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Upcoming House Show Cards

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Guest Retro Rob
So they'd promote a match that they intend to not have from the start and thus pull a swerve for the ticket-paying customers?


I don't even need to say it.

I don't know about that. If any other company pulled something like that there would be quite a bit of backlash.



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Guest JaKyL25
They should have some title changes on house shows. It would bring more excitment to the shows and more people would attend them if there was a chance of seeing a new champion.


I wouldn't think it would cost Vince that much to have one or two camera men go down to ring side and record the match so they can explain and show the title change on TV.

I agree. La Res seem like perfect candidates for this, if only there was a team worth jobbing them to.


Besides some occasional 24/7 Hardcore Title shit, where the title ALWAYS ended up back on the guy who brought it to the house show, I believe the last house show title change was...


Edge over Jarrett for the IC title in '99?

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For WWE, yeah. And even that was a big jump. Before that I believe was Ramon/Jarrett in 95...


WCW did it in 2000 with Terry Funk going over Lance Storm for the US/Canadian Title in his hometown, however, I think he jobbed it back in the next town over the following night

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