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Guest The Amazing Rando


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Guest The Amazing Rando

The sky is clear on Day Two of the SWF/SJL Invitational Walt Disney World Brawl, as cameras are again in place for what will be a hard-fought battle. The cameras catch Axis and Suicide King sitting inside the Disney Character Bus, surrounded by various characters and TV screens, rolling through World Showcase.


Axis: It’s Day Two!


King: What kind of crazy action will we see today? Yesterday saw Longdogger Pete take the Magic Kingdom leg and move to the finals to join Janus, Jay Dawg, and our favorite Cutthroat!


Axis: Well today it’s a bit different, as four wrestlers are starting at the main entrance and three others are starting over at the International Gateway entrance. Let’s go to Annie Eclectic, who is sitting at the main entrance and ready for the announcements of the competitors.


The scene cuts to Annie, who is sitting in front of a few wrestlers again holding some cards.


Annie: Okay boys…same rules as yesterday…find the balloon…find the golden ticket…bring to Guest Relations…blah blah blah…


She holds her cards up…


Annie: Here at the main entrance…


…Relative SJL Newcomer and one half of the Secondary Announce Team… Bloodshed…


…The newest SJL Commissioner…Chris Raynor…


…Next…The One & Only… ZED…


…and the new SJL European Champion….English Dragon…


Axis: Wait…where’s Dragon?


The cameras pan around, but Dragon can not be found. Annie shrugs and continues.


Annie: And at the International Gateway Entrance…


…another SJL newcomer… Craig McClennan…


…My Favorite Velvet Hammer…WAIT…WHO WROTE THIS?


King: Someone’s messing up her cards, Axis…

*Axis laughs*


Annie: It’s Frost…dammit…


…and finally formerly SWF World Heavyweight Champion…The Superior One…Tom Flesher…


The camera cuts over the other entrance to see the men also lined behind turnstiles. They look posed to take off running as Annie again holds up her Airhorn.


Annie: Get going, boys!









Axis: And they are off…


King: And for reference…today’s ticket reads “ROQ THE ANAL BLITZKRIEG~!”


From the main entrance, Bloodshed heads straight up and underneath Spaceship Earth, followed by Raynor and Zed. Bloodshed continues to go straight and heads for the World Showcase, but Raynor and Zed split…with Raynor heading toward the west side and Zed heading toward the East.


Axis: It’s a free-for-all!


King: Well-duh…now would some of you guys move…I can’t barely breathe in here! Donald…move your ass!


At the International Gateway entrance, Craig has taken off up the hill and headed for France, while Frost and Tom take off in the other direction, swerving in and out of groups of tourists. Tom is able to get the lead on Frost and heads for Mexico, but Frost takes a turn into Future World and runs almost headfirst into Bloodshed.


They both stand back and stare at each other a moment before running and going into a collar and elbow tieup! Frost pulls Bloodshed around like a ragdoll and spins Bloodshed into a vicious Russian Legsweep!


King: Bloodshed is down early!


Axis: And look at Frost run!


King: He’s got to find that balloon!


Suddenly a camera goes to the monorail station, and catches THE ENGLISH DRAGON finally arriving…completely pissed. As he runs down the exit ramps he can be heard yelling…


Dragon: Those idiots told me I had to be at the Magic Kingdom…those stupid little…


Dragon runs toward the entrance and jumps the turnstiles, almost knocking over Annie, who laughs as she watches him run into the park. The camera follows Dragon up the hill…


King: Dragon finally made it!


Axis: And he doesn’t look happy!


Dragon gets to the center of Future World and looks around for a moment before running off under a breezeway toward the east side.


The scene cuts to Raynor, who has made his way to The Land pavilion and is awestruck by the inside. He does a quick scan and suddenly spots a balloon across the threshold at the Garden Grill.


Axis: The first balloon of the day, King!


King: Could he be lucky so early?


Raynor makes his way to the Grill and rushes in, almost toppling over Chip and Dale on his way to the balloon. He grabs it and pops it, but finds nothing inside. He throws the broken pieces down and runs off, almost taking out Chip and Dale again.


