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Guest GameCop

Teddy Long and Kobe Bryant

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Guest GameCop

If the WWE wanted to generate some publicity/controversy, they should have Teddy Long bring up Kobe Bryant and the current scandal that has engulfed the nation, especially the city of Los Angeles ( the site of this Monday's RAW). Teddy Long can talk about how Kobe, another successful black man, is being cheated by a white whore whose sole purpose is to drain Kobe's wallet, while amassing fame and notoriety at his expense.


"Kobe Bryant, another brotha, is being charged with RAPE!...and do you know why playa?...it's becuz he's black...he's a successful black man...and the whites in this world just can't handle that so they have to ruin him in the public eye...now BELIEVE that, playa!!"


LA crowd goes nuts and chants, "Kobe, Kobe, Kobe..."


Something like this will generate a lot of publicity for WWE!!

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Guest AndrewisyourHero
If the WWE wanted to generate some publicity/controversy, they should have Teddy Long bring up Kobe Bryant and the current scandal that has engulfed the nation, especially the city of Los Angeles ( the site of this Monday's RAW). Teddy Long can talk about how Kobe, another successful black man, is being cheated by a white whore whose sole purpose is to drain Kobe's wallet, while amassing fame and notoriety at his expense.


"Kobe Bryant, another brotha, is being accused of RAPE!...and do you know why playa?...it's becuz he's black...he's a successful black man...and the whites in this world just can't handle that so they have to ruin him in the public eye...now BELIEVE that, playa!!"


LA crowd goes nuts and chants, "Kobe, Kobe, Kobe..."


Something like this will generate a lot of publicity for WWE!!

Kill yourself.

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Guest GameCop

Why? Were you offended? I wasn't trying to offend you; I just wanted to show how WWE can generate more negative publicity.

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Guest AndrewisyourHero
I just wanted to show how WWE can generate more negative publicity.

Negative publicity is bad. Understand this concept.

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Guest GameCop

Not according to WWE. Any publicity, whether its negative or positive, is good.


I'm just thinking from the McMahons' perspective, that is all...

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Guest AndrewisyourHero
Not according to WWE. Any publicity, whether its negative or positive, is good.


I'm just thinking from the McMahons' perspective, that is all...

Which is the problem

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Guest GameCop

Remember Billy and Chuck, and Necrophilia (Katie Vick)?


I could go on and on. Vince McMahon has a hard-on for negative publicity. In the end, it's still PUBLICITY and that's what matters.


Billy and Chuck also got to speak with Matt Lauer on the Today show, because their gay wedding drew interest.

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Guest AndrewisyourHero
Remember Billy and Chuck, and Necrophilia (Katie Vick)


I could go on and on. Vince McMahon has a hard-on for negative publicity. In the end, it's still PUBLICITY and that's what matters.

And if you've noticed, all that publicity has done JACK to help the WWE

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Guest Downhome
"Kobe Bryant, another brotha, is being charged with RAPE!...and do you know why playa?...it's becuz he's black...he's a successful black man...and the whites in this world just can't handle that so they have to ruin him in the public eye...now BELIEVE that, playa!!"

Replace "rape" with "sexual assult" and I'd almost bet money on this taking place.

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Guest GameCop

No...like I stated, Billy and Chuck's wedding drew interest from media outlets that reported it and probably turned some homosexuals into WWE fans.


The DX crotch chops, Steve Austin's beer guzzling image, the entire Attitude era -- which didn't exactly promote moralistic beliefs and practices -- helped popularize WWE.

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Guest Ingram Paladin
Kill yourself.

I hope the moderaters take note of this retort. Not exactly the most civil and intelligent response to a simple post.

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Guest GameCop

I thought "kill yourself" was hysterical. I totally saw the subtlety in it, too. I mean, he never specified how I should kill myself; he just said, "kill yourself" which opens up a plethora of possibilities. When you think about it, "kill yourself" is a very insightful, witty post brimming with a tinge of facetiousness that flabbergasts the mind.

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Guest Vern Gagne

Considering this would get the audience to cheer Teddy Long. This isn't a great idea. Unless I missed something and long is a face know.

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Guest Choken One

In a Perfect world...Supporting a Cheater and an POTENTIAL rapist would garner heat...\



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Guest Vern Gagne

This doesn't make sense in LA. You know what the reaction from the audience will be. I could see it in Boston or Sacramento. Maybe not a direct mention of the charge, just mention that Kobe Bryant has been accused of crime he didn't commit by the evil white establishment.

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Guest Choken One

Wouldn't PHILLY be more appros then Boston...


