Guest FeArHaVoC Report post Posted July 20, 2003 WWE Title Brock Vs Angle Vs Big Show Vince Vs Gowen Steph Vs Sable Taker Vs Cena US Title Benoit Vs Eddie WWE Tag Team Championship Haas/Shelton Vs Mysterio/Kidman Of course Vince and Steph's matches are getting more hype then the actual title matches but that is something I've learned to expect and deal with. We have no cruiserweight match because the champion is wasting time in a tag title match that hasn't even been built up. Anyway, will their be more matches added and please don't say "Gunn Vs Noble." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest edotherocket Report post Posted July 20, 2003 Sadly, I think you would have to say Gunn/Noble since it did kinda overshadow the US Title semi final matches on Smackdown this week. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest drdrainoscott Report post Posted July 20, 2003 You forgot about the APA Bar Room Brawl. Like you said, Gunn vs. Noble is a possibility. I could also see them adding an Ultimo Dragon match just for the hell of it. Ultimo vs. Hardy maybe? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted July 20, 2003 APA Bar room brawl: shit Vince Vs Gowen: shit Steph Vs Sable: shit Taker Vs Cena: shit. A shame, since it was shaping up to be a great card. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lil' Bitch 0 Report post Posted July 20, 2003 Taker / Cena will be awesome if Cena wins again (most unlikely though). No Ultimo match: Shit No Hardy: Shit Gunn / Noble: Shit Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MideonMark Report post Posted July 20, 2003 Cena win? Taker already put over Cena(and it only took 3 run ins, a chair shot, a chain shot, a crooked ref, the 137th infilitry of the US army, an atomic bomb and God himself casting Taker down with a lightening bolt from heaven to do so) and God only knows Taker has to get the win back. The Bar Room brawl could be pretty entertaining(I wonder if they'll tape it in Tim White's bar), I mean Kanyon and Spanky are gonna be on PPV and hey at least its not the Redneck Triathalon. Eddy vs Benoit, Rey/Kidman vs Haas/Benjamin and the main event will all be good, good enough to even cancel out the crap that is Vince vs Gowan and Steph vs Sable. It'll be the best PPV since WM, which isnt saying much, but it will be. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Choken One Report post Posted July 20, 2003 We have three potential ***+ Matches (Triple Threat, Tag and US) APA should be a fun entertainment segment... So we get 40 minutes of SPORTZ ENTERTAINMENTZ with the Dueling McMahons... If were lucky...Cena cuts a good rap for us... Don't count out Gunn/Knoble for AT LEAST a Heat match although I could see them using the APA Brawl to advance that angle... The APA brawl has the potential to start a lot of angles or pair some people together into a tag Team... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted July 20, 2003 APA Bar Brawl = Red Neck Triathlon... And that worked out so well. Segment 1: APA introduces the Bar Brawl - Brawling Begins Segment 2: Brawling continues, Mae Young and Moolah show up. Segment 3: Brawl spills out on to the streets and something really stupid and unfunny happens. All of which will be played on the screen, rather than take place in the arena. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Insane Bump Machine Report post Posted July 20, 2003 The PPV looks decent. I look forward to Eddie/Benoit for a title, especially since Benoit seems to be on again after a few weeks of mild disappointment. It also helps that Eddie is getting over like crazy. I just fear that they'll try to turn one of them heel, which won't work right now. And no, they didn't turn Eddie heel with the Tajiri incident. They just furthered his face persona, and it worked. I think the Tag Team Title match will be pretty good, but too short to get more than ***. The main event will be entertaining, but I'm mainly interested in what they'll do to further the Angle/Lesnar storyline. They'll probably just shove it to the side for now to hype Lesnar/McMahon... Cena/Taker will be boring, only a semi-clean Cena win (LOL) could make this match worth seeing. Cena is another guy where I think that they'll try to turn him full-heel again and, in doing that, kill his heat. Watch his two segments on the last Smackdown for incidence. His raps (especially the second one) were not designed to be funny or smart anymore, they were used to shock the audience with his comments about Zach. And they had him kiss McMahon's ass. That's just so stupid. The Bar Room Brawl has potential if they use it to jumpstart some feuds and do some fun brwaling all over the arena. But they'll probably fuck it up by taping it somewhere else and only use it to get the APA over for a shot at Haas/Benjamin. The McMahons can suck my dick. I can't buy the PPV anyway, but I'll download it for Eddie/Benoit and the tag match. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Choken One Report post Posted July 20, 2003 ^ Go to the bar and watch the Marks slobber for HLA in the Sable/Stephanie EPIC...Worth the price of your beer and wings...Or if yer youngin...Coke and Wings. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Insane Bump Machine Report post Posted July 20, 2003 ^ Go to the bar and watch the Marks slobber for HLA in the Sable/Stephanie EPIC...Worth the price of your beer and wings...Or if yer youngin...Coke and Wings. I'm old enough to drink beer (I'm 21 and German, we're allowed to drink at 16), BUT wrestling isn't shown in bars here. Its public image here is around the same level as the Most Extreme Elimination Challenge or something. The time difference doesn't help, either. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Lord of The Curry Report post Posted July 20, 2003 For those of you doubting a Gunn/Noble match, I have two words for ya! " Indecent Proposal". If Noble wins, he gets a night alone w/ Torrie. Of course, Noble wins and Torrie spends the night w/ him, then we get an X-Pac/Kane/Torrie kinda love triangle that ends up with Torrie leaving Billy and becoming Noble's trailer-park beeyotch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Coffey Report post Posted July 20, 2003 For those of you doubting a Gunn/Noble match, I have two words for ya! " Indecent Proposal". If Noble wins, he gets a night alone w/ Torrie. Of course, Noble wins and Torrie spends the night w/ him, then we get an X-Pac/Kane/Torrie kinda love triangle that ends up with Torrie leaving Billy and becoming Noble's trailer-park beeyotch. That could be entertaining... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Lord of The Curry Report post Posted July 21, 2003 That's a funny joke. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Coffey Report post Posted July 21, 2003 It'd be better than Sable Vs. Steph, Vince Vs. Zack & the APA bar room brawl...would it not? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lil' Bitch 0 Report post Posted July 21, 2003 God damn at least Bad Blood had the potential of being good going into it before it turned out to be such a horrible PPV. Vengeance is already fucked and it hasn't even happened yet! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Coffey Report post Posted July 21, 2003 Vengeance has potential to be good. Eddie Guerrero Vs. Chris Benoit. Kurt Angle Vs. Brock Vs. The Big Show. Bejamin & Haas Vs. Kidman & Mysterio. If those matches get enough time, the PPV will be good. Kidman will probably turn heel, but if done correctly it won't take away from the match. Steph Vs. Sable might surprise some people. Steph was a decent woman's champ, Sable was entertaining back then too. It'll probably be short and might even get a couple of laughs. You never know. Vince Vs. Zach will be short. It HAS to be. Zach only has one leg and Vince is 60. Undertaker Vs. Cena will be interesting to watch it develop. How many run-in's will there be? Will Taker let Cena get the rub twice? The APA thing might turn out to be funny too. I'm watching it at BW3's. So, if it sucks, I can occupy my time with something else. If it's good, now I can say I told ya so. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Insane Bump Machine Report post Posted July 21, 2003 God damn at least Bad Blood has the potential of being good going into before it turned out to be a horrible PPV. Vengeance is already fucked and it hasn't even happened yet! Uh, where did Bad Blood have potential? Dudley Boyz vs. Rodney Mack & Chris Nowinski? Test vs. Scott Steiner? Redneck Triathlon? Christian vs. Booker T? Kane/RVD vs. La Resistance? Chris Jericho vs. Goldberg? Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair? Triple H vs. Kevin Nash? Not one of these matches had the potential of Eddie/Benoit or even the tag match. Only one (Michaels/Flair) had slightly more potential than the Vengeance main event, and it was disappointing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Nightscrawler Report post Posted July 21, 2003 The card doesn't look that bad, but for a SD only PPV if could of been much better. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted July 21, 2003 APA Bar Brawl = Red Neck Triathlon... And that worked out so well. Segment 1: APA introduces the Bar Brawl - Brawling Begins Segment 2: Brawling continues, Mae Young and Moolah show up. Segment 3: Brawl spills out on to the streets and something really stupid and unfunny happens. All of which will be played on the screen, rather than take place in the arena. The Bar room brawl will get alot of guys PPV pay checks and some TV time they might not usually get. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lil' Bitch 0 Report post Posted July 21, 2003 Angle / Lesnar / Show - Adding TBS made it shitty already, interesting how the outcome might turn out although I'm hoping Lesnar retains. Benoit / Guerrero - The best match on the card no doubt. Mysterio-Kidman / TWGTT - Looks good although I'm expecting the champs to retain. McMahon / Sable - It would be better if it was a Bikini Challenge / Bikini Match. Some HLA wouldn't hurt either. McMahon / Gowen - Who gives a flying fuck? Shitty Undertaker / Cena - Undertaking not putting Cena over = shitty APA Invitational - Gunn / Noble (if it gets added) - Shitty No Ultimo / Hardy. No Ultimo. No Hardy. - Really shitty After all, WWE is asking us to pay $35 to see all this. Fuck them! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Insane Bump Machine Report post Posted July 21, 2003 Angle / Lesnar / Show - Adding TBS made it shitty already, interesting how the outcome might turn out although I'm hoping Lesnar retains. It didn't make it shitty, it just dropped its potential from ****+ to around ***. That's not bad and much better than RAW's last PPV main event. It also makes sense because wasting Angle/Lesnar would have been insane. Mysterio-Kidman / TWGTT - Looks good although I'm expecting the champs to retain. which is bad why? Undertaker / Cena - Undertaking not putting Cena over = shitty We can't be sure yet. APA Invitational - could be OK, could suck. After all, WWE is asking us to pay $35 to see all this. Fuck them! It's not worth 35 bucks, that's for sure. Almost no WWE PPV is worth that much money. But Vengeance isn't FUBAR either. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lil' Bitch 0 Report post Posted July 21, 2003 Uh, where did Bad Blood have potential? It didn't look bad on paper and could have been good, but how they handled it once it was over made it seem like the worst WWE PPV of the year so far. Booker /Christian could have been a good match. RVD-Kane / La Resistance could have been good. Michaels / Flair could have been ****. Dudley Boyz vs. Rodney Mack & Chris Nowinski - Standard tag match. Dudleyz are a beloved tag team and Mack/Nowinski make a great heel team. It wasn't bad. Test vs. Scott Steiner - This match sucked, but the angle was good. Nobody likes Test and it was a good way to get Steiner over. They gave fan service by letting Steiner win this so I was pleased. Christian vs. Booker T - Everybody was expecting Booker T to win the title here, to make up for that shit that happened at JD. Having him win it in his hometown would have meant more. They didn't go through with this as they let Booker win the match, but not the title. Then they let Booker finally win almost 3 weeks later. I thought they were going to drag the title out to SS and then they backed out on doing. That was just fucking stupid. So in all, shitty. Kane/RVD vs. La Resistance - The Frenchies won, a vast majority of people didn't want to see it happen, but it did. Basically, shitty. Chris Jericho vs. Goldberg - Good match, but Jericho jobbed. Shitty. Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair - Arguably the best match of the night. It could have been a classic, but letting it only go 18 minutes and having Randy Orton do a run-in fucked it all up. Even HBK was pissed about how it was handled. Shitty. Triple H vs. Kevin Nash - This match was hopeless. Only thing about it was Foley being there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Insane Bump Machine Report post Posted July 21, 2003 That doesn't explain why Bad Blood had more potential than Vengeance. Booker /Christian could have been a good match. RVD-Kane / La Resistance could have been good. Michaels / Flair could have been ****. Those were the Bad Blood matches that had potential to be above average, according to you (I'd argue RVD/Kane vs