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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Weekend Box Office Report - 7/11/03 - 7/13/03

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Bad Boys II - :) FINALLY.


Next Week's Top 5:


1. Bad Boys II


2. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl


3. How To Deal


4. Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines


5. Johnny English / LOXG / Legally Blonde 2: Red, White Blonde - One of these 3.

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Guest El Satanico

No way How To Deal makes it to #3 with it's nearly nonexistant promotion.


I've only seen it's trailer twice and I've never heard it mentioned anywhere else.



1. Bad Boys II

2. Pirates

3. T3

4. Johnny English

5. LXG


4 & 5 could go either way, but English and LXG will be there. How to Deal will be 6 or 7.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

It's gotten promotion around here.


Mandy Moore has a decent size fan base from A Walk To Remember.


Johnny English # 4 ? Nah, 5 or lower.


My prediction stands.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

And that comedy... Johnny English.


I KNOW FOR A FACT that LXG will drop hard next week.


The fact that it has recieved nothing but negative word of mouth is not going to help it at all.

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Guest Choken One

^ Bad week to send this movie out...


This week Guys will force the girls to see Bad Boys and the girls won't mind since it's will smith...

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Guest El Satanico

I put little faith in this "word of mouth" garbage people always brings up.


Good "word of mouth" led to T3 dropping nearly 50% in it's second week.


The fabled "word of mouth" is overrated.

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Guest Choken One

I didn't hear ANY good word of Mouth for T3...


I heard "It was all right..." "Not very good" "No where near the other two"...

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Guest Choken One
In some cases, it works.

Finding Nemo for recent example...



My Big Fat Greek Wedding is the biggest example...

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Guest El Satanico

And in most cases...it's overrated drivel


Nemo was more a case of the only heavily promoted movie aimed at kids this summer.



The smaller independant movies are usaully the only one's that are heavily influenced by word of mouth.

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Guest Lethargic
I put little faith in this "word of mouth" garbage people always brings up.


Good "word of mouth" led to T3 dropping nearly 50% in it's second week.


The fabled "word of mouth" is overrated.

The only thing that lead T3 to drop was TWO big budget summer action movies opening in one week. The studio is probably thrilled that it only dropped 50%. Compared to the rest of the second week drop offs this summer, that's pretty good and I would think good word of mouth DID have a part in that. It could've easily fallen 60-70 percent without it.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

Another word-of-mouth movie, I think, was The Sixth Sense.


It's great to have, but I wouldn't use that practice as the cornerstone to a movie's marketing campaign. Never rely on the customer to say something good about your product...

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

I know it wasn't a blockbuster and some didn't like it, but what about a movie like The Italian Job ?


Word-of-mouth has helped that movie a bit, It's still in the Top 10...

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Guest El Satanico

The Italian Job...blah what a disappointment that was. Should've known better since I have great dislike for Marky Mark's acting.


I wish Edward Norton would stop doing roles that allow him to sleepwalk.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Yes, you have your opinion, I have mine.


I thought that it was a great movie, better than half that shit that has been released.


It's been in the top 10 for about 6 or 7 weeks, you'd think that it would have been gone by now.

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