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Guest FeArHaVoC

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Guest D'Lo White

Steph was a decent champ because she made people actually care about the Women's title.


Look at the heat her match with Lita had and listen to the pop Lita gets when she pins Steph. Do you think she gets the same pop if she beat Jacqueline or Ivory for the title?

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Guest Askewniverse
Steph was a decent champ because she made people actually care about the Women's title.


Look at the heat her match with Lita had and listen to the pop Lita gets when she pins Steph. Do you think she gets the same pop if she beat Jacqueline or Ivory for the title?

So basically, you're saying that a wrestler is a decent champ if the crowd pops when he or she loses the title?

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Guest JHawk
Steph was a decent champ because she made people actually care about the Women's title.


Look at the heat her match with Lita had and listen to the pop Lita gets when she pins Steph. Do you think she gets the same pop if she beat Jacqueline or Ivory for the title?

So basically, you're saying that a wrestler is a decent champ if the crowd pops when he or she loses the title?

That's what it sounds like to me.


Did it ever occur to you that there was all that heat because people wanted to see a wrestler hold the title?

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Guest Choken One

Was She a Great Heel? hell Yes...but not because she was the DREADED woman's title...


The title didn't mean ANYTHING except for the first and last two weeks of her reign.

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Guest Choken One
Steph was a decent champ because she made people actually care about the Women's title.


Look at the heat her match with Lita had and listen to the pop Lita gets when she pins Steph. Do you think she gets the same pop if she beat Jacqueline or Ivory for the title?

So basically, you're saying that a wrestler is a decent champ if the crowd pops when he or she loses the title?

That's what it sounds like to me.


Did it ever occur to you that there was all that heat because people wanted to see a wrestler hold the title?

Then Why did they pop for Lita when she won?

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Guest JHawk
Steph was a decent champ because she made people actually care about the Women's title.


Look at the heat her match with Lita had and listen to the pop Lita gets when she pins Steph. Do you think she gets the same pop if she beat Jacqueline or Ivory for the title?

So basically, you're saying that a wrestler is a decent champ if the crowd pops when he or she loses the title?

That's what it sounds like to me.


Did it ever occur to you that there was all that heat because people wanted to see a wrestler hold the title?

Then Why did they pop for Lita when she won?



But in reality, the marks thought Lita had some cool moves, and since she actually "wrestled" more than twice in a four month stretch...


Wasn't The Rock the special ref that night though? That could have had something to do with it, a la The Rock singlehandedly waking the crowd up during King of the Ring 2002's main event.

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Steph Vs Sable-Will be short, hopefully. Sable and Steph aren't wrestlers, what can I say about this except that it will be bad? Nope, not good


Sable was a decent wrestler and a MUCH better women's champ than Steph. The only reason why Steph got the belt to add more to the McMahon-Helmsley era since her (soon to be) hubby was the WWE Champion at the time.

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Guest CanadianChick
Steph Vs Sable-Will be short, hopefully. Sable and Steph aren't wrestlers, what can I say about this except that it will be bad? Nope, not good


Sable was a decent wrestler and a MUCH better women's champ than Steph. The only reason why Steph got the belt to add more to the McMahon-Helmsley era since her (soon to be) hubby was the WWE Champion at the time.

Um, okay. I didn't say Steph was a better "wrestler" than Sable, did I? And no, Sable wasn't decent. She did two moves (which were her husband's trademark moves). Decent doesn't mean almost unwatchable, sorry.

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Okay, to reemphasize my point, I said SABLE was a decent wrestler and a MUCH BETTER women's champ THAN STEPH.

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Guest CanadianChick

I know, and I said Sable WASN'T a decent wrestler. And no, both equally sucked as women champions. Actually, I would say Steph was better. Sable got the title when she was "heel" (I use the term loosely) and didn't wrestle in any real matches. SHe was just in glorified TnA matches. Steph, as bad as she was, got people caring about the title near the end of her reign where Lita won.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

The type of heat that Steph drew wasn't "Oh, you're a good heel and we hate you" heat it was "Oh, you're a McMahon and you killed pro wrestling as we know it" heat.


Steph didn't really make people care about the title, she pissed people off because she was doing nothing with it.

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Guest CanadianChick
The type of heat that Steph drew wasn't "Oh, you're a good heel and we hate you" heat it was "Oh, you're a McMahon and you killed pro wrestling as we know it" heat.


Steph didn't really make people care about the title, she pissed people off because she was doing nothing with it.

But at least getting the title off her meant something. I'm not saying people cared about Steph as Women's Champ, I'm just saying that people cared more about her than Sable with the title. For christ sakes, Sable lost the title in an evening gown match which she technically won! Guess what? No one cared.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

What exactly did getting the title off of Steph mean? More so, when has the womens title ever meant anything?

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Guest CanadianChick

Well, very little. And it got a reaction for Lita. That's more than I can say about Sable. I don't even know why we are debating this. We both know both:

a) suck as wrestlers

b) Aren't even wrestlers

c) Were awful champions


Isn't that what really matters?

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Guest Askewniverse

The only time people really noticed the Women's title was when Alundra Blayze was throwing it into a trash can on Nitro.

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Guest Lord of The Curry
Well, very little. And it got a reaction for Lita. That's more than I can say about Sable. I don't even know why we are debating this. We both know both:

a) suck as wrestlers

b) Aren't even wrestlers

c) Were awful champions


Isn't that what really matters?

Check your tapes, Sable was WAY more over as a champ then Lita.

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Guest CanadianChick

Sorry, my bad. I forgot this was the Sable from 96, not 03. Can you blame me? I was like 10 at the time!

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Guest 11and0baby

Steph actually at a good Match with Trish at No Way Out 2001 and Trish wasn't good then. So Steph and Sable has the ability to be better than the Raw Women's Matches if they book it well enough and Taker v Cena will be good, Taker knows how to get a crowd intrested in a match when he wants too.

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Guest Lord of The Curry
Sorry, my bad. I forgot this was the Sable from 96, not 03. Can you blame me? I was like 10 at the time!

I guess I can't................


*wishes he had somebody to blame*



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Guest CanadianChick

So because Steph has had one good match (over 2 years ago mind you), he match with Sable could be as good as a Raw's women's match? Uh, that's a longshot I think.

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Guest D'Lo White
Steph was a decent champ because she made people actually care about the Women's title.


Look at the heat her match with Lita had and listen to the pop Lita gets when she pins Steph. Do you think she gets the same pop if she beat Jacqueline or Ivory for the title?

So basically, you're saying that a wrestler is a decent champ if the crowd pops when he or she loses the title?

Um, yes if its a heel champ. Isn't the point in wrestling is for the fans to be happy when the face defeats the heel.

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Guest Coffey
So because Steph has had one good match (over 2 years ago mind you), he match with Sable could be as good as a Raw's women's match? Uh, that's a longshot I think.

It's not like the women on RAW have good matches. Molly & Jazz are both heels...

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Guest Choken One

Trish and Victoria are solid workers for the most part...


Trish DOESN'T have to make an effort...She could be like Torrie and let her "looks" carry her...


She just perfers to WRESTLE. Gotta like that.

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