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Guest DarkHollywood

Best of Owen Hart in Stampede & Japan:

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Guest DarkHollywood

The Best of Owen Hart in Stampede & Japan Compilation Tape:

(Aproximate Running Time: 4 hours 03 Minutes)


From the depths of eBay hell...or should I say heaven in this case, comes the Best of Owen Hart from his stays in Calgary Stampede wrestling and in Japan in between his tenure in the World Wrestling Federation. This is a start of compilation tapes as ones of Owen Hart in Stampede from 1986, Dynamite Kid in Japan and Ricky Steamboat in Japan will be done soon, plus compilations of Ric Flair and Bret Hart could be in the works. The tape starts off with bad video, but it cleans up within ten minutes, so it's cool. I was notified of the video quality ahead of time so I knew what to expect.


Highlights of Makhan Singh & Ron Starr laying out Owen after using his head as a battering ram into the ring post before a title match. This leads up into...


Stampede North American Heavyweight Championship Match:

Makhan Singh © vs. Owen Hart:

Owen comes out of nowhere with a missile drop-kick from the top rope to open the match, and apparently he has a huge ass bandage on his head from the previous attack. Owen hammers away on Singh with clubbing rights to the crowds enjoyment and pummels him with the Title strap. Owen works on him in the corner and scoop slams him!!! Owen with a series of knee drops and mounted punches on Singh. Owen continues with the punishment in the corner and executes a perfect suplex on the 400 pounder!! Owen off the ropes with an elbow drop and he stomps Singh to the outside. CLIP. Owen on the apron sends Singh into the turnbuckle and connects with a twisting cross body press from the top rope for two! Singh with a cheap shot with the cast takes over the advantage and he throws Owen to the outside. Owen sling shots his way back in with a sunset flip but only for a two count. Singh with a BIG Back body drop that has Owen land right on his face. Singh with more shots with his cast followed by a short arm clothesline. Owen comes back with rights and ties up Singh in the ropes and takes of his cast, and putting it on himself! The referee stops him before he can DQ himself which allows Singh to get in some free shots. Irish Whip, and Owen leap frogs Singh and connects with a flying clothesline with the cast! Elbow drop off the top rope by Owen while still wearing the cast wins it and the title at 5:43. Match was pretty good with a hot crowd, but the clip job hurt it, so **3/4 seems fair. Wow, that's the highest rating I've ever given to a Mike Shaw match. Tape already starts off on a good step.


Non-Title Singles Match:

Owen Hart vs. "Lethal" Larry Cameron:

From Stampede as well. JIP with Owen spring boarding into the ring and catching Cameron in a sunset flip for two. Cameron hammers on Owen catches him with a snapmare suplex for two and applies a reverse chin lock. Scoop slam by Cameron, but he misses a second rope elbow drop. Owen hammers on Cameron and connects with a beautiful drop-kick and he does some mounted punches in the corner. Owen comes off the top rope with a cross body for a two count. Snap suplex by Owen gets two again. Owen connects with a gut-wrench suplex for another two count. Owen sends Cameron to the buckle and catches him with a back elbow off the ropes. Scoop slam by Owen and he connects with a top rope elbow drop for two. Owen with another suplex, and he comes off the top rope with a swan dive headbutt, but eats boot before his feet hit the ground!! That was a nasty little shot as Owen ends up on the complete opposite side of the ring. Cameron back up and he connects with a diving shoulder tackle for two. Powerslam by Cameron gets another two count. Cameron clotheslines Owen over the top rope to the floor and he whips him into the ring apron. Cameron with a slam from the outside in, but Owen with a small package gets the out-of-nowhere three count at 6:31. **1/2 for another fairly decent match. Let's get some Japan matches in here!


Highlights of Johnny Smith verbally abusing one of Owen's sisters (I think it's Diana) which results in Owen to come out, damn's God, and says eh a few too many times before Smith & Makhan Singh beat the crap out of him with a steel chair, which leads into...


Owen Hart vs. Takayuki Iizuka:

Fuck I'm going to have problems spelling this guys name right. Lockup and we get a clean break in the ropes. If there is commentary it's very low for this one. Owen works through the armbar reversal for his own and takes Iizuka down with a head scissors. Owen has maple leafs imprinted on his tights. Owen with another head scissors, and we get the bridge pinfall with Owen turning into a back slide, both for two, and they go into a duel position to cheers. Owen takes down Iizuka and applies an armbar and drops a knee across it. Test of Strength is reversed into a northern lights suplex by Owen for two. Iizuka has Owen down on the canvas in the knuckle lock, but Owen bridges his way up and connects with a standing drop-kick. Lockup and Iizuka applies a cross armbar. Owen tries rolling out of it to no avail. Iizuka applies an armbar, but Owen kips up out of it, only to walk into an arm drag and the hold is reapplied. Owen lifts Iizuka onto his shoulders and comes down with a Samoan drop for two. Snapmare by Owen and he drops a knee across the chest for two. Iizuka applies a sort of ankle lock and drops the elbow across the thigh of Owen. Iizuka with a series of elbows followed by a shoulder block. Irish Whip and Owen catches him with an arm drag followed by a hurricanrana and drop-kick. Owen sends him outside and connects with a stiff baseball slide. Owen with a side headlock into a go behind armbar, and that's reversed and Iizuka takes him down and applies a camel clutch. Owen powers out and drops him from off his shoulders and connects with a second rope elbow drop for two. Owen applies an abdominal stretch and turns it into a roll up for two. Owen snaps back the leg of Iizuka and applies an Indian Death Lock. Back to a standing position and Owen connects with a back breaker for two. Double under-hook suplex gets another two count. Iizuka puts down Owen with a series of boots to the face and they end up trading chops until he puts Owen down with a kick. Drop-kick to the face of Owen gets two and Iizuka applies a reverse chinlock. Owen connects with a jaw breaker and slams Iizukas face into the canvas a few times before connecting with a leg drop to the back of the head. Both men trade chops and slaps again until Owen connects with a standing drop-kick. Iizuka with a leg takedown and he applies a modified Sharpshooter. Owen powers out and nails a succession of European Uppercuts, but he eats a spinning heel kick. Snap suplex by Iizuka gets a two count and he applies another chinlock. Gut wrench suplex by Owen gets a two count, and he connects with a back suplex for two again. Snap suplex gets another two and Owen reapplies the camel clutch and then applies a bow and arrow submission lock but its reversed into a pinfall for only two. Jumping heel kick by Iizuka connects and he puts the boots to Owen in the corner, and Owen takes the Bret speed bump into the turnbuckle for two. Iizuka with a snapmare and chin lock applied again. Owen catches him with a beautiful over head belly to belly suplex for two, and Iizuka in return nails a T-bone suplex for two as well. Owen with a crucifix pin in the corner only gets two and he sets Iizuka on the top rope, and attempts a super-plex, but Iizuka blocks it into a cross body for two. Northern Lights Suplex by Iizuka gets another two count but he soon enough eats Enziguri and Owen follows up with a scoop slam and comes off the top rope, only to meet knees on a big splash attempt. Iizuka to the top rope, but Owen does a mad dash and connects with a drop-kick, sending him BACKWARDS to the concrete! Owen heads up again and comes off with a top rope clothesline to the outside. Iizuka catches Owen trying to enter the ring and attempts a suplex to bring him back in the ring, but Owen reverses it into a German suplex for the three count at 21:05. This match was just a little too long for my liking, but it was pretty good with another hot crowd, and *** seems to be a nice rating, but anything higher might be a little too generous. After the match they shake hands all nice and mighty like.


Owen Hart vs. Keichi Yamada:

To my knowledge, Yamada would later be known as everyone's Japanese God, Jushin Liger. But this is 1988, so it's not him yet. This is also a New Japan Pro Wrestling match. Great, it's time for Japanese commentary. Owen does his moonsault into the ring. JIP to Yamada having a grapevine submission lock applied. Yamada lays in a fury of kicks to the thigh and knee of Owen and connects with an atomic knee drop and reapplies the grapevine. Yamada catches Owen with a drop toe hold and the body stretch submission but he doesn't give up. Owen is sent to the buckle and Yamada with another flurry of boots. Owen comes off the top rope with a twisting sunset flip from the top rope for two, and connects with a plancha to the outside on Yamada and connects with a series of European uppercuts. Yamada reverses a suplex and connects with a drop-kick, sending Owen outside, and nails an AWESOME suicide dive on Owen, sending them both into the steel barricade. Owen makes Yamada eat buckle, but he misses a twisting cross body and meets the knee of Yamada, and he connects with a tombstone piledriver, and heads to the top rope with a senton bomb for two! Snap suplex by Yamada gets two and he does more flurry kicks for two. Irish Whip and Yamada with a fall away slam into a pin for two. Owen blocks a suplex with a German suplex for two!! Victory Roll by Yamada is blocked Wrestlemania X Style by Owen and that's good enough for three at 5:34!! ***1/2 HOT match, with some great action. If not for the Clip, it might have been better, but still, that's a pretty good match.


Owen Hart, Bam Bam Bigelow, Pat Tanaka vs. Jushin Liger, Riki Choshu, Kengo Kimura:

