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Guest jm29195

ECW unknown runs

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Guest jm29195

I was just reading the road warriors shoot interview and in it, Animal was going on about his stint in ecw, I didn't know he had been there and I wa wondering what exactly he did there and whether his matches wre anygood?

I know of several other 'main stream' guys from wwf and wcw who also appeared in ecw for a short time- such as Scott Steiner and Scott Hall. Were there any others and for all of the blokes I mentioned, were their matches any good or different form their normal style, because ecw was much more open minded towards different wrestling styles

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Guest Youth N Asia

Steiner Brothers

Ron Simmons


Super Calo

Jake Roberts


Scotty Riggs


All pretty much had forgettable runs and matches in ECW.

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Guest Zack Malibu

Only Hawk ever appeared in ECW from what I know.


Both Steiners had a run during the summer of '95.


Norman Smiley had a brief run that many people didn't realize, also during '95. I believe Malenko had brought him in/put in a word for him.


Scott Hall worked one show, losing to Sal Graziano and then teaming with Jerry Lynn to take on Justin Credible and someone else (I *think*).


Jungle Jim Steele (formerly of WCW, was Wolf Hawkfield in Japan) made a one shot getting chokeslammed about 6 times by 911.

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Guest Zack Malibu
Steiner Brothers

Ron Simmons



Scotty Riggs

I wouldn't call these runs "forgettable". Simmons chased Douglas for the belt for months, the Steiners feuded with Malenko/Benoit/Scorpio, Psicosis impressed enough in his matches that he got signed by WCW (and then returned and put on a hella match with Tajiri in 2000). Riggs paired up then turned on RVD and helped start The Network angle, and Sid was getting the monster push, even wiping out The Impact Players before getting stolen by WCW.


Calo's matches I don't remember offhand, and Jake only appeared as Dreamer's partner at November to Remember '98. Those were the only "forgettable guys".

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Guest Youth N Asia
Scott Hall worked one show, losing to Sal Graziano and then teaming with Jerry Lynn to take on Justin Credible and someone else (I *think*).

He worked two shows. The first night he teamed with Lynn to work Credible and Rhyno. And nigh 2 he jobbed to Sal only to beat Justin later.

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Guest Youth N Asia
Steiner Brothers

Ron Simmons



Scotty Riggs

I wouldn't call these runs "forgettable". Simmons chased Douglas for the belt for months, the Steiners feuded with Malenko/Benoit/Scorpio, Psicosis impressed enough in his matches that he got signed by WCW (and then returned and put on a hella match with Tajiri in 2000). Riggs paired up then turned on RVD and helped start The Network angle, and Sid was getting the monster push, even wiping out The Impact Players before getting stolen by WCW.


Calo's matches I don't remember offhand, and Jake only appeared as Dreamer's partner at November to Remember '98. Those were the only "forgettable guys".

Psicosis was only there a very short time. And durring his comeback in 99 he only was in 1 great match.


Scotty Riggs was in a boring angle and worked boring matches.


Sid only did run in squashes mostly


Calo had a couple matches in 99 and went away

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Guest Zack Malibu

I just took the definition of forgettable as brief/nothing of note. Simmons got the big face push, then turned heel and was one of, if not THE first heels to take down 911 (by chokeslamming him no less). Riggs had a program with RVD and later Corino, Sid was tossing everyone on the roster around. They weren't the best runs, but I wouldn't say they were forgettable (since we remember everything about them, lol).

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Guest jm29195

Yeah my ecw harccore tv vol 5 has Benoit/Malenko vs Smiley/Whipwreck but it's clipped heavilly. It looks decent from what I can see though and includes Smiley doing a bridging northern lights suplex off the top!!!



How about guys from other feds having forgettable runs in the wwf - I remeber the Public enemy in 1999 and Steve Williams at about the same time (around mania 15 I think) Any others?

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Guest bababooey

i remember norman smiley during his brief run for one reason; he did a top rope northern lights and landed with a bridge on malenko in a 6 man. awesome

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Guest Zack Malibu

Sabu in WCW. It lasted all of a month, and all he did was put Alex Wright through a table and fight Jerry "JL" Lynn at Halloween Havoc.

