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Guest Dmann2000

A Benoit booking idea

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Guest Dmann2000

Before I start this, I please don't want to hear any reality-checks of guys telling me how this will never happen. It's just a booking idea I came up with and one I think could work. If you want to move it to fantasy go ahead.




Benoit and Guererro have a hard fought match going 20 minutes at Vengence and just as Benoit is about to cinch victory and the US Title, Guerrero *CHEATS TO WIN*


The announcers go on about how hard Benoit tries everytime and Eddie starts to gloat. Benoit then snaps, catching Eddie from behind with a vicious release German (while Eddie's wearing the new belt). The crowd at first applaud's Benoit as he goes for the crossface, but Benoit has a crazed look in his eye, screaming at the top of his lungs. He won't release the crossface, and Eddie starts to turn blue. Finally refs pull Benoit off and Eddie is out cold. As the refs slowly lift Eddie to his feet Benoit calmly grabs a chair and lays a wicked chairshot onto Eddie as he's being carried from the ring, knocking him down and busting him open.


The following Smackdown, Vince is gloating in his office on the phone about how he humilated Zach/Steff/whoever when he hears a commotion outside. The door busts open and in walks a possessed Benoit who corners Vince, crazed look in his eyes and with a fire in his voice:


"You said it'd be different. I put up with bulls*** for 4 damn years in WCW, and when I came here you said it'd be different. But nothing. I've been here almost 4 years and it's the same damn crap. What's the matter, can't stand to let another Hart-trained Canadian on top? Is that it?"


Vince calms down Benoit, sensing that he has a fire in him, an aggression that he hadn't seen before. He says that he should have a shot at the top, at Brock Lesnar and sets up a match next week against his "friend" Rhyno. If he wins, he's #1 contender. But before that, Vince wants to see how far his aggression will go.


Cut to Zach Gowan in the ring, talking about how good it was to take on Vince, when Benoit strolls down ringside, gets in the ring and forcefully shoves down Gowan. he proceeds to kick Gowans good leg and locks him into a single leg crab. As the refs come down to get him off he lets go only to grab a chair and do the same thing he did to Eddie, only to Gowan's leg. Brock comes down and tries to get at Benoit, but Benoit backs up, chair in hand, the sadistic toothless grin emerging on his face.


Next week Benoit beats Rhyno and becomes #1 challenger. He then gets on the mic and declares that for too long he's been "pushed aside for the company's anointed superstar." He declares that wherever he's gone he's always been the best damn worker and it sickens him to see the less talented hacks get the glory while he gets the shaft. He promises at SummerSlam he will achieve his destiny to become WWE Champion and anoint his new belt in Brock's blood.


The weeks leading up to SummerSlam feature rebuttal attacks by Brock and Benoit ending with Benoit getting F5 through the announce table. Then at SummerSlam the two tear into each other, going 20 minutes until Vince wanders down to taunt Brock, Brock has Benoit set up in the F5 but lets his anger for Vince take over, while the ref is tied up with Vince Benoit lets loose on Brock turning back with a chairshot to his skull. After tossing the chair he goes up for the headbut and nails a bloodied Brock. 1-2-3 new champ. Vince looks in the ring at Benoit and with a perverse grin says "now you have what you want" and walks away. Benoit walks over to the bloodied Brock lying on the mat swabs his hand on Brock's blood and marks the belt with it. He raises it high as the show fades out.


Well, what do you think?

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Guest Askewniverse

I actually think that something like this could work. It would also be a good way for Benoit to work in "The Crippler" nickname again as opposed to "The Rabid Wolverine." Plus, you have Gowen getting his ass kicked. That's a plus.

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Guest Dmann2000
Sounds good to me. But are you sure that Benoit can act that well?

All he has to do is yell real loud and act pissed, if he can't do that by now...

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Guest JaKyL25

I was a little skeptical of the McMahonterference in the Summerslam Main, but seeing as how Vince doesn't actually interject himself at all into the match and Brock's temper is his own undoing, it can work fine.


I also don't think you really need that line about being "Hart-trained." For 1, it sounds awkward. Secondly, WWE needs to let its obsession with Bret go unless he's actually gonna come back. Thirdly, it's false--Vince actually HELPED Jericho become Undisputed Champion, and Jericho's Hart-trained.


Otherwise, I was more captivated and excited in reading this than I have been watching most of what WWE puts on these days. Good job. I'd pay to see the blowoff.

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Guest HellSpawn

Change that "Hart - trained" thing, maybe "Canadian on top".


But is very good.

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Guest Anglesault

I'm not interested in derailing the Brock/Angle storyline to give Benoit a two month pity reign doomed to fail because it's directly after a six month burial.

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Guest Loss4Words

I like it, but Benoit getting in Vince's face is going to make him more of a babyface than it will a heel. Yeah, the Gowen act would probably change that, but I think there's more potential in Benoit chasing the title as a babyface than there is Benoit holding the title as a heel.


I'd like to see the belt on Benoit, but only if they had plans of letting him carry any and every wrestler in the company to ***+ matches on every show and intended to end the brand extension. Benoit being the traveling champ would be a terrific idea, but not as a heel, simply because he's not nearly as effective when pushed in that role.


If the brand extension is going to stay intact and Benoit is going to get a push that is similar to that of Chris Jericho, I'd rather him not go anywhere near the title. I'd keep him strong and keep him in the main event picture regardless, but he would be the guy you'd put in there with guys who needed to look good, not the guy to build around. As great as Benoit is, it'd take a year of the push from hell before the fans could buy into it just because he's one of many who has been in the midcard so long that he's been typecast, and something drastic has to happen to change that.

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Guest Anglesault
I'd keep him strong and keep him in the main event picture regardless,

Keep? He's not strong nor is he in the ME.

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Guest JaKyL25
I'm not interested in derailing the Brock/Angle storyline to give Benoit a two month pity reign doomed to fail because it's directly after a six month burial.

Would you rather they derail Brock/Angle for Brock/Vince? The rumors I've seen ain't pretty.

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Guest TheGame2705

So Benoit turns heel on a heel? That'd be odd. Yes I know Eddy got cheered against Billy Gunn but I haven't heard of the fans cheering him besides then. And the blowoff to killing Eddy Guerrero is killing Brock? To be honest you're trying to do too much within a month and adding in unecessary points just for smark appeal such as "Hart-trained".

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Guest Anglesault
Yes I know Eddy got cheered against Billy Gunn but I haven't heard of the fans cheering him besides then.

Eddy: Can you blame me?



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Guest wildpegasus



That was one of the best moments in the history of wrestling. Bar None. The scary thing is that the WWE crowds rightfully like Tajiri and were still voicing their support for the heel. Fantastic and as funny as anyhing can be.

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