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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Raw House Show results from yesterday

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

from 411wrestling:


Thanks to 411 reader woundedmoose for sending in this report:


The WWE drew a pretty big crowd as the last 3 house shows were all Smackdown House Shows. The show started off good with some possible Diva canditates stripping down to thongs and bras. YEAH


Tag Team Titles

The Dudleyz Vs. La Resistance

This was a hot opener with La Resistance drawing lots of heat and the Dudleyz way over. The finish was when Depree hit D-Von with French flag. Afterwords Spike ran in and they did a superbomb to Grenier through the table. Hot match ***


Rosey Vs. Mack (no Long)

Well it was better than their raw match. Mack cut a pretty good promo too. Rosey wasnt very over at first, but was getting the crowd near the end. He won (suprisingly) with a samoan drop. *


Guest Referee: Val Venus

Gail Kim Vs. Molly Holly

Very similar to there Raw match, with Kim winning with a rana. *1/2


6 man

Test, Stevie, Victoria Vs. Nash, Trish and Steiner

Test had the crowd in a frenzy as everybody wanted to see him get his ass kicked, cause he was avoiding Nasha and Steiner the whole match. Eventually Nash got a hold of him and jacknifed him for the win **


Human Hi-light Reel

Guests: Austin and Eric

Austin got a huge pop and this was very entertaining and about 25 minutes. At the end Austin and Jericho had a beer and Jericho got a beer stunner and jumped high like Scott Hall sells the stunner.

Hurricane and Maven Vs. Storm and Randy Orton

Hurricane got barely any ring time. Orton pinned him with RKO. Lots of Boring chants towards Storm. *3/4


IC Title

Booker T Vs. Christian

I like both guys alot, but they dont have much chemistry. Book won with an axe kick, and was really over. **1/4


RVD Vs. Kane

I went to Seatle at Wrestlemania and was hoping to see Kane Vs. RVD then. There was NO FREAKIN MATCH as Kane just chokeslamed him before the bell. Maven and Jindrak came out but got chokeslamed too. Big dissapointment


World Title

HHH Vs. Gayberg

Ok, before you think Im a mark, I hate HHH and hate Bill Goldberg with a passion. That being said, Triple H carried Bill to a pretty good match. Bill hit the spear but the ref was down, Goldberg kicked out of a petigree. After Naitch and Orton interfered, HHH hit a low blow and PINNED BILL GOLDBERG. WHOOOOOO!!!!! Bill jobbed, his 1st WWE job and I was there. YAH. *** for the match


Overall this was a good house show with a pretty hot crowd







Booker T




La Resistance


Bitchoff and Y2J



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Guest Choken One




Oh Lord...Has WWE finally found a gimmick that gets him over?

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Guest bravesfan

I can't believe it - not only are the WWE booking Test in a proper manner, they've given him a character he can actually capture.


Hell has frozen over.

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Guest Choken One

Goldberg Jobs...

Test is a Mega Heel...


What's the 3rd sign again? Oh Yeah...RVD goes over...




Whew. Still safe.

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Guest bravesfan
Goldberg Jobs...


Test is a Mega Heel...


What's the 3rd sign again? Oh Yeah...RVD goes over...




Whew. Still safe.


Booker won a match cleanly...with a title on the line.























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Guest Choken One

It was over X though...


Call me when it's someone that means something...

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Guest bravesfan

Well, if the house show was in Houston, I guess that argument would be moot. ^_^

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Guest Trivia247

who knew that the secret to Test's reaction to the crowd is by being a physical and mental domestic abuser.


they just hire Wifebeater and have them form a tag team.

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Guest wwF1587

HHH/Goldberg got *** ... dang i was barely expecting one.... and goldy loosing on a house show aint that big of deal.... wait till we get to SummerSlam... THEN we will see who jobs and who walks

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Guest Retro Rob
HHH/Goldberg got *** ... dang i was barely expecting one.... and goldy loosing on a house show aint that big of deal.... wait till we get to SummerSlam... THEN we will see who jobs and who walks

Well "wounded moose" also gave Dudz-Resistance ***. I would tend to believe he isn't he most credible rater of all time.

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Guest AndrewTS
who knew that the secret to Test's reaction to the crowd is by being a physical and mental domestic abuser.


they just hire Wifebeater and have them form a tag team.

Austin already works there, remember? He just isn't an active wrestler anymore. *tiddy-boom*


HHH/Goldberg got *** ... dang i was barely expecting one.... and goldy loosing on a house show aint that big of deal.... wait till we get to SummerSlam... THEN we will see who jobs and who walks


La Res vs. Dudleys got ***, too. I wouldn't put much stock in this guy's match ratings.

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Guest Chris Jericho for World Champion
Austin already works there, remember? He just isn't an active wrestler anymore. *tiddy-boom*

Damn, you beat me to it. Talking about Austin being a wifebeat is my reply to anything where they talk about Test getting a wifebeater for his tag partner.


Maybe they should get Test to wear a wifebeater in all his matches, to push it even more!

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Guest Jobber of the Week

I was there. This show sucked.


I wouldn't say that Test whipped the crowd into a frenzy. I'd say the combination of Test and Nash with the fact that our crowds are typically easily amused.


For the main event I wanted to scream "THIS MATCH SUCKS! I'M LEAVING!" but hung around and Fuck Goldberg lost.. Uh, wait, was that supposed to happen? :blink:

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Guest Trivia247

I dunno how I should feel about this..


On the One hand HHH wins means that HHH won't be losing the title for a good long while.


the other hand...Goldberg lost...and tis ALLL GOOD


so its mixed feelings

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Guest cabbageboy

I wouldn't read anything into Goldberg jobbing here. I mean, he couldn't really WIN the match since they are going to main SS. I think it might be more of a good faith type job by GB just to show he's playing ball.

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Guest FeArHaVoC
Storm and Randy Orton



What I'm thinking will never actually happen, right?

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Guest humongous2002

RVD gets chokeslammed in a matter of seconds??????????Talk about burying the fucking guy, next time Rob when you wrestle HHHomo, don't just injure him ... kill that piece of shit and go to TNA where they will give you the proper respect!

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Guest Retro Rob
RVD gets chokeslammed in a matter of seconds??????????Talk about burying the fucking guy, next time Rob when you wrestle HHHomo, don't just injure him ... kill that piece of shit and go to TNA where they will give you the proper respect!

Proper respect, like a feud with Vince Russo?

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Guest PowerPB13
RVD gets chokeslammed in a matter of seconds??????????Talk about burying the fucking guy, next time Rob when you wrestle HHHomo, don't just injure him ... kill that piece of shit and go to TNA where they will give you the proper respect!

Proper respect, like a feud with Vince Russo?

Well, I think RVD vs. Russo would be a better match than RVD vs. Triple H...



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