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Guest GameCop


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Guest GameCop

the RAW rating was a 3.8 (down from last week's 4.2)


Hour 1: 3.7

Hour 2: 4.0


Overrun: 4.7 (down from last week's 5.4)

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Guest ISportsFan

I wouldn't consider that to be plummeting.


It's returning to normal levels.



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Guest caboose

Considering the rating has returned to the normal level it has been for a while now, that title is a bit over dramatic don't you think?

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Guest Lightning Flik






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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Man I was expecting like a 2.5 or something....

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Guest Goodear

They probably turned everyone off with all the dreck that happened after Evolution and The Dudleys had their thing.

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Guest Choken One

Ummm...4.7 is still tremendously Higher then anything else in the last few months...

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Guest Mik at Cornell

Further proof that Gamecop was robbed in the most irritating poster tournament. Ya'll should have listened to me.

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Guest Goodear

















Damn, I never though I was going to land

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Guest Lightning Flik
Love how we're all just slaying the hell outta Game Cop here :)

Dude. We've got JR's BBQ sauce covering him while he's being burnt to a crisp.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Plummet? That's higher then they've been getting lately. Just cause they get a random 4.0+ doesn't mean that's the norm

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Guest Choken One

The Kane Segements have been 4+ for the last month thus it's normal...

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Guest Choken One

It's GameCop...The guy has no sense.



He tried to argue that Goldberg should wrestle with a Injured Arm just because Austin did.

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Guest godthedog
I think it's safe to say GameCop was being facetious.

it's safer to say gamecop has no concept of facetiousness and was being a retard.

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Guest GameCop

Yes, I was being facetious, you goons. I was trying to provoke mirth; the hyperbole was intended, you retards.


Stop ganging up on me guys...a lot of you have faults, too.


Nobody is infallible.


And, yes...Goldberg SHOULD wrestle with an injured arm. Wrestlers have wrestled with ailments since the inception of the business; Goldberg isn't any different. If he was dedicated to the business -- which he isn't -- he would've wrestled.


End of argument.

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Guest GameCop

Even Meltzer, the GOD OF WRESTLING, said that it was a SIGNIFICANT drop.


Dispute da meltz, I dare ya!

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Guest Insane Bump Machine
Even Meltzer, the GOD OF WRESTLING, said that it was a SIGNIFICANT drop.


Dispute da meltz, I dare ya!

Meltzer overrates ratings. There, I said it.

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Guest caboose
Even Meltzer, the GOD OF WRESTLING, said that it was a SIGNIFICANT drop.


Dispute da meltz, I dare ya!

'PLUMMETS' and 'significant drop' are very different things.

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Guest Anglesault
Even Meltzer, the GOD OF WRESTLING, said that it was a SIGNIFICANT drop.


Dispute da meltz, I dare ya!

But...you were being facetious and we were all retards.

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Guest Dangerous A

Actually Meltz said...


"Raw last night drew a 3.8 rating, down significantly from last week but right at the recent average."


Your headline makes it sound like WWE was on the verge of getting cancelled. They just hit average after 2 weeks of above average ratings. Not a big deal yet. When they hit 2's, gimme a call. (which should be in 4-6 months with the way things are going right now)

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21



*looks around*




No HHH puts ratings in the 4's!!!!!!


No RVD match puts ratings in the 3's!!!!!

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Guest deadbeater

Gail/Molly match brought the rating up during the show, setting up for the JR/Kane uptick, even if it was only 3 minutes. Some scheduler is bonking his head.

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Guest bravesfan

Why are the overruns so dramatically higher than the actual show?


Yeah, I know that RAW overruns have had unusual numbers since 1998, but...



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