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The Thunder Review 7/13-7/19

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July 17, 1998

Konnan def. El Dandy

Ultimo Dragon def. Lizmark Jr.

The Public Enemy def. Disco Inferno & Alex Wright by DQ

Jim Duggan def. Roadblock

Saturn def. Kanyon

Eddy Guerrero def. Psicosis

Scott Norton def. Ciclope

Stevie Ray def. Damien

Rey Misterio Jr. NC Juventud Guerrera

The Barbarian & Hugh Morrus def. Marty Jannetty & Chris Adams

Scott Hall & Curt Hennig def. Diamond Dallas Page & Konnan


July 14, 1999

Vampiro def. Van Hammer

Rick Fuller def. Sick Boy

Brad Armstrong, Chase Tatum, & Swoll def. Fit Finlay, Steven Regal, & Dave Taylor

David Flair def. Bobby Eaton; U.S. Title Match

Kidman def. Mikey Whipwreck

The Triad NC Curt Hennig & Barry Windham; Tag Title Match


July 19, 2000

Mike Sanders def. Crowbar

Lenny Lane def. The Wall in a Tables Match

Lt. Loco def. David Flair; CW Title Match

Tank Abbott def. The Great Muta

Kronic def. Rey Misterio Jr., Juventud Guerrera, & Disco Inferno in a handicap match

Big Vito def. The Artist; HC Title Match

Lance Storm & Kanyon def. Mike Awesome & Buff Bagwell

Harlem Heat def. Jeff Jarrett & Rick Steiner

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Guest Mattdotcom

YES~! Two Konnan matches on one show AND Tank Abbot and Kronic beat the Great Muta and Rey Mysterio!

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YES~! Two Konnan matches on one show AND Tank Abbot and Kronic beat the Great Muta and Rey Mysterio!

Hey a reply! I'd thought of dumping the Nitro and Thunder reviews if I'd gone a second straight week with no replies.


Anyways can't find a recap for the '98 show but here are the recaps to the matches mentioned from the 2000 show by CRZ:


GREAT MUTA (not dotcom) v. JOBBED TO DAVID ARQUETTE - Schiavone reveals that Mike Tenay has once again strained his voice and won't be back tonight. Let Us Take You Back One Week where these two men had a spot of fun - or two. Muta trying to get a handle on him, but Abbott just muscles him into the corner. Knee, knee, elbow, "yeahbaby" - holy cow, he IS Jim Neidhart - Muta explodes out with a spin heel kick. Elbowdrop. Stomp. Trying for the side headlock, but Abbott picks him up and drops him with a belly-to-belly suplex. Muta motions to the back and the JUNG DRAGONS hit the ring. Abbott quickly makes mincemeat of them but Muta puts him down with a kick from behind. Now a tripleteam is on from the Dragons...now Muta holding Abbott for the Dragons. And *now* THE CAT is out and *he's* taking down the Dragons, one by one. But Muta's MAKING THE MUTA FACE!! RED MIST TO THE CAT!! Too bad he turned his back to Abbott - there's the *hand of stone*. Foot on chest - referee "Blind" Mark Johnson ignores the other four people out here and counts the pin. (1:32)



RAYMOND STEREO & DE JUICY ONE & DISCO INFERNO (with Konnan & Nitro Grrl Tygryss) v. KRONIC in a handicap match - The Animals hit the ring wearing Kronic's vests, sunglasses, and instilling their eyedrops! Konnan speaks on this and I ignore him. Tonight's choice is "feel/that's enough." There's a whooshing logo for New Blood Rising and it's 25 days away. Konnan takes third headset and actually does a pretty decent colour commentary job...which is surprising, given that I hate him. Funny line from K-Dogg: "Now the guy over there without the mustache - he looks like a less expensive, better working, less problematic version of Kevin Nash...so let's get rid of Kevin Nash." "They're jarbones - that's what they are - just like Van Hammer." Konnan insists that all this squash going on is simply "Mexican strategy." Merciful finish is the "we'll kill someone doing this" Devastation Derivative on Disco Inferno that *scares the hell out of me,* but is actually a HELL of a selljob by Disco and not really him breaking his neck. Adams covers for the pin. (4:19 - hmmm)

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Guest Mattdotcom

NO! I love these old results, but I prefer not to reply with something like "Cool.". Check the views, not the replies.

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