Zed, on the other hand, has ventured into the Wonders of Life pavilion, and too is in awe of his surroundings underneath the giant golden dome. As he walks toward the back of the building a huge tour group comes from the Goofy Gymnasium Theatre and literally lift him up and pull him into the Body Wars queue.


Axis: Let’s hope Zed isn’t motion sick prone…


King: For all the viewers out there…I’m with you on that…


Zed does not look thrilled as a cast member literally pulls him into a moving theatre and throws him down, buckling him in before he can get a word out. Suddenly the theatre goes dark and the scene changes to World Showcase…


…and Craig McClennan, who has wandered into the American Adventure building in the USA section, as is running every hall looking for balloons. Finding nothing, he takes a run back outside and heads across the street, seeing a huge stage normally reserved for historic acts such as Bozo, Barbie, and Sister Sludge.


Axis: There could be balloons anywhere.


Suddenly Craig sees a balloon, past a small fence and tied to the stage. Craig looks around for a moment before throwing himself over the fence and rushing the stage, grabbing the balloon and popping it.


But he finds nothing.


He drops the pieces of broken balloon and runs back up the stairs and out of the stage area.


King: Another miss…


The scene changes to Tom, who has made his way into the Mexico pavilion, walking through the party atmosphere in an almost dizzying high of the smells and flavors of the culture.


Axis: Tom looks drunk…


King: …hmmm…wonder why…


As Tom walks a lovely college aged mamacita appears and begins to guide him toward the entrance of “El Rio Del Tiempo” the most boring boat ride Disney ever created. Being the horndog that he is, he begins to follow her, and is suckered onto the boat, where it begins its quest before he can even fathom what is going on.


King: Oh no…not THAT!


Axis: What?


King: That is a hideous attraction…he’s going to die in there…


As Tom rounds the first few corners his ‘drunken’ euphoria turns to that of complete and utter fear and almost to insanity as he realizes what he is about to endure. He puts his head in his lap and tries to drown out the noise.


Axis: We’ll check back with him in a moment…


The scene switches over to Frost, who has made his way to the Imagination Pavilion and somehow has stumbled into the “Honey I Shrunk The Audience” theater. He looks at the screen but the 3-D imaging his blurred. He walks toward the back and sits on the floor, but as a lion appears on the screen the speakers, which are hidden in said wall, begin to ROAR…Frost leaps about a foot of the ground using only his ass, and lands a few feet away from the wall, slightly freaked out.


Axis: That would scare even the toughest men…


King: ..not me…


Suicide King is suddenly bumped by Daisy Duck…


King: GAHHH!


Axis: Oh really…not YOU huh…


King: SHUT UP!


King slaps Axis as the cameras catch Dragon, who seems lost inside of MouseGear, the largest souvenir shop in Epcot, and can’t seem to find any doors around the mechanical walls of the interior.


Axis: He could be awhile…


King: Let’s see what Raynor is up to…


Raynor can be seen walking through the Living Seas aquarium, looking around for any balloons. On the second floor he sees one and runs up the escalator and jumps for it, but he falls short and lands at the feet of BLOODSHED, who is holding the balloon over Raynor’s head. Bloodshed pops the balloon but finds nothing. He kicks Raynor in the head and walks off…


Axis: He shouldn’t turn his back on Raynor…


King: yeah…look!


Raynor is up and turns Bloodshed around, hitting Bloodshed with a hard DDT. Bloodshed rolls onto his back and Raynor follows by dropping an elbow into Bloodshed’s chest before he gets up and runs back down the escalator. ‘Shed is up quickly and follows…


Bloodshed: Hey, Chris!


Raynor stops and turns to look up at Bloodshed, but that proves to be a mistake and Bloodshed goes suicidal and dives over the side of the escalator and lands with a splash on Raynor. Bloodshed is up and begins to walk away…but Raynor crawls up slowly and yells.


Raynor: Come here, punk!

Bloodshed goes running back but falls into a drop toehold and Raynor is up quickly and runs off toward the exit.


Axis: Look at Raynor go!


King: He better go…Bloodshed looks mad!