This is going to be good, and is also from NJPW. Bigelow starts the match with Choshu. Hot Crowd. Bigelow shoves Choshu into the buckle, and they lockup, with Bigelow connecting with several hard rights and a headbutt followed by a series of fist drops for two. Standing enziguri by Bigelow gets another two count. Rake of the eyes by the Beast from the East and he connects with a hard slam, but misses an elbow drop, and Choshu slams Bigelow. Tanaka tags in and puts down Choshu with a shoulder block, but he is snapmared into Choshus corner and Liger comes in with a running clothesline and snap suplex followed by a standing senton splash for two. Kimura in and he lays in a stiff kick to the midsection, followed by a snapmare and scoop slam for two. Owen tags in and lays in some boots in the corner on Kimura and connects with a suplex and leg drop for two. Kimura tags in Liger and Owen hammers away. Liger reverses an Irish Whip and catches him with a back drop and spinning heel kick sending him over the top rope and connects with an AWESOME suicide dive! Owen reverses a whip, sending Liger into the barricade and slams him on the concrete floor. Liger reverses a suplex back in but runs into a back breaker by Owen. Choshu in with some boots and a scoop slam, and Bigelow tags back in. Bigelow does some dancing and Choshu takes him down and applies a cross leg lock and turns it into a sharpshooter type hold. Tanaka comes in to break the hold and Bigelow drops a headbutt to Choshus nether-region. Choshu comes back with a suplex and Kimura tags back in with a series of martial arts kicks to the midsection, but he's taken down and Owen comes off the top rope with an elbow drop and follows with a gut-wrench suplex and a drop-kick to the head gets two. Tanaka tags back in and he applies the first armbar, and kicks Kimuras leg out from under him. Liger back in and he applies a side headlock and catches Tanaka with a succession of jabs and kicks. Kimura back in and he connects with a stall suplex for two. They work over Tanaka's leg and try jerking it out of it's socket. Bigelow with a cheap shot to break it, and Owen comes in with an axehandle. Back drop by Owen and he applies an abdominal stretch. Kimura reverses it with a hip toss, and Liger tags back in and sends him into Bigelow. Bigelow with a stiff right, and a back drop, followed by a series of headbutts. Liger with a wheel kick to the face, followed by a hurricanrana for two!! Choshu hammers on Tanaka and connects with a back elbow and a snapmare and Kimura comes off the top with an axehandle smash followed by a back suplex. Scoop slam by Kimura and he applies a hammer lock. Owen comes in to break the hold and comes off the top rope with a knee drop to Kimuras calf. Liger tags back into the match and whips Owen to the buckle and nails a sweet running drop-kick to the face. Owen avoids an avalanche by spring boarding off the ropes but eats a clothesline for two. Owen with a stiff knee lift to the face and rolls up Liger for two. Jumping tombstone piledriver by Owen and he comes off the top rope with a splash, but he meets the knees of Liger. Tanaka quickly runs in to blast Kimura, allowing Owen to take the advantage and nail a back breaker for two. Owen connects with an overhead belly to belly suplex and a top rope elbow drop for another two count. Tanaka tags back in but runs into a back drop and a type of shining wizard. Bigelow comes in to break the hold but Liger nails a running drop-kick, and Kimura clotheslines him to the outside. Choshu with the tag and he nails a lariat on Tanaka for the three count at 13:32!!! Awesome match! I'm going with **** on this one. Nonstop action, a hot crowd, and basically awesome action for the whole match.


Owen Hart vs. Jushin "Thunder" Liger:

This one is gonna be good. From now on until I say so, all matches will be from New Japan Pro Wrestling. Owen with some pre-match slapping of the mask. Lockup and Owen cheap shot slaps Liger in the ropes. Lockup attempt two and Liger with a bunch of slaps in the corner. Snapmare and face rake by Liger, followed by another snapmare into a reverse chinlock. Shoulder block by Liger, and he connects with a drop-kick and a series of japanese arm drags before applying a hammerlock. Owen does his kip up reversal of the armbar, and Liger one-ups him at it, and they go to a standing position. Liger with a double leg take down and applies a cross leg lock on Owen. Liger applies a surfboard-like maneuver on Owen. Owen breaks free and applies a wrist-lock and connects with a northern lights suplex before applying a cross face chicken wing. Owen drops a knee into the forearm of Liger and applies an armbar. Owen with a monkey flip and he keeps the hold applied, and drops a series of knees across. Owen somehow turns the hold into an abdominal stretch. Shoulder block by Owen and he nails a Drop-kick sending Liger outside, and connects with a missile drop-kick from the apron. Owen on the outside whips Liger into the steel barricade. Back inside and Owen with a vertical suplex for two and he connects with a for two. Owen works on the back some more and executes a gut-wrench suplex for two, and applies a front headlock. Owen applies the sharpshooter perfectly, but Liger somehow makes it to the ropes. Whip by Owen, and its reversed and Liger with a back drop and a snap suplex followed by a running senton and standing moonsault for two! Liger misses a running drop-kick, but is sent outside, where Owen meets him with a vicious suicide dive into the barricade. Liger sends Owen into the buckle and nails a top rope missile drop-kick. Owen reverses a back drop with a German suplex for two. Owen with an Irish whip and he catches Liger with an overhead Belly to Belly suplex for two. Double Under-hook float over suplex by Owen gets another two count! Scoop slam by Owen, and he goes to the top rope, but misses the big splash. Liger off the ropes but Owen rolls him up for two! Owen with a tombstone piledriver, and he heads upstairs again, but Liger crotches him, and connects with a top rope superplex! Ligerbomb finishes it for Owen at 12:31. I'll give this ****¼ Just to think there's several more of these to come. A bit better than their earlier match from 1988.


