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Guest FeArHaVoC

Bret Hart speaks about Raw segment

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Guest Choken One

We can only speak in Hind-sight.



I'm not believer in "Fate" and "Destinity" but I dunno if I can buy that Owen would still be alive wrestling today just if Montreal never happened.



I think it's a little Preposterous that Bret goes and blames Montreal for his life falling apart...Not taking ANY blame for it himself...


Here is something no one has pointed out...


If Bret hates Vince so much...and annoyed by WWE...Why is he watching WWE Raw?


You think it's because he wants to keep tabs on his Canadian natives...Watching Vince and Shawn in contempt...or what?


I find it interesting that Hart has taken a deep affection for Lesnar...


You would've thought he would try to contact and get close with Angle rather then Lesnar...

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Guest JMA

The SLIGHTEST change is history will drastically affect the present. This is in response to Owen not dying if Bret had stayed.

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Guest JMA
I find it interesting that Hart has taken a deep affection for Lesnar...


You would've thought he would try to contact and get close with Angle rather then Lesnar...

He's given Angle many props in various interviews.

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Guest Coffey

I also remember reading that Bret Hart didn't really follow the WWE anymore. He would just get a tape from a friend when he wanted to see something. For example, this past RAW.

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Guest Choken One
I find it interesting that Hart has taken a deep affection for Lesnar...


You would've thought he would try to contact and get close with Angle rather then Lesnar...

He's given Angle many props in various interviews.

Yes I know...He even said, I believe in his WMXIX review that if he could be granted one more match...He'd do it with Angle above all.

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Guest Choken One

^ True considering we already have an 8 page thread pretty much saying the same shit...

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What? We're just giving feedback about Bret's feedback about the last RAW.

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Guest Choken One

^ But we already gave feedback in another thread...and this one really didn't add any new ground...

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Guest Memphis

You're not giving very much feedback. It's more discussing something that has no favorable outcome whatsoever and nothing can possibly come from talking about it.


Besides a great waste of time, that is.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

There aren't time machines. This isn't the movies. Things happen for a reason.


And Owen dying happened because of a needless stunt . That needless stunt wouldn't have happened had Bret been there. Let's just say _everything_ up until that point happened as history showed it to be. Had Bret been there he would *not* have allowed Owen to get up there. *Owen* didn't even want to get up there, but he had no one to back him up on the matter and felt pressure to do it. Add this to the fact that there would have been infinite changes in the timeline had Bret not left the company and it's hard to keep a straight face and say "Things would be the same".


I'm sure someone told Bret that the WWE would be doing a SS97 segment - they had it up on their website.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

And what would you call everything you have said in this thread, Memphis??



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Speaking of Bret, I found a song called "Never Been A Right Time (To Say Goodbye)" in which Bret doesn't really sing, he just...talks. Its a love song. Could somebody explain this?

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Guest Loss4Words

Owen was doing that angle coming from the rafters as punishment for turning down an angle where he would be seducing Debra. Essentially, what Bret is saying, and he's right, is that Owen would not have been up in the rafters had Bret still been with the company because Bret had enough political pull that Owen wouldn't be getting punished for turning down angles.


I think it actually speaks volumes for Bret's personal character when he is willing to talk to Vince after everything that has happened. As Bret said, they have been on speaking terms for a year now. If someone ruined your career, tore apart your family and put your brother in a situation where he ended up dying, would you be willing to talk to them in the future?


If anything, Bret is *too* forgiving.

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Guest Coffey
And Owen dying happened because of a needless stunt .  That needless stunt wouldn't have happened had Bret been there.  Let's just say _everything_ up until that point happened as history showed it to be.  Had Bret been there he would *not* have allowed Owen to get up there.  *Owen* didn't even want to get up there, but he had no one to back him up on the matter and felt pressure to do it.  Add this to the fact that there would have been infinite changes in the timeline had Bret not left the company and it's hard to keep a straight face and say "Things would be the same".

Dude, you're arguing what could have been. I don't need to listen to the Monday morning quarterback BS.


Bret wasn't there. Period. Owen Hart died. Period. You're trying to tell me that I'm wrong by telling me what could have been. It doesn't work like that.

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Guest HartFan86

It's hard to sit here and say does fate really exist, if Owen had Bret to suppport him would Bret not have him go up there, etc.


Fact of the matter is, and I don't mean to sound like an asshole.



Owen is dead and there ain't nothing changing it...so who gives a flying fuck about "What if."

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Owen was doing that angle coming from the rafters as punishment for turning down an angle where he would be seducing Debra. Essentially, what Bret is saying, and he's right, is that Owen would not have been up in the rafters had Bret still been with the company because Bret had enough political pull that Owen wouldn't be getting punished for turning down angles.


I think it actually speaks volumes for Bret's personal character when he is willing to talk to Vince after everything that has happened. As Bret said, they have been on speaking terms for a year now. If someone ruined your career, tore apart your family and put your brother in a situation where he ended up dying, would you be willing to talk to them in the future?