The scene fades out and turns to Zed crawling out of the Body Wars theatre…literally. His face is pale and it seems he could lose his lunch at any moment.


Axis: Oh lord…I hope he doesn’t vomit on camera…


King: ……


Zed crawls toward a trash can and opens it, forcing his head inside. Various barfing noises are heard for a moment before Zed falls out of the trash wiping his face.


Axis/King: Ugggghhhh….


Zed pulls himself up and tries to walk a bit, but a balloon in front of him causes a short adrenaline rush as he runs toward it. He pops it and finds nothing, as he falls against the railing and sits there.


Axis: Well…that was different…


King: What…look at this……this could be good…


The scene turns to Craig…who is wandering around the Crystal Shop in Germany, his eyes wide and a smirk across his face. He is seemingly really trying hard to not break anything. As he walks around a corner his arm bumps a vase…











…but Craig is quickly able to get his hands underneath it and catch it.


King: Damn…that would have been great!


Axis: …heh…maybe, King…


As the scene fades out Craig places the vase back and runs out of the shop.


The scene switches over to Mexico once more, as Tom is sitting outside the pavilion on the stairway, looking out over the lagoon.


Tom: I soooo need a beer after that…


Passing Guest: Sir…there is great beer in Germany…that stuff rules…


Tom: It’s two in the afternoon…


Guest: So…it’s also Disney World…drink up, man…


The guest pats him on the back and before he is three feet away Tom has passed him by and is running full tilt toward Germany.


Back to Frost, who is lost in the building that now houses the FoutainView Expresso & Bakery, and he has no clue where to turn. He looks around and notices some gold fluttering in the breeze by the doorway at the end of the hall.


Frost: A balloon!


Frost takes off running and grabs it, popping it open.


Frost: Shit…


He drops the broken balloon and runs out the door, stopping for a moment in the sunlight before taking off to the right.


Axis: Where could he be going now?


The scene goes to Dragon, who has made his way to the Universe of Energy and is unknowingly setting himself up for an almost one hour ride.


Axis: He could be on that ride for the rest of the match!


King: He must have missed the part when Ellen told everyone that it would be that long…


Axis: Probably trying to pick up chicks…


Back to Raynor once more, as he has lost Bloodshed and is running through Innoventions West at quite the pace. Suddenly he is caught off guard as a shiny golden object catches his view.


Raynor: BALLOON!

Raynor runs for it and dives, catching it as he sails through the air and over a barricade by the IBM Think-a-ma-jig and breaking the balloon just as he lands. A few startled guests watch on as Raynor throws the revealed-to-be-empty balloon down and takes off running once more.


Axis: Still no ticket…


King: Who cares…..wait! Look at this!


Zed has made his way inside the Test Track gift shop…and is working his way through the displays. He spots two balloons and grabs each one, popping them and finding nothing. His disgust is turned to almost fear as the balloons owners turn to face him.


Axis: Is that…





Judge and Ejiro look none-to-pleased to see Zed with their broken balloons, grabbing him and tossing him hard into a rack of t-shirts. Zed is up and runs toward them, but they of course outstretch their arms and Zed is clotheslined down hard. Luckily both are distracted by a fine piece of woman coming out of the attraction and can’t capitalize, allowing Zed to escape out of the gift shop and run for cover.


Axis: He got lucky, King…


King: Damn right…but now you HAVE to see this….


The scene changes to Craig who has just run head on into Tom…literally…and both men are getting up off the ground after running into each other. Craig is the first one to hit his feet and charges Tom, but the wily veteran dodges and brings his knee across Craig’s stomach, tossing him over and onto his back. Tom reaches down and follows up THE SUPERIOR STRETCH and Craig is in PAIN!


King: Superior Stretch!!


Axis: My god! That could break his back!


A crowd gathers around them as Craig is tapping out. Finally Tom feels remorseful and breaks the hold, running through the crowd and off once more to Germany.


The scene changes to a camera in Germany and catches Tom just as he arrives. He runs to the beer stand.


Tom: Gimme two beers now!


The “bartender” gives Tom two beers and he downs them quickly, throwing cash at the man and walking away.


