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Guest GameCop

Brock vs. Vince at SummerSlam?

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No way, SS 93 was the WORST. There was nothing memorable about SS 93 (except having Ted Dibiase's last match and Luger not winning the WWE Championship).


At least SS 95 had two good matches (Shinzaki / Waltman, Michaels / Ramon).

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

SS '89 is by far the worst. Hogan/Beefcake Vs Savage/Zeus in the ME? '93 at least has some historical significance (Luger's push screeching to a halt being the biggest), '89 has NOTHING (the best match, Hart Foundation/Brain Busters, is largely forgotten anyway).


I agree that if this...thing occurs as Summerslam, Vince will be made to look like a contender & might go over. Remember, he is a former WWE champion :wacko:


Benoit was fucked when Heyman lost his creative power. He wanted a title reign for Benoit, so that sealed his fate.


Brock/Angle is the ONLY way to go here. But since when has anything gone smoothly in the last 2 years? Unless Vince takes a bump off the top of the tron onto a flaming barbed-wire table while Steph dances in a chicken suit singing "My Generation" in a thick Indian accent, then i'll be willing to wait til WM for Brock/Angle.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

If they want to save Brock vs Angle for WM XX, Brock vs Eddy at SS would suit me fine.

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Hell, I still want Lesnar/Benoit to happen. Even if Benoit doesn't win, he certainly deserves another title shot more than most of those fucks on SD.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

89 had a good Rude/Warrior match, and decent Santana&Rockers/Martel&Rougeaus match. 88 was the worst. Everything after the opener stunk.

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Guest Your Olympic Hero
This would mean Vince would nea to decimate Zach Gowan

OR Vince and Gowan fight to a TIME LIMIT DRAW making this BROCK VS VINCE VS GOWAN! BUYRATE!

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Guest Anglesault

If they want to save Brock/Angle, they should do the Ambiguously Gay Duo vs. The World's Greatest Tag Team at SS to build tension

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Guest Duncan Eternia

Angle / Brock vs. Haas / Benjamin wouldn't be too bad for SS. Then maybe save Brock / Angle II for Survivor Series.

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Guest The Czech Republic
Brock/Angle is the ONLY way to go here. But since when has anything gone smoothly in the last 2 years? Unless Vince takes a bump off the top of the tron onto a flaming barbed-wire table while Steph dances in a chicken suit singing "My Generation" in a thick Indian accent, then i'll be willing to wait til WM for Brock/Angle.


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Guest The Decadent Slacker

Thank god, now i won't have to shell out the $35.

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Guest NoCalMike

Would be hilarious if Linda McMahon came out at the next investors meeting and declared that Vince doing wrestling matches has been a public failure.

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Guest GameCop

You know what would be even funnier?


At the next press conference:


Linda McMahon: " The WWE is doing just fine. We've got main-event superstars like Test, Randy Orton, Kane, HHH, Brock Lesnar, Zach Gowan, Scott Steiner and Vince McMahon to entertain the fans for many, many years to come.

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Guest GameCop

At this rate, we can expect Vince vs. Angle to headline Survivor Series. SMELL THE BUYRATE!!!!

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Guest Dynamite Kido

WOW, talk about destroying credibility of a champion....no wonder why Angle is finally playing politics

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Guest GameCop

I bet Vince takes large doses of steroids before each match. If you decides to take part in too many matches down the road, he may explode.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
Benoit was fucked when Heyman lost his creative power. He wanted a title reign for Benoit, so that sealed his fate.

If you're referring to when Big Show was pushed to the title last November, that was a myth and I can prove it. Heyman wanted Mysterio.

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I was thinking along the lines of the tag match, but just throw Benoit/Angle together to face Benjamin/Haas for the tag titles if they go Brock & Vince.


Personally I think this is just a rumor spiraling out of control, if Vince wanted to be in the main event it would be at No Mercy where he doesn't have to share the bill with Raw.

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