Owen Hart & Bam Bam Bigelow vs. "Dr. Death" Steve Williams & Wild Pegasus:

Note: Wild Pegasus would later be known as Chris Benoit. Everyone else is the same. Oddly, The Team of Death/Pegasus have Born in the USA as their theme, even though Benoit is Canadian, so that just strikes me silly. Bigelow still does cart wheels here. CLIP to Owen reversing out of a headlock and nailing Williams with a flying clothesline for one. Both men trade armbars, and Owen again kips up out of it, only to be caught by a Dr. Death short arm clothesline. Williams wants a test of strength, and obviously wins this one. Owen comes back and monkey flips Williams off, but a second try in the corner doesn't work. Williams with a gorilla press slam but he misses an elbow drop. Owen with a series of drop-kicks send Williams to the outside. Williams hammers on Owen and tags in Pegasus, who does more of the same. Both men trade go behinds. Pegasus with a double leg take down, but Owen kinda enziguris out of it. Criss cross leads to a Pegasus crucifix for two, and a plancha on Owen on the outside of the ring. Owen reverses a suplex with a German suplex for two. Bigelow tags in for the first time and nails a headbutt followed by a stall suplex for two. Bigelow rakes the eyes a bit and press slams Pegasus, but its blocked and Pegasus falls on top of Bigelow for two. Bigelow sends Pegasus to the outside, and back in, where he meets him with clubbing forearms. Pegasus with a series of elbows to the midsection, but Bigelow takes the eyes to stop his house of fire. Pegasus off the ropes with a flying clothesline gets a two, and Williams and Owen tag back in. Williams with a side headlock and cops in the corner, followed by a snapmare and a head scissors. Owen off the ropes ducks several clotheslines and connects with a cross body press for two. Williams quickly to his feet connects with a stiff back suplex on Owen and stomps a mud-hole, and sends him outside where Wild Pegasus meets him with a snap suplex on the concrete. Back in the ring and Williams with a double arm over head belly to belly suplex for two. Owen hammers back on Williams and drop-kicks him into the corner, but Williams with a charging clothesline flattens Owen. Pegasus back in the ring connects with a running clothesline for two. Irish whip, and Owen connects with a standing drop-kick. Bigelow tags in and hammers Pegasus, but the referee didn't see. Williams with a powerslam on Owen gets two. Dr. Death goes for the Oklahoma Stampede, but Owen holds onto the ropes for dear life and falls on top of Williams for two. Pegasus back in with a beautiful back suplex for two. Owen flips out of another and German Suplex connects on Pegasus for two. Pegasus returns the favor with his own German suplex for two. Jumping Tombstone piledriver by Pegasus, and he comes off the rope with a diving headbutt for two! Pegasus sets Owen on the top turnbuckle, but Owen blocks and nails a top rope cross body press on Pegasus for three at 11:57. ***1/2 another awesome match, and minimal Bigelow. That's good in my books.


Owen Hart vs. Keiji Muto:

I believe the tape has surpassed the half way mark by now. Lockup and Muto with a headlock takeover, and Owen reverses into a pin for two on several occasions. Owen powers out with an armbar, but Muto monkey flips him off and applies his own. Owen kips up and reverses it again, and Muto now tries fighting out, and Owen answers that with a head scissors take over into the submission lock. Video quality is a little on the bad side here, but still watchable. Muto sends Owen to the outside, and whips him HARD into the barricade. Back in the ring and Muto with a spring board Axehandle off the top rope. Muto throws Owen outside again and whips him to the barricade, and Muto introduces his foot into his midsection. Back inside and Owen with a snapmare followed by a knee drop for two, and applies a headlock which is reversed into an ankle lock. Owen avoids an Irish Whip and connects with the Enziguri and applies a reverse chinlock. Snapmare by Owen and applies another crossface. Muto backs into the corner and nails a reverse drop-kick. Snapmare and twisting elbow drop gets two for Muto, and he snapmares Owen over again and applies a reverse chinlock. Owen fights to his feet and drop-kicks out of it, and sends Muto to the outside, and comes off the apron with an axehandle. On the outside Owen with a series of European uppercuts, and he whips Muto into the barricade. Back inside the ring and Owen applies an abdominal stretch, which is reversed with an arm drag. Owen spring boards off the second rope with a cross body press for two, and gets two off a gut-wrench suplex. Leg drop by Owen gets another two, and he applies another reverse chinlock. Irish whip breaks it, and Muto connects with a sweet drop-kick and applies the Sharpshooter! Owen won't submit, so Muto turns it into a STF submission. Owen still won't give up so he pummels Muto to break it and lays in some stiff shots, and connects with a twisting neck breaker for two. Big slam by Owen and he comes off the second rope with a diving headbutt for two. Owen with a shoulder block and they do a leap frog sequence, which has Owen connect with a German suplex for two. Over head belly to belly suplex by Owen gets another two count. Back Breaker by Owen, and he slams Muto in the corner and nails a moonsault for two! Muto reverses a suplex with a German suplex for two! Running bulldog by Muto and he connects with a back breaker, and a top rope moonsault for three at 11:40. ***1/2 Match was better than decent but had a few too many rest-holds, and the finishing moonsault seemed a bit botched, but still pretty good.


Next up is Owen Hart vs. Shiro Koshinaka, but the video quality is terrible, and apparently, it's taped from a Hand Held camera, so we'll just pretend this isn't on the tape and skip to the next match. Hell, I can barely see half the ring in the whole match. Owen wins the match with a crucifix pin at 10:10 to end the stretch of bad camera operation. Note to Guy: FOCUS THE LENSE! For half the match I kept thinking Koshinaka was Hakushi.


Owen Hart vs. Wild Pegasus:

Woo-hoo! Pegasus with a cheap shot to start the match and connects with a running clothesline and a stiff back suplex. Pegasus press slams Owen over the top rope to the floor and whips him into the security railing, and snap suplexes him on the concrete! Pegasus hammers Owen on the apron, and again the suplex in is reversed, but Pegasus catches him off the ropes with a tilt-o-whirl back breaker for two, and throws him to the outside. Gut-wrench Powerslam by Pegasus and he sets Owen on the top turnbuckle but is thrown off, and Owen connects with a missile drop-kick and a clothesline, and drop-kicks him to the outside and nails a suicide dive! Owen chops on Pegasus and whips him into the steel rail and we head back inside where Owen connects with a back breaker for two and applies a Boston crab. Pegasus makes it to the ropes, breaking the hold, so Owen applies an abdominal stretch right after, and Owen continues hammering Pegasus and applies a hammerlock. Pegasus cartwheels out of it and takes Owen over with a fireman's carry and applies a wristlock. Pegasus with a snapmare, but Owen reverses, and eventually scores a victory roll for two. Hammerlock applied by Owen and that's reversed with a snapmare and Pegasus applies a wristlock. Owen bridges out of a knuckle lock and walks the ropes and spring boards into a reversal with a hip toss and connects with a hurricanrana for two and applies an armbar. Pegasus reverses the hold and applies his own cross hammerlock. Owen powers out and connects with a gut-wrench suplex for two. Pegasus takes the advantage back with a back elbow for two and applies a head scissors. Owen reverses out into a modified STF and catches Pegasus with an overhead belly to belly suplex for two, and applies a reverse chinlock. Pegasus quickly powers out with a back suplex and applies a standing side headlock, and connects with a running drop-kick, sending Owen outside, and nailing a plancha! Back in the ring and both men trade shots, with Owen connecting with the enziguri for two. Scoop slam by Owen, and he comes off the top rope with a picture perfect moonsault for two! Benoit whips Owen to the buckle, but walks into a gut-wrench slam. Owen gets posted on the top rope and Pegasus with a Back suplex from the top for three at 12:16. **** Like there was any doubt. If it was longer, it was possible on the verge of a better rating.


Owen Hart vs. Jushin "Thunder" Liger:

This match is JIP, and also includes one of my favorite vicious finishing moves for a match. We cut to Owen applying a cross hammerlock on Liger. Owen also has some ugly attire on, with a white top and red pants with maple leaf prints on them. Whip to the ropes and Liger catches Owen with a back slide for two. Owen quickly back up and executes a northern lights suplex for two. Owen applies a wristlock and chops on Liger. Suplex is blocked and Liger applies a cross armbar with authority, and Owen sells like a champion. Liger applies a body extension submission lock on Owen longer than you should and applies a reverse Boston crab like surfboard maneuver. Owen flips over Liger on an Irish whip but eats a cartwheel kick to the face, sending him outside, and Liger comes off the top rope with a clothesline. Back in the ring and Owen catches Liger with the belly to belly suplex for two. German suplex by Owen gets another two count as the crowd goes psycho. Irish whip and Liger catches Owen in a crucifix pin for two. Owen sends Liger to the buckle and chops him. Top rope twisting cross body by Owen is avoided, and he in return avoids a Liger spinning heel kick. Owen is back dropped onto the apron, and makes Liger eat buckle, and connects with a twisting cross body, but it's reversed by Liger for two! Liger tries for a tombstone, but Owen reverses it with one of his own, and heads upstairs and connects with a swan dive headbutt for two! Scoop slam by Owen and he heads upstairs with a sweet moonsault for two! Owen heads up again, but Liger drops him with an electric chair drop on the back of his head for two! Liger sets Owen on the top turnbuckle again, but Owen connects with several headbutts, but Liger drop-kicks him and comes off the top rope with a FUCKING VICIOUS DDT for the OBVIOUS three count at 7:42. ***3/4 Pumped it up 1/4* for the finish. Another awesome match on this tape and Owen took that bump like a man, going face first and floating over with it. Side Note: I believe this match is available for download on KaZaA, but that's going by other peoples words, so I'm not 100% sure. Also it's in its entirety.


Owen Hart vs. Jushin "Thunder" Liger:

Another match thats JIP. Owen has a hammerlock applied to Liger, and connects with a northern lights suplex for two. Tombstone piledriver by Owen connects and he heads to the top rope, and is met there and Liger comes off the top rope with a super-plex!! Liger easily performs his Ligerbomb finisher for the easy three at 0:57. NR Since the match was just the ending. Owen is now 0-3 versus Liger on this tape, 1-3 if you count the pre-Liger days.


Highlights from the match from before, where Liger pinned Owen after the most painful looking DDT from off the top rope I've ever seen. Pointless really to show it again, but whatever floats the tape makers boat.


We get a brief clipjob from the 1988, Top of the Super Jr. Tournament, where Owen Hart defeated Hiro Hase, Kobayashi, and Keichi Yamada (Liger), before succumbing to Shiro Koshinaka in the tournaments finals. Everything is way to brief to justify as a match, so I just summed it up in that one run on sentence.


Back to Stampede Wrestling, with an Owen Hart interview, and I guess he has a match with Makhan Singh, since he repeatedly says his name. He threatens Johnny Smith with verbal threats.


SIDE NOTE: The maker of this tape accidentally placed in a few moments from a Chris Benoit vs. Great Gama match. Just wanted to point that out.


Stampede North American Heavyweight Championship Match:

Owen Hart © vs. Makhan Singh:

15 Minute Time Limit here, and we are once again JIP with Owen covering a fallen Singh for two. Owen hammers away on Singh and ties him up in the ropes. and comes off the top rope with an axehandle smash. Owen with several knife-edge chops and some shots to the midsection. The referee gives Owen a YELLOW CARD, whatever the hell that means. Singh fights back with clubbing rights, and Singhs manager trips up Owen, and eats ring post for it. Owen reverses a suplex back in with a sunset flip for two. Shoulder blocks by Owen put Singh to his knees, but he is lifted to heaven and dropped on his face...wow, that was pretty tasteless. Owen is dropped hard by Singh is what I'll say. Knee lifts by Singh on Owen and he rakes the eyes. We get some Owen chants while Singh hammers on the midsection of Owen, and sends him hard into the turnbuckle. I can honestly say this match is pretty bad so far. Owen continues taking a beating, and Singh connects with a leg drop for two. Scoop slam by Singh and he comes off the second rope with a big splash for two. Singh with several shoulder thrusts in the corner for two. Bearhug is applied, and now this match is really tanking. Singh eats a flying elbow by Owen and Owen with a snap suplex on Singh. He comes off the top rope but missile drop-kicks the referee. Singh throws him outside, where Johnny Smith DDTs him on the concrete floor. Inside, and Singh with a corner splash. Out of nowhere Jason the Terrible interferes and axehandles Owen on top of Singh for the three count at 8:38. * Worst match on this tape by a huge margin. Owen & Jason brawl with Smith & Singh post match.


We get some assorted pre-match interviews from Makhan Singh, Johnny Smith, Rip Rogers, and Kerry Brown, as well as the team of Owen Hart, Bruce Hart, Brian Pillman, and Jason The Terrible, which all finally leads to...


Owen Hart, Bruce Hart, Brian Pillman, Jason The Terrible vs. Makhan Singh, Johnny Smith, Kerry Brown, Rip Rogers:

Again, JIP but it's still considerably long. We cut to Owen nailing a cross body press on Smith for two. Headlock by Owen and he follows up with a shoulder block and drop-kick. Brown & Jason in now, and Brown takes Jason to the corner. Jason reverses an Irish whip but misses an avalanche, and Brown with a scoop slam. He heads upstairs, but Jason slams him off, and connects with a vertical suplex. Owen tags back in and comes off the top with a missile drop-kick. Owen back flips over Brown and scores with a victory roll for two. Arm drag by Owen and he applies a hammerlock. Pillman in without a tag and applies an armbar. Pillman was pretty early into his wrestling career here. Whip by Brown and he connects with a back elbow. Rogers tags in, and misses an elbow drop, and Pillman with an arm drag and armbar. Jason back in and he reapplies the hold. Owen tags back in and comes off the second rope with an axehandle, and executes the enziguri on Rogers. Elbow drop by Owen gets two, and we get Singh in to lower the work rate of the match. Singh rakes the eyes and throws Owen to the outside. Owen slams Singh into the buckle and comes off the top rope with a twisting cross body press for two. Bruce Hart tags in for the first time and chops away on Singh and connects with a running clothesline, and nails a top rope splash. Bruce hammers on Smith on the outside, allowing Brown & Singh to work him over. The heels trade shots on Bruce for quite a while. Singh sends Bruce outside, where we he gets choked out by Kerry Brown. Rogers in, and he plants the boots to Bruce and tags in Johnny Smith, and they connect with a double back elbow for two. Rogers in and he applies a Canadian back breaker submission, but Jason the Terrible comes in to break the hold. Rogers comes back in without a tag and continues t assault Bruce Hart. Smith chokes on Bruce in the corner while the referee is distracted by Pillman attacking Rogers. Singh with a splash on Bruce gets two....and are we hearing "We Want Bret" chants!? Bearhug by Singh. CLIP to Johnny Smith hammering on Pillman and whipping him into the corner, and Brown with a scoop slam and a knee drop. Rogers comes in to make the pin but that only gets two. Pillman leap frogs over Rogers but is caught in a sleeper hold. Pillman drops Rogers head in the corner and applies his own sleeper hold, but he is caught in enemy territory where Smith & Singh choke him. Slam by Singh and Smith tags back in and nails a fist drop off the second turnbuckle. Smith with a brain buster for a count of two. He misses a series of elbow drops, and Jason gets the tag and hammers on the whole opposing team. Slams to everyone, and a powerslam to Johnny Smith. Headbutt to Rogers, and he wraps him in the ropes. Johnny Smith is used as a battering ram by Jason on Rogers, as is everyone else on the team. Well, timed double teaming on Jason turns the tide and Brown wraps his neck in the ropes, and heres a pier-six brawl erupted. Owen pounds on Rogers while Singh & Jason fight in the ropes. Owen has a chair and flattens everyone with it, and that gives him a yellow card. Smith with the chair and he attacks everyone, but it doesn't hurt Jason for the obvious reasons, and he kills Singh with it. Jason wedges the chair between the ropes and the Harts whip Singh into it. Smith & Owen brawl, and we get a cool spot with all the faces applying sleeper holds on the heels. Rogers breaks out of his and saves all of his teammates before the match can end. Jason lays in some boots on Rogers while in the opposite corner Bruce Hart and Kerry Brown exchange rights. Smith goes for a piledriver, but Owen reverses with his own tombstone. Owen catches Smith with a back drop, and Singh is whipped into his partner Brown. Running clothesline to Rogers by Owen and Pillman continues choking Singh. We get assorted brawling until the bell rings at 19:51 for the Time Limit Draw. ***1/2 Pretty decent match, but it could have used a clean finish...oh wait...rematch time.


Post match interviews from Team Owen, Bruce, Pillman, Jason. They want a Bunkhouse Brawl...which is what again? Team Evil rebutts their comments. We get more interviews from the two teams.


8-Man Tag Team Elimination Match:

Owen Hart, Bruce Hart, Brian Pillman, Jason The Terrible vs. Makhan Singh, Johnny Smith, Kerry Brown, Rip Rogers:

You can be eliminated by being thrown over the ropes, being pinned, or submitting. There are no Disqualification's, but I believe there are also count-outs. We are JIP at the 15 minute mark, and Jason The Terrible has already been eliminated earlier. From what I hear in commentary, he got salt thrown in his eyes, enabling the heels to gang up and throw him out. (x:xx) Johnny Smith connects with a gut-wrench suplex on Owen while Bruce Hart gets avalanched by Singh for two. Smith tries tossing out Owen to no avail. Pillman prevents the elimination with a spinning heel kick to the back of Smiths head. Bruce Hart stomps a mudhole on Brown in the opposite end of the ring, and Owen comes off the top rope with an axehandle to Singh. Smith chokes Pillman across the top rope and attempts to throw him over the ropes, but Owen makes the save and hammers on Smith. Rogers with several elbows on Pillman in the corner and performs a snapmare, but he misses an elbow drop and Pillman stomps away. In the corner Bruce Hart and Kerry Brown trade shots. In the corner, Smith chokes Pillman... and out of nowhere Bruce Hart pinned Kerry Brown (2:53) and is quickly knocked through the ropes by Rogers, and Pillman sends Rogers outside as well. Both men brawl on the outside and they are all counted out. (3:18) Four men remain, and Owen catches Smith in a small package for two. Pillman off the second rope with an axehandle on Singh and he ties him in the ropes. Owen catches Smith in a back slide for two. Pillman goes to work on Smith and whips him into the tied up Singh. In a cool spot, they use Smith as a battering ram into Singh. Owen & Pillman stomp away on Singh, and Owen goes back to work on Smith, and catches him with a leg sweep and knee drop for two. Back breaker by Owen gets another two count. Pillman with an Irish whip on Singh and he catches him with a shoulder tackle for two. Pillman with a neck breaker on Singh for two and he comes off the top rope with a missile drop-kick, and Owen catches Smith with a head scissors take down for two. Dynamite catches Owen in an inside cradle for two, and Owen goes back to work. Pillman has a sleeper hold applied on Singh, but it's broken by Johnny Smith, and he puts the boots to Owen. Pillman eats buckle courtesy of Singh, while Smith has an Indian death Lock applied on Owen. Bearhug by Singh on Pillman and Smith chokes on Owen. Owen breaks free and scores a cross body press on Smith for two. Owen catches Smith with a drop-kick for another two count. Pillman with a drop-kick to Singh, and he comes off the top rope, and connects with the big splash for two. Pillman hammers on Johnny Smith, and Owen nails Singh with the enziguri. Owen springboards off the second rope with a cross body press for two on Singh. Spinning heel kick by Pillman to Smith gets two too. Pillman & Owen try tossing out Singh but Smith makes the save with eye rakes. Smith with an abdominal stretch on Owen, and Pillman breaks it. Pillman with a flying clothesline to Smith gets two. The heels are whipped to each other, and Owen comes off the top rope with a splash, only to meet Smiths knees, and Pillman with a sunset flip off the top rope is blocked with a sit-down splash by Singh, and that's good enough to eliminate Pillman (13:29). We get some double teaming by Singh & Smith on Owen. Powerslam by Singh gets two. Running Powerslam by Johnny Smith gets another two. Sunset flip by Owen is blocked with another splash by Singh, but it only gets two this time. Smith with a scoop slam, and he nails a splash off the second rope for two. Owen skins the cat on a throw out and drop-kicks Singh out of the ring for the elimination (15:45). Owen off the ropes with an Irish whip, but Singh pulls down the ropes, and Owen is eliminated, giving Johnny Smith the win at 15:58. *** not as good as the previous match, but was still all right, although it had a little too much "kicky-punchy" moments. We got some post match comments from Smith & Singh.