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Guest Youth N Asia

PE only came back a couple times in January of 99 to do run ins and get beaten up by the Dudleys. They'd cut these promos about being back home...then they signed with Vince

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Guest JAxlMorrison

Marty Jannetty

Tully Blanchard

Kamala #2 (Uganda)

Crash Holly (Erin O'Grady)




tha's all I got right now

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Guest Youth N Asia
Marty Jannetty

Tully Blanchard

Kamala #2 (Uganda)

Crash Holly (Erin O'Grady)




tha's all I got right now

Tully had a couple good enough matched with Douglas. He said in his shoot interview he hated playing a face though cause he wasn't any good at it.


Which was true for his time, but when he was brought into ECW he was getting a pop for being a legend and whatnot, face is what worked for him.

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Guest Trivia247

because of ECW's ties to NWA intially... you had alot of NWA/WCW people who wandered in and out..


Arn Anderson did a run in ECW

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Guest Askewniverse

Droz had a pretty forgettable run in ECW.


How about guys from other feds having forgettable runs in the wwf - I remeber the Public enemy in 1999 and Steve Williams at about the same time (around mania 15 I think) Any others?


Mikey Whipwreck's run in WCW was forgettable. He had a PPV match with Kidman for the Cruiserweight Title, but that was pretty much it.


Just my opinion, but I wouldn't say that Steve Williams' run in the WWF was too forgettable. He was aligned with JR for a short period of time. Other than that, there were only three semi-notable things that Williams did that I can think of:

(1) a run-in wearing a kabuki mask, (2) a brawl with Hardcore Holly at a frat house, and (3) getting knocked out by Bart Gunn.

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Guest Youth N Asia
Mikey Whipwreck's run in WCW was forgettable. He had a PPV match with Kidman for the Cruiserweight Title, but that was pretty much it.

And that was a great match. They brought him in to open the Uncensored 99 ppv with a day's notice and no build up and he worked a very good 15 match. Match of the night by far.


After that they burried him on Saturday night. I actually have a tape of Mikey stuff in WCW. It's a little over an hour I think.

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Guest the 1inch punch
Scotty Riggs was in a boring angle and worked boring matches.

Fuck that, he gave people THE CLAP


clap clap clap

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Guest Youth N Asia
Scotty Riggs was in a boring angle and worked boring matches.

Fuck that, he gave people THE CLAP


clap clap clap

God...anything tied to THE NETWORK was just awful. And yet for a year it was their big heel gimmick.

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Guest DarkHollywood

Hmmmm....Kevin Sullivan competed in ECW for a few shows I think. Thats kinda forgetable.

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

I've seen pictures of Nick Bockwinkle sitting at the WWF commentator's table between Heenan and Vince. I think he maybe worked a handful of tapings as an analyst, would have been right before he was WCW commissioner I would believe.

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Guest Frankie Williams

Bobby Eaton made a couple of ECW apperances and rekindled his feud with Arn Anderson.

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Guest alkeiper

Lots of names cycled in for ECW's first year. King Kong Bundy, Abdullah the Butcher, Kevin Sullivan, and Stan Hansen all made appearances. The original Sheik competed once.

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Guest Nevermortal

In the dying days of the little promotion that could, The Dudleys made a special appearance in NY.

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Guest Zack Malibu

Let us take the time to remember Mabel's run in at November To Remember '98, where he wore an FBI shirt that looked more like a bib on him.

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Guest Zack Malibu
BRACCUS was there for a few shows...

Yes, as Lance Wright's "Suckboy", as Taz put it.


He was there as part of the WWF Invasion that had such a notable roster of Doug Furnas, Phil Lafon and Droz. Sad thing is, I was into Furnas and Lafon before they fell into WWF hell. The match Furnas had with Van Dam where he nearly decapitated him with a lariat post-match (RVD had the "respect" gimmick going) was pretty damn good.

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Guest Youth N Asia
In the dying days of the little promotion that could, The Dudleys made a special appearance in NY.

Yeah, it was for the 12/15/00 Queens show. Tazz also showed up, BUTT that was a suprise

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