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Guest Eagan469

This just in - Kobe's accuser is a drug-addict

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Guest Eagan469
Sunday, July 20, 2003

FOX News


EAGLE, Colo. — Friends of the 19-year-old Colorado woman who accused basketball star Kobe Bryant (search) of raping her confirmed reports Sunday that the woman was recently hospitalized for a drug overdose.


The Orange County Register reported Sunday that the young woman had overdosed on drugs about a month before the alleged sexual assault incident with Los Angeles Lakers guard Bryant.


Friends of Bryant's accuser have since confirmed to Fox News that an overdose did happen -- possibly of over-the-counter sleeping pills -- because the woman was distraught about a breakup with a longtime boyfriend.


There were two calls to police from the accuser's home May 30 and June 1, both related to the suicide attempt. The young woman was deeply upset over a discovery that her longtime boyfriend had cheated on her, her friends told Fox News.


One friend said she believed the drugs the woman took were over-the-counter sleeping pills, not illegal drugs; several in her circle said she didn't normally take drugs.


All the friends who spoke to Fox News -- including the ex-boyfriend the woman was so upset over -- said they believe her story and don't think the overdose incident impaired her judgment the night of the alleged June 30 rape.


Still, the overdose details could well be used by the defense in the trial to cast doubt on the young accuser's credibility and state of mind.


The friends also revealed a few more details about what they say happened June 30 at the Lodge & Spa at Cordillera (search), near Vail in Edwards, Colo. Bryant stayed at the resort from June 30-July 2 because he was to have knee surgery in the area.


The friends told Fox News that the 19-year-old accuser had given Bryant a tour of the hotel, during which he was polite and even shy. He then asked the woman, who worked at the front desk, to deliver something to his room, according to the friends.


But when the young woman arrived at Bryant's door, one of her friends told Fox News, "he suddenly went crazy." The friend said Bryant "acted like a whole different person" and apparently "snapped."


The friends and her ex-boyfriend told Fox News they firmly stand by her and don't think she would make up what happened the night of June 30.


Bryant, 24, maintains that he is guilty of adultery, but not of sexual assault. He says that sex with the woman was consensual.


At a news conference Friday Bryant, who sat beside wife Vanessa, firmly denied engaging in a non-consensual act.


"I sit here in front of you guys, furious at myself, disgusted at myself for making the mistake of adultery," he said.


Bryant was charged Friday with a single count of felony sexual assault against the woman at the gated, exclusive spa where he was staying when he came to Colorado for knee surgery. If convicted, he faces four years to life in prison or 20 years to life on probation, and a fine of up to $750,000.


Eagle County District Attorney Mark Hurlbert (search) filed the charge after spending two weeks reviewing evidence and consulting with other prosecutors, and said he "can prove this case beyond a reasonable doubt."


"Given the seriousness of the crime, and given the type of crime, it's something the prosecutor does not get into lightly," Hurlbert said Saturday on NBC's Weekend Today show.


Bryant's attorney, Pamela Mackey, said he will plead not guilty.


The case is bound to take an emotional toll on Bryant, and a conviction would mean the Lakers would lose one of the league's best players in the prime of his career.


"Naturally, we're disappointed with today's announcement," Lakers general manager Mitch Kupchak said. "While there are many questions concerning this issue, we will wait for time and the judicial process to answer them."


Bryant said Friday he was thinking more of his family than his career.


"I have a lot at stake, and it has nothing to do with the game of basketball and it has nothing to do with endorsements," said Bryant, who fought back tears several times during the news conference.


"It has to do with my family and being falsely accused. And, I'm innocent. We're going to fight this all the way to the end."


Mackey criticized the decision to file charges, saying the evidence wasn't strong enough to prove the allegations beyond reasonable doubt.


"The evidence in this case falls far, far short of that standing. The accusations in this case cannot be proven because they are false," she said.


Legal experts said that prosecutors have a tough task because the case appears to hinge mainly on Bryant's word against that of the alleged victim.


"He said, she said" cases can be the toughest for prosecutors, said Steve Kron, a longtime sports criminal defense attorney in Los Angeles.


"How do they prove it's not consensual? It's hard to prove [with] two adults in a room having sex that the sex was not consensual.


"Do you have witnesses or physical evidence? Was she bruised, scratched, injured in some fashion?"


Bryant returned to California after undergoing unspecified medical tests in Colorado on July 2 at the request of investigators. He returned to Eagle on July 4, surrendered to authorities and was released an hour later after posting $25,000 bond.


Bryant is scheduled to return to Eagle for a hearing on Aug. 6.