Stampede North American Heavyweight Championship Match:

Owen Hart © vs. Johnny Smith:

We are coming close to the end of the tape, and we are JIP once more with Owen hammering on SMith and connecting with a drop-kick for two. Swinging neck breaker by Owen, and he comes off the second rope with a knee drop for two. Double leg take down by Owen and he applies a Boston crab. Scoop slam by Hart, and he goes to the top rope and comes off with a missile drop-kick, sending Smith to the outside. We get a cat and mouse chase, and Smith hammers on Owen back inside with forearm shots to the kidneys and back of Owen. Smith chokes Owen across the top rope, and Owen back flips out and drop-kicks Smith outside and connects with a plancha, and some brawling on the outside, and we get more chasing. Owen with several European uppercuts on the outside, and Smith's manager holds onto his ankle, causing him to get counted-out on the outside at 2:55. *3/4 Pretty short clip job. We get post match interview from Johnny Smith. Title doesn't change hands though.


Stampede North American Heavyweight Championship Match:

Owen Hart © vs. Johnny Smith:

This is the final match of the tape, and its JIP to maybe a minute into the match, so no complaints here. They lockup and we get a sort of clean break. Owen pulls the hair I guess and he gets a yellow card. Lockup and Smith with an armbar, and he continues pulling Owens hair, but Owen flips out, connects with a cross body press, and applies a hammerlock. Smith with a series of knee lifts, but he's sent into the buckle and Owen catches him with an arm drag and applies another hammerlock. Armbar by Smith, and Owen kips up out into a reversal, Smith trades it off, and Owen does it again and takes Smith down with a head scissors. Smith breaks free but walks into an arm drag and Owen with an armbar. Japanese arm drag by Owen, and he applies the armbar, but Smith reverses out and applies his own head scissors. Owen kips up out of the hold and they rest. Smith suckers Owen into a hand shake, but he doesn't bite and Smith runs. Owen catches Smith with an arm drag and flying head scissors. Standing drop-kick sends Smith into the corner and he catches him with a monkey flip in the corner. Smith begs off Owen to no avail as Owen continues the punishment. Smith tries for a tombstone piledriver, but Owen reverses it into his own. Ow that had to hurt, but not in the SummerSlam 1997 sort of way if you know what I mean. Owen heads upstairs and comes off with a cross body on Singh on the outside. He hammers on Singh until he gets whipped into the ring post and spills into the crowd. Back inside and Johnny Smith works on the back and nails a shoulder breaker for two. Smith whips Owen into the buckles several times and catches him with a running powerslam...but that only gets two. Singh coaches Smith from the outside while he drops some boots into Owens face. Owen reverses a whip to the buckle and catches Smith with an arm drag, followed by a series of jumping knee drops and some mounted punches. Owen with a vertical suplex and jumping leg drop gets a two count. Gut-wrench suplex by Owen gets another two count. Back breaker gets another two count by the champion. Back drop by Owen and he nails another back breaker, and applies a Boston crab. Makhan Singh distracts Owen enough for Smith to catch him with a roll up for two, but Owen reverses that (with some tights grabbing) for the three count at 14:28 to retain the N.A Championship. *** the crowd in these matches rule, they are hot for everything, including the few rest spots. Owen with a victory speech afterwards.


Final Thoughts: Overall this tape is pretty enjoyable, running a little more than four hours, and only one or two scattered matches that stunk. This tape is found on some tape selling sites as well, so it shouldn't be too hard to come across. Thumbs up on this one. High Recommendation if your an Owen fan, it not, check it out anyway, you won't be disapointed.

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Guest dwdw_IGN

WOW! That right there looks like a great tape that I would love to get my hands on! As for your review you did a very good job. Keep up the the good work because I can't wait to see your other reviews coming up.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

by the way, I have the tape above and it's definately awesome!!! But don't throw away like $20 bucks for it. I am more than willing to trade for something or sell it to someone for cheaper. Just e-mail me if interested.

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Guest BifEverchad
by the way, I have the tape above and it's definately awesome!!! But don't throw away like $20 bucks for it. I am more than willing to trade for something or sell it to someone for cheaper. Just e-mail me if interested.

Same here.


Its an awesome tape and I encourage anyone to get it.

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Guest Dmann2000
by the way, I have the tape above and it's definately awesome!!! But don't throw away like $20 bucks for it. I am more than willing to trade for something or sell it to someone for cheaper. Just e-mail me if interested.

Yes it is, thank you for trading it with me!


I had it on and was asleep but Hart/Liger kept waking me up with its awsomeness.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
by the way, I have the tape above and it's definately awesome!!!  But don't throw away like $20 bucks for it.  I am more than willing to trade for something or sell it to someone for cheaper.  Just e-mail me if interested.

Yes it is, thank you for trading it with me!


I had it on and was asleep but Hart/Liger kept waking me up with its awsomeness.

No problem about the tape, my pleasure as I enjoy hooking people up with things they don't have. I love this tape not just because of how awesome it it, but because it REALLY shows you how great Owen really was. And the Owen/Liger match really kicks ass!!



Owen Hart

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