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Guest Version1

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Guest Version1

I realise its quite short,But hey it was my first try.


The History Of Monday Night Raw. By Ally 'V1' Clark.


We start of this time with Raw. Autumn 2002 was the start of the mammoth slide of the cable T.V phenomenon that was Monday night raw. The laughable Matches, The boring Gimmicks and the hillarious stupidity of the writers were only some of the reasons wrestling fans world wide began to turn of Raw.


Monday night raw began in the mid nineties. WWF, were sure Raw could get the then fading WWF ratings back on track. It didn't.Well not for a couple of years anyways. The first  ever  raw was January 11th, an Oh what an aeful card it was. The first ever match on raw was a dire bout between  the late Yokozuna and Koko B.Ware. The match finished with Yoko picking up the win.But it was reveled that viewers were so disappointed after that match that the ratings took a bash.The First Main event for Raw was Undertaker Vs Damien Demento In yet another dry match. Undertaker (who was involved in a massive push at that point in time) picked up the win,with the tombstone piledriver.


Raw ratings stayed at 2.1 -2.5 for the first three years. Until May 6 1996 when raw ratings jumped to a massive(for the time) 4.1 Rating. This raw was pretty average in terms of booking. Marc Mero defeated The 1-2-3 Kid in an average affair. The late British Bulldog defeated Fatu in a dreadful match which involved nothing but bodyslams and elbow drops. The BodyDonnas defeated Techno Team 200 in a very good tag match compared to todays standards and the main event was a very entertaining bout between The Undertaker and The Late Owner Hart. (Third Paragraph and already I have said "The Late" 3 times.)


Raw ratings then dropped to 3.5 then 2.3 in the next weeks.


From then on Raw became just another wrestling show, Pulling mostly the same maches every week, stale storylines and dredful workers.


The worst point in the history of Raw ratings wise was over the holiday season of 1996. a 1.3 rating on the 23rd of december then a dreadful 1.5 the following week,got wrestling journelists and columnists round thw world  asking the same question "Can Raw surrvive?". The answer was to come in late 1997 when out of seemingly nowhere the ratings blasted to an all time high of 5.1. The card that night was quite impressive.The card included Taka Michinoku,Dude Love ,HHH and Shawn Micheals.

From then on ratings bounced between 5.7 and 4.9 for a couple of weeks then to Vincent Mcmahons delight WWE started to Pull 6.9 and even a 7.1.It was clear more and more fans around the world (possibly due to the internet)started to get more and more interested in this the years many fans call the "WWE's best years". There was no doubt that between December 97 and December 2000 WWE was at an all time high. Possibly due to the internet starting to get so popular in 97 or the introduction on the "Attitude" era. It seemed ever where you walked between these times you seen children and men alike shouting "Suck it!" or "Gimme a hell yeh". Mr Mcmahon had finally sucseeded in making WWE the best wrestling promotion in the buisness.


One of my favorite raws to date came om August 3 1998. It wasnt exactly the best of cards, but i will always remember this as the most entertaining raw in my recent memory. The results for that night were...Golga defeated Marc Mero in one of Marc Meros best performences outwith a PPV in my opinion.Kama Defeated 2 Cold Scorpio in the worst match of the night.Tag team champions Kane&Mankind defended and retained their titles against The New Age Outlaws. Hawk defeated Double J Jeff Jarett in an average Mid Card match.HHH Defeated Sean "X-Pac" Waltman in an average HHH,Kick Punch Knee then pedigre match. Kaientai wrestled Val venis and taka to a no contest. D-Lo Brown defeated then NWA World Champ Dan servin in a great fast paced match.The Main event was a very very good match, Austin and Taker defeated Rock and Owen hart.


After the DX era and The Austin.Mcmahon feud. Raw became dry for months. And raw ratings fell to a very low 4.9 (which is more than any raw gets nowadays.).Vince was wondering what the hell was wrong. Rating fell and fell each week, when if you judged the Raw by the card,Raw looked massivly impressive. But it seemed that with the end of DX Version 5,Vince was dry on ideas for the hit monday night show. Then Vince thought he had struck gold...


Vince thought he had hit a goldmine. He thought that the whole "Invasion" angle would get more viewers watching.How wrong he was. The messed up storylines and the rapid changing hands of the titles seemed to get fans less and less interested in Raw. The ratings fell into the 3.9 marks for the first time since 1996. However Vince continued with the laughable invasion angle.


After the WWF Vs WCW angle ended.Vince and his writing team were once again dry on the ideas.Ratigs on raw stayed in the 4's for a year,Until what many people belive is the fall of Raw,Autumn 2002.


The time when HHH became heavyweight champion of the world. As much as i hate the repeated bashing of HHH,Im going to go ahead here and say what i fell.Raws became more and more predictable,HHH appearing on screen 7 or 8 times a night, always seemed to be in the raw main event and never EVER put opponents of his over. This was the time fans started to belive that because HHH was S------g the bosses daughter,He was getting all the sroylines his way.


Almost a year later,HHH still has the belt. Losing it to HBK for a month of so along the way.People worldwide a sick of seeing that belt around the long haired heabily toned man that is HHH.


For the whole of 2003 raw ratings have stayed in the 3.8 makrs, the brief 4.1 or 4.2 is all. Many belive it is HHH's fault, many belive it is the dreadful gimmicks,the stale storylines and the dreadful wrestlers.


Perhaps The worst Raw of all time was last week,When Kane,The man who carried the whole "Burned as a child" Gimmick for 6 years was finally unmasked,to who other than HHH.


One things for sure,Through thick and thin,Hell or high waters,there are millions of fans out there who will continue to watch Raw.I for one am one of them.


All feedback will be taken in.

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Guest DarkHollywood

Pretty good Review compared to some of the people who have been posting here.


Only one Problem I see and everyone knows how I am with this, is the spacing after periods, commas, etc.


Otherwise, I think its an enjoyable read to pass a few minutes.

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