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Guest KJ Brackish

Send Dames To WM20 Fund!

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Guest KJ Brackish

As many know now....Dames was laid off from his job, and me, being the good samaritan.... I want to *start* the latest fund.... Send a Dames To WM XX Fund! I don't know how it'll work or whatever...all I know is that those who personally know Dames, should send him some $$$. I don't know him personally, but in a way I do. We are like twin bros. So I'll cya at WM Dames....everyone...submit your $$$ to Dames NOW!



Edited by DeathFromAbove

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Guest KJ Brackish

Damn you TRITEC you HOSS! Just kidding. I'll send Dames $.50 until I get paid...if only I had his address. I'd love to see his face when he opens up a letter containing a money order worth $.50.


TRITEC Highlite Here>>

Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

Yo, I have to wake up early tomorrow morning at 8:00 for an emergency Game Crazy meeting. I'm deathly afraid. I don't know what they're gonna say. EVERYONE has to be there though.... then I work later on tomorrow from 2:00 PM - 7:00 PM. Its kool, cuz I get to moniter a tournament. or should a say TA-OOONAMENT. Talk to ya l8r



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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

So if I send Dames money, do I get some special benefit like pictures from Mania or a peronal written recap?

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Guest KJ Brackish

That would be up to Damsie and how he feels towards you contributionists.....but I'm actually thinking that this idea stinks....not many replies. Oh well. Food For Thought



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Guest MaxPower27

We should have it that if you send a certain amount of money, you get autographed Dames merchandise


$1- Autographed Dames 8x10 sheet of computer paper

$5- Autographed Dames picture of another celebrity

$10- Autographed Polaroid of Dames with that loser Barron

$20+- Autographed Dames 'TheSmartMarks.com' printout logo

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Guest JHawk

It sucks that Dames lost his job, and I know he wants to go WMXX, but so do I, and I've never been to a WrestleMania.


Now if I win that WrestleMania trip on the Bottom Line, Dames is welcome to one of my tickets, but he'll have to deal with me and my family, and my dad can't resist the short jokes.

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Guest bob_barron

I'm unemployed and I want to go to Wrestlemania XX as well.


Where's my fund?

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

perhaps if you were less negative people might be more giving

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Guest SP-1

I'll tell you what, Dames.


When the time comes, if I can actually get to a screen that doesn't say SOLD OUT, I'll buy two tickets. They won't be front row . . . or even probably all that close. But I'll send you to Mania.


Just don't count on it happening.


Or . . . me remembering.

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Guest treble charged

How about we start a 'Help Pay for My Schooling Fund' instead?

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Guest subliminal_animal
How about we start a 'Help Pay for My Schooling Fund' instead?

I would've, but you called it "schooling."


I'm unemployed and I want to go to Wrestlemania XX as well.


Where's my fund?

I wouldn't give you a penny if inflation hit.

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Guest subliminal_animal

And I would donate something, but I doubt he would want it. Maybe I'm just speaking for myself, but I don't do charity. The giving part, I mean. The taking part is perfectly fine.


You know, now that I've rethunk it through, speaking for myself ... yeah, he would be fine with it. But I wouldn't be fine with putting any money down because I am a selfish, selfish man.


In conclusion, I would donate something, but I'm not. Like in the beginning, but a little different.

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Guest Sandman9000
I'm unemployed and I want to go to Wrestlemania XX as well.


Where's my fund?

No stealing gimmicks outside the stealing gimmicks folder.


You know those six little letters.

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Guest ViciousFish

I'd send Dames some money to go. I figure if I can't go someone should enjoy it. Problem is $10 Canadian is like 75 cents American :lol:

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

i'd give Dames money to help with the board as i have offered to do before but I wouldn't send money for him to go to Wrestlemania.


I have every confidince in him and I believe that he'll quickly become part of the work force again.


If not I'll give him my recipe for making kickass weed so he can raise some dough himself.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway
I'm unemployed and I want to go to Wrestlemania XX as well.


Where's my fund?

Where's your message board?...

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Guest bob_barron
I'm unemployed and I want to go to Wrestlemania XX as well.


Where's my fund?

Where's your message board?...

Well without me- no Dames TNA Diatribes.


So come on TSMers- open up that chequebook. For me- not Dames.

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Guest Slingshot Suplex

Can't he just smuggle himself into MSG in somebody's luggage?

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Guest MaxPower27
I'm unemployed and I want to go to Wrestlemania XX as well.


Where's my fund?

Where's your message board?...

Well without me- no Dames TNA Diatribes.


So come on TSMers- open up that chequebook. For me- not Dames.

*writes Bob a check*


Now, this is post-dated for when Toronto wins the Cup, so you'll be long gone when it becomes able to cash. ;)

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Guest bob_barron

Well Chris Jericho and Christian once said the Leafs won't win until 2043- I intend to stick around

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Guest Choken One

Can anyone start a little "Fund" to support my growing addition to drinking Motor Oil?

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Guest RenegadeX28

Well, I wonder if Dames has even seen this topic.



Dames may even end up with more money than he needs! It all depends on where he sits....


By the way, on average, how much are WM seats? I want to go to WM, and the tickets go on sale September 27th.

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Guest bob_barron

Why are you trying to go to the WM that is more expensive and has less seats available?


It's just a number

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Guest SP-1

Nah. That's like saying the WrestleMania 1 was just a number. It's 20. We all know VInce is going to do his best to market this as the biggest one ever. And they're returning to the Garden for it, too, which adds importance.


25 would be even bigger.

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Guest bob_barron
Nah. That's like saying the WrestleMania 1 was just a number. It's 20. We all know VInce is going to do his best to market this as the biggest one ever. And they're returning to the Garden for it, too, which adds importance.


25 would be even bigger.

Didn't they technically call it Wrestlemania?


But it makes no sense-

They're holding WM in an arena that holds 20,000 people. Tickets will be beyond expensive.


Of course you could save your money and go to a WM that holds 70,000 people with cheaper tickets and a better chance of getting a ticket.


Vince pulls out all the stops for every WM.

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