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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Eddie getting over huge?

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Of course, Eddie is 10x's better than Kurt was in 2001.


I wouldn't want to see an Ironman between Guerrero and Benoit anyways. There are plenty of cool gimmick matches that I'd like to see first, and at the moment their 'feud' doesn't call for one.


A ladder match would be cool.

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Should we bring up the case of Rob Van Dam ? How he was AMAZINGLY popular from 2001-2002, and had his initials chanted at times where he wasn't even in the ring ! Yet, Vince chose to do nothing about it. RVD was not in line for a push, and was not a WWE-made superstar. Now, RVD is solidly in the midcard - popular, but not nearly where he was before.


Eddie Guerrero will be in the same situation. Sad but true. He's not a WWE creation so he won't be pushed seriously. Plus, he wasn't in Vince's plans to be pushed so he won't be. WWE doesn't listen to their fans anymore and haven't for a few years.


They chanted "RVD !" - Vince stuck his fingers in his ears and ignored it.


They stayed silent for Brock - Vince continued to shove the Vanilla Gorilla down everyone's throats until he actually got a reaction.


As much as the fans like Eddie, he won't be pushed seriously. Just a WWE fact.

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Guest Nightscrawler

If Eddie wins the US Title, they'll probably *try* to push him with it like they did with Christian and the Intercontinental Title. Although it would end up being botched, with him jobbing the night after to someone like Billy Gunn...

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho
Of course, Eddie is 10x's better than Kurt was in 2001.


I wouldn't want to see an Ironman between Guerrero and Benoit anyways. There are plenty of cool gimmick matches that I'd like to see first, and at the moment their 'feud' doesn't call for one.


A ladder match would be cool.

Ladder matches have become kind of cliche.


I don't think we need to see them in any gimmick matches. Just have them wrestle normal matches but just give them some time and(shock of all shocks) allow them to wrestle a non-WWE style once in a while.

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Should we bring up the case of Rob Van Dam ? How he was AMAZINGLY popular from 2001-2002, and had his initials chanted at times where he wasn't even in the ring ! Yet, Vince chose to do nothing about it. RVD was not in line for a push, and was not a WWE-made superstar. Now, RVD is solidly in the midcard - popular, but not nearly where he was before.


Unforgiven was RVD's night. He got his big push. He had just lost the IC title the RAW before the PPV. Everybody wanted to see him win because that night was his time, the right time and HHH wouldn't allow it.


I'd mark out for sure to see Guerrero/Lesnar (Has that match happened before by the way?). I think Eddie has what it takes to be world champion. He's another total package wrestler. But then again, I do believe Vince to be a racist, so as much I like to dream of seeing Eddie G with the world title, I don't think Vince will let a Mexican accomplish that feat. And I agree, bring back the Mullet and WWE should recreate the "Eddie Guerrero is my favorite wrestler" shirts with "Cheat To Win" on the back.

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Guest Retro Rob
I'd mark out for sure to see Guerrero/Lesnar (Has that match happened before by the way?).

I remember it once on SmackDown.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Lets see...


Benoit has a kick ass ladder match w/ Jericho.

Eddie has a kick ass ladder match with RVD (and a lil bit with Edge)


C'mon, that match would own. Fuck Cliche.

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho

I'm not arguing that the match wouldn't rock.


I'm just saying they need to slow down with all the gimmick matches and get back to simple wrestling matches.


Plus, with Benoit's neck as it is, do you really want him taking bumps off the top of a ladder?

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Plus, with Benoit's neck as it is, do you really want him taking bumps off the top of a ladder?


Good point, I think his ladder days are over with.

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Guest cabbageboy

I actually quite disagree with the idea of Eddie not being a WWE creation. Eddie has certainly been around a hell of a long time, but not really ever as over as his current Latino Heat sneaky bastard gimmick. Let's face it...he was handed a stereotypical scumbag Mexican gimmick and did so many brilliant (even subversive) tweaks that he's become THE reason I watch SMDN.


I like the skills, I like the crazy Spanglish ranting, the references to grandma and his whole family (Who else does this type of thing?), the various cars, his sneaky ways of out thinking his opponents.


Let's face it, if you look at the ladder match where he and Tajiri won the belts, Eddie was doing the work of 3 other men. You had a couple of green rookies in Team Angle, and Tajiri who was blowing spots left and right...yet Eddie still held it together.


He's the man.

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Guest Lilly

Eddie "getting" over. In my eyes and ears he's been insanely over for the past couple of months at least. Him teaming with Tajiri, he continuously got Eddie chants throughout the match and was one of the top 2 or 3 most over people on the Smackdown.


Of course the brain trust in the WWE decides to turn him heel :bonk: And still with that the fans still love.

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Guest JaKyL25

Eddie was over pretty freaking huge as a heel in late '97 WCW as Cruiserweight Champ vs. Rey, but as far as I know he's NEVER gotten face reactions like this.


Unless Angle or Benoit have some sort of spectacular Godly second-half, Eddie is gonna be the WWE 2003 MVP hands down. 9/10 of all the matches ***1/2 and higher (few as they are) this year have involved Eddie Guerrero (Team Angle was in most of them too, though, so they get some credit). He is, quite simply, THE man right now, and I'm really really torn as to who should get the US Title. Benoit really needs something right now, since he's had such a lackluster 6 months. Eddie, on the other hand, doesn't NEED the title at the moment, but it could be the catalyst for something really huge and popular, something WWE desperately needs right now, and something I daresay that Eddie Guerrero deserves more than anyone.

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Guest The Hamburglar

Didn't the Observer say that the WWE wants to build the US title around Eddie as a wrestling title? First feud I want is Eddie-Ultimo, assuming that they're not going to shoehorn Ultimo back into the inevitable Rey-Kidman feud. And the difference between Eddie getting over and RVD getting over is that Eddie is a fantastic wrestler and therefore his act will never grow stale.

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Is there a possibility of Eddie Guerrero ever becoming the WWE Champion?

Edited by Rico_Constantino

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Guest Just call me Dan
Is there a possibility of Eddie Guerrero ever become the WWE Champion?

I seriously doubt it. Eddie was pretty high on the card after his wins and feud with Edge, and Lesnar was able to just run over him. I don't think they'll ever hold Eddie in the ame regards as someone like that. He may get an Angle 2000 title run one day, but I REALLY don't like those. He missed out on a feud with Austin (that may haveburied him, considering austin's antics at the time) and since then has never been really given a true push. He looks strong one month and horrible the next. Eddie and Benoit are two guys who NEED the title just for once and compete with eachother in WORLD TITLE matches to give the title some true significance and show that it can be won by anyone, and not just whos in line.

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