I mean KOBE wise...Yes Boston hates LA but not KOBE. Philly just straight up hates Kobe...

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Guest Vern Gagne

Definetley. Boston and Sacramento where the first cities that came into my head.

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I wouldn't be surprised if Theodore comes out and mentions the Kobe incident. After all, RAW is going to take place in L.A. later tonight. I'm kind of expecting it.

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Guest Retro Rob

I think he will say something about it.

Edited by Retro Rob

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Guest AndrewTS

This would garner zero publicity because the media learned their lesson after the Billy and Chuck debacle: Vince is a dumbass carny. They've decided to ignore him and hope he goes away.


The necrophilia angle was COMPLETELY ignored by the media. If they actually got Kobe, they'd be forced to cover it, though. However, since he's currently on trial there's no way for them to do that now.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
If the WWE wanted to generate some publicity/controversy, they should have Teddy Long bring up Kobe Bryant and the current scandal that has engulfed the nation, especially the city of Los Angeles ( the site of this Monday's RAW). Teddy Long can talk about how Kobe, another successful black man, is being cheated by a white whore whose sole purpose is to drain Kobe's wallet, while amassing fame and notoriety at his expense.


"Kobe Bryant, another brotha, is being charged with RAPE!...and do you know why playa?...it's becuz he's black...he's a successful black man...and the whites in this world just can't handle that so they have to ruin him in the public eye...now BELIEVE that, playa!!"


LA crowd goes nuts and chants, "Kobe, Kobe, Kobe..."


Something like this will generate a lot of publicity for WWE!!

You suck at the Internet

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
No...like I stated, Billy and Chuck's wedding drew interest from media outlets that reported it and probably turned some homosexuals into WWE fans.

No, the gay guys decided that they weren't really gay, and were about to go off with hookers before big fat Samoans destroyed them.



What gay man would actually find that appealing?

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Guest nikowwf

Thats Tommy Fierro booking 101, a totally inane idea that, even in fantasy land where it would work wouldn't work because its BACKWARDS. (Teddy Long is a heel - why would getting a babyface reaction be a good thing?)



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Guest AndrewisyourHero
Thats Tommy Fierro booking 101, a totally inane idea that, even in fantasy land where it would work wouldn't work because its BACKWARDS. (Teddy Long is a heel - why would getting a babyface reaction be a good thing?)



It's GameCop. That alone should explain everything

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Guest Chris Jericho for World Champion
If the WWE wanted to generate some publicity/controversy, they should have Teddy Long bring up Kobe Bryant and the current scandal that has engulfed the nation, especially the city of Los Angeles ( the site of this Monday's RAW). Teddy Long can talk about how Kobe, another successful black man, is being cheated by a white whore whose sole purpose is to drain Kobe's wallet, while amassing fame and notoriety at his expense.


"Kobe Bryant, another brotha, is being charged with RAPE!...and do you know why playa?...it's becuz he's black...he's a successful black man...and the whites in this world just can't handle that so they have to ruin him in the public eye...now BELIEVE that, playa!!"


LA crowd goes nuts and chants, "Kobe, Kobe, Kobe..."


Something like this will generate a lot of publicity for WWE!!

Lets see. Based on what your saying, this seems to be your opinion that you stated.


1) Kobe was the dumbass who got this girl to get in bed with him.

2) Kobe knew what he was doing, by sexually abusing this girl.

3) Kobe is the dumbass who got into into this whole mess, don't blame the white community for this.


Overall, bringing up Kobe on RAW and having Theodore try to praise him will make me want to vomit and change the channel. Hell, I'm sure I can find something better on FOX or MTV.

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Guest Ripper
No...like I stated, Billy and Chuck's wedding drew interest from media outlets that reported it and probably turned some homosexuals into WWE fans.


The DX crotch chops, Steve Austin's beer guzzling image, the entire Attitude era -- which didn't exactly promote moralistic beliefs and practices -- helped popularize WWE.

Yeah...I'm sure that a "sport" where oiled up hald naked muscular men grappling each other has a problem drawing in the homosexual demographic.

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Guest Quik
Kill yourself.

I hope the moderaters take note of this retort. Not exactly the most civil and intelligent response to a simple post.

Kill yourself.

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Guest Retro Rob

Running this angle would be highly illogical, thus it will happen. Why are we even questioning this?

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Guest shlidgn90

hey, the wwe could do worse than just bring up kobe bryant. they can run an angle where molly holly accuses rodney mack of sexual assault. now that would be tasteless.

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