Bryant tearfully addressed his wife at the news conference.


"You're a blessing, you're a piece of my heart, the air I breathe, and you're the strongest person I know and I'm so sorry for having to put you through this, putting my family through this," Bryant said, pausing several times as he spoke.


Vanessa Bryant, who gave birth to the couple's first child in January, did not speak at the news conference. In a statement released earlier, she said her husband was not a criminal.


"He is a loving and kind husband and father," she said. "I believe in his innocence. Because I know him to be innocent, I will stand by him and we will face this together."

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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620

The chick's got issues. And all that bull about her being a good little church girl is blown to shit now. Like I said in the Kobe thread, the defenses' case just got a lot easier.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

I also read somewhere that this chick tried out for American Idol.


File these two tidbits into my I-don't-give-a-crap file...

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Guest Downhome

I don't understand what it matters if she is a drug addict, satanist, whore, or whatever if she was assulted.

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Guest JHawk
I don't understand what it matters if she is a drug addict, satanist, whore, or whatever if she was assulted.

It matters from a legal sense, as this could put a doubt in the jury's mind that the accused is telling the truth.

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Guest cpac

I am dying to see what she looks like. She better be perfect looking for kobe to be willing to split half his money with his wife.

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Guest Brush with Greatness

It could also be argued that this proves she has been having low self esteem isssues and could easily be taken advantage of. And secondly, if she was so distraught about her boyfriend cheating on her this may mean that she has very high morals and is against that sort of activity (such as adultery or what have you). Why would she want to help someone commit it if she is so against it? Or

The chick's got issues. And all that bull about her being a good little church girl is blown to shit now.


It's also interesting that Kobe has a female attorney on board.

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Guest Steviekick

The source was from Fox News, so i'm not taking it too seriously

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Guest Downhome
I don't understand what it matters if she is a drug addict, satanist, whore, or whatever if she was assulted.

It matters from a legal sense, as this could put a doubt in the jury's mind that the accused is telling the truth.

I understand all of that, it's obvious that this is major and could help Kobe a hell of a lot. My point is, I suppose, more of an ethical question.


Even if someone is a whore, even if someone is a drug addict, even if they are whatever, what does any of that matter if they are raped? Yes, some people put theirselves in situations where they should not be, and they contribute to it happening. Still, is it then ok for anyone to just go out and rape people of a lower standard of living and whatnot?


If somone rapes a drug addict, is the act any more ok than if someone rapes a choir girl?

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Guest Vern Gagne
The source was from Fox News, so i'm not taking it too seriously

Oh shutup. Fox News is just has credible has any other news service. Despite what some people say. They have affliates in Colorado who are looking into this case. It would be no different if CNN, or CBS reported this story.

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Guest Choken One

Well...ESPN reported the story and when It comes to SPORTS relations...No one touches them.

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Guest Vern Gagne

ESPN is very good.There's nothing wrong with getting a 2nd source to confirm the story.


I heard that the accuser, and the girl who reported this had a falling out about a month ago.

Edited by Vern Gagne

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Guest Choken One

Give it a couple days and we'll hear her Boyfriend of 3 years broke up with her and she tried to commit Suicide...

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Guest Lethargic
I don't understand what it matters if she is a drug addict, satanist, whore, or whatever if she was assulted.

It matters from a legal sense, as this could put a doubt in the jury's mind that the accused is telling the truth.

I understand all of that, it's obvious that this is major and could help Kobe a hell of a lot. My point is, I suppose, more of an ethical question.


Even if someone is a whore, even if someone is a drug addict, even if they are whatever, what does any of that matter if they are raped? Yes, some people put theirselves in situations where they should not be, and they contribute to it happening. Still, is it then ok for anyone to just go out and rape people of a lower standard of living and whatnot?


If somone rapes a drug addict, is the act any more ok than if someone rapes a choir girl?


Of course it's not OK, but in this case, that's not an issue. The issue is he said, she said. Kobe has admitted having sex with her so it's now totally rape or not rape. Basically he says it wasn't, she says it was. So the first thing the defense is going to do is comb through this girl's entire life and dig up every single scrap of dirt that makes her seem untrustworthy. Kobe's defense just has to put doubt into one juror's mind. Things like this might do it. Because from what everybody knows, Kobe doesn't have any dirt to come back to haunt him, because if there was more dirt there, the media would've dug it up years ago. Right now, until something sways my thinking, after seeing this girl's friends, seeing Kobe's statement and everything else I've seen, there is NO DOUBT to me that this is just yet another girl seeing dollar signs. Something might happen to change that but right now this stuff is actually making me a Kobe fan. Because put yourself in his shoes. Say everything he says is true. That this was just a one time mistake. Imagine you do something stupid ONE time like this and then BAM, not only did you do something stupid, but you did something stupid with the totally wrong girl and now your entire life and reputation may be ruined for ever.

Edited by Lethargic

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Guest Choken One



I agree 99.8%.


The only thing I DONT agree...


This hasn't made me a KOBE fan whatsoever.

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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620

This chick is nutty as a fruit cake. Her fucking bagggage has baggage. If you don't think with these new facts coming out that it won't influyence the jury then you are wrong. Her credibility is shot.

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Guest Crucifixio Jones

"Just because she's fucked in the head doesn't make it okay to rape her." //stupid internet smark

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Guest cpac

On Howard Stern this morning they were talking about this girl having a website. Does anybody know what the website is, I am dying to see what she looks like.

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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620
"Just because she's fucked in the head doesn't make it okay to rape her." //stupid internet smark

If he raped her, but with this new evidence I am more sure now then ever that she wants some money and gave it willingly to Kobe. Typical money hungary woman. And if this chick did try to kill herself then it's quite possible for her to be nuts enough to tear herself, just for effect.

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Guest Ripper

If this was willie green from down the street, and he got accused of rape and it came out that the girl had OD'ed a few months ago, would that make a difference.


We as the public have no idea what happened in that room. We don't even know what she is saying happend in the room. People are jumping to Kobes side because he seems nice in interviews. I give him the presumption of innocence but I refuse to run this girl down because the guy she is accusing can play ball well. Its fucking stupid. You don't know that man and you don't know her. I REALLY hope that he didn't do it, but I don't care if she shot a porno that morning with 6 guys and a horse, if she said no in that room, then she said no. That is what is in debate. Not her mental stability, not what pills she took. Yeah, they might be able to sway the jury, but that doesn't make him anymore innocent or guilty. Unless you think OJ was railroaded since his jury got swayed.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

I don't care if the woman was an exhibitionist and walked naked into his room at midnight, if she said NO and he proceeded to F___ her, then he's a rapist.


This is not about liking or hating the Lakers, so we should look at this situation objectively.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
I don't understand what it matters if she is a drug addict, satanist, whore, or whatever if she was assulted.

It matters from a legal sense, as this could put a doubt in the jury's mind that the accused is telling the truth.

I understand all of that, it's obvious that this is major and could help Kobe a hell of a lot. My point is, I suppose, more of an ethical question.


Even if someone is a whore, even if someone is a drug addict, even if they are whatever, what does any of that matter if they are raped? Yes, some people put theirselves in situations where they should not be, and they contribute to it happening. Still, is it then ok for anyone to just go out and rape people of a lower standard of living and whatnot?


If somone rapes a drug addict, is the act any more ok than if someone rapes a choir girl?

DH you're missing the damn point. If it's a drug user, she may not be clear about the facts. Her mental state could be clouded, she may not remember things clearly.


I don't know why you're operating on the assumption Kobe is guilty. Here in America, he's innocent till he's PROVEN guilty.

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Guest Ripper

And how in the fucking hell is her taking alot of over the counter sleeping pills make her a drug addict.


And if she was upset over getting cheated on, doesn't that make it seem that she thinks cheating is a horrible thing that she wouldn't want to be a part of..


Fucking American public...

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
And how in the fucking hell is her taking alot of over the counter sleeping pills make her a drug addict.


And if she was upset over getting cheated on, doesn't that make it seem that she thinks cheating is a horrible thing that she wouldn't want to be a part of..


Fucking American public...

It does give a lot of proof that she is a PSYCHO BITCH though. That's what CJ has been saying from the start.



:ph34r: Fear the psycho bitch

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Guest Ripper
And how in the fucking hell is her taking alot of over the counter sleeping pills make her a drug addict. 


And if she was upset over getting cheated on, doesn't that make it seem that she thinks cheating is a horrible thing that she wouldn't want to be a part of..


Fucking American public...

It does give a lot of proof that she is a PSYCHO BITCH though. That's what CJ has been saying from the start.



:ph34r: Fear the psycho bitch

She's a psycho now? Does that make Kobe a pathalogical liar seeing as he went from not doing anything to only being guilty of adultry and his numerous protestations of fidelity in the past?


They both crazy as HELL!!!!

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Guest Polish_Rifle
We've seen her...Ugly's twin sister Yuck.

Anyone know where there's a pic of this girl? The link on the other thread doesn't work.

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