Resistance, but OK) I'll also add the Goldy match, which was decent. Three matches that could have been good, one match that could have been great. I can already say that Vengeance WILL have one great match (Benoit/Guerrero) and WILL have two good matches (tag match, main event). That looks much better, doesn't it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Lord of The Curry Report post Posted July 21, 2003 Vengeance has potential to be good. Eddie Guerrero Vs. Chris Benoit. Kurt Angle Vs. Brock Vs. The Big Show. Bejamin & Haas Vs. Kidman & Mysterio. If those matches get enough time, the PPV will be good. Kidman will probably turn heel, but if done correctly it won't take away from the match. Steph Vs. Sable might surprise some people. Steph was a decent woman's champ, Sable was entertaining back then too. It'll probably be short and might even get a couple of laughs. You never know. Vince Vs. Zach will be short. It HAS to be. Zach only has one leg and Vince is 60. Undertaker Vs. Cena will be interesting to watch it develop. How many run-in's will there be? Will Taker let Cena get the rub twice? The APA thing might turn out to be funny too. I'm watching it at BW3's. So, if it sucks, I can occupy my time with something else. If it's good, now I can say I told ya so. Steph was a decent womans champ? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Coffey Report post Posted July 21, 2003 She was to me. A lot of people agree. I think you need to look up the definition of the word decent. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted July 21, 2003 Yes, I can't wait for Kanyon to get his 10 seconds on PPV where he will get thrown over the bar and then rise to have Mae Youngs snatch in his face. And Spanky will start to laugh at him and Moolah will come up and grab his ass and then he'll like it and we'll get that Spanky/Moolah relationship we've all been waiting for. The bar brawl has a good chance of killing the crowd simply because it will be 30 minutes of on screen craption. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted July 21, 2003 She was to me. A lot of people agree. I think you need to look up the definition of the word decent. Defending the belt is somewhere in the definition. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JHawk Report post Posted July 21, 2003 She was to me. A lot of people agree. I think you need to look up the definition of the word decent. She was a long reigning champ, but she defended the belt maybe three times in 5 or 6 months and did about as many wrestling moves as title defenses during the entire reign. How does that make her a decent champion? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CanadianChick Report post Posted July 21, 2003 Brock Vs Angle Vs Big Show-Will be pretty good. The Lesner/Angle parts will be real good, and the TBS/Lesner and TBS/Angle parts will be decent too. Both Angle and Lesner have gotten decent matches out of Show. Good. Vince Vs Gowen-Ugh. Vince matches are a waste of my time. He shouldn't be inserting himself in an angle that is taking up more TV time than the main event. Nope, not good. Steph Vs Sable-Will be short, hopefully. Sable and Steph aren't wrestlers, what can I say about this except that it will be bad? Nope, not good Taker Vs Cena-Won't be a good match because Taker isn't, well, a good wrestler. Cena is decent, but not good enough to save this match. A redeeming quality will be if Cena wins, but I don't see that happening. Taker won't "be feeling" a job. Nope, not good. Benoit Vs Eddie- The match that *I* predicted would be the finals (take that everybody from this board! Ha! I was right!). This will be great, awesome even. If a match can save a show, it's this one and if wrestlers can save a show, Eddie and Benoit are them. Not just good, but great! Haas/Shelton Vs Mysterio/Kidman-Though it hasn't really been built much, I am really looking forward to this match. It should be a good one, that's for sure. This will probably set up a Kidman/Rey feud, which will be alright (though a Ultimo/Rey feud would be the shit, but whatever, what do I know?). Good. Gunn/Noble (if it's added)-Could be alright. Noble's a great worker, so he might be able to pull something out of Gunn. You never no. Meh, could be decent. APA Brawl thingy-Could be just awful, or could be fun. We'll see. Meh, could be decent. So one great, two goods, two "meh-could-be-decents", and three "nope-not-goods". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites