featured Attraction for the Number One Contendership to the Tag Team titles. COACH This will be more than a warm up though! Remember the match that Parka and Zero had a couple of weeks ago? (The lights go out and the fans can be heard cheering and screaming and someone even yells out, "No I will not make out with you!" When the lights come back on Toy Machine are in the ring, which causes Eddy to jump back and grasp at his chest as if he were having a heart attack.) COACH This is the big one! I'm comin' to see you Margret!! (Clutches at his chest) COLE Stop that! Both teams talk over strategy in their respective corners for a few seconds. *DING DING DING* Parka and Zero start off the match as they shake hands and then circle each other for a second or two before locking up. Zero shoves Parka hard into the corner and motions for him to bring it on. The two men lock up again and this time Parka goes for an Arm Wringer. He then turns it into a Hammerlock and trips Zero up, driving him to the mat. Parka holds on to the Hammerlock and begins dropping knee shots onto his arm. Zero presses himself off the mat and makes it to the ropes for a break. Parka lets go and waits for him to stand. Zero gets up and shakes his arm to get feeling back. The two men lock up again and Parka goes for a whip, but Zero doesn't budge. Instead of reversing, Zero pulls Parka back into a Short Arm Clothesline! Zero draws back his arm in pain as it was the arm Parka had worked on. After the slight hesitation he goes for a cover. One...No!!! COLE Parka is going to have a tough time with this monster! COACH There you go talking about monsters again...I don't like that! Zero walks over and tags in Rando who Slingshots into the ring for a pop from the crowd. Rando catches Parka getting up and whips him to the ropes. As Parka comes off Rando hits a Dropkick that sends him back down. A quick cover barely gets Two! Rando pulls Parka to his feet and fires off a couple of chops that get a "whooo" from the crowd. He whips Parka to the ropes again and hits a Drop Toe Hold. Quickly he bounces off the ropes and hits an Elbow Drop. Another cover gets only Two! COLE Still only a two count! Rando walks to his corner and tags Zero back into the match. PK begins to pound on the turnbuckle to get Parka back into the match. Zero grabs Parka and goes for a Press Slam, but Parka slips out and falls behind him. He then pushes Zero forward into the ropes and hits a Forearm Shot to the small of the back. Again Parka shoves him to the ropes and hits another Forearm Shot to the back. Parka then grabs him and hits a Backbreaker! Instead of dropping him to the mat, he stands him up and then grabs him for a Backdrop Suplex! Cover. One...Two...No!! COLE Parka's working on his back now! COACH Back now?? Did we go to a break? COLE No! Haven't you been paying attention? COACH I was scared from all that monster talk again. Parka pulls Zero to his feet and tags in PK. Parka then picks Zero up in a bear hug position and waits as PK bounces off the ropes and hits the Awakening! Cover. One...Two...No!! PK then picks Zero up and grabs a Front Facelock, but Zero punches his way out and hits a big Lariat that takes PK down! Zero holds his lower back as he goes for a tag, but PK grabs him by the leg. Zero hops around on one leg before going for an Enziguri, but PK ducks it and Zero lands face first. COLE Wow! Zero attempted an Enziguri, which is amazing for a man his height! COACH Don't say it...he's a monster? PK, still holding Zero's leg, drops an Elbow Drop to his thigh. He stands up and hits another Elbow drop to the leg. PK then drags Zero to the corner and slides to the outside. While outside PK grabs Zero's leg and slams it into the ring post a few times! The ref yells at PK to get back inside the ring so he slides back in. PK drags him near his corner and tags Parka back in. Parka hits a Slingshot Senton onto Zero's leg causing him to yell out in pain. COLE My God! They're taking him apart piece by piece! Parka puts Zero's foot on the bottom rope, leaps up, and comes crashing down on his leg. He does this a couple of more times before tagging PK back in. PK waits for him to stand and then takes him back down with a Chop Block! He then grabs Zero's leg and slams it knee first against the mat as hard as he can. Cover. One...Two...No!!! Rando starts pounding on the turnbuckle just as PK did earlier. The crowd begins to clap in unison as Zero pulls himself to his feet. PK picks him up for a Shin Breaker, but Zero punches out and Shoulder Blocks PK down. Zero grabs PK for a Suplex, but PK counters. Zero manages to slip out and as he lands behind PK his leg gives out and he crumbles to the mat. PK tags in Parka and then picks Zero back up and hits a Vertical Suplex followed by another. COLE Why did he tag Parka in and then go for the Knight Roll? COACH Maybe he has short term memory loss? I had that once. COLE You did? COACH I did what? Parka grabs Zero and hits two more Vertical Suplexes. PK grabs Zero and hits a Falcon Arrow, and finally Parka hits a Michinoku Driver! The ref makes PK go back to the ring apron or risk disqualification. COLE It's a Supercharger/Knight Roll Mix!! COACH It's a remix dawg!! COLE This has to be it! Cover. One...Two...Thr...No!! Rando with the save!! PK comes in to fight off Rando, but the ref gets in his way. Rando drags Zero closer to his corner and goes back to the apron. The ref turns around in time to see Rando tag in! Rando comes in like a house of fire. First off he Dropkicks PK off the apron and then whips Parka to the ropes. As Parka comes back Rando hits a Hurricanrana! Rando then hits a Standing SSP and covers. One...Two...Thr.No!! COLE Smart move by Rando in moving Zero closer to his corner when he had the chance! Rando whips Parka to the ropes and goes for a Hiptoss, but Parka counters and lands on his feet. Parka goes for a Clothesline, but Rando ducks. Rando kicks Parka in the gut and goes for a DDT, but Parka twists under and counters with a Hammerlock. Parka shoves him forward to the ropes, but Rando ducks and Parka's head snaps back against the top rope. Parka stumbles back, but doesn't fall, so Rando Dropkicks him down and goes up top. Rando stands on the top turnbuckle and comes off with a Phoenix Splash, but Parka gets his knees up! Parka crawls over to his corner and manages to tag in PK, but before PK can get into the ring he is yanked off the apron and nailed in the head with a Tag Title belt by Stephen Joseph! REF Ring the bell!! *DING DING DING* COLE What the hell was that for!? COACH This is whack! RING ANNOUNCER Your winners by way of Disqualification...THE DREAM MACHINES!! Stephen Joseph laughs at the fallen PK as he walks to the back. The crowd looks on in shock, as SJ escapes, snickering all the way to a commercial break. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted July 11, 2003 (We return from break to our newest segment...JOSH MATTHEWS HIGH FIVE~! 21 Questions by 50 Cent plays as footage of Josh Matthews driving his Jetta is played) Josh: What's going down, peeps? This is Josh's high five. I'm your M.C. Josh Matthews. Today's guest is Crystal! Welcome to show the Crystal. Have you been keepin it crunk? Crystal:'Keepin it crunk?' What does that even mean? Is that one of the questions? Josh: That was just a warm up question. The rules are I ask you five questions, you give me five answers. Cool? Crystal(grinning): As always. Josh:First question: What made you decide to get into the wrestling industry? Why not go to college and get a degree? Maybe do something a little more safer. Crystal: I'm in this business because I love this business. I have been following wrestling as long as I can remember. I've wanted to be a wrestler ever since I was 12 and I decided that I wanted to persue that dream. Sure, my parents didn't like the idea. They wanted me to go to university and be an accountant, but that's not me. I live for the excitement, the rush, of wrestling. As for doing something safer, isn't life all about taking risks? Josh: Who were some of your wrestling idols growing up? Were they all women or did you look up to any male wrestlers? Crystal: Actually, most my wrestling idols were male. Don't get me wrong, I always enjoyed good womens wrestling. I always admired Molly. Also, I always enjoyed a local girl named Madison. She was, and still is, outstanding. Earlier in my life, I admired Bret Hart and Shawn Micheals. Later on, when I was older, I admired Chris Benoit, as a wrestler, the most. I also loved Edge, Chris Jericho, and Rob Van Dam, along with countless of other talented wrestlers. Josh: 24/7 title. Blessing or curse? Crystal: Both, really. More of a blessing though. It's my first title that I've held in OAOAST, and that means a lot to me. I've always got to be on the look-out for other guys wanting to take my belt though. Josh:What do you say to your critics? Those who claim that you have no business being in the same ring with males. Crystal: Frankly, those critics can kiss my ass. I think I've proved that I can hang with the guys. Hey, I had one hell of a match with the champ, Zack. Those critics just watch that match, and then tell me that I have no business being in the same ring as the guys. Josh: I'm not good with math, but I think this is the fifth question. When you're in the ring with a person like Brock Ausstin, do you worry about your safety? Do you get a little nervous in there? Crystal: There's always a risk and yes, I do get nervous and worry. But when I get out there, the excitement and rush over-ride that. It's something I can't explain, but everybody who has been in the ring know what I'm talking about. Top that with the fact that I don't always weigh in the concequences to my actions. (grins) If I did, do you really think that I would have gone out there with Brock Ausstin? Josh: Crystal, thank you for joining us. Crystal: No problem, thanks for having me. Now, I gotta get out of here before you try to pin me for this belt... Josh: I would never! Peeps, I'll check you next week! Keep it real. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted July 11, 2003 Coach:"DAMN! We're on Crystal overload tonight." MC:"Keep it in your pants, champ." Coach:"..." MC:"All right folks, it's time for the match we've been waiting for...well, all night." Coach:"Aren't you forgetting something?" (Just then, the lights go out. Fans pop madly as Evanescence's "Bring Me To Life" begins to play) BOOM! The pyro explodes, and as the chorus of the song echoes through the crowd, drawing every fan in, Zack Malibu comes out of the back to a huge pop! Clad in carpenter jeans and a sleeveless Abercrombie shirt, the OAOAST World Champion makes his way over to the commentary position, where a seat and a headset await him. ZM:"Coach, what's up? MC, always a pleasure." MC:"Same to you, Zack." ZM:"OK, so where's the beer?" Coach:"Beer?" ZM:"Yeah, I mean you think I'd watch a Shattered Dreams match sober?" *Cue "Back up" by 12 Stones** Slacker walks out from the back and ducks the pyro waterfall that characterizes his entrance. He high fives his fans as he marches to the battle field. Slacker slides into the ring and does his shrug drawing a big pop from the crowd. Coach:"What a story this guy has...he's gaining in popularity by doing...well...NOTHING!" MC:"Hey, that's how you got here." Coach:"Why you..." ZM:"Guys! Settle, settle!" A group of female dancers wearing bikini tops and camo pants come out from the back and stand on the entrance stage. Coach:"Hello nurse!" ZM:"You do realize I'm friends with Crystal, right?" Coach:"" **Cue "Fighter"** The crowd grows hostile at the sound of Shattered Dreams entrance music. The dancers began to grind each other to the beat of Christina Aguilera's hit song. Fireworks go off on the edge of the stage startling the audience. The dancers stop their movement and all tilt their bodies towards the entrance way. "Fighter" is replaced by "Sweet Dreams" by Marylin Manson. The dancers start to dance in a slow robotic, almost hypnotizing motion. At the height of the crowd's anger, Shattered Dreams and Alix emerge from the guerrilla position. Alix is wearing a silver halter top and rainbow pattern diamond encrusted bell bottoms. MC:"Speaking of the OAOAST females, Alix is definitely a hot one herself. It's just too bad the personality kills it." ZM:"She has personality?" Lockup to start. Slacker tries a stomach claw, but you can't exactly hurt a guy who's three percent bodyfat with a stomach claw. Dreams is Alabamaslamed. He stumbles to the corner but gets monkey flipped to the center of the ring. Slacker channels the sprit of the late Hulk Hogan and hits an Atomic leg drop, drawing a pop from the fans! MC:"A leg across the throat, taking the wind out of his sails!" Coach:"I wouldn't mind Alix's legs around my..." ZM and MC:"COACH!" Dreams tries a headlock but Slacker shoves him into the ropes and gets a hip toss. Dreams lands on his feet but eats a back suplex. Pin attempt 1...2....kick out. Snap suplex by Slacker. Liontamer, but Alix pulls Dreams to the ropes. ZM:"C'mon now, ref!" Exchange of punches is ended by a snap mare from Dreams followed by a whiplash. Sleeper hold but Slacker fights out. Implant DDT by Dreams followed by another whiplash. MC:"Slacker's gonna need a neck massage tonight." Coach:"Yeah, if he's got a neck left after that!" Knife edge chops by Slacker. He tries a cobra clutch but Dreams breaks out of it and hits a neck vice. Slackers slips out of it but gets murdered with a roll the dice. Super Man pose by Dreams! Ladies, get your cameras! Justin Timberlake, eat your heart out! Crowd: You're a pussy! You're a pussy! You're a pussy! Underhook pile driver by Dreams. He does some preening and primping giving Slacker time to recover. Blind charge misses and Slacks is dumped to the outside. Alix puts the very expensive, always fashionable, custom made leather boots to her boss' adversary. Crowd: Alix does anal! Alix does anal! Alix does anal! Back in the ring, Dreams climbs to the top rope and blows kisses to the audience who invite him to blow something else. Slacker's tossed back into the ring and gets put in a sleeper hold. Dreams: I'm the greatest wrestler evaaaaaaaa! Evaaaaaaaaaa! Dreams breaks the sleeper hold and goes into an armbar with neck submission. He switches to a neck submission with a leg trap arm hook. Crowd: You suck! You suck! You suck! Slacker makes the ropes and Dreams tosses him to the outside. Alix drop toe holds Slacker onto the steel steps and throws him back into the squared circle. ZM:"Way to earn your spot, Dreams! At the rate this match is going, guys, it'll be Alix who gets the title shot. She's doing all the work!" Coach:"Hey, sometimes you just need a dominating female." *silence* Dreams tries a stunner but gets pushed into the ropes. Powerslam by Slacker draws a zero count. Avalanche by Slacker gets dodged. Enziguiri doesn't. Slacker goes to the top and gets crotched by Alix. Dreams tries a top rope hurricanrana but Slacker counters it with a POWERBOMB. Pin attempt 1....2......kick out. Crowd: Beat his ass! Beat his ass! Beat his ass! Alix climbs to the apron and yells at Slacker. He yells back at her then shoves her off the apron. Rude awakening by Dreams! Crowd: Booooo!! Dreams locks on an inverted surfboard with a chinlock, a devastating neck submission. Alix(clutching her arm): Tap!!! Tap!! NOOOOOOOW! The hold is broken and Dreams applies an underhook leg trap forcing the Slacker to balance his weight on his already injured neck. Dreams: Give it up. Give it up or I'll snap your fucking neck in half! Crowd: Don't tap out! Don't tap out! Don't tap out! Dreams breaks the hold and orders the crowd to shut up. Slacker stumbles to his feet but gets locked into a three quarter nelson. He howls in pain as Dreams' angrily applies pressure to his weakened neck. Dreams: He's submitting! Ref: No he's not! Dreams: Yes he is!! Give up, damn you! Slacker breaks out of the hold and pulls out a body slam. Dreams quickly recovers and KILLS Slacker with a dragon suplex, dropping him neck first on the hard mat. He goes to the second rope and drops a knee directly onto Slacker's throat. Slacker rolls around in pain before getting locked into a strangle hold alpha. Once again Dreams is forcing Slacker to put all of weight onto his neck by twisting his body into an awkward angle. Dreams rolls Slacker over and switches to the strangle hold beta, another neck submission. He pushes Slacker's neck forward causing his chin to crash into his chest. MC:"His neck is like jelly!" ZM:"I'm going to give credit where it's due, SD has found a weakness and exploited it as much as he can. One wrong drop on his neck again, and Slacker will be slacking in a neck brace for a few weeks." Coach:"He'll just mooch off the disability." Dreams breaks the hold and goes to top rope. He blows a kiss to the crowd and goes for a senton splash. That misses! Slacker wisely goes for an Oklahoma roll. It gets a two count because Alix put Dreams' foot on the rope. Slacker goes outside to chase Alix. Alix runs into the ring and so does Slacker. Her peruser runs into a kick to the gut by Dreams. Dreams hooks Slacker's arms and hits a Underhook brainbuster suplex. Slacker's head is spiked against the mat and his neck bends awkwardly. MC:"OUCH!? This man is going to wind up crippled!" Dreams goes to the top and waves to all the hood rats in the crowd. He jumps off but eats boot on his way down. Dreams rushes at Slacker but gets rolled into a small package. That gets a one count. Inside cradle by Slacker also gets a one count much to the chagrin of the pro Slacker crowd. ZM:"Look at that effort. These men want the title." MC:"And that doesn't bother you?" ZM:"Not at all. Thrill of the competiton, Mikey." Slacker's backslide is blocked by a low blow. Dreams regains control with the divorce (single arm DDT). Dreams uses a spinning full nelson causing the crowd to get on their feet