Right, except for the part about Vince ending his career. Goldberg did that.

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Guest Memphis
It's hard to sit here and say does fate really exist, if Owen had Bret to suppport him would Bret not have him go up there, etc.


Fact of the matter is, and I don't mean to sound like an asshole.



Owen is dead and there ain't nothing changing it...so who gives a flying fuck about "What if."



Thank you.


Metal M

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Guest Memphis
Owen was doing that angle coming from the rafters as punishment for turning down an angle where he would be seducing Debra. Essentially, what Bret is saying, and he's right, is that Owen would not have been up in the rafters had Bret still been with the company because Bret had enough political pull that Owen wouldn't be getting punished for turning down angles.


I think it actually speaks volumes for Bret's personal character when he is willing to talk to Vince after everything that has happened. As Bret said, they have been on speaking terms for a year now. If someone ruined your career, tore apart your family and put your brother in a situation where he ended up dying, would you be willing to talk to them in the future?

Right, except for the part about Vince ending his career. Goldberg did that.

No, he didn't.


Goldberg merely topped off what was a plethora of injuries sustained by the Hitman over his tenure within the wrestling business. At the time of 'the kick', Bret was a ticking time bomb anyway and if Goldberg hadn't of taken him out, some other stiff fuck would have.



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Except for the fact that Vince McMahon destroyed the life of one of his biggest superstars since Hulk Hogan.

Edited by Rico_Constantino

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Guest Coffey
Goldberg merely topped off what was a plethora of injuries sustained by the Hitman over his tenure within the wrestling business. At the time of 'the kick', Bret was a ticking time bomb anyway and if Goldberg hadn't of taken him out, some other stiff fuck would have.


But someone else didn't deliver the final blow. Goldberg did. You're sounding very hypocritical right now.

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Guest Memphis
Except for the fact that Vince McMahon had Owen MURDERED. Vince KNEW what the risks were and went with it anyway. I hold him totally and personally responsible for what happened.

What a fucking idiotic comment.


Murder - The unlawful killing of one human by another, especially with premeditated malice.


Owen wasn't murdered, Vince didn't WANT him dead. It was an ACCIDENT, these things happen quite often in life.

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Guest Memphis
Goldberg merely topped off what was a plethora of injuries sustained by the Hitman over his tenure within the wrestling business. At the time of 'the kick', Bret was a ticking time bomb anyway and if Goldberg hadn't of taken him out, some other stiff fuck would have.


But someone else didn't deliver the final blow. Goldberg did. You're sounding very hypocritical right now.

No, you're missing my point.


The guy I quoted stated that Goldberg was responsible for ending Bret's career, when in theory he only contributed.

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Guest Coffey

My fault. I misread. I apologize.


I thought that you said if Goldberg didn't do it, someone else would've. My point was that is arguing "what if" which you just got finished blasting.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Bret wasn't there. Period. Owen Hart died. Period. You're trying to tell me that I'm wrong by telling me what could have been. It doesn't work like that.


Actually _you're_ telling Bret that he's wrong. Do you honestly think things would have happened the same way had Bret been there? One thing that I *can* prove is that Owen wouldn't have been given the "Black Hart" gimmick had Bret not left because that Gimmick was dependant on Bret leaving. Owen was called a "Nugget" because of Bret leaving. This was a _major_ change in his character.


Equally as productive as anything you've written in here.


Considering that you're not even _on topic_, I doubt that.

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Guest Coffey
Actually you're telling Bret that he's wrong.  Do you honestly think things would have happened the same way had Bret been there?  One thing that I *can* prove is that Owen wouldn't have been given the "Black Hart" gimmick had Bret not left because that Gimmick was dependant on Bret leaving.  Owen was called a "Nugget" because of Bret leaving.  This was a major change in his character.

Yeah, I'm telling Bret that he's wrong. It just so happened that you questioned "is he wrong" which I thought meant you agreed with him.


Do I honestly think things would've happened the same way had Bret been there? No, I believe that they happened the only way that they could've. Bret wasn't there. Owen isn't alive. Bret did leave...and Owen did get the "Black Heart" gimmick.


That's all there is to it. You can't argue fiction over fact.


Coulda, woulda, shoulda...it didn't.


Period. Period.

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Guest HartFan86

Here's why I hold a grudge against Goldberg:


1. Totally unsafe of Bret. Not only the kick to the head, but not holding Bret's leg properly on a Figure Four. Totally unprofessional.


2. The man has no respect for the business, and has been quoted in saying that many times. He injuried, in my opinion, the greatest professional wrestler ever. Injuried by a disgraceful bastard.


Well fuck him.


Would Bret still be wrestling today? I sincerely doubt it. Would Bret's career would of ended in another way if Goldberg hadn't kicked his head off?


We'll never know, and it's about 3 years too late to give a shit.

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Guest Memphis

Kind of fitting for the downward spiral the Hitman was on though.


Shot down in a blaze of glory.



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