Axis: Well that was quick…


Tom stands around for a moment, looking for what to do next. Suddenly he hears…




Tom looks to find Frost, with a smile on his face…coming toward the dock in the boat. Tom stands by the dock and waits as Frost jumps off and they immediately go at each other! Frost gets the upperhand for a moment and scoop slams Tom down, but Tom is up quicker than Frost thought as Frost is headed back for the soon-to-depart boat. Tom goes for a splash but Frost moves and Tom almost flips the railing into the lagoon!


Axis: Tom almost went over!


King: And Frost is getting away!


Frost takes a leap into the boat from the dock and leaves the stunned Flesher behind.


Back to Dragon again, sitting in the dark…only now realizing that he is going to be here for forty-five minutes and that he can’t get off. He folds his arms and puts his head down…as the Universe of Energy has been known to put many too sleep.


Axis: He might never wake up…


King: It’s almost as bad as that Mexican boat ride!


Axis: I wouldn’t go that far, King…


Back to Raynor now…as he is making his way diligently through Innoventions East. Searching high and low, trying to find any sign of a gold balloon or ticket that will help him win a spot in the finals.


Raynor: I’ll do anything to get my hands on Cutthroat again…


As he walks past the fake tree exhibits and the House of Innoventions he stumbles upon Disney DDR…and seems intrigued.


Raynor: Sir…excuse me…can that play “It’s A Small World”?


Attendant: Yep…along with about 4 or 5 other songs.


Raynor: Well I want to dance to IT’S A SMALL WORLD! MAKE IT HAPPEN!


Axis: Raynor’s getting pushy with his new found power…


King: Hey he could fire you…you know…


Axis shuts up but snickers as Raynor takes his place on the Disney DDR pad and a remix of “It’s A Small World” begins to pump through his veins…


Axis: If he sings along…


Raynor: It’s a world of laughter…a world of tears…it’s a world of hopes…and a world of fears…


Axis/King: Oh lord…


Raynor: …there’s so much that we share…that’s time we’re aware…


Axis: Someone stop him!


Raynor: It’s a small world after a-


Raynor is suddenly distracted as a Segway rides past and around him in circles…completely messing up his score!


Raynor: You bastard…I was PERFECT!


Raynor looks up at the driver and finds it to be Bloodshed, who somehow was able to get his hands on the new transportation vehicle OF THE FUTURE~! Raynor tries to attack but Bloodshed easily is able to dodge his flailing and tries to run down Raynor once more…but he is able to run for cover out of the building…


Axis: Bloodshed could have killed him!

King: …At least he stopped singing!


Axis: Ahem…he’s your boss too, pal…


Bloodshed laughs to himself and maneuvers his newfound toy out the other door and in another direction.


Zed, after escaping from Justice & Rule, has made his way to Mexico…and is still looking over his shoulder when he almost trips over Craig McClennan, who is resting and fanning himself after being put in the Superior Stretch.


Zed: What happened to you?


Craig: Shut up, man…don’t make me use this…


Zed: A paper fan?


Craig: It’s deadly…paper cuts, man…bleed to death….


Zed: Ha…very fun, fire boy…


Craig takes resentment and kicks Zed in the shin, doubling Zed over and allowing Craig to hit a suplex onto the concrete. Zed writhes in pain but Craig can not do any more damage, as Bloodshed passes by…still on his Segway…and Craig runs quickly after…


Axis: Craig had a chance to take out Zed there…


King: But of course he is running after Bloodshed……do you think he can catch him…


Axis: Well Bloodshed does have an advantage right now…


King: Until he wrecks…


Axis: Now I saw those earlier and it’s damn near impossible to wreck one…


King: Well let’s wait and see…


Cut to Tom…who has made his way to the Imagination Pavilion and is sitting on the “Journey Into Imagination” ride with hosts Eric Idle and Figment.


Tom: I swear to god their had better be a balloon in here…


Figment: Let’s all go to my open house!


Tom: Oh dear lord…


The cars move into Figment’s upside down house…and Tom suddenly notices a balloon defying the law of physics and hanging upside down. He times his move and is able to pull it down from the ceiling.