and jeer as Slacker is spun around the ring like a merry-go-round! Coach:"Round and round they go!" Dreams(jumping in the air): The world is mine! The world is mine! The world is mine, for as far as the eye can see! The tenth day (tilt-a-whirl piledriver) by Dreams! The crowd gasps in horror as Slacker's neck snaps against the mat. Slacker is put into Buffalo Sleeper. He painfully whimpers as Dreams puts pressure on BOTH his neck AND arm. Dreams lifts Slacker up and applies the over the shoulder chinlock a move made popular by Mad Dog Vachon. The crowd watches in shock as Dreams lifts Slacker off the ground, during further damage to his neck. Dreams lets go off Slacker and hits him with a release German suplex. Coach:"Just go for a submission already!" MC:"He won't do that, he's sending a statement." Coach:"To who?" ZM:"To me." Dreams tries a powerbomb but it gets turned into a victory roll. That gets a one count. Slacker tries a sunset flip but it only gets zero. Slacker signals for the Slack off and the crowd roars with approval. A resourceful and relatively pain free Shattered Dreams chop blocks Slacker. He mocks his opponent's trade mark shrug and applies a bridged inverted full nelson. One guess as to what body part that move targets. One guess. MC:"There's your submission, Coach." Coach:"He's going to tap. No way can a man take this much damage to his neck." Two guillotine powerbombs by Dreams. Third time isn't a charm as Slacker goes for another victory roll. That gets a two count. Shoulder breaker by Slacker gets a one count. He whips Dreams into the ropes but gets hit with a swinging neck breaker! Crowd:Ooooooooooh damn! Dreams bows to crowd and Alix. He picks Slacker up and puts him into front a face lock. He hooks Slackers' leg and twist to side while falling to the mat. Slackers neck twists violently upon impact. The crowd urges Slacker to fight back but he's done for the night. Dreams(to Zack): It's your turn next, baaaaaaaby! MC:"I think he's talking to you, champ." ZM:"Oh, I know he is." Dreams goes behind Slacker and whispers sweet nothings in his ear as he slowly and sexually rocks him back and forth. Dreams hits one final dragon suplex and applies the Chinlock. The ref has no choice but to call for the bell. Announcer: Your winner by submission and new number one contender.......SHATTERED DREAMS! Crowd: Buulllllshit! Bullllllshit! Alix rushes into the ring and passionately French kisses her stunned boss. The couple put their arms around each other while watching the silver and gold confetti rain from the ceiling. "We are the Champions" by Queen plays, drowning out the loud chants of bullshit. Josh Matthews runs down the ramp and rolls into the ring. He presents Shattered Dreams with a 14 karat gold OAOAST world title number one contender trophy. Dreams slowly kisses the trophy and raises it high above his head, like he just won the Stanley cup. A photographer gets into the ring and takes a picture of Dreams and Alix standing with the gaudy trophy. Bright yellow fireworks go off as the ring is littered with garbage and dead babies. I've paid my dues Time after time I've done my sentence But committed no crime And bad mistakes I've made a few I've had my share of sand Kicked in my face But I've come through And we mean to go on and on and on and on We are the champions - my friends And we'll keep on fighting Till the end We are the champions We are the champions No time for losers 'Cause we are the champions of the World I've taken my bows And my curtain calls You brought me fame and fortune And everything that goes with it I thank you all But it's been no bed of roses No pleasure cruise I consider it a challenge before The whole human race And I ain't gonna lose And we mean to go on and on and on and on We are the champions - my friends And we'll keep on fighting Till the end We are the champions We are the champions No time for losers 'Cause we are the champions of the World We are the champions - my friends And we'll keep on fighting Till the end We are the champions We are the champions No time for losers 'Cause we are the champions ::The screen closes in on the Number One Contender and his female associate, gloating amidst the jeers and garbage in the air.:: ..OF THE WORLD *fade out* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted July 11, 2003 Props: Shattered Dreams Axel Crystal Parka K Money AS Popick SP HSJ Zack Malibu Mad Matt Caboose Van Siclen Share this post Link to post Share on other sites