Tom: Come on, golden ticket!


He pops the balloon…but again finds nothing…


Tom: GAH!


Figment: …and it’s a BLAST!


A huge gust of air causes Tom to almost wet himself, but he keeps his composure long enough to make his way off the ride.


Axis: Well still no ticket for the guys…


King: Sad huh…


The scene switches back to Frost, who has made another full roundtrip around the lagoon and is exiting once more in Germany. As he climbs off the boat a large crash causes him to jump, but when he looks to see where it came from he sees Bloodshed sitting on the concrete holding his head and a broken Segway behind him against a railing.


King: He did it! I told you! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


Axis: Well…there goes that whole “no chance in breaking” thing…


As Frost sneaks up to wear Bloodshed is sitting he spots Craig coming from behind him and kicking Bloodshed hard right in the spine!


King: Ooooooo…


Axis: He’ll be feeling that later…


Bloodshed rolls forward and Craig drops a knee across Bloodshed’s throat. Craig continues his assault as Bloodshed tries to get away and Frost watches on, but a balloon behind them catches his attention and Frost slowly makes his way around the crowd that has gathered for this new brawl.


Axis: Another balloon!


King: Go Frost!!


Frost makes it to the railing with the balloon and pops it, but finds nothing once more. He throws it down as the scene changes back to English Dragon, still stuck in the Universe of Energy…


King: He’s still stuck…that’s great…


Axis: Good thing we aren’t in there…


Dragon looks around for a moment at the other twenty or thirty souls also trapped and begins to chant…




After a moment a few guests get into it…and soon everyone is chanting like crazy.


Axis: Oh my god…that’s-




Dragon continues chanting, but definitely seems pissed off at not finding a balloon.


Axis: According to my notes their isn’t a balloon in there…


King: Would you want to sit through that just to put a balloon in there?


Axis: Good point…


King: All of them are…now would you please get this stupid dog away from me!


The scene changes to Axis and King, and King is pushing Pluto away from his microphone.


Axis laughs and the scene switches to Raynor, who is sitting in Canada and is watching the celtic rock performance of OFF KILTER. As the band breaks into “A Walk In The Irish Rain”, Raynor steps up with a camera and takes a picture…


King: I can’t believe Raynor is sight-seeing at a time like this…


Axis: Have you seen them play? They are teh roq!


King: If you say so…


The scene changes back to Zed, who seems pinned inside a building…


Axis: Is that the stave church in Norway?


King: I think so…look at all those people trying to get through that piece of crap.


Axis: It’s not crap!


King: If Frost makes it there he is going to start bitching about how there is no Iceland in Disney World…


Axis: I sure hope he doesn’t do that…


Back to Craig, who is lost in Japan and can’t seem to find Bloodshed, but a split screen shows Bloodshed a few hundred feet away dancing to the rhythm of the beat in Morocco.


Axis: Look at his bust a move!


King: Raynor was better…


Craig finds a balloon in the back of Japan…but finds nothing upon breaking it. He yells quietly to himself and runs off, just as the split screen shows Bloodshed’s dance stop, as he applauds the musicians and takes off toward France. The Japan screen disappears and the camera in Morocco catches Craig running off in the same direction as Bloodshed.


Back to Tom, who has made his way to Spaceship Earth and is actually onboard…


Axis: He’s riding that thing!


King: …maybe he’s looking for balloons…


Voice: Spaceship Earth is a slow-moving trip through time…blah blah blah blah…


Tom sits patiently and watches around every corner and in every nook and cranny for a balloon. The camera stays with Tom as he makes his way “into the future” of communication, and as they come upon the 1950s living room…Tom spots a balloon on the back table. He stands and times a jump…


Axis: He’s going to jump off the ride!


King: Can he do that?


Before that question is even done Tom is in the air and in the ‘living room’ where he pops the balloon and finds…NOTHING! He screams as a few guests pass, causing him to wave robotically and stifle laughter.


Axis: The newest Disney attraction…


King: ….Robo-Flesher!


Tom waits till all are gone and jumps into an empty car…preparing himself for the ten minute trip back down to the ride’s exit.


Axis: What now…


King: Remember when I was talking about Frost in Norway…


Axis: …yeah?


King: You won’t believe this…


Frost has made his way to Norway and does not look pleased…


Frost: Where in the hell is MY ICELAND!


King: …told you…


Frost: Norway sucks! There’s no cool musicians like Bjork or anything!


As guests watch his ranting and raving Frost rips his shirt off to reveal a “F**K Norway” shirt. A few guests gasp as he walks to Maelstrom and pushes through people to jump on the ride, all the while bitching…


Frost: This stupid ride…stupid Vikings…. Iceland had Vikings!! Bastards…


As they make their way down the “waterfall” a troll pops out and tries to frighten the guests. Frost is unamused.


Frost: Look at that…stupid dwarf is so fake! We have trolls in Iceland! We call them ‘mother-in-laws’!


Guests are in awe of Frost as he exits the ride and leaves the building to find Zed searching for balloons.


Frost: Yo…Zed!


Zed: What are you doing here…complaining about no Iceland…


Frost: uhh…NO!


Zed: nice shirt…


Frost: Thanks, man…


Frost smiles but quickly runs at Zed, who droptoeholds Frost down. Frost is up fast, though, and both men begin to brawl toward the Viking Ship Playground. As Frost throws punches he continues to bitch…


Frost: I can’t believe this…uh…stupid playground…UH…could have built a damn Iceland…


Zed: Shut up, Frost…


Zed steps back and throws a superkick, but Frost dodges and grabs him, hooking him into a powerbomb. Zed is lifted but he manages to wiggle out and fall forward against the railing…right by a balloon…


Axis/King: A BALLOON!


Zed pops it and finds…









Zed jumps for joy and over the side of the railing to the ground, but Frost has made his way off the ship and catches Zed by the throat…


Axis: Is he going to…


Zed is lifted into the air once more but instead of hitting a chokeslam, Frost just drops him back down and shoves him hard against the side of the ship, causing Zed to drop the ticket. Zed rolls in pain as Frost picks up the ticket and heads out of there as fast as he can go.


Axis: Frost is getting away!


King: But look!


Chris Raynor has made his way from Canada and spots Frost running with the ticket. Frost, however, has not seen Raynor and does not see him until Raynor comes from behind…jumping on his back and taking him down. Raynor grabs the ticket and stands back up, but a recovering Zed has returned and as Raynor turns around he is caught with a superkick that sends the ticket out of his hand and his body to the concrete next to Frost.


Axis: Devastating kick there!


King: And Zed has the ticket once more!


Zed grabs the ticket and heads off to the eastern part of Future World, trying to lose them, but now Frost and Raynor are back up and are following behind.


King: Where is everybody else…


Axis: There’s your answer, King…


From behind Raynor comes Bloodshed and Craig…as Bloodshed spotted Raynor leaving Canada and caught the end of the brawl, seeing Zed kick down Raynor and run with the ticket. Craig is only chasing after Bloodshed.


Axis: It’s a five man chase!


King: And Zed is in the lead!


Zed tries to weave through the Test Track Cool Station but Raynor has snuck around and takes Zed down hard with a superkick of his own. The others show up after and a HUGE BRAWL ERUPTS, with Craig diving off a wall toward Bloodshed, but an accidental shove from Frost causes Bloodshed to fly back and Craig to hit nothing but concrete!


Axis/King: OUCH!


Frost goes at Bloodshed again, but before Frost can make it Zed spins him around and this allows Bloodshed to hit a lowblow on Frost, knocking him to his knees. Zed sees Bloodshed and goes for a kick…but Bloodshed ducks and sweeps Zed’s legs out, knocking him on his back and the ticket goes flying free!


Bloodshed gets the ticket and tries to run, but a recovering Craig comes up from behind and catches Bloodshed, turning him around and hitting a hard suplex onto the concrete.


Axis: A Suplex from Craig takes Bloodshed down…


King: …and Craig has the ticket!


Craig also tries to run but is caught by Raynor, who spins Craig around and kicks him in the balls, doubling him over and putting him in perfect position for a DDT! Craig hits the ground and rolls away, leaving Raynor to grab the ticket and head for the breezeway!


Axis: Raynor is getting away!


King: …not for long! Look!


A very bored and angry English Dragon is waiting in the breezeway and catches Raynor off guard, hitting a standing dropkick and sending him down to the concrete. Dragon grabs the ticket and tries to get away…but Zed is back and is able to catch Dragon with a backdrop suplex…but Dragon flips out of it and hits one of his own!


Axis: It’s all kinds of back and forth action.


King: And it can only get crazier from here!


Dragon clutches his ticket and runs for open space…but he doesn’t get far as Frost has reappeared and is carrying a BALZAC BALL! He whips it into Dragon who spins around, wondering what the hell just happened, but as he spins Frost comes out with a superkick of his own, dropping Dragon down and putting him out…at least for the time being…


King: Frost has the ticket!


Axis: …and look at him run!


Frost takes off running, but Raynor is right behind him! Before Frost makes it to Guest Relations, he is caught by…TOM FLESHER…who has finally made it out of Spaceship Earth only to find Frost running at him holding the golden ticket.


Frost…on the other hand…did not notice Tom until his face hit concrete after Tom drove it there with a Famouser.


Axis: Well I can’t say I’ve seen him do that before…


King: He’s pulling out all the stops to win this!


Tom grabs the ticket, but on his way up he is caught by Raynor…who smiles politely before kicking him in the gut and hitting him with THE ACID RAYN~!




King: And what is Raynor doing…he’s picking up Frost…




King: Raynor is taking no prisoners!


Raynor smiles and grabs the ticket and starts walking toward Guest Relations, but the English Dragon returns and runs in swinging, and both men go at it right outside the door!


Axis: They are so close!


King: Look!


From the same direction as Dragon comes Craig and Bloodshed, as they attack both men…with Bloodshed diving and hitting a flying elbow on Raynor that puts him down and gives Bloodshed the chance to get the ticket.


Axis: And now Bloodshed’s got it!


Bloodshed stands up but is caught from behind by a recovered Zed…who ABSOLUTELY KILLS Bloodshed with A VERTIBREAKER ONTO THE CONCRETE!


King: Oh my god…Bloodshed is dead…he can’t get up from that…


Zed turns back around and Craig tries to catch him off guard, but Zed is too quick and kicks Craig in the stomach before giving him a HUGE STUNNER right in front of the door!


Axis: Zed is going to win this! Zed has it!


King: My god! Unbelievable!!


Zed laughs as he stands back up, but as he walks through the door toward Annie…Annie points over his shoulder…

















Zed turns….















…is caught by Raynor….

















Axis: My god! Raynor could win this...




Raynor grabs the ticket and walks to Annie and hands it to her......














…he jumps onto the Guest Relations desk and screams for the world to hear…













Annie laughs to herself as she reads the card and Raynor jumps down from the desk and grabs his arm and raises it high…







Axis: And Raynor has done it!


King: …….I can’t believe it…

Axis: Raynor is moving on to the finals along with Longdogger Pete, Janus, Jay Dawg, and Cutthroat!


King: ……..I still can’t believe it…


The scene fades out slowly as the camera shows close-ups of the fallen bodies of the rest of the Epcot Brawl.











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Guest DawnBTVS

Hah...great job there. LOVED the "It's a Small World" scene and then you breaking Raynor's performance off. Also a (Y) at the Off Kilter appearance.

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

That's right Fuck Norway! Although I lost, I am happy with the win or Raynor and the fucking of Norway.

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Guest CED Ordonez

Rando continues to rock. I'd normally bitch about not appearing anywhere near a DDR machine, but I, in fact, despise the Disney version of DDR, so it is forgiven in this case.


(Y) especially for Tom getting hammered throughout the match, Frost bitching about Norway, and the usage of the term "anal blitzkreig". Actually, (N) for anal blitzkreig, but (Y) for everything else.

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Guest The Amazing Rando

*marks down CED to be playing DDR